单词 | 吃苦耐劳的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 吃苦耐劳的 adjective—tough adj吃苦耐劳 —hardworking and enduring hardships [idiom.]See also:吃苦—hardships 吃苦 v—bear v 苦劳—toil • hard work 耐劳—hardy • able resist hardship
52岁的机械师Igor Yaroslavtsev在矿井下工作了16年,他说,“这俨然是矿井 里 吃苦耐劳的 役 马。 solidgroundmagazine.com | This is the workhorse of the mine,” says Igor Yaroslavtsev, a 52-year-old [...] mechanic who has worked down the mine for 16 years. solidgroundmagazine.com |
它拥有能吃苦耐劳的身体 特点,这和它那温顺热情的天性形成鲜明的对比。 eukanuba.com.cn | Their hardy physical attributes could not be more different than their gentle and affectionate nature. fr.eukanuba.ch |
我们的工人非常吃苦耐劳……报酬相对 较低,他们却每天工作到 13-14 个小时”,公司副总裁 在接受《华尔街日报》采访时如是说。 crisisgroup.org | Our workers are used to eating bitterness ... they can work [...] 13 to 14 hours a day for very little”, its vice president told the Wall Street Journal. crisisgroup.org |
我看见了日惹人的刻苦耐劳。 4tern.com | I saw the hardworking farmers. 4tern.com |
性别成 见施加给男人很多压力,他们要 “吃苦耐 劳”,要“养家糊口”,因此他们的 工 作 环境 往往比较恶劣,潜在着工伤、暴力、犯罪和 监禁(服军役、从事治安和消防工作)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Such stereotypes put pressure on them to be [...] ‘tough’ and to be the [...] ‘breadwinner’; resulting in conditions of labor that are often harsh and that may involve [...]injury, violence, crime, [...]and imprisonment (military service, policing, firefighting, etc.). unesdoc.unesco.org |
1、大学专科及以上学历,有广告策划相关经验及成功案例者优先; [...] 2、具备出色的文案功底和丰富的创意思维,擅长PPT的制作; 3、较强的理解与表达能力,思路清晰; 能 吃苦耐劳 , 能 承受较 大 的 工 作 压力和 快节奏的工作; 4、有强烈的工作激情,良好的服务意识和团队合作精神。 sinodms.com | In 1, university degree or above, have advertising planning related experience and successful case is preferred; 2, with excellent skills and a wealth of creative thinking, good at PPT production; 3, good understanding and [...] expression ability, clarity of [...] train of thought; can bear hardships and stand hard work, can [...]withstand greater pressure of [...]work and work in a fast pace; in 4, has a strong passion for work, good service consciousness and team spirit. sinodms.com |
如果 我們捨 本 逐 末,失 去 吃 苦 耐 勞、拼搏向 上的德 性,社 會 陷 入 互 相 鬥 爭、互 相 攻伐的 漩渦, 不 能把眼 光 從 局 部擴大 到 全 局,從 彈 丸 之 地 拓 展 到 全 中國,以 致 全世界, 那 麼 一個相對富 有的地 區 便 可 能 很 快 淪 為 貧 困的地 區。 legco.gov.hk | If we attend to the trifles to the neglect of the essentials, and let go the virtue of being able to bear hardships, stand hard work and strive for advancement; if our society snaps into a swirl of internecine conflicts, and if our vision remains so confined that it fails to extend from a tiny place to the whole of China or even to the whole world, then a relatively affluent place might easily degenerate into a poverty-stricken enclave. legco.gov.hk |
寿命测试、耐用性和疲劳测试都是在 Scott 的实验室进行的,其中几乎完全使用 Brüel & Kjær 解决方案进行测试。 bksv.cn | Life-cycle testing, durability, reliability and fatigue testing are all [...] carried out in Scott’s laboratories, where Brüel [...]& Kjær solutions are used almost exclusively for testing purposes. bksv.com |
(1) 禁止让未满 18 岁的人员从事涉及下列情况的劳动: 艰 苦 、 有 害 和/ 或危险的工作条件、地下工作以及可能会对未成年人的健康或道德操守造 [...] 成损害的工作(赌博,夜总会工作,酒精饮料、烟草制品、麻醉品和有毒产 品的生产、运输和销售)。 daccess-ods.un.org | (1) Labour of persons that have not reached 18 [...] years is prohibited if it involves hard, harmful and/or dangerous working [...]conditions, underground work, as well as works that may cause damage to health or moral integrity of minors (gambling, work in night clubs, production, transport and sale of alcoholic drinks, of tobacco products, of narcotic and toxic products). daccess-ods.un.org |
危险工作据解释包括“长时间劳动……或儿童不合理的被 限制在雇主的场所从事劳动”,这里所 指 的 是 家 庭佣工 或 吃 住 劳 动 在工厂和血汗 工厂的工人。62 《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员公约的所有规定都同样适用 [...] 于移徙童工,即使《公约》没有明文提到自己到处流动寻找工作的儿童的情况也 照样适用。 daccess-ods.un.org | The latter has been interpreted to include “work for long hours … or work where the child is unreasonably confined to the premises of the [...] employer”, which is intended to [...] refer to domestic workers, or workers who live and work in factories [...]and sweatshops.62 All of the [...]provisions of the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families apply equally to child migrant workers, even though the Convention does not explicitly refer to the situation of children who migrate on their own for work. daccess-ods.un.org |
(5) 窮 困 的 被 告 人 可 能 難 以 籌 措 現 金 作 保,因 而 導 致 貧 窮 的 人 要 吃 苦 頭 。 hkreform.gov.hk | (5) Defendants with little means may find it difficult to raise cash for bail resulting in the poor being penalised. hkreform.gov.hk |
我們今天的宗旨應該是將 心比心,緊記過去,“己所不欲,勿施於人”,還是要非華裔人士子女也 吃吃苦,抱着“今天也輪到你們了” 的 心 態 ,任由他們受到漠視與冷待? legco.gov.hk | Should we put ourselves in their shoes, be mindful of the past and decide not to treat others the way we ourselves do not want, or should we give a hard time to the children of [...] non-Chinese people with the [...] mentality that it is now their turn to suffer and remain indifferent when they are [...]neglected and treated without sympathy? legco.gov.hk |
局長在這裏安排了這麼多“狗仔隊”、這麼多職員,他們很 辛 苦, 吃飯的時間 也沒有,但仍要被罵,我們如何是好? legco.gov.hk | The Secretary has deployed so many "paparazzi" and staff members here. They have to work very hard and cannot even have meal breaks, but they are still scolded. legco.gov.hk |
此外,存在雇用未满 18 岁人员从事艰苦的体 力劳动和使用不符合必要安全要求的设备的情况(附件 1 表 13)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cases have been registered when persons younger than 18 years are employed in hard physical work, use equipment that does not correspond to the necessary safety requirements (Table No. 13 from Annex No. 1). daccess-ods.un.org |
建设和平需要无限的耐心, 需要每一天、每一周 给予关心,需要齐心协力,与平民百姓连为一体,接 近他们,听他们倾诉,与他们沟通,使他们感到领导 人确实关心他们的疾苦、需求和梦想。 daccess-ods.un.org | Peace must be built block by block, community by community, and it [...] requires unlimited patience and care every day, every week, through working together, connecting with common people, being accessible to them, listening and communicating, making them feel that leaders do care about their suffering, needs and dreams. daccess-ods.un.org |
為了香 港 的 現 在和未來, 社 會 各 界 , 包括政 府 、 學校、 家長,都 應 設 法 解 決這個問題 , 使 香 港 人 刻 苦 耐 勞、善於學 習 、 靈活應 變 的 優 良 傳 統 能 夠再 放 異 彩 , 使 香 港 再次提高競爭力 , 趕 上 知 識 經 濟 的 新 潮 流 。 legco.gov.hk | For the benefit of the present and future development of Hong Kong, all sectors of the community, including the Government, schools and parents should make every effort to solve this problem so that the fine tradition that embodies assiduousness, enthusiasm for learning and adaptability of Hong Kong people can recapture its splendours, thereby enhancing Hong Kong's competitive edge and enabling Hong Kong to catch up with the new trend of development towards a knowledge-based economy. legco.gov.hk |
所以,很多人都是憑着奮鬥和吃苦的精 神 ,到了今天才有機會或有資格成為納稅人。 legco.gov.hk | As a matter of fact, many people have become a taxpayer or qualified to be a taxpayer today through the spirit of hard work and endurance. legco.gov.hk |
因 此 , 雖然我們 對 議 案 中引述的 所 謂 “ 依賴文 化 ” 這 種說法 是 有所保 留 , 但對於劉漢銓議員提出 議 案 的 重 點 , 即 促 請 政 府採取積極措施, 鼓 勵市民發 揮 自 強 不 息 、 刻 苦 耐 勞 和 靈活應 變 的 香 港 精 神 , 我 們 是完全支持 的,所以民 建聯是支持劉漢銓議員的議案 。 legco.gov.hk | Hence, although we have reservations about the so-called "dependency culture" as referred to in the motion, we fully support the salient points in the motion moved by Mr Ambrose LAU; that is, to urge the Government to adopt positive measures to encourage the community to give full play to the Hong Kong spirit which embodies continuous self-improvement, assiduousness and adaptability. legco.gov.hk |
它们还可以提升热塑性聚氨酯弹性体最终产品(例如 垫片、O 形圈和密封圈等)的性能,具有卓越的低温抗挠 曲疲劳性、良好的水解稳定性和抗化学腐蚀性、优 异 的耐 油耐溶剂性、低压缩形变、低气味和良好的着色性。 perstorp.ch | They also improve the performance of thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer end-products such as gaskets, o-rings and seals, with [...] excellent [...] low-temperature flex fatigue, good hydrolysis and chemical resistance, excellent oil and solvent resistance, low compression set, low odor and good paintability. perstorp.ch |
本仪器符合ISO 5626、GB/T 2679.5、QB/T 1049等标准中有关规定,适用于测定厚度小于1mm以下的纸张、纸板及其他片状材 料 的耐 折 叠 疲 劳 强 度。 sino-corrugated.com | It is applied to measure folding endurance of the paper, board and other sheet materials which thickness is less than 1mm. sino-corrugated.com |
事 實上, 外 國 有 很 多 公司多 年 前 均 已 放 棄 本 土 生 產 , 改為將生 產 線 移 往 內 地,除 了因為內 地 土 地 和 租 金 便 宜 外 , 工 人 較 低 廉 的 工 資 和工人 刻苦耐 勞 的 特 性 , 對他們來 說也相 當 吸 引。 legco.gov.hk | In addition to cheaper land and rents, lower wages and hardworking labour in the Mainland have proved to be very attractive to them. legco.gov.hk |
因 Hytrel® 具备出色的耐疲劳性和设计灵活性,等速万向节防尘罩可设计成比橡胶套更小的尺寸,从而减少万向节防尘罩系统的油脂量和总成本。 dupont.cn | Excellent fatigue resistance and design [...] flexibility of Hytrel® allows CVJ boots to be designed in smaller sizes than rubber [...]boots, which reduces amount of greases and total cost of the CVJ system. www2.dupont.com |
不 想記起 慘 無 人道的日 子 , 只 會 令 人容易 受 新 的 暴 行所害 ……作為人 類 的 一 分 子 , 我們已 汲 取 了教訓, 但 仍 然有再吃 苦 頭 的 機 會 ……。 希 特 勒 這 個 人 就 是 要不斷 挑 起 偏 見、敵 意 和 仇 恨 。 legco.gov.hk | Whoever does not wish to remember inhumanity becomes susceptible to the dangers of new infection …… As human beings we have learned, as human beings, we remain endangered …… HITLER ceaselessly endeavoured to stir up prejudices, enmities and hatred. legco.gov.hk |
实验室和现场测试显示,PureForce 过滤器具有最高水平的耐爆和耐疲劳 特性 – PureForce 平均超过主要竞争者公布的耐爆压力规格 65%。 baldwinfilters.com | Lab and field testing show that PureForce filters have the [...] highest level of burst and fatigue characteristics — with [...]PureForce exceeding the leading [...]competitor’s published burst pressure specifications by an average of 65%. baldwinfilters.com |
偷猎、家养驯鹿变野、天敌(狼)的数 目增加、大规模砍伐森林、驯鹿吃的 藓 类 植物数量减少、北方驯鹿牧地租金高(每 公顷林地租金 5.35 卢布)和其他许多原因,也导致萨哈林的驯鹿牧养出现灾难性 的局面。 daccess-ods.un.org | Poaching, the feralization of the domestic reindeer, the increasing number of predators (wolves), massive deforestation, a decrease in the number of reindeer moss, high rent for northern reindeer herding, at 5.35 rubles per hectare on forest area units and many other reasons have also led to the catastrophic situation of reindeer herding in Sakhalin. daccess-ods.un.org |
曾蔭權當天說的這句話,再結合今 天這份扭曲民意、背信違諾的《綠皮書》和報告,令人不得不懷疑政府與建 制派的意圖,便是要複製一次 2005 年的政改 陷阱,迫使香港社會在“爛橙” 與“沒有橙吃”之間,作出無奈而違 心 的 選 擇。 legco.gov.hk | If this remark made by Donald TSANG on that day is considered in the light of this Green Paper and Report that distort pubic opinion and run counter to his pledges, one cannot but harbour suspicions about the intention of the Government and the pro-establishment camp, that is, they want to bring about a repeat of the constitutional reform trap set in 2005, [...] so that the Hong [...] Kong public will have no alternative but to choose unwillingly between getting a rotten orange and getting no orange to eat at all. legco.gov.hk |