

单词 合宪


不合宪法 adj

unconstitutional adj


United Nations charter

See also:



close adj

External sources (not reviewed)

同时,因为这些条约 和成文法一样有效,它们必须和其他具有相同法律效力的法律一样, 合 《 宪 法 》, 因此,必须提交宪法法院审查。
At the same time, as these treaties are effective as statutory laws, they must, as any other law with the
same juridical force, be compliant
[...] with the Constitution and thus be submitted for examination of the Constitutional Court.
警方和司法程序严格合《宪法》和法律,遵守了使用 武力的合法性和合理性原则,并考虑到局势的严重性。
Police and judicial procedures were both carried out in strict
[...] compliance with the Constitution and the law, [...]
respecting the principles of legality and
reasonableness in the use of force, taking into consideration the seriousness of the situation.
由于上届立法机关中反对派的反对,提出合 《宪法》 的具体立法的进程受到拖延,但现在正在由新的多民族立法会议付诸 [...]
The introduction of specific legislation to
[...] comply with the Constitution was delayed [...]
by opposition forces in the previous Legislature,
but is now being implemented by the new Plurinational Legislative Assembly.
然而,自提交上次定期报告以来,以色列尚未颁布任何有关经济、社会和文化权 利的更进一步的基本法(以色列合宪 性 法 律)。
However, Israel has not enacted any further basic laws (Israel’s constitutional law) on economic, social and cultural rights since the submission of its previous periodic reports.
[...] 本区域经济活动的原则的《阿拉伯 经济活 动合宪章》就是一个例子。
One example is the Joint Arab
[...] Economic Action Charter which sets out [...]
the principles for economic activities in the region.
虽然包括联合国主要机关在内的国际社会一直承认,是亚美尼亚发动了战 争,攻击并占领阿塞拜疆领土,包括 Daghlyq Garabagh(纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫)地
区,开展大规模的种族清洗,在战争期间犯下其他骇人听闻的罪行,在被占领的 阿塞拜疆境内成立了同族裔人组成的附庸分裂实体;奇怪的是,亚美尼亚的宣传
[...] 机器继续把对阿塞拜疆的侵略说成是“纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫人民和平要求行使其 自决权,是合宪法的要求”。
Whereas it has been internationally recognized, including by the principal organs of the United Nations, that Armenia unleashed the war, attacked Azerbaijan and occupied its territories, including the Daghlyq Garabagh (Nagorno Karabakh) region, carried out ethnic cleansing on a massive scale, perpetrated other heinous crimes in the course of the war and established the ethnically constructed subordinate separatist entity on the captured Azerbaijani territory, it is curious that Armenian propaganda continues to qualify
the aggression against Azerbaijan as
[...] “a peaceful and constitutional demand of the Nagorno [...]
Karabakh people to exercise its
right to self-determination”.
安理会成员欢迎伊拉克政府为伊拉克发展基金的过渡期作出符合第 1956(2010)号决议的后续安排,并欢迎伊拉克政府作出持续努力和承诺,以确保
[...] 石油收入造福于伊拉克人民,并确保过渡安排始终 合 《 宪 章 》和在透明性、问 责制及廉政方面的国际最佳做法。
Council members welcomed the establishment by the Government of Iraq of a successor arrangement for the transition of the Development Fund for Iraq, consistent with resolution 1956 (2010), and the ongoing efforts and commitment of the Government of Iraq to ensure that oil revenue is used in the interests of the Iraqi people, and to ensure that transition
arrangements remain
[...] consistent with the Constitution and with international [...]
best practices in respect of transparency, accountability and integrity.
它被赋予一些权力,在受理的每一个案件 中解释《宪法》本身的条文、控管“国民议会采取的法律和其他行为”以及“共 和国总统的行为”合宪性, 宣布“保加利亚共和国签署的任何国际条约”在批 准之前与《宪法》的一致性,以及“任何国内法”与“公认的国际法准则”的一 致性。
It is vested with the powers, in each case it is seized of, to interpret the Constitution itself, to control the constitutionality of the laws and other acts taken by the National Assembly, as well as the acts by the President of the Republic, to pronounce itself on the consistency of any international treaties signed by the Republic of Bulgaria with the Constitution prior to their ratification, as well as on the consistency of any domestic laws with the universally recognized standards of international law.
任何公民可以要求该法院直接或通过在涉及该公民的诉讼 案件中援引违宪专项行动对法律是否 合宪 法 予 以裁定。
Any citizen may ask the Court to rule on the constitutionality of laws
either directly, or through the
[...] special action of unconstitutionality invoked in [...]
a case before a court involving that citizen.
[...] 高法院院长贾斯蒂斯·阿哈龙·巴拉克在他的判决中强调说,平等权是包 含在人类尊严权内的一合宪权利
In his judgment, the former President of the Supreme Court, Justice
Aharon Barak, stressed that the right
[...] to equality is a constitutional right incorporated [...]
in the right to human dignity.
这意味着 对税收规定的解释应当合宪法规定。
It means an interpretation of tax regulations should
[...] always conform to the Constitution.
宪法》(第八编和第 75 条)规定,宪法委员会负责评判法律 合宪 性 ,并 保障人的基本权利。
The Constitution provides (Title
VIII and article 75)
[...] that the Constitutional Council shall rule on the constitutionality of laws and [...]
uphold fundamental human rights.
宪法法院裁定法律是否合宪法并 负责保障个人的 基本权利和公民自由。
The Court rules upon the constitutionality of laws and is responsible for guaranteeing fundamental individual rights and civil liberties.
鉴于最高法院关于“短期拘留”不 合宪 法 的2005 年裁决以及任意拘留问题工 作组将短拘划定为任意拘留类行为,缔约国应采取一切必要措施,在联邦和州两 级的立法和实践中废止“短期”拘留。
In the light of the 2005 decision of the Supreme Court regarding the unconstitutionality of “arraigo penal” [...]
and its classification
as arbitrary detention by the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, the State party should take all necessary measures to remove “arraigo” detention from legislation and practice at both federal and state levels.
因此我们重申,我们承诺努力建立以下列认识为基础的安全共识:许多威胁 相互关联,发展、和平、安全和人权互相加强,没有任何国家通过单独行事就能
[...] 够使自己获得最佳保护,所有国家都需要一个 合 《 宪 章 》 宗旨和原则的有实效 和效率的集体安全体系。
We therefore reaffirm our commitment to work towards a security consensus based on the recognition that many threats are interlinked, that development, peace, security and human rights are mutually reinforcing, that no State can best protect itself by acting entirely alone and that all
States need an effective and efficient collective security system pursuant to the
[...] purposes and principles of the Charter.
在具有重大一般性或公共性意义上的事情上,对上诉庭作出的决定还可以 向英国枢密院司法委员会上诉,只要 合 《 宪 法 》规定的其他条件。
The decisions of the appellate division are in turn subject to appeal to the Judicial Committee of the Privy
Council on matters of great general or public importance, subject to the other
[...] conditions laid down in the Constitution.
委员会对宪法法院的裁决表示满意,该裁决宣布《公民资格法》不 合 《宪 法》 ,因为它歧视不是立陶宛族裔的人。
The Committee welcomes the ruling of the Constitutional Court declaring unconstitutional the Law on Citizenship, which discriminated against persons who are not of Lithuanian ethnic origin.
最后,关于裁决没有给出充分理由,意味着侵犯了获得有效司法保护的权利的 论点,法院认为裁决证明是有正当理由的, 合宪 法 法 院之前阐述的关于司法 判决的意见,大意是提供理由的要求并不意味着要求法院对当事人可能就审议 的问题提出的每个方面或观点都提供详尽无遗的司法论点;支持司法裁定的理 由表明裁定是依据基本的法律标准——判决理由——作出的,应当认为是充分 的。
Lastly, with regard to the argument concerning the lack of reasons given for the award, which would mean that the right of effective judicial protection had been infringed, the Court considered that the award had been duly justified, in line with the opinion previously set out by the Constitutional Court with regard to judicial decisions to the effect that the requirement to provide reasons did not mean that the Court was required to provide an exhaustive and detailed judicial argument on every aspect or point of view that the parties might raise on the question under consideration; judicial decisions supported by reasons that demonstrated the essential legal criteria underpinning the decision — the
维持和平行动必须合《宪章》 的 宗旨和原则,而不应用来替代对冲突根源问题的解 [...]
Peacekeeping operations must accord with the purposes and
[...] principles of the Charter, and should not [...]
be used as a substitute for addressing the
root causes of conflict or entail intervention in matters pertaining to the sovereignty of Member States.
总理 的反对派后来宣布,他们将寻找合 《 宪 法 》的其他办法撤回对总理的信任,以 便他需要面对国民议会的质疑,而且,根据《宪法》第 [...]
61 条⑻款(B)项⑵目的规 定,如果在国民议会五分之一成员的要求下,总理需要面对不信任表决。
The Prime Minister’s opponents later announced that they would
[...] pursue the alternative constitutional route of withdrawing [...]
confidence from the Prime Minister,
whereby he would appear for questioning before the Council of Representatives and face a no-confidence vote if requested by one fifth of the members of the Council, as stipulated in article 61(8)(B)(2) of the Constitution.
[...] 公室作为一个独立的单独当局,保护公民的法定权利和自由以及法人的权益, 从而确合宪性和合法性
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Prosecutor’s Office was an independent and separate authority that protected statutory
rights and freedoms of citizens and rights and interests of legal
[...] persons, thus ensuring constitutionality and legality.
值得一提的是,对于不在其监督范围内的土耳其大国民议会决议与工作,宪法法院可从“行为性章程规则”角度监督其是否 合宪 法。
It should be noted that the Constitutional Court reviews the compatibility of the resolutions and operations of
the Assembly (which are not subject to
[...] review) with the Constitution since it interprets [...]
them as “de facto amendment of rules of procedure.
合宪性问题的产生是因为曾 试图向合同中指明的地址之一发送通知但不可能做到,这就是通过类推适用 《仲裁法》第 5(a)条的原因,从而使该省高级法院对该条是否 合宪 法 产 生了 怀疑。
The question of constitutionality had arisen because the intention had been to send a notification to one of the addresses indicated in the contract, but that had not been possible, which was why article 5 (a) of the Arbitration Act had been applied by analogy, thus giving rise to the doubt in the Provincial High Court as to whether it was constitutional.
我们都知道,自 1963 年以来,一直没有一个代 表整个塞浦路斯的合宪法政府。
We all know that, since 1963, there has not
[...] been a joint and constitutional Government representing [...]
the whole of Cyprus.
第 49/426 号决定还确定,申请观察员地位的政 府间组织的活动必须涵盖大会关心的事项,这是一项
[...] 实质性要求;该国代表团对此项要求的解释是,该组 织的工作,除其他外,必须合《宪 章 》 的宗旨和原 则。
Decision 49/426 also established that the activities of intergovernmental organizations seeking observer status must cover matters of interest to the General Assembly, a substantive requirement which his delegation
interpreted to mean that the organization’s work must, inter alia, be in accord with the
[...] purposes and principles of the Charter.
欧洲联盟委员会通过一项战略,确保有效执行 2009 年 12 月 1 日开始生效的 具有法律约束力的《里斯本条约基本权利宪章》。1 委员会将核实所有欧洲联盟 法律在立法进程的每一阶段都合《 宪 章 》 ,从委员会早期筹备工作、欧洲议会 和欧洲理事会通过法律草案直至欧盟成员国实施法律。
The European Commission has adopted a strategy to ensure that the Charter of Fundamental Rights — legally binding since the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon on 1 December 2009 — is effectively implemented.1 It will verify that all European
Union laws are in
[...] compliance with the Charter at each stage of the legislative process, from the early preparatory work in the Commission to the adoption of the draft laws by the European [...]
Parliament and the
Council, and then in the application by the States members of the Union.
(b) 此外,对于连续任用的工作人员,如秘书长认为终止任用将有利于本组 织的良好行政而且合《宪章》 的标准,可不经工作人员同意采取此种行动; (c) 秘书长解雇工作人员,应按照《工作人员条例》和《工作人员细则》的 规定,向工作人员致送通知并发给补偿金。
(b) In addition, in the case of a staff member holding a continuing appointment, the Secretary-General may terminate the appointment without the consent of the staff member if, in the opinion of the Secretary-General, such action would be in the interest of the good administration of the Organization, to be interpreted principally as a change or termination of a mandate, and in accordance with the standards of the Charter
(d) 此外,对于连续任用工作人员,如秘书长认为主要由于一项任务授权的 变更或终止,解雇将有利于本组织的良好管理而且 合 《 宪 章 》的标准,即可不 经工作人员同意而采取此种行动。
(d) In addition, in the case of a staff member holding a continuing appointment, the Secretary-General may terminate the appointment without the consent of the staff member if, in the opinion of the Secretary-General, such action would be in the interest of the good administration of the Organization, to be interpreted principally as a change or termination of a mandate, and in accordance with the standards of the Charter.
[...] 国前南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国公民的法律地位法令,以便弥补那些 合宪法 的 条款,委员会仍旧感到关切的是,缔约国没有执行该法令,恢复那些原籍为其 [...]
他南斯拉夫共和国并被称为“被擦掉”的人的居住权,他们在斯洛文尼亚的永久 居留权在
While noting the legislative measures taken to amend the Act Regulating the Legal Status of citizens of Former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Living in the Republic of Slovenia in
order to remedy the provisions that
[...] were found to be unconstitutional, the Committee [...]
remains concerned that the State party
failed to enforce the Act and to restore the residency rights of persons, known as the “erased”, originating from other Yugoslav republics whose permanent residence in Slovenia was unlawfully revoked in 1992 and already returned to other republics of Former Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia.
经验显示, 有理由加强区域组织的参与,只要区域组织的行动 符合《合国宪章》 的宗旨和原则以及它们与联合 国特别是与安全理事会的关系合《 宪 章 》 第八章 的规定。
Experience has shown us that the greater involvement of regional organizations is justified provided that they act in accordance with the purposes
and principles of the
[...] United Nations Charter and when their relationships with the United Nations and especially with the Security Council are regulated on the basis of Chapter VIII of the Charter.




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