

单词 各处

各处 ()

every place

External sources (not reviewed)

将与各司各处密切合作开展这项工作,但是进展将取决于能够为该工 作提供支持的人力资源。
This will be undertaken in close cooperation with divisions and services, but progress will be dependent upon the human resources available to support this work.
今天,共有70个Wellcome小组在德各处 提 供 协助。
Today, 70 Wellcome teams are up and running throughout Germany.
海洋通过洋流把热量输送到全各处 , 或 者使二氧化 碳下沉,从而使之离开大气,因此,海洋在决定气候方面发挥着重要作用;海洋 [...]
占世界上生物机体捕获的生物碳(或称绿色碳)总量的 55%。
Oceans play an important role in determining
climate by transporting heat around the globe
[...] through ocean currents or sinking carbon [...]
dioxide, thereby taking it out of the
atmosphere; oceans account for about 55 per cent of the world’s total biological, or green, carbon captured by living organisms.
[...] 2008-2009 两年期具有阶段标 志的实施计划草稿,供与工发组 各处 长 协 商。
In this regard, I confirmed that the committee had
submitted its draft implementation plan with milestones for the biennium 2008-2009 for
[...] consultation with UNIDO branch directors.
在包括阿富汗、刚果民主共和国、伊拉克、索马 里、乍得、菲律宾、尼泊尔以及其 各处 在 内的世 界各个地区,当前肆虐的武装冲突以及它们对平民 [...]
造成的精神和身体伤害,应该促使会员国利用联合 国——特别是秘书长及其代表——关于在武装冲突 中保护平民做出的所有提议,来起草建立调查委员
会或类似机构的有效决议,以便用实际具体的方式 保护平民。
The armed conflicts currently raging
and their psychological and physical harm
[...] to civilians in various corners of the [...]
world — including Afghanistan, the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Somalia, Chad, the Philippines, Nepal and elsewhere — should compel Member States to draw on all proposals on the protection of civilians in armed conflict made by the United Nations, and the Secretary-General and his representatives in particular, in order to draft effective resolutions establishing investigative committees or similar entities to protect civilians in a practical and concrete manner.
如需更多产品信息,请参见封面、 第 14 页上的其它资源以及本选型指各处 的 文 档链接。
For additional product information, see the documentation links provided on the front cover, in Additional Resources on page 14, and located throughout this selection guide.
教科文组织秘处各处室的 官员、教科文组 织在该地区的办事处(贝鲁特、开罗、多哈、拉巴特和拉姆安拉)的主任和代表为各全委会 [...]
Officials of various offices of the UNESCO [...]
Secretariat as well as directors and representatives of UNESCO field offices
in the region (Beirut, Cairo, Doha, Rabat and Ramallah) assisted the National Commissions in their debates.
博世先生的理念,我们在全各处的 业 务不仅始终注重产 业的可持续性发展,并积极承担社会和环境责任。
In the spirit of our founder, we particularly demonstrate social and environmental responsibility — wherever we do business.
毋庸置辩 的是,占领国意图使用此类非法手段驱逐巴勒斯坦居民,强制实行非巴勒斯坦化,
从而改变被占东耶路撒冷的市容及人口结构,与此同时,它又通过其他实际殖民 措施,在当地制造事实以推进该市的犹太化,这些措施包括修建和扩大定居点及
[...] 隔离墙,将成千上万更多的以色列定居者迁入,并在全 各处 连 续 不停地进行开 挖,连“尊贵禁地”也不例外。
The intent of the occupying Power is irrefutable — to alter the physical and demographic landscape of Occupied East Jerusalem by forcing its de-Palestinianization by driving out the Palestinian inhabitants of the city by such unlawful means, while at the same time promoting the city’s Judaization through other physical colonization measures that create facts on the ground, including the construction and expansion of settlements and the Wall, the transfer of thousands upon thousands
of more Israeli settlers and the incessant excavations
[...] throughout the city, including in the area of [...]
Al-Haram Al-Sharif.
例如,在加纳北各处境不 利的地区,非政府组织开办的第二次机会加速扫盲方案向失学儿童传 [...]
授有效的基本技能,并在许多情况下,使他们有机会再进入正规学校接受教育(见 方框 2)。
In the disadvantaged regions of northern [...]
Ghana, for example, second-chance accelerated literacy programmes conducted by
non-governmental organizations have provided out-of-school children with effective basic skills and, in many instances, the opportunity to re-enter a formal school curriculum (see box 2).
位于京城西部的北京香格里拉饭店毗邻繁华金融商业及高科技园区,交通便利,能便捷地前往文明古都 各处 名 胜 古迹,距首都机场仅30分钟车程。
Located in the west of Beijing at the heart of the financial and technological district and within close proximity to some of China’s most magnificent historical sites, Shangri-La Hotel, Beijing is only 30 minutes from the Capital Airport.
委员会建议缔约国将审问所有人员时都要进行视频录像定为标准程序,并在警察 局和宪兵各处安装 视频监控摄像头,以扩大并加强对受到警方关押的被拘留人 员的保护。
The Committee recommends that the State party make video recording of interrogations of all persons questioned a standard procedure, and install video surveillance cameras throughout police stations and gendarmeries in order to extend and strengthen the protection afforded to detainees in police custody.
这次调整直接响应了秘书处内部监督事务厅提出的建议,该厅在 2006 年请
[...] 毒品和犯罪问题办公室审查其职权范围和秘书长关于改组毒品和犯罪问题办公 室的公告(ST/SGB/2004/6),以阐各司 、 各处 和 各 科 的 职能,避免重复,并 突出不同部门之间的互补关系和相对优势。
The realignment responds directly to recommendations made by the Office of Internal Oversight Services of the Secretariat, which in 2006 requested UNODC to review its terms of reference and the Secretary-General’s bulletin on the reorganization of UNODC
(ST/SGB/2004/6) to clarify the
[...] functions of the respective divisions, branches and sections, [...]
avoid duplication and highlight
complementarities and comparative advantages between its different components.
此外,鉴于暴力事件频发和隔离墙给自由行动带来 的挑战,必须制定国际担保条款,以便所有宗教和 国家的信徒可以永远自由和不受阻碍地前 各处圣 地
In the light also of the numerous incidents of violence and the challenges to free movement imposed by the separation wall, there must be internationally guaranteed provisions for permanent, free and unhindered access to the holy places by the faithful of all religions and nationalities.
鉴于并非所有利益攸关方都可能接触到现代信息技术,特别工作组指出, 联合国国家工作队、高级专员办 处各 外 地 办事处和新闻部各新闻中心能够发挥 潜在作用,尤其是在提供技术和后勤设施方面,方便上述非常驻代表团和利益攸 关方参与人权理事会工作。
Taking into account the fact that not all stakeholders might have access to modern information technologies, the task force referred to the potential role of United Nations country teams, field offices of the Office of the High Commissioner and information centres of the Department of Public Information in facilitating the participation of the above-mentioned non-resident delegations and stakeholders in the work of the Human Rights Council, in particular for the provision of technical and logistical facilities.
各项评估建议的重要后续行动正在实施之中,其目的是:加 强亚太经社会各实质性部门之间的内部协作与合作以及与其他区域与 次区域组织的外部合作、改善内部方案与项目规划及其监测和评估系 统、澄清秘处各次区 域办事处相对于各实质性部门的职能、制订通 信与宣传战略、以及支持秘书处在资源调集方面的各项努力。
Key follow-up actions to evaluation recommendations were being implemented with a view to enhancing collaboration and cooperation internally among substantive units of ESCAP and externally with other regional and subregional organizations, improving the internal system for the planning of programmes and projects as well as the monitoring and evaluation thereof, clarifying the function of the secretariat’s subregional offices vis-à-vis substantive divisions, and developing a strategic communication and advocacy strategy in support of the secretariat’s resource mobilization efforts.
已制定总结经验教训政策的秘处各 方 案 应确保在这项政策中论述所有上述问 题。
Secretariat programmes that have already [...]
developed a policy on learning lessons should ensure that all the above-mentioned
issues are addressed in that policy.
应 对秘书长、人权事务高级专员办处 、 各位 特别报告员、特别 是 巴勒斯坦人权问题特别报告员、红 十 字 国际委员会主席和红 十 字 会和红新月会 联合会主席、近 东 救 济工程处负责人、主管 人 道 主义事务的副 秘书长、伊 斯 兰 会 议组织、不结盟 运 动、阿拉伯联盟 、以及谴 责在占领国的做 法 及其侵犯人权行为 的各国际组织和以色列组织所作的多 次 呼吁给 予 应 有的考虑。
Due consideration should be given to the numerous appeals by the Secretary-General, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, by special rapporteurs, particularly the Special Rapporteur on human rights in Palestine, and the Presidents of the International Committee for the Red Cross and of the Federation of the Red Cross and Crescent, the head of UNRWA, the UndersecretaryGeneral for humanitarian affairs, the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, the Non Aligned Movement, the Arab League, and international and Israeli organizations condemning practices of the occupying power and its violations of human rights.
当开展评价 的时候,评价员开展了下述各项活动:(a) 文件审评;(b)对亚太经社会秘处 各主要 利益攸关方、信通技术培训中心理事会若干成员、大韩民国政府和仁川 市政府的高级代表、若干成员国驻曼谷的常驻代表、以及其他组织的代表进行 了不同形式的访谈;(c)对经社会成员和准成员、信通技术培训中心的国家伙伴、 理事会成员、以及亚太经社会秘 处各 主 要利益攸关方进行网上电子调查。
In conducting the evaluation, the evaluator carried out the following activities: (a) documentation review; (b)
structured interviews with
[...] key ESCAP secretariat stakeholders, selected members of the Governing Council of APCICT, senior representatives of the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Incheon City administration, the permanent representatives in Bangkok of selected member States and representatives of other organizations; and (c) web-based electronic surveys of members and associate members of the Commission, APCICT national partners, Governing Council members and key ESCAP secretariat stakeholders.
痛惜暴力和不安全状况继续存在,对高级专员办事处和其他人道主义组 织工作人员的安全与保障不断构成威胁,妨碍办事处有效执行任务,限制办处各执行伙伴和其他人道主义人员履行各自人道主义职能的能力;敦促各国、 冲突当事方和所有其他相关行为体采取一切必要措施,保护人道主义援助活 动,防止攻击和绑架国家和国际人道主义工作人员,确保办事处人员和财产以 及办事处授权行使职能的所有人道主义组织的人员和财产的安全与保障;吁请 各国全面调查针对人道主义人员实施的任何罪行,并将这种罪行的责任人绳之 以法;20.
Deplores the continuing violence and insecurity which constitute an ongoing threat to the safety and security of staff members of the Office of the High Commissioner and other humanitarian organizations and an obstacle to the effective fulfilment of the mandate of the Office and the ability of its implementing partners and other humanitarian personnel to discharge their respective humanitarian functions, urges States, parties to conflict and all other relevant actors to take all measures necessary to protect activities related to humanitarian assistance, prevent attacks on and kidnapping of national and international humanitarian workers and ensure the safety and security of the personnel and property of the Office and that of all humanitarian organizations discharging functions mandated by the Office, and calls upon States to investigate fully any crime committed against humanitarian personnel and bring to justice the persons responsible for such crimes
[...] 及其合作伙伴与相关民间社会网络、联合国秘 处各 部 门(新闻部及经济和社会 事务部)以及联合国组织和机构通过伙伴关系进行合作,包括与联合国粮食及农 [...]
业组织、联合国日内瓦办事处、世界卫生组织、联合国人口基金、联合国布鲁塞 尔区域新闻中心以及联合国裁军研究所合作。
The organization and its partners worked in partnership with
the relevant civil society networks,
[...] departments of the Secretariat of the United [...]
Nations (Department of Public Information
and the Department of Economic and Social Affairs) and the organizations and bodies of the United Nations, including the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the United Nations Office at Geneva, the World Health Organization, the United Nations Population Fund, the United Nations Regional Information Centre in Brussels and the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research.
为了进行更加全面的保护,鼓各国 根 据国际法采 各 种 适当的措施与其他有关国家进行合 作,以便确立有关的司法管辖权,并对那些犯有或下令犯有上述行为(VII.个人的刑事责任)并在 该国领土被发现的个人(不论其国籍如何以及该行为在 处 发 生 )予以有效的刑事制裁。
For the purposes of more comprehensive
[...] protection, each State is encouraged to take all appropriate measures, in accordance with international law, to cooperate with other States concerned with a view to establishing jurisdiction over, and providing effective criminal sanctions against, those persons who have committed or have ordered to be committed acts referred to above (VII – Individual criminal responsibility) and who are found present on its territory, regardless of their nationality and the place where such act [...]
[...] 之间工作互补性的必要性以及加强食典与国际标准化组织秘 处 、 各 法 典 委员会与国际 标准化组织各技术委员会以及食典成员与国际标准化组织成员之间关系的必要性。
The Observer concluded his presentation by highlighting the long-standing collaboration with Codex, the need to focus on the complementarity of work between Codex and
ISO and strengthen relations between the
[...] Codex and ISO Secretariats, between the [...]
Codex Committees and the ISO Technical Committees,
and between Codex and ISO Members.
在秘书长题为“建立联合国秘书处问责制度”的报告(A/64/ 640)第 64 和 65 段中,秘书长建议在管理事务部设立一个 成果管理股,以便除其他以外管理、监督并支持在联合国,
[...] 包括在维持和平行动和特别政治任务中实施成果管理制, 同时支持并指导秘处各方案实施自我评价以及运用经 验教训。
In paragraphs 64 and 65 of the report of the Secretary-General entitled “Towards an accountability system in the United Nations Secretariat” (A/64/640), the Secretary-General proposed to establish a Results Management Unit in the Department of Management that, among other tasks, would manage, oversee and support the implementation of the resultsbased management system within the United Nations, including for peacekeeping operations and special political
missions, and support and guide the
[...] performance by Secretariat programmes of self-evaluations [...]
and utilization of lessons learned.
[...] 生物多样性公约和多边基金秘书处委托对级别进行了独立审查,以确保这两个秘 处各级 别 一般事务人员的职务说明系以同样的方式分类。
Explaining the implications of the General Service staff grade review for the Multilateral Fund, the Senior Administrative and Fund Management Officer said that the Secretariats of the Convention on Biological Diversity and of the Multilateral Fund had commissioned an independent review of grade
levels to ensure that the job
[...] descriptions of the two Secretariats’ General Service [...]
staff were classified in the same manner.
考虑到需要用定量效绩指标(只要有可能)和定性效果 指标来评估相关活动,要求总部和总部外秘 处各 单 位 更明确地把重点放在为每一项工作重 点制定现实的、更明确的和更有操作意义的预期效果上。
All Secretariat units – at Headquarters and in the field alike – will be required to place a sharper emphasis on the formulation of realistic, clearer and more operationally meaningful expected results for each main line of action, bearing in mind the need for quantifiable and measurable performance indicators (wherever possible) as well as the requirements for qualitative impact indicators to assess the relevance of interventions.
[...] 规划、预算和管理部,社会福利部,民政部,社会发展部,共和国总统府机构关 系秘书处,总统府总秘处,各工会 中心和企业联合会的代表,退休人员代表以 及各州/市公权力的特邀人员组成。
The committee comprised representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management, the Ministry of Social Welfare, the Civil Affairs Ministry, the Ministry of
Social Development, the Secretariat of Institutional Relations of the Presidency of the Republic, the
[...] General Secretariat of the Presidency, various trade union centres [...]
and corporate confederations,
representatives of retirees and guests of the State/ municipal public power.
人口基金非洲区域办事处、阿拉伯国家区域办事处、亚洲和太平洋区域 办事处、拉丁美洲和加勒比区域办事处以及东欧和中亚区域办 处各 主 任 阐述了 各自区域的方案。
The Directors of the UNFPA regional offices for Africa; Arab States; Asia and the Pacific; Latin America and the Caribbean; and Eastern Europe and Central Asia elaborated on the programmes from their respective regions.
鉴于妇女在社区建设和平的努力中的重要、但又 经常被低估的作用,我们还希望难民专员办事处介绍 他们在执行两性平等政策和鼓励妇女积极参加办处各方面工作方面的经验。
Given the important, but in many cases underestimated, role of women in peacebuilding efforts for their communities, we also would be interested to hear what lessons UNHCR can share from the implementation of its gender policy and efforts to actively involve women in all aspects of its work.




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