

单词 各州

External sources (not reviewed)

一些联邦制国家各州签订 了协议,对天然林进行保护和可 持续管理。
Some countries with
[...] federal structures have signed agreements [...]
with States to ensure conservation and sustainable management of native forests.
为让您初步了解澳大利亚全国范围内提供的文化产品的情况,下文以视觉艺术为重点,详细介绍位 各州 首 府的展示澳大利亚艺术的展览馆和博 [...]
To give you a small taste of what's on offer country-wide, the following section focuses
on the visual arts, providing details of galleries and museums showcasing Australian
[...] art in each of the capital cities.
这一方案的目标是与当地机构、社区和非 政府组织建立伙伴关系,其中包括两性平等和青年团体、私人部门、所有政府部 门,以便有效地实施可持久的土地做法和措施,解决在自然资源利用和管理方面 存在的国家各州的政 策缺陷,制订持久的土地利用管理计划,以及能够公平地 调动各级利益相关者的制度和政策计划。
The aims of this program are to develop partnerships with local institutions, community and non-governmental organizations, including gender and youth groups, the private sector, and all government sectors, in order to effectively implement sustainable land practices and measures and to address national and state policy gaps in natural resources use and management by developing sustainable land use management plans, as well as regulatory and policy plans that equitably engage stakeholders at all levels.
委员会促请缔约国采取雷厉风行的措施防止在东 各州 和 西 部 各州 之 间 继续 存在社会保障补助金方面的歧视,并对现有的此类歧视情况进行补救。
The Committee urges the State party to take prompt and effective measures to prevent any further discrimination in the
level of social security benefits between
[...] Eastern and Western Länders and remedy the existing [...]
cases of such discrimination.
因为教科文组织的任务是作为一个高端智囊机构,主要在联邦一 级提供政策咨询和技术援助,在教科文组织没有实地参与的情况下, 各州 直 接 进行计划干 预措施的范围将非常有限。
In the absence of UNESCO’s presence in the field, due to its mandate as an upstream intellectual agency that provides policy advice and technical assistance mainly at the federal level, the scope for making direct programme interventions at state level will remain rather limited.
防止酷刑小组委员会建各州建立 统一的计算机化系统,用于登记入狱情 况以及保存其他记录。
The SPT recommends the establishment of a uniform computerized system in all the states, for registering admissions and keeping other records.
该制度的主要目的是执行统一协调的国家政策,以便采取一致统一的方 法,通过全国保护儿童委员会、亚美尼亚共和 各州州 长 办 公室和埃里温直辖市 的保护儿童权利司以及通过各社区的监护和托管机构来保护儿童的权益。
The main purpose of this system is to implement a uniform and coordinated state policy that will provide for a single uniform methodology for the protection of the rights and interests of children through the National Commission for the Protection of Children, through the children’s rights protection divisions at the Marzpetarans (regional governor’s offices) of the Republic of Armenia and the Yerevan Municipality, and through the guardianship and trusteeship bodies in the communities.
在委员会第六十二届会议和第六十三届会议之间发生的事情包括,瑞士国民各州通过了国民倡议:“驱逐外国罪犯(驱逐倡议)”;法国议会审议了关于移民、 [...]
The interim period between the sixty-second and the sixty-third sessions of
the Commission included both the adoption
[...] by the people and cantons of Switzerland of [...]
the people’s initiative: “Expulsion
of foreign criminals (the expulsion initiative)” and the French parliament’s consideration of draft legislation on immigration, integration and nationality.
(a) 设立一个全面的少年司法体制,包括建立少年法庭并在缔约国所各 州任命培训有素的少年司法法官
(a) Set up a comprehensive system for juvenile justice,
including the establishment of juvenile
[...] courts and the appointment of trained juvenile judges in all regions of the State party
近年来采取的此类措施包括:保证农村地区居民 每年就业 100 天;颁布“信息权法”,帮助使公民更 知情;落实受教育权,帮助每一个印度人分享国家经 济进步的利益并为之作出贡献;以及倡议在国家议会各州立法 机构中为妇女保留席位,确保妇女在国家 进步过程中的平等伙伴地位,并将地方机构中为女性 保留的席位比例增加到 50%。
In recent years, they include the assurance of 100 days of employment to every person living in rural areas, the enactment of the Right to Information Act to help our citizens to become more aware, the right to education to help every Indian share in the benefits of the country’s economic progress and also to contribute to it, and the initiative for reservation for women in Parliament and in state legislatures to ensure equal partnership of women in our progress and the increase in reservation for women to 50 per cent in local bodies.
缔约国应采取必要措施,不论其国家结构如何,确 各州 政 府 部门均了解《公 约》规定的各项权利,并确保能够尽快予以落实。
The State party should take the
necessary steps to ensure that the
[...] authorities of all the cantons are aware of the [...]
rights stipulated in the Convention, and
that they implement them as soon as possible, regardless of the structure of the State party.
第 34 号行政命令全面禁止在利比里亚拥有、持有、使用、销售或制造枪支弹药,
[...] 但仅供狩猎使用的单管猎枪不在此列,条件是这类猎枪要通 各州州 长 办 公室在 司法部进行登记(附件 4)。
Executive Order 34 imposes a total ban on ownership, possession, use, sale or manufacture of firearms and ammunition in Liberia, with the exception of single barrel shotguns used solely for hunting, provided that
they have been registered with the Ministry of Justice through the Office of the
[...] Superintendents in each County (annex 4).
我指示政府各州州长一 道,在今年上半年拟订和着手执行一个特别的 “Balapan”方案,旨在扩大儿童接受学前培养和教育的范围。
I charge the Government, together with akims, with developing and proceeding to the implementation of a special “Balapan” programme in the first half of this year, aimed at expanding the involvement of children in preschool upbringing and education.
然而,50 個州所提供的教育課程均十分相似,這是由各州之間存在 許多共通的因素,例如國家在社會及經濟方面的需 要、學生及教師經常前往國內不同地方繼續學業和工作,以及國家 評審機構在制訂教育措施方面擔當重要的角色。
Nevertheless, the educational programmes of the 50 states are remarkably similar due to common factors such as the social and economic needs of the nation, the frequent transfer of students and teachers from one part of the country to another, and the role of national accrediting agencies in shaping educational practice.
要确保您的安装符合所有当地各州 以 及国 家的安全和防火规定。
Be sure your installation complies with all National, State and Local safety and fire codes.
以 下 討論主 要 關 乎 聯邦申訴專員,但 亦會論各州申訴專員公署的近期發展 。
The following discussion relates primarily to the Commonwealth Ombudsman, but recent developments in the state ombudsman offices will also be touched upon.
在联苏特派团内部,人道主义早期复原和重返社会股将提供有关能力,以 便特派团有关构成部分共同努力,对影响执行《全面和平协议》的人道主义危 机进行多学科人道主义和复原评估;在联苏特派团派驻人员 各州 进 行斡旋, 支持地方当局和非政府组织规划和协助向复原和发展过渡;在促进解决和管理 损害《协议》的人道主义冲突方面发挥“公正和诚实的中间人”作用;在损害 《协议》的人道主义危机期间协调部署特派团的后勤和实质性资产,支持转向 复原和向发展过渡;作为一个中立的论坛,协调和动员为向复原和发展过渡提 供的国际援助。
Within UNMIS, the Humanitarian Early Recovery and Reintegration Unit will provide the capacity to bring together the relevant mission components in order to conduct multidisciplinary humanitarian and recovery assessments in response to humanitarian crises that undermine the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement; provide good offices in states where UNMIS is present, to support local authorities and non-governmental organizations; plan and facilitate the transition to recovery and development; serve as an “impartial and honest broker” in facilitating the resolution and management of humanitarian conflicts that undermine the Agreement; coordinate the deployment of the Mission’s logistical and substantive assets during humanitarian crises that undermine the Agreement and in support of the shift to recovery and the transition to development; and serve as a neutral forum to coordinate and mobilize international assistance for the transition to recovery and development.
缔约国应确保各州均建 立独立机制,使其有权受理有关警察暴力或虐待行为的 投诉,并就投诉进行迅速、深入和公正的调查。
The State party must ensure
[...] the creation in each canton of an independent [...]
mechanism empowered to receive any complaints
of violence or mistreatment on the part of the police and to investigate them promptly, thoroughly and impartially.
本月,《儿童参与儿童保护论坛》(Children for Child Protection Forum)也正在紧锣密鼓地筹备中,这个论坛将汇集来自马来西 各州 约 50 0名儿童,讨论儿童的五大重点保护问题:暴力、网络安全、精神虐待、家里的安全感和安全关系。
Also lined up for the month is the Children for Child Protection Forum, which will bring together some 500 children from states across Malaysia to discuss five of their key protection concerns: bullying, Internet safety, emotional abuse, feeling safe at home and being safe in a relationship.
除公立广播电台之外,捷克共和国境内还有全国 各州 的 商 业 广播电台,由电台和电视广播委员会负责监管。
As well as the public service broadcast in the Czech Republic there are national and regional commercial radio programmes with monitored ownership by the Board of Radio and Television Broadcast.
防止酷刑小组委员会建议,相关的联邦 各州 当 局 保证了里约热内卢机制 以及其他即将设立的机制独立运行并保证为其提供充足资源,以允许这些机构根 据《禁止酷刑公约任择议定书》的相关条款有效履行职能。
The SPT recommends that relevant federal and state authorities provide the Rio de Janeiro mechanism, as well as other mechanisms to be created, with functional independence and sufficient resources so as to allow these bodies to discharge their functions effectively in accordance with the provisions of OPCAT.
该方案是美国商务部国家海洋和大气管理署(海洋大气署)海洋和资源管 理办公室与 34 个沿海和沿五大湖各州、领 地和自由邦之间的伙伴关系。
This programme is a partnership between the Office of Ocean and Resource Management of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the United States Department of Commerce and 34 coastal and Great Lakes states, territories and commonwealths.
各州也可 決定如何經營自己的計劃,只要他們遵守聯邦準則即可。
States also can decide how to run their program as long as they follow the Federal guidelines.
我们的联邦政府各州政府 和商业促进机 构携手努力,以确保瑞士在生活和设立企业方面始终是极具吸引 [...]
Our federal government works
[...] together with the cantonal authorities and [...]
business promotion agencies in order to ensure that
Switzerland remains an attractive place to live and start a company.
(b) 在立法中,包括州一级立法中,确立具体的杀害女性罪;授予主管暴 力侵害妇女罪行和人口贩运问题特别检察厅查 各州 或 联 邦官员所犯暴力行为的 必要实权
(b) Establish the specific crime of femicide in the legislation, including at state level; provide the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Violent Crimes against Women and Human Trafficking with the necessary authority to address acts of violence committed by state and federal officials
办事处活动的这种非集中化从许多方面反映了巴西作为一个联邦共和国所具 有的政府组织结构,即把权力下放 各州 和 市
This decentralization of UBO operations reflects in many ways the organizational structure of the Brazilian Government as a federation and the devolution of powers and authorities to states and municipalities.
委员会建议缔约国采取一切适当措施,确保在委员会对于奥地利第二次定 期报告的结论性意见的后续行动和执行的框架内全面落实上述建议,除其他之
[...] 外,可将以上意见转发给部长理事会的成员、联邦大会,以 各州 政 府 和议会, 以便适当审议和采取进一步的行动。
(35) The Committee recommends to the State party to take all appropriate measures to ensure full implementation of the present recommendations, within the framework of follow-up and implementation of the Committee’s concluding observations on Austria’s second periodic report, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members
of the Council of Ministers, the Federal
[...] Assembly, and to Länder Governments and [...]
Parliaments for appropriate consideration and further action.
为了建立 地方机构的能力,联苏特派团和开发署的工作人员被派到重要的地方政府机构 中,例如各州的地 方政府部、反腐败委员会、公务员制度委员会和和平委员 会执行局。
In order to build the capacity of local institutions, UNMIS and UNDP staff have been embedded in key local government institutions, such as the State Ministry of Local Government, the Anti-Corruption Commission, the Civil Service Commission and the Peace Commission Directorates.




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