

单词 各工

External sources (not reviewed)

十五名新的巴斯克志愿者 已开始在安曼、曼谷、哈瓦那、雅加达、墨西哥、蒙得维的亚、基多、拉巴特、圣何塞和圣 多各工作,为期一年。
Fifteen new Basque volunteers began to work in Amman, Bangkok, Havana, Jakarta, Mexico, Montevideo, Quito, Rabat, San Jose, and Santo Domingo for a period of one year.
咨询委员会注 意到,第二阶段包括提议建立一个可从中心查 各工 作 地点的有限实时 法证录像的企业网络,以及实现各办事处出入卡的互用性。
The Advisory Committee notes that the second phase includes proposals for an enterprise network which would allow central access to limited real-time and forensic video from the duty stations and interoperability of access cards among offices.
向学员传授从织造准备、机织过程到成品在内 各工 艺 步 骤及相关设 备和工具的基础知识。
The course participants are given a basic knowledge of the individual process steps and relevant machines and tools, from weaving preparation to the actual weaving process and the woven product.
[...] 所有單位,因此投票箱接收和存放區、點票大堂、傳媒中心各 工作單 位的辦公室須分設於四層不同的樓層。
As no single floor of HITEC was sufficiently large to accommodate the different units of the CCS, the ballot box reception and
deposit areas, counting halls, Media Centre
[...] and offices of various working parties, were [...]
set up on four different levels.
環境運輸及工務局局 長與房屋及規劃地政局局長檢討 各工 務 部 門的職務、職能和工作量 以及本港未來幾年的發展模式,認為土木工程署和拓展署應合併為 一個部門,以配合本港日後的發展需要。
Having reviewed the duties, functions and workload of the works departments and the pattern of development of Hong Kong in the coming years, both the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works (SETW) and the Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands consider it appropriate to merge CED and TDD into one department so as to meet the future development needs of Hong Kong.
特别是,黎巴嫩国家臭氧机构各工 业部 门、政府和非政府机构、私营部门和公众在实现消耗臭氧层物质淘汰目标方面密切合作, 这将帮助该国实现氟氯烃的淘汰目标。
In particular, the National Ozone Unit of Lebanon has worked very closely with industrial sectors, government and non-governmental bodies, the private sector and the public on achieving its ODS phase-out targets and this would help the country in achieving its HCFC phase-out targets.
他们同意,主管大会和会议管理事务副 秘书长、联合国日内瓦办事处总干事、联合国维也纳办事处总干事和联合国内罗
毕办事处总干事在会议服务和会议业务方面的责任和问责都已在相关的秘书长 公报中明确规定并完全符合关于会议时地分配办法的大会第 57/283 B 号决议(第 二节
[...] B,第 7 段)中界定的任务,其执行应适当考虑 各工 作 地点的特征及其在会 议事务领域的职能(第二节 [...]
B,第 8 段)。
They agreed that the responsibility and accountability of the Under-Secretary-General for General Assembly and Conference Management and the Directors-General at the United Nations Offices at Geneva, Vienna and Nairobi for conference services and operations were clearly stipulated in the respective Secretary-General’s bulletins, were fully in line with the General Assembly mandate delineated in resolution 57/283 B (sect. II.B, para. 7), and should be carried
out with due consideration of the
[...] specificities of the various duty stations and [...]
their functioning in the field of conference
services (sect. II.B, para. 8).
各工作组 和特别协调员应考虑到过去、现在和未来的所有有关意 见和建议。
(a) The working groups and special coordinators will take into consideration all relevant views and proposals past, present and future.
此外各工作组 的期望 也在增加,特别是对于开展工作的速度,这往往要求在项目早期做更多、更好 的准备工作,并随着项目进展而编写更多的材料供审议。
Moreover, expectations of working groups, particularly with respect to the speed at which the work should develop, have also increased, which tends to require more and better preparation at an early stage of a project and more material for consideration as the project develops.
它注意到导航卫星委员各工作组 重点讨论了以下问题:兼容性和互操作 性;提高全球导航卫星系统的服务性能;信息传播和能力建设;参照基准、授 [...]
It was noted that the ICG working groups
[...] focused on the following issues: compatibility [...]
and interoperability; enhancement
of the performance of GNSS services; information dissemination and capacity-building; and reference frames, timing and applications.
各工作组 的结构应该继续反映出委员会的工作重点。
The current structure of the working groups should continue to reflect the priorities of the work of the Committee.
正如工作方案(A/CN.10/2011/CRP.1)中所安排 的那样,本次全体委员会会议将专门 各工 作 组的报 告草案和裁审会的报告草案进行一般性审议,所有这 些报告草案均已分发。
As scheduled in the programme of work (A/CN.10/2011/CRP.1), this meeting of the Committee of the Whole will be devoted to general consideration of the draft reports of the Working Groups and the draft report of the Commission, all of which have been distributed.
[...] 汁特设政府间工作组解散的情况下,并在审查法典委员会 各工 作 组结构和任务的框 架内,将水果和蔬菜汁纳入在内。
The Commission recalled that it had requested the Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables to review its Terms of Reference to consider the inclusion of fruit and vegetable juices in view of
the dissolution of the Ad Hoc
[...] Intergovernmental Task Force on Fruit and Vegetable [...]
Juices and within the framework of the
review of the structures and mandates of Codex committee and task forces.
经社会似可考虑采用一种分阶段的循序渐进办法,首先在试行 基础上与常驻代表咨委会和/或各工 作 组 (诸如决议草案非正式工 作组等)共同举办省纸型会议,继而逐步做到完全不使用纸页文件。
The Commission could consider piloting paper-lean meetings with the Advisory Committee and/or its working groups (such as the Informal Working Group on Draft Resolutions) through a phased approach in order to attain the goal of eliminating the use of hard copies.
由希族塞人和土族塞人组成各工作 组 奉献了时间和精力,以深入讨论塞浦 路斯问题的所有方面。
Working groups comprising Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots have devoted time and effort to thoroughly discuss all aspects of the Cyprus problem.
大会第 64/243 号决议第 67 段强调各方案主管机构和通过方案预算第 2 款提 供经费各工作地点在使用大会事务和会议管理部提供的服务时须有成本效益 和效率,尤其是加强会议服务全球管理的有效运作,并请秘书长制订旨在加强这 方面问责制的各种机制。
In paragraph 67 of its resolution 64/243, the General Assembly stressed the need for programme managers, and duty stations resourced through section 2 of the programme budget, to be cost-effective and efficient in the use of services from the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, in particular with respect to the effective functioning of the global management of conference services and requested the Secretary-General to develop mechanisms that would enhance accountability in that regard.
委员会还坚持邀请一些个 人,如人权理事会和前人权委员会和增进和保护人权小组委员会的特别报告员、 人权理事会和人权委员各工作组 的主席和其他人等,到委员会发言和参加讨 论。
It has also consistently invited individuals such as special rapporteurs of the Human Rights Council and the former Commission on Human Rights and Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, chairpersons of Council and Commission working groups and others to address it and engage in discussions.
社会科学及人文科学部门的新结构是在这段时期逐步形成的,它为实 各工 作 重 点项 下所述的预期结果起到了促进作用。
The new structure of SHS, which was implemented progressively over the period under review, has facilitated its role in achieving desired results as reported below under the different Main Lines of Action.
在编写塞舌尔国家报告的过程中,我们 认真考虑各工作组提交的报告。
Careful consideration has been given to the respective reports of the working groups in preparing the Seychelles National Report.
实施全球信 息技术项目的目的是各工作地 点的会议管理和文 件处理系统采用信息技术,这是朝着正确的方向迈 [...]
The implementation of the global
information technology project, which was aimed at
[...] integrating, across duty stations, [...]
information technology into meetings management
and documentation-processing systems, was a step in the right direction.
13 年会的工作一般包括最后审定和通 各工 作 组 提交委员会的案文草案;审各工作组关于各自项目的进度报告;选择今后工作或进一步研究的专题; 报告技术合作和援助活动和与其他国际组织协调工作的情况 ;监测《法规 判例法》系统的发展情况以及贸易法委员会法规的现状和推广情况 ;审议 大会关于贸易法委员会工作的决议;以及行政事项。
UNCITRAL carries out its work at annual sessions held alternately in New York and Vienna.7 The work at these sessions typically includes finalization and adoption of draft texts referred to the Commission by the working groups; consideration of progress reports of the working groups on their respective projects; selection of topics for future work or further research; reporting on technical assistance activities and coordination of work with other international organizations; monitoring of developments in the Case Law on UNCITRAL Texts system (known as CLOUT) and the status and promotion of UNCITRAL legal texts; consideration of General Assembly resolutions on the work of UNCITRAL; and administrative matters.
而避免工會過度分化和改變政府的態度,就要 各工 會 的互相溝通和支持。
On the other hand, in order to avoid over-dissension among labour unions and to change the government's attitude, we need more communication and support among different labour groups.
12.12 “专家酬金”项下的拟议资源涉及国际专利分类数据库(RIPCIS)的更新和维护;参与尼 斯、维也纳和洛迦诺各分类正式版本的出版以及向 WIPO 标准委员会(CWS)及各工作队提供 的支助。
12.12. The proposed resources under “Expert’s Honoraria” relates to the update and maintenance of the database of the International Patent Classification (RIPCIS); participation in the publication of official versions of the Nice, Vienna and Locarno Classifications as well as support to the Committee of WIPO Standards (CWS) and its Task Forces.
第二层是各 政府间工作组,很大程度上各工作 组负责就贸易法委员会工作方案中 各项专题开展工作。
The second level is the intergovernmental working groups, which to a large extent undertake the development of the topics on UNCITRAL’s work programme, while the third is the secretariat, which assists the Commission and its working groups in the preparation and conduct of their work.
毒品和犯罪问题办公室为这些讨论 提供了建设性意见,包括扩大倡议和加强协调及有效开 工 作 队 各工 作 小 组的 工作。
UNODC provided constructive input to the discussions, including in relation to expanding the initiative and strengthening coordination and effective implementation of the working groups of the Task Force.
我们吁请尚未批准或加入《联合国反腐败公约》117 的国家考虑批准或 加入该公约,我们欢迎设立公约执行情况审议机制,期待其有效实施,并确认关 于追回资产和技术援助的政府各工 作 组 的工作。
We call upon those States that have not yet done so to consider ratifying or acceding to the United Nations Convention against Corruption,117 welcome the establishment of its mechanism for the review of implementation, look forward to its effective implementation and acknowledge the work of the intergovernmental working groups on asset recovery and technical assistance.
实现”厨具系列,体现了轻松工作、舒适生活的最新理念:设计旨在将食物的准备工作汇集于一个中心区域,并有条不紊地配备了储藏区和间隔区,可轻而易举地 各工 作 区 转化为生活空间——我们所有的解决方案与设计理念均旨在体现您的个人情趣和社交方式。
The "Happening" line of kitchens is our response to the latest request for a kitchen that is both easy to work in and comfortable to live in: the area designated for food preparation has been concentrated in one central point, the storage
areas and compartments have been
[...] efficiently arranged, the various work spaces easily [...]
double as living spaces – all of our
solutions and designs focus on the expression of your personal attitude and social lifestyle.
各工作组协调员将在《集束弹药公约》闭会期间工作方案的框架内尽可能探 讨如何与相关机构和行为者进行实际协作,以优化注重成果、实际可行和节约高 效的工作方法。
The working group coordinators will explore to the extent possible practical collaboration in the context of the intersessional work programme of the CCM with relevant bodies and actors with a view to optimising result oriented, practical, and cost effective and efficient working methods.
应乌拉圭、阿根廷和哥伦比亚代表 团的要求,食典委同意,如时间允许,将在议题 18“其他事项”下讨论有关“及时分各工作语言文本的食典文件”问题。
At the request of the Delegations of Uruguay, Argentina and Colombia, the Commission agreed to discuss the issue of “timely distribution of the Codex documents in all working languages” under Agenda Item 18 “Other Business”, if time allowed.
[...] 作的农村发展伙伴, 粮 食 计划署 将 扩 大各工作伙伴机构的合 作,包括联 合 [...]
国各机构、世 界 银 行、亚 洲开发银行、欧洲联盟和非政府组织。
As rural development partner in cooperation with the
Royal Government, WFP will widen the
[...] relationship with various working partners, [...]
including the UN agencies, World Bank,
Asia Development Bank, European Union, and non-governmental organizations.




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