单词 | 合叶 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 合叶 —hingeSee also:叶—lobe • be in harmony • surname Ye • (historical) period 叶 n—leave n • foliage n • page n 合 adj—close adj
Rhizomal叶无毛或具柔毛,复合; 叶柄(0 .7-)2-15(-20)厘米; 顶生小叶具一小叶柄3-10毫米, 叶片不裂和近圆形, 倒披针形,或线形,或者三裂和近圆形或者宽倒卵形轮廓并且有倒卵形或长圆形耳垂这基本对, 2-5 对的侧生小叶,无梗或,相似在外形上和划分兑一但是更小的顶生裂片。 flora.ac.cn | Rhizomal leaves glabrous or pilose, compound; petiole (0.7-)2-15(-20) cm; terminal leaflet with a petiolule 3-10 mm, blade undivided and suborbicular, oblanceolate, or linear, or trifid and suborbicular or broadly obovate in outline and with obovate or oblong lobes the basal pair of which sometimes with a tiny lobule, terminal lobe 0.6-2(-3) cm × 2-5 mm; lateral leaflets 2-5 pairs, sessile or petiolulate, similar in shape and division to terminal lobe but smaller. flora.ac.cn |
全新 iPad 2 Smart Cover 采用了使其很容易附着和移除的独特自调位磁 性 合叶 设 计,打开它可自动唤醒 iPad 2,关闭它可将 iPad 2 置于睡眠状态,并且还有帮助保持屏幕清洁的柔软超细纤维内衬。 apple.com.cn | Designed with a unique self-aligning magnetic hinge that makes it easy to attach and remove, the new iPad 2 Smart Cover automatically wakes iPad 2 when it’s opened and puts it to sleep when it’s closed, and has a soft microfiber lining to help keep the screen clean. apple.com |
政府报告,在 2011 年 1 月 25 日的一次事件中,一个十几岁的自杀式袭击者在 拉 合 尔 什 叶 派礼 拜人群附近开展袭击,炸死自己和 9 人,并炸伤 50 人,其中包括几名儿童。 daccess-ods.un.org | In one such incident on 25 January 2011, reported by the Government, a teenage suicide bomber carried out an attack near a Shiite procession in Lahore, killing himself and 9 others, and injuring a further 50 people, including several children. daccess-ods.un.org |
中间5朵粉香水百合+配叶+外圈粉色玫瑰16枝+手提 花篮. songhuala.com | 5 Lilium +16 [...] Pink roses match green leaves in basket songhuala.com |
同时密度高可以获得 合理的叶面积指数,光合作用 就更加充分。 champagne.fr | Another advantage of high planting density is that it favours [...] the development of an optimal Leaf Area Index (LAI), so promoting [...]photosynthesis. champagne.fr |
WineScan™结合了一个傅立叶红外变换葡萄酒分析模块和一个可选的可见光颜色模块。 foss.cn | WineScan™ incorporates a Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) wine analysis unit and an optional VIS Colour unit. foss.us |
在葡萄生长季节,这里白天比其他酿造区域的长, 光 合 作 用 和 叶 绿 素 促成了该区葡萄全面地成熟。 antinori.it | During the growing season, days are longer [...] than in other production zones and favor, through the [...] photosynthesis of the chlorophyll, a complete ripening [...]of the grapes. antinori.it |
光合作用,植物利用阳光 把叶绿素合成有机物的过程。 champagne.fr | PHOTOSYNTHESIS: The process by which green plants synthesise organic matter, using the energy from sunlight. champagne.fr |
结合惯性风叶与过 滤器/凝聚过滤器,100% 防水并具有符合DIN53438标准的自熄系统。 munters.com | They are 100% humidity proof and and self-extinguishing according to DIN 53438 standards. munters.at |
报告撰稿人之一、BCG大中华区合伙人 叶 永 辉 先生表示:“想要参与竞争的企业不仅需要了解淘宝网及其它购物网站对其网络业务可能造成的影响,而且必须通过多个线上和线下渠道的共同作用来吸引消费者。 bcg.com.cn | Companies that want to compete will not only have to understand how Taobao and others may already be shaping their online presence but they will also have to engage consumers via multiple online—and offline—channels. bcg.com.cn |
产品已形成立体车库、立体仓库、立体货架、低噪声节能轴流风机、锅炉配套离心风机、一般离心风机、高压离心风机、混流(斜流)风机、通风排烟(两用)低噪声风机箱、DF、DFW空调风机、高温排烟机、消防风机、特殊防腐防爆风机、排尘风机等多种系列以及吸尘器等各类微型通风设备 铝 合 金 风 叶 等 各 类冲压配件,广泛应用于机械、制冷、化工、矿山、轻纺、治金、电子、宾馆等工矿企业及民用建筑等的通风、空调系统。 net1688.cn | Products form a three-dimensional garage, warehouse, dimensional shelf, low-noise, energy-saving axial fan, the boiler supporting centrifugal fan, the general centrifugal fan, high pressure centrifugal fan, Francis (diagonal flow) fan, ventilation exhaust (dual) low-noise wind chassis DF DFW air conditioning fan, high temperature smoke machines, fire fans, special corrosion proof fan, dust exhaust fan and other series, as well as vacuum cleaners and other types of micro-ventilation aluminum alloy fan and other kinds of stamping parts, widely used in machinery, refrigeration, chemical, mining, textile, metallurgy, electronics, hotels and other industrial and mining enterprises, civil construction, ventilation, air-conditioning system. net1688.cn |
混合工具的一个叶片配 备有碗壁刮刀,它可以不接触碗壁而去除遗留物。 diosna.com | One blade of the mixing tool is equipped [...] with a wall scraper which removes deposits without touching the wall. diosna.com |
我要通知安理会,我收到 2010 年 1 月 26 日黎巴 嫩长常驻联合国代表的来信,要求根据安全理事会暂 行议事规则第 39 条,邀请阿拉伯国家联盟常驻联合 国观察员叶海亚·马赫马萨尼先生阁下参加本项目的 审议。 daccess-ods.un.org | I should like to inform the Council that I have received a letter dated 26 January 2010 from the Permanent Representative of Lebanon to the United Nations, in which he requests that the Permanent Observer of the League o£ Arab States to the United Nations, His Excellency Mr. Yahya Mahmassani, be invited to participate in the consideration of the item in accordance with rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些创新将应用于风扇罩、叶片和低 [...] 压涡轮机上,这也是低压涡轮机首次采 用陶瓷基复合材料叶片,”Friedel补充 说道,“与CFM56采用的技术相比,这 [...]些新技术将分别使风扇模块和低压涡轮 机减轻200千克和125千克。 safran.cn | These innovations will be incorporated on the fan housing and blades, as [...] well as the low-pressure turbine, which [...] will be fitted with CMC blades for the first [...]time,” adds Friedel. “The fan module [...]and LP turbine should generate weight savings of 200 and 125 kilos, respectively, compared with CFM56 technology. safran.cn |
以一个叶子形状,混合着流动性和节奏,他们无疑将是酒店每一个特殊空间的一部分。 chinese-architects.com | It not only enriches urban space and the profile, but also provides the basis for regional development. chinese-architects.com |
人口司还与华盛顿大学和新加坡大学继续开 展 合 作 ,在 贝 叶 斯方 法基础之上改善人口可能性预测的编制方法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Division also continued collaborative work with the University of Washington and the University of Singapore on improving the methodology for the preparation of probabilistic population projections based on a Bayesian approach. daccess-ods.un.org |
2004 年 7 月,飞漫软件和西安傅立叶建立合作 伙 伴关系,主攻西部区域嵌入式市场。 fmsoft.cn | In July 2004, FMSoft established a special partnership with Xi'an FFT, aiming at the Western embedded market. fmsoft.cn |
自前AMP于2008年创立后,叶先生担任AMP的总经理, 至AMP与OSL合拼之后,叶先生於合拼后 新AMP継續担任总经理一职,并专注於进一步开拓公司小灵便型船船队在澳大利亚海运贸易的业务,以至全球多元化贸易的业务。 ampship.com | Mr. Yip was the General Manager of the previous AMP since the company was founded in 2008, and post-merger has taken up the position of Managing Director of the new AMP, focusing on further developing the company’s handysize business in Australia, as well as diversifying the Company’s trades worldwide. ampship.com |
几 个世纪以来,曾被无数王公贵族、帝国直辖市以及教会领 地分封割据的德国西南地区终于在二十世纪 中 叶合 并 成一 个现代化的地理行政整体。 bw-i.de | For centuries, the southwest was a mosaic of duchies, principalities, counties, imperial cities and bishoprics. bw-i.de |
该项目的核心是一项全新的特性:第一个 复 合 材 料风 扇 叶 片 将 于2014年,在赛峰正在美国罗切斯特及法国东部Commercy建造的工厂开始生产。 safran.cn | There is an all-new feature at the core of this program: the first composite fan blades will start rolling off production lines in the plants that Safran is building in Rochester (USA) and Commercy (eastern France) in 2014. safran.cn |
设计用于范围广泛的结构,包括转子 叶 片 、 聚 合 物 、 橡胶、人体、人工乳突、水果、焊接、木材和金属面板。 bksv.cn | Designed to be used on a wide range of structures, including rotor blades, polymers, rubbers, the human body, artificial mastoids, fruit, welds, wood and metal panels. bksv.ru |
为了得到最成熟,完整,干净,无叶 , 成 熟度最 适 合 的 葡 萄,全程采取手工采摘。 tmedco.com | Harvest the grapes by [...] hand, whole, clean and free of leaves, at their ripest. tmedco.com |
此外还考虑了如下事实,即 玻利维亚宣布了将咀嚼古柯叶合法化的进一步措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also takes into account the fact that Bolivia has announced further [...] steps towards legalizing coca leaf chewing. daccess-ods.un.org |
如《联合国土著人民权利宣言》第 11、24 和 31 条中所承认,咀嚼古柯叶 的传统符合土著 人民保持他们的传统保健和文化做法的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Traditional coca leaf chewing is consistent with the right of indigenous peoples to maintain their traditional health and cultural practices, as recognized in articles 11, 24 and 31 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. daccess-ods.un.org |
脑淀粉样血管病(CAA)相关性自发性脑出血(ICH)严重危害人类健康,在对我国手术治疗的CAA相关ICH患者的研究发现,高龄、重度病理学改变、非 脑 叶 性 出血 、 合 并 脑室出血(IVH)和/或蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)严重影响预后;此外,既往有脑缺血史的患者往往预后不良。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) related spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) usually leads to poor outcome. We studied the outcome of 367 surgically treated ICH patients with proven CAA in China mainland with the [...] conclusion that advanced age, CAA pathology [...] severity, non lobar hematoma, presence of intraventricular [...]hemorrhage and/or subarachnoid [...]hemorrhage are the risk factors to poor postoperative outcome. chinese.eurekalert.org |
选择Lutz电动或气动桶泵和容器泵,因为他们考虑到了使用者的需求,例如:多种材质,多款不同功率的马达,防爆设计,根据应用有适应不同需求的不 同 叶 轮 和 适 合 的 密 封,所有这些都兼顾了最高的安全性。 lutzpump.cn | are electric or pneumatic drum and container pumps from Lutz, because they take into account the needs of the user, e.g. various materials, motors adapted to [...] the requested output, exlosion-proof [...] designs, different impellers for different requirements [...]and appropriate sealing depending [...]on application, all this combined with maximum safety. lutzpump.cn |
来自Berceo的Domino陈年葡萄酒为得到最成熟,完整,干净, 无 叶 , 成 熟度最 适 合 的 葡萄,全程采取手工采摘,在去除不适宜的葡萄串后分类存贮于15公斤的箱子中。 tmedco.com | All the DOMINOS was harvested the grapes by hand into a box of 15 kg to get the grape whole, clean and free of leaves and especially at their ripest. tmedco.com |