

单词 合抱

See also:


embrace v
hold v
clasp v


close adj

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 的货物检验证书、动物专家提供的专家意见、证明交付的书面证据(证明买方 已在多个合抱怨所 供鳀鱼太小)以及卖方自己提出的撤回货物的提议。
The court’s judgement was based on the goods inspection certificate produced by the average agent, the expert opinion issued by an animal specialist, the documentary
evidence certifying delivery, which proved that
[...] the buyer had complained on a number of [...]
occasions about the small size of the anchovy
supplied, and the seller’s own offer to withdraw the goods.
关于国际贸易,发展中国家,特别是最不发达国 家,对于未能就多哈发展回合达成协议深感失望,它 们一直对这个合抱有很大的希望。
As for international trade, failure to reach an agreement on the Doha Development Round greatly disappointed developing countries, in particular the least developed, which had placed great hopes on the Round.
3.127 本次级方案预计能实现目标和预期成绩,前提是:(a) 维持和平伙伴提供必要的支助;(b) 会 员国为授权军事和警察人员的部署提供必要的支持和辅助;(c) 联合国会员国和非洲联盟对在 和平与安全领域促进与区域和次区域组织 合 作 抱 有 持续的政治意愿并作出承诺;(d) 非洲联 盟国家元首核可委员会的重组提案。
3.127 The subprogramme is expected to achieve its objectives and expected accomplishments on the assumption that: (a) peacekeeping partners provide the necessary support; (b) Member States provide the mandated military and police personnel with requisite sustainment and enablers for their deployment; (c) there will be continued political will and commitment among Member States of the United Nations and the African Union in promoting cooperation with regional and subregional organizations in the area of peace and security; and (d) African Union Heads of State endorse a restructuring proposal for the Commission.
勞動合同法》是國家的重要政策,也是國家發 展的大勢所趨,我在此呼籲港商積極 合 , 不 能 抱 殘 守 缺,期待 國家不去落實或撤回《勞動合同法》。
The Labour Contract Law is an important national policy and it follows the general trend of our country's development.
当今文明世界共享的人类价值和道德规范来自 合 国 的 抱 负 和 经验,以及作 为本区域我们人民共同点的伟大的伊斯兰教诲。
The shared human values and ethics of today’s civilized world, which are derived from
the aspirations and the experience of
[...] the United Nations as well as the great teachings [...]
of Islam as the common ground of our
people in the region, make us wary of the atrocities happening in Bahrain.
促进政府机构、非政府组织之间合 作 ,及 与 抱 持 同一目标的工业部门 合作。
To facilitate collaboration among government agencies, non-governmental organizations and industries that share the same objective.
我在尋求更大合作方面,也抱 同㆒的務實態度。
I approach the search for greater co-operation with the same practical attitude.
[...] 用,如合同期限不适合造成的培训费、面对不确定的未来形成的不信任氛围、临 合 同 人抱 着续约的虚假希望。
It is not only a question of the direct costs associated with managing contracts and multiple and recurrent hiring, but also the indirect costs of learning loss owing to inappropriate contract durations, and an atmosphere
of defiance in the face of an uncertain future or the budding of false hopes of
[...] contract renewal among temporary staff.
然而,合夥雙方都抱有單 一和清晰的業務願景,追求相同的市場機會,這會是一個成功的合作。
But if both partners have a clear single business vision for an identified market opportunity, it just makes so much sense.
委員亦要求 政府當局考慮應否賦權辦學團體,若辦學團體認為法團校 董會的決定 並 不合學校的抱 負及辦學使命,辦學團體有權否決 該項 決 定 。
Members have also asked the Administration to consider whether the SSB should be empowered to veto the decision of the IMC which the SSB considers to be at variance with the vision and mission of the school.
自 由 黨 一向尊 重
[...] 合 約 精神, 但 經 過 長 期 經濟下滑 , 以 及經過 SARS 的 慘 痛 一 役 後 , 各界對電費和煤氣費 下 調抱 有合理 期 望 。
But as the economy has been going downhill for a long time and after the tragic battle against
SARS, all sectors of the
[...] community do have justified expectation of a downward adjustment in electricity [...]
and gas tariffs.
陳鑑林議員: 主席,局長在他的主體答覆中作出了兩個呼籲,其一是呼籲港 商要積極合,不要抱殘守 缺,期待國家不去落實或撤回這項《勞動合同 法》。
MR CHAN KAM-LAM (in Cantonese): President, the Secretary made two pleas in his main reply, one of which was that Hong Kong businessmen should facilitate the implementation of the Labour Contract Law rather than hoping for its withdrawal or non-implementation.
劉健儀議員認為,香港應採納同樣的概念, 即消費者可在此方抱有合理的期望。
Ms LAU considered that the same concept of consumers' reasonable expectation should be adopted in Hong Kong.
[...] 维派在内的一些武装运动、反对派政党和民间社会的某些部门在与达尔富尔合 行动会谈抱怨说 ,增设两个州将加剧达尔富尔各族裔群体之间的分裂。
Several movements, including SLA-Abdul Wahid, SLA-Minni Minawi,
opposition political parties and some
[...] sectors of civil society complained in meetings with UNAMID [...]
that the creation of two additional
states would exacerbate divisions between ethnic groups in Darfur.
菲律宾同巴勒斯坦人民一样,对实现正义、和平 与自抱着合理的愿望。
The Philippines shares with the Palestinian people their legitimate aspirations to achieving justice, peace and freedom.
In fact, we already have a Hong Kong/Japan Business Co-operation Committee and a Hong Kong/United States Economic Co-operation Committee. It is therefore puzzling that the Administration should be so resistant to the setting up of a China/Hong Kong Economic Co-operation Committee.
此外,根据《销售 公约》第 7 条所述的诚信原则,法院认为规定由德国法院管辖的条款无效,因 为该原则意味着,合同的内容应当是当事双方 怀 抱合 理 的 信心所希望其包含的 内容。
Furthermore, the Court had considered that the clause attributing jurisdiction to the German courts was not valid under the principle of good faith set out in article 7 of CISG, since that principle implied that a contract should have the content that the parties might with reasonable confidence hope it would have.
家長應與子女建立良好的溝通關係,瞭解他 們的興趣、能力和需要,鼓勵他們多元化發展,並應對子 抱 有 合 理的 期望。
Parents should maintain good communication with their children, understand their interests, abilities and needs, and develop their strengths in different areas.
16.26 候選人如不能夠或沒有在准許的限期屆滿之前,將 選舉開支及接受選舉捐贈的申報書及聲明書送交總選舉事 務主任,而原因是由於候選人本抱 恙 或不在香港,或由 於其代理人或僱員去世抱恙、 不在香港或行為不當,或 由於候選人或其他人粗心大意或意外地計算錯誤或任合 理因 由( 而非因該候選人不真誠所致) ,他有權向原訟法庭申 請頒布命令,批准其將申報書及聲明書於限期後送交總選 舉事務主任 [《選舉( 舞弊及非法行為) 條例》第 40(1)及 (2) 條 ] 。
16.26 A candidate who is unable or has failed to send to the CEO the return and declaration of all election expenses and donations before the end of the permitted period due to his own illness or absence from Hong Kong or the death, illness, absence from Hong Kong or misconduct of any agent or employee of the candidate or by reason of inadvertence or accidental miscalculation by the candidate or any other person, or any reasonable cause, and not due to the candidate’s bad faith, has the right to make an application to the Court of First Instance for an order to send in the return and declaration late [s 40(1) and (2) of the ECICO].
在 阿拉伯联合酋长国,其他联合国组织似乎经常地绕过驻地协调员办事处去探讨同
[...] 该国的慈善基金会建立伙伴关系的机会,以致政府当局曾 抱 怨 联 合 国 的 组织互 相竞争、缺少协调。
In the United Arab Emirates, the Office of the Resident Coordinator appears to have been regularly bypassed by other United Nations organizations exploring partnership opportunities with nationally-based philanthropic
foundations, to the point where government
[...] authorities have complained about United Nations [...]
competition and lack of harmonization.
因此,我愿在这个讲台上重申我抱 着 合 法决心,继续寻求将科摩罗马约特岛重新纳入我国的自然 版图。
Therefore, I wish to reiterate from this rostrum my country’s legitimate determination to continue to claim the reintegration of the Comorian island of Mayotte as part of its natural grouping.
要建立一个更加敏锐、影响力更大、执行力更强、与其使 抱 负 相 称并 合 二 十 一世 纪需要的教科文组织,此刻正是好时机。
This moment is an opportunity to build a sharper UNESCO, a UNESCO with greater impact, a UNESCO with better delivery, in tune with the ambitions of its mandate and in sync with the needs of the 21st century.
副秘書長(財經事務)解釋,現時是根據普通法處 理涉及違反董事責任的個案,當局提出把董事責任編 纂為成文法例的建議,目的是根據公眾及股東對上市 及私人公司董事的表現抱的合理期 望,就董事須以 謹慎、技巧及努力行事的責任訂立更清晰的規定。
DS(FS) explained that currently cases relating to breach of directors' duties were dealt with under the common law, and the proposed codification would enhance the clarity on the requirement regarding the directors' duty of care, skill and diligence, based on the reasonable expectations of the public and shareholders on the performance of directors of listed and private companies.
国际社会还必须继续支持苏丹政府与两地区中那些仍对《全面和平协议》未 得到充分落抱有合理不 满情绪的各方谈判达成解决办法。
The international community must also continue to support a negotiated solution between the Government of the Sudan and those who maintain legitimate grievances in the Two Areas regarding the incomplete implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.
既然大家抱着合作的心願,便不要開始便把人家 批評得一文不值,實際上,這個資訊對我們是很有用的。
As we are prepared to engage in co-operation, so do not just make disparaging remarks on other people, such as saying that what they do is worthless. Actually, such information is enormously useful to us.
由於新巴、龍運及 城巴(專營權二)一直提供適當而有效率的服務,它們對在現有專 營權屆滿後可獲批予新的專營權,或根據《條例》獲延展現有專 營抱有合理期望。
This also applied to KMB, NLB and Citybus (Franchise 1) since 1997. Given that NWFB, LW and Citybus (Franchise 2) have continued to provide proper and efficient services, they would have legitimate expectation that they would be granted new franchises, or have their existing franchises extended under the Ordinance, upon the expiry of their current franchises.
它们指出,在对不扩散核武器条约缔约国审议大会普抱有合理期 望的气氛中,更重要的是以新的眼光审 视核裁军问题,以期采取创新、大胆的新方法。
They noted that in the atmosphere of reasonable expectations, which is prevailing in anticipation of the Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, it is even more important to take a fresh look at nuclear disarmament with a view to adopting new innovative and daring approaches.




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