

单词 各具

External sources (not reviewed)

The Taifook Unit Trusts may invest directly in equity, money market instruments and/or fixed income instruments, each with a different risk profile.
教統會的其中一項建議,是推行校本管理,讓學校發 各具 特色 的教學模式,以切合學生的需要和提高學習的成效。
One of the recommendations was for schools to practise SBM to develop their own ways of meeting the needs of students and enhancing learning outcomes.
咨询委员会注意到,秘书长单独就 2010-2011 两年期方案预算标准
[...] 出入控制项目(出入控制项目第一和第二阶段)订正估计数和未列入第 34 款各具体工 作地点安保追加所需资源提出了报告(A/64/532)。
The Advisory Committee notes that a separate report on revised estimates under the programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 in respect of the standardized access control project (known, in its two phases, as PACT
I and PACT II) and additional security
[...] requirements in specific locations not [...]
included under section 34 has been submitted
by the Secretary-General in document A/64/532.
各具体领 域包括:升级改造现有的交通运输能力、建设 [...]
“缺失路段”、便利货物和车辆跨界移动、以及努力把现有的交通运输模式 整合为一个真正的多式联运系统。
Specific areas included the [...]
upgrading of existing transport capacity, the construction of “missing links”, facilitating
the movement of goods and vehicles across borders and integrating existing modes of transport into a truly intermodal regional transport system.
这样 做有若干理由,其中包括彼此关联而且往往重叠的众 多行为体和活动的存在,此外也是因为每个情况各 具特点,很难作出同样反应。
That is due to a number of reasons, including the existence of numerous actors and activities that are
interrelated and
[...] often overlap, as well as to the specificities of each case, making it very difficult to offer uniform [...]
关于第 6 条草案,特别报告员提到了讨论期间对人道、中立、公正和相称
[...] 原则表达的某些关切,这些原则已经适用 各具 体 领域的法律,包括国际人道主 义法和《联合国宪章》的不使用武力问题。
As regards draft article 6, the Special Rapporteur recalled some of the concerns that were expressed during the debate regarding the reference to the principles of humanity, neutrality,
impartiality and proportionality, which had
[...] been employed in specific areas of law, [...]
including in international humanitarian law
and on the non-use of force in the Charter of the United Nations.
内 部因素有:PCT 与其他申请途径相比的收费水平;PCT 服务与其他申请途径相比的吸引力和价 值;专利制度运作的整体可信度;以 各具 体 公司的专利战略。
Internal factors include: the level of PCT fees as compared to other filing routes; the attractiveness and value of PCT services as compared to other filing routes; the overall credibility of performance of the patent system; and individual corporate patent strategies.
申请的援助应视为预付款项,垫款的支付必须以收到包括项 各具 体 组 成部 分的费用在内的详细工作计划为准。
Requests will be treated as advance payments which must be
based on the receipt of a detailed work plan including the
[...] costs of the specific elements that [...]
make up the contribution.
我覺得政府應該從中汲取經驗,讓這些經驗可以應用到其他公園上,使我們 香港眾多公園各具公園 的特徵,以及可以令更多人使用這些康樂設施。
I think the Government should learn from this experience and apply the experience to other parks so that the many parks in Hong Kong will share the special features of this Park and more people can use the recreational facilities there.
但提供人道主义援助各 方在做法各具其独 立性,它们有各自的时间表和优 先次序,有时不愿在有军方参与的情况下提供援助。
However, that community is culturally independent and has its own schedule and priorities, and at times it is not comfortable delivering aid with the military involved.
AIA香港作為香港最大的保險公司之一,了解市民對健康生活保障的需要,特別提供一系 各具 特 色 的嶄新醫療保險產品和服務。
AIA Hong Kong, one of the largest insurers in Hong Kong, fully understands people’s need of healthy living and
protection hence, providing a series of innovative health insurance products and
[...] services that carry various innovative features.
为了支持伊拉克政府目前的体制发展,联伊援助团宪法支助办公室继续就宪 法和法律事项向伊拉克国民议各具 体 委 员会提供技术和法律咨询,包括妇女、 [...]
儿童和家庭事务委员会及地区委员会,并担任国际立法圆桌会议的联合主席,这 是一个用于讨论和信息交流的论坛。
In support of the ongoing institutional development of the Government of Iraq, UNAMI’s Office of Constitutional
Support continued to provide technical and
[...] legal advice to specific committees of the [...]
Council of Representatives on constitutional
and legislative matters, including the Committee on Women’s, Children’s and Family Affairs, the Regions Committee, as well as serving as the co-chair of the international legislative round table, a forum for discussion and information exchange.
如有必要,可以各具体问 题起草小组的工作结合进行。
This could be combined with work in
[...] drafting groups on specific issues as needed.
为此所采用的战略包括:更广泛地宣传介绍在亚太经社会 谋求职业发展机会,以便在全世界范围内吸引潜在的候选人,特别是那些来自
[...] 尚未有任何工作人员任职或那些工作人员人数比例偏低的成员国的候选人,并各具体领域的专业人员为征聘对象,以期推动确保两性比例平衡。
The strategy pursued included the wider distribution of information about career opportunities at ESCAP in order to attract potential candidates worldwide, in particular from
unrepresented and underrepresented member
[...] States, to target specific areas of expertise [...]
and to promote a better gender balance.
[...] 政主管部门批准紧急法令,用以落 各具 体 部 门,包括各区域政府和地方政 府的承诺。
Steps in this direction were taken this year, and Congress is working with the executive to secure passage of
an emergency decree that would lead to
[...] undertakings in specific sectors at, [...]
inter alia, the regional and local government levels.
(a) 我赞赏地注意到,安全理事会在关于联合国特派团任务授权或延长任务
[...] 期的决议中越来越多地作出具体指示,要 求其各具体部门的巩固和平与恢复工 作中处理性别平等问题。
(a) I note with appreciation that the Security Council is increasingly giving specific instructions in resolutions containing or renewing mandates of United
Nations missions with regard to addressing gender
[...] issues in sector-specific aspects of peace [...]
consolidation and recovery.
這 是 視各 具 體 情 況 下 的 事 實 與 法 律 而 定 , ( 大 抵 ) 與 普 通 法 下 的 情 況 很 相 似 。
It will be a matter of fact and law in each given set of circumstances, (presumably) much as it was under the common law.
与会者注意到,负各具体部 门的决策者可借此机会跳出部门的局限性,考虑跨 部门之间的联系,从而确定适应措施一体化的共同收益。
Participants noted the opportunities for decision
[...] makers with sector-specific responsibilities [...]
to look outside sector boundaries and consider
cross-sector links in order to identify co-benefits of integrated adaptation measures.
各具優勢 ,強強聯合,必定會增強C919和C系列兩個飛機項目以及中國商飛和龐巴迪兩家公司總體業務的競爭力。
This will certainly contribute to
[...] enhancing the competitiveness of not only [...]
the C919 and CSeries aircraft programs, but
also of COMAC and Bombardier's overall businesses," said Mr. Jin, Chairman, COMAC.
每个特派团的任务都有一定期限,和平 行动的需要是持续存在的,各具体 特 派团的需要是 暂时性的,必须保持两者之间的区别,以避免不合理 地期待反复任用。
Each mission had a finite mandate, and the distinction between the ongoing need for peace operations and the temporary need for individual missions had to be preserved in order to avoid unreasonable expectations of recurring appointment.
店內展示的高級品牌來自世界時裝重地 各具 不 同 風格,卻都是時尚潮流的尖端逸品,而且“C”亦會定期推介本地傑出設計師的作品,以及銷售本地優質品牌的貨品。
The store showcases the high-end products
by international fashion design
[...] heavyweights, with each possessing a different [...]
style, yet being a top-notch piece in terms of the fashion trend.
关于这一点,特别委员会认识到各主要委员会因其构成 各具 专 长和经验, 建议议程项目的分配不但应根据各委员会的工作量,而且应根据项目的性质, [...]
同时顾及议事规则第九十九条和第一○一条c 的规定[第89段]。
In this connection, the Committee,
recognizing that the structure of the Main
[...] Committees gives them specialization [...]
and experience, recommends that the allocation
of agenda items should be based not only on the workload of the Committees but also on the nature of the item, regard being had to rules 99 and 101c of the rules of procedure
又强调鉴于一项有效补救中各不同组成部分相互关联的性质,各国应根各 具体案 例的需要提供适当的援助和支助,以便作出赔偿、恢复原状、补偿和抵 偿,并保证不重犯
Emphasizing also that, owing to the interrelated nature of the different components of an effective remedy, States should provide, as appropriate in each individual case, assistance and support aimed at restitution, rehabilitation, compensation and satisfaction, and guarantees of non-repetition
香港除了由特區政府、宗教組織和慈善機構主辦的公營學校:官立、資助、按額資助及資助特殊學校以外,還有直資、私立及國際學校,不同的學校課程和費 各具 優 勢 ,可按個人要求挑選。
Apart from these, there are other schools you can choose from, including the
Direct Subsidy Schools, Private Schools and
[...] International Schools with various school syllabi and [...]
school fee structures.
然而,这并不妨碍委员会成员对特别报告员各次报告中提 及各具体问 题发表意见,包括对方法和概念方面问题发表重要评论,对有关将 [...]
豁免纳入综合考虑的国际司法体系的问题以及豁免与国际司法体系其他体制、原 则和价值的关系发表评论。
This did not, however, prevent the members
[...] from commenting on various specific issues raised in [...]
the reports of the Special Rapporteur,
including by expressing significant opinions on methodological and conceptual matters and opinions relating to the inclusion of immunity in the international legal system as a whole and its relationship to other institutions, principles and values of that system.
弗朗克•梅倫認為,這些媒體帶給公眾的觀點因其節目的多樣性 各具 特 色 ,“我們不是法國之聲,而是傳播法蘭西價值觀”。
These media make it possible to bring a French viewpoint which is characterised, according to Frank Melloul, by the diversity of the programmes: “We are not the voice of France, but the voice of France’s values”.
鉴于个体国家的复苏步伐各不相同,其所面临的挑 各具 特 色 , 这些国家有着不同的政策优先:一些国家将能够提前逐步结束刺激政策,而其他 国家可能必须加紧整顿公共债务。
Given their diverse pace of recovery and their idiosyncratic challenges, individual countries have different policy priorities: some will be able to unwind stimulus policies earlier, while others may have to consolidate their public debt more urgently.
五条次轴,是经过一定的艺术处理和改造,在原有水体的骨架之上,形成 各具 特 色 ,或宽阔或细长、或平静或流动、或艺术或生态的多样水景。
We do some artistic changes on the five subsidiary routes on the previous skeleton, to create exclusive water view or being broad or slight, static or moving, aesthetic or biological, which to a large extend represents the theme and character of the park.




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