单词 | 合成纤维 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 合成纤维 —synthetic fiberSee also:合成—synthesis • compose • mixture • constitute 合成 n—composite n • compound n 纤维 n—fibres pl 纤维 adj—fibroid adj
象硒(Se)和钡(Ba)一类的金属可见 于 合成纤维 、 纺织品和 服装的饰品、油漆、油墨、装饰物、塑料制品和金属组成部分。 afirm-group.com | Metals like Selenium (Se) and Barium (Ba) may be [...] associated with synthetic fibers, accessories for [...]textiles and clothing, paints, inks, trims, [...]plastics, and metal components. afirm-group.com |
也可存在于合成纤维、纺 织品和服装饰品、油漆、油墨、装饰 物、 塑料制品和金属部件中。 afirm-group.com | It is also [...] associated with synthetic fibers, accessories for [...]textiles and clothing, paints, inks, trims, plastics, and metal components. afirm-group.com |
科学家们能够使用石油 中的碳氢化合物创造种类不断增多的聚合物 — 不仅是塑料,还可制造合成纤维和其 他材料。 energy4me.org | Scientist are able to use the hydrocarbons in oil [...] to create an increasing variety of polymers-not only for plastics, [...] but also to make synthetic fibers and other materials. energy4me.org |
新乳液能够持久地粘结在纤维素、 合成纤维和聚氯乙烯(PVC)涂层上。 wacker.com | The new dispersion adheres reliably and permanently to [...] cellulose as well as to synthetic fibers and polyvinyl chloride [...](PVC) coatings. wacker.com |
根据过滤器不同的性能要求,袋式过滤器的滤料由不同厚度和层数的玻璃 纤 维 或 者 合成纤维 组 成。 camfil.cn | The Bag filter material is [...] made of glass or polymer fibers of different thickness [...]or number of layers, depending on the required filter performance. camfil.com |
目前工业氮,如合成纤维、染 料、炸药等的种类和氮通量剧增。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The nitrogen species and fluxes of industrial [...] nitrogen, such as synthetic fibers, dyes, explosives, [...]are rapidly increasing. chinese.eurekalert.org |
开始生产聚乙烯醇,并首次生产全 合成纤维 wacker.com | Start of production of polyvinyl alcohol and [...] manufacture of first all-synthetic fibers therefrom wacker.com |
工业材料上,主要以钢铁、有色金属等金属、合成树脂 、 合成纤维 等 机 能材料为中心,向国内和海外的产业界提供着各种各样的工业材料和加工品。 hitachi-hitec.cn | Industrial materials mainly centered on the iron and steel, nonferrous [...] metal, resin, synthetic fiber and other functional [...]materials; we can provide a variety [...]of industrial materials and processed products to the domestic and overseas industry. hitachi-hitec.cn |
增加了合成纤维过滤 器的分级与测试方法。 camfil.cn | A method for testing and classifying [...] filters made out of synthetic fibre media camfil.pl |
高端品质的星敬SD9.8棉织带,由40%高支数棉纱, 5 0 % 合成纤维 以 及 10%涤纶工业长丝混纺而成,国内唯一混纺机织带,真正名副其实的棉织带,是国内目前透气性最佳及最稳定的瓦楞纸板输送带。 sino-corrugated.com | Premium quality Sun-Jump SD9.8 Cotton Corrugator Belts, made up of 40% cotton yarn, 50% synthetic, 10% IFDY, the best quality in China, affordable price worldwide. sino-corrugated.com |
它还拥有特殊的陀飞轮框架与以及一个以F1赛车刹车盘装饰的摆轮,其上的线条与表圈一致,以陶瓷制成,并采用环形拉丝处理以模仿F1刹车盘。缝制于橡胶材质之上的表带由Nomex制成,这是一种由杜邦公司开发 的 合成纤维 , 因 其在制造F1车手比赛服时所具有低易燃性和热稳定性而得到采用。 hautehorlogerie.org | The strap, stitched onto rubber, is made from Nomex, a synthetic fibre developed by Dupont De Nemours, and [...] used because of its very low combustibility and its thermostability for [...] manufacturing the overalls worn by F1ä drivers. hautehorlogerie.org |
高端品质的星敬SD9.8棉织带,由40%高支数棉纱, 5 0 % 合成纤维 以 及10%涤纶工业长丝混纺而成,国内唯一混纺机织带,真正名副其实的棉织带,是国内目前透气性最佳及最稳定的瓦楞纸板输送带。 星敬SD9.8 RE 加强型铠装边输送带,边缘织入昂贵的特殊材料,更加经久耐用。 sino-corrugated.com | Premium quality Sun-Jump SD9.8 Cotton Corrugator Belts, made up of 40% cotton yarn, 50% synthetic, 10% IFDY, the best quality in China, affordable... sino-corrugated.com |
从事棉、棉合成纤维织物 、针织品的漂白、印染、加工等综合性染色加工事业。 unitika.co.jp | Bleaching, [...] dyeing, make-up and sanforizing, and resin finishing of cotton, cotton/synthetic blended fabrics, and other woven fabrics unitika.co.jp |
包装薄膜和成型部件的收缩和焊接; z 链条式平炉或热隧道的加热; z 无溶剂粘剂和热熔型粘剂的活化和解结; z 包装材料(比如瓶子、塞子和容器)灭菌; z 合成纤维和织 物的分离和融合; z 薄型金属部件的锡焊; z (混料和装瓶操作中)混料工艺加速和泡沫消解; z 热塑性塑料的焊接; z 塑料模具毛边的清除; z 塑料表面抛光。 leister.com | According to the European Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment and its incorporation into national law, power tools that are no longer suitable for use must be separately collected and sent for recovery in an environmental-friendly manner. leister.com |
这就是为什么细度为22-50dtex的 合成纤维 ( 尼 龙,涤纶)越来越多地被用作超细针织织物的原材料。 news.groz-beckert.com | This is why synthetically produced yarns (PA, PES) with yarn thicknesses of 22 - 50 dtex are being used increasingly in ultrafine fabrics. news.groz-beckert.com |
对二甲苯(PX)用做建筑砌块来生产聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(PET), PET用于塑料瓶和各种合成纤维。 china.axens.net | Paraxylene (PX) is used as a building block in [...] the production of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is used in plastic bottles and [...] a vast array of synthetic fibers. japan.axens.net |
可乐丽集团于1926年以人造丝事业化为目的在日本仓敷市创立,除了第二次世界大战后首次在日本实现了工业化生产的国 产 合成纤维 维 尼伦,还不断开展了各种功能纤维事业,如以代替天然皮革为目的而开发的人工皮革<可乐丽娜>、以及聚酯纤维,不织布KURAFLEX、粘扣带MAGIC TAPE等。 kuraray.com.cn | Following WWII, the Company commercialized the synthetic fiber KURALON, which was invented in Japan, and developed a series of unique businesses, including the man-made leather CLARINO, developed as a substitute for natural leather, polyester textiles, non-woven fabrics KURAFLEX, and MAGIC TAPE hook-and-loop fastener material. kuraray.co.jp |
杜邦汽车中心涉猎生物工学、电子工学、材料科学、安全、保护以 及 合成纤维 等 广泛领域,是一家全球性科技厂商。 marklines.com | A world leader in science and technology in a [...] range of disciplines, including biotechnology, electronics, materials science, [...] safety and security and synthetic fibers. marklines.com |
川崎重工的齿轮泵通过高容积效率实现了稳定的输出量、具有优越的耐用性,最初开发目的是作为化 学 合成纤维 的 制作设备,现在使用范围拓展至聚合物制造和静电喷涂·磁带制造·塑料挤压成型·医药品制造·汽车组装等领域。 kawasakitrading.co.jp | Renowned for their durability as well as stable discharge thanks to high [...] volumetric efficiency, Kawasaki precision gear pumps were originally [...] developed for the synthetic fiber production industry. kawasakitrading.co.jp |
在第二世界大战后的1950年又成功地在世界首先实现了PVA(波瓦尔)纤维维尼纶的产业化,生产出了日本第一个国 产 合成纤维 , 开创了日本化合纤维产业的先河。 kuraray.com.cn | In 1950 during the post-World War II period, as Japan's first domestic producer of synthetic fiber based on original Japanese technologies, Kuraray became a world leader in the [...] commercialization of PVA (poval) fiber under the KURALON brand, ushering in Japan's pioneering era [...] in the chemical synthetic fiber industry. kuraray.co.jp |
高精密齿轮泵的最初开发目的,是作为化 学 · 合成纤维 生 产 中纺丝喷嘴的计量压送用途,由于拥有计量性能高、可靠、耐用等优越性能与特征,被广泛用于各种用途。 kawasakitrading.co.jp | The precision gear pumps were originally developed for pumping and metering polymer to spinnerets [...] in the chemical/synthetic fiber industry. kawasakitrading.co.jp |
玉米长丝棉采用天然可再生的植物资源玉米为原料,兼 有 合成纤维 和 天 然纤维的优点,具有完全自然循环型和能生物分解的特点,有良好的形态保持性、较好的光泽度、丝绸般极佳的手感、良好的吸湿性和快干效应,集挺括、弹性好、光泽美的效果于一身,具有良好的服用性和亲肤性,在引领人们服饰健康方面诠释了一种全新理念,市场前景不可限量。 wqfz.com | Corn filament wool using natural plant resources of [...] renewable corn-based [...] concurrently, synthetic fiber and the advantages of natural fibers, has completely [...]natural circulation [...]and characteristics of biodegradable, have good form stable, good gloss, silky feel good, good hygroscopic and fast drying effect, good elasticity and gloss straight, beautiful effect, good use of skin, and lead people dress health a brand-new concept of interpretation, market prospect. wqfz.com |
这一由碳-凯夫拉合成纤维(ca rbon-kevlar)特制而成的喷气式飞行翼,装载四 [...] 枚喷气引擎,每个引擎具有22 公斤的推力,得以让这位瑞士飞行家以200 至 300 公里的时速飞行,并且只需通过一个简单的手柄式操纵杆进行操控。 wthejournal.com | The carbon-kevlar jetwing is equipped with [...] four jet engines, each with a 22 kg thrust, thus propelling the Swiss aviator [...]at a speed of 200-300 km/h which he controls via a simple hand-held throttle in his hand. wthejournal.com |
本标准适用于石膏板、纤维增强水泥板、加气混凝土板、轻集料混凝土条板、混凝土空心条板、 纤维增强硅酸钙板及复合板等 轻质墙体板材。 greencouncil.org | This technical requirement shall apply to lightweight [...] wall boards such as [...] plasterboard, fiber reinforced cement board, aerocrete panel, light aggregate concrete ribbon board, concrete hollow ribbon board, fibrous reinforcement calcium silicate board and composite board. greencouncil.org |
参与该项目的瓦克专家们主要研究软木聚合物复合材料(CPC)、木材聚合物复合材料(WPC)、皮革 聚 合 物 复 合 材 料 (LPC)以及剑麻、椰子和米糠等天 然 纤维。 wacker.com | WACKER experts involved in NFC are mainly studying cork polymer composites (CPC), wood [...] polymer composites (WPC), leather [...] polymer composites (LPC) as well as natural fibers such as sisal, coconut and rice husks. wacker.com |
食 典 委 注 意 到 委 员 会 正 在 进 行 的 [...] 膳 食 纤 维 分 析 方 法 方 面 的 工 作 , 通过了 通过了 通过了 通过了营 养 及 卫生说明使用准则中的膳食纤维规定 ,并提出将检查西班牙文翻译是否 符 合 英 语 版本的 定义。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission noted the ongoing work on methods of analysis for dietary fibre in the Committee and adopted the Provisions on Dietary Fibre in the Guidelines for Use of Nutrition and Health Claims as proposed, with [...] the understanding that the [...] Spanish translation will be checked for consistency with the English version of the definition. codexalimentarius.org |
该中心拥有ATMOS和常规卫生纸纸机,以及卫生纸开发和生产所必需的一切设施,包括:浆料制备;纤维设计系统;干湿实验室;水处理;蒸汽 生 成 ; 纤维 堆 栈。 voith.com | ATMOS and conventional tissue machines and all facilities necessary for tissue development and production are available at the center: stock [...] preparation, fiber design system, wet and dry laboratory, water treatment, steam [...] generation and storage depots for fibers. voith.com |