单词 | 吃穿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 吃穿 —food and clothingExamples:没吃没穿—be without food or clothing [idiom.] • be very poor See also:吃 v—eat v • consume v • absorb v • stammer v • eradicate v 穿—put on • pass through • penetrate • thread • pierce • bore through • perforate
如果您真的很艱難地在維持基本的 吃穿 需 求 ,一些社會服 務能提供緊急救助或幫您找到您需要的支援。 australiansuper.com | If you are really struggling with even the basics like food and clothing, a number of social services can provide emergency relief or help you find the support you need. australiansuper.com |
1993年在尼泊爾發生了空前的大水災,死傷無數,數千戶人家流離失所,沒 得 吃 、 穿。 utbf.org | In 1993, there was a severe and unprecedented flood in Nepal that caused a large number of casualties. utbf.org |
(a) 针对与提高吃、穿、住、医疗等生活 水平,提高家庭生活质量及环境质量 有关的这类特殊职业 unesdoc.unesco.org | (a) orientate the special occupational field to raising standards of living in terms of nutrition, clothing, housing, medical services, the quality of family life and that of the environment unesdoc.unesco.org |
许多孩子在成长过程中没有或缺少成人监护, 缺 吃 少 穿 , 没 有卫生设施,并且缺少健康成长的其他重要基本条件。 unicef.org | A large number of children are growing up with very little or no adult supervision, with fewer meals, poor shelter, no sanitation and a lack of other basics important for their well-being. unicef.org |
稳定和安全是经济发 展的先决条件,而经济发展又使得新加坡人能 够 吃 饱 穿 暖 、安居乐业并接受教 育。 daccess-ods.un.org | Stability and security are the prerequisites of economic growth, which in turn enables Singaporeans to be fed, housed and educated. daccess-ods.un.org |
依靠一萬多元的收入,租了 一個像樣的地方居住後,便所剩無幾 , 吃 和 穿 的 也 捉襟見肘。 legco.gov.hk | A person who earns slightly more than $10,000 a month and rents a decent place do not have much money left, and he will be financially tight in buying food and clothing. legco.gov.hk |
在这种情况下,平民有权得到保护,国家不仅 承担保障流离失所的平民生活,解决他们 的 吃 、 穿、 住 和看病问题的首要责任,同时也要根据《关于境内 流离失所问题的指导原则》的规定确保其安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this context, civilians have a right to be protected and the State has the primary responsibility not only to provide for the welfare of displaced civilians in terms of food, clothing, medical care and shelter, but also to ensure their safety in keeping with the provisions of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中提到,犯 人被普遍剥夺吃饭、穿衣、 看书及其他基本需求,而且还指控待遇和条件相当于 [...] 虐待或残酷、非人道或有辱人格的待遇或惩罚。 daccess-ods.un.org | While general deprivations of food, clothes, books and [...] other basic needs were noted, testimony also consisted of allegations [...]of treatment and conditions that would amount to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. daccess-ods.un.org |
2012年伊始,他带领罗兰贝格参与了上海非政府组织“米饭妈妈”的“爱之盒”计划("Boxes of Love"),召集全公司一起为中国偏远地区孤儿募集善款,并美化、装点了100个充满爱意的盒子,为其送 去 吃 、 穿 、 用 等生活用品。 rolandberger.com.cn | At the beginning of this year, Mr. Bouée encouraged all employees to participate in the "Boxes of Love" fundraising initiative by NGO Mifan Mama. A total of 100 boxes of food, clothing, and other daily necessities were sent to orphaned children in remote areas of China. rolandberger.com.cn |
此外,我相信吳靄儀議員提出此修正案亦是基於善心,她列明須給予受 影響人士要吃、要穿的合 理生活開支,但我恐怕有時候這樣訂明的寫法會掛 一漏萬,因為有些支出是很難全部列出來的,例如,交通方面的支出是否有 需要呢? legco.gov.hk | She puts it very clearly in the amendment that the affected person must be allowed enough money to meet reasonable expenses on food, clothing, and so on. legco.gov.hk |
我国的捐款目的在于根据巴 基斯坦政府提出的优先重点采购物资,以解决脆弱群 体的吃、住、穿和健康需求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Our contribution aims at enabling the acquisition of goods according to the priorities of the Pakistani Government, in order to address the food, shelter, clothing and health needs of vulnerable populations. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席先生,經濟發展並不是文明的唯㆒指標,即使㆒處㆞方的建築物愈來愈高,所開 的路愈來愈多,㆟民吃的、穿的愈 來愈好,亦不代表那個㆞方是文明的,因為即使物 質有多豐富,亦不代表在這個㆞方生活的㆟的㆟權是受到尊重。 legco.gov.hk | Nor does the material affluence of a place mean that the human rights of its people are respected. legco.gov.hk |
我們發現他們吃少 了、穿少了 、用少了,即在整體開支中,這數方面的開支減少了。 legco.gov.hk | We find that they ate less, bought less clothes [...] and spent less, that is, the spending on these several items vis-a-vis the [...]overall spending had decreased. legco.gov.hk |
不過,如 果 一 位 長 者 連 吃 也 吃 不 飽,穿 也 穿 不 暖,又 如 何 鼓勵他們走入社 會, 有所作為呢 ? legco.gov.hk | Nevertheless, if an old person lacks food and clothing that keeps him warm and full, how can we encourage him to participate in society and make contribution? legco.gov.hk |
人们可能会DVD翻录的音频不同步,有轻微的 口 吃 在 洞 穿 视 频 ,输出视频可辨别在开玩笑。 daniusoft.com | People may get the DVD ripped with audio out of sync, a slight stutter in the ripped video, a discernable jerking in the output video. daniusoft.com |
現時,㆟們可以自由選擇工作;㆟們可以自由往返各省市,㆟們可以自由選擇到甚麼 ㆞方吃東西及穿甚麼衣服。 legco.gov.hk | Nowadays, people are free to choose [...] their jobs; people are free to move between provinces and cities; people are [...] free to choose where to eat and what to wear. legco.gov.hk |
中国以占世界 [...] 6%的淡水和 9%的耕地,满足了世 界 20%人口吃饭和穿衣的 需求,并业已实现千年发展 目标 [...]1(消除赤贫)。 daccess-ods.un.org | His country, with 6 per cent of the world’s fresh water and 9 per cent of its farming [...] land, had met the food and clothing needs [...] of its population, which accounted for 20 [...]per cent of the world’s total, and had [...]already achieved MDG 1, eradication of extreme poverty. daccess-ods.un.org |
為何政府要令這些老㆟家,病,不敢看醫生;餓,不 敢 吃 得 飽 ;著,不 敢 穿 得太 好? legco.gov.hk | Why is the Government making things so difficult for these old people in such a [...] that they dare not see the doctor [...] when they are ill, dare not eat to their fill when hungry [...]and dare not have some more decent clothes? legco.gov.hk |
我們所購買的東西、穿的、吃的、 甚至交通工具,全部也跟不公平競爭、 高地價政策有關,我們在租金、樓價方面付出了代價。 legco.gov.hk | Everything that we buy, wear and eat, or even the modes [...] of transport are all related to unfair competition and the high [...]land price policy, and we also have to pay a price in the rents we paid and the price of our properties. legco.gov.hk |
它是在地球上空,它的居民是“有光明和永 生 穿 衣 服 , 吃 的 生 命树”(同上lviii。 mb-soft.com | It is above the earth, and its inhabitants are [...] "clothed with garments of light and eternal life, and eat of the tree of life" [...](ib. lviii. 3) in the [...]company of the Lord and His anointed. mb-soft.com |
我相信香港有非常多人認為經濟 歸經濟,民主發展必須繼續進行 ⎯⎯ 我們不是一些只求溫飽的動物, 我們不是只要吃得飽穿得暖 ,便可忘記我們社會價值的人 ⎯⎯ 對這些 人,特首是非常不尊重的。 legco.gov.hk | I believe there are a large number of people in Hong Kong who think that democratic development must be continued regardless of the economic situation ― we are not animals concerned only about sufficiency of food and clothing. legco.gov.hk |
每一次到傍晚時分,羊兒們會穿梭 葡萄 園 吃 草 和 回家。 4tern.com | During dusk, sheep will return home and wandering around in vineyard. 4tern.com |
贝宁政府将一方面努力巩固基本自由,一方面努力改善贝宁公民的生活状 况,确保他们享有基本权利,即:有房住、有医看、有 饭 吃 、 有 衣 穿 和 有 学上。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the Government of Benin works to consolidate fundamental freedoms, it will also work to improve the living conditions of its citizens by ensuring their access to basic rights, i.e. to shelter, medical care, food, clothing and education. daccess-ods.un.org |
大家都 知道,勞動力市場與一般商品市場是有分別的,如果工人的工資太低,他們 會擔心自己的子女可否吃得飽、穿得 暖 ,但一隻香蕉不會因為被人賤賣,而 擔心“蕉仔蕉女”可否養得大。 legco.gov.hk | As we all know, the difference between the labour market and the general commodity market is that if the wages of workers are too low, they will worry about whether their children will have enough to eat and wear. legco.gov.hk |
譚香文議員:主席女士,我記得我小時候家裏很窮,我們一家十二口擠在東 頭邨一個很小的徙置區單位中,當時生活很困難,勉勉強強可說 是 吃 得 飽、 穿得暖。 legco.gov.hk | MISS TAM HEUNG-MAN (in Cantonese): Madam President, I recall that my family of 12 was very poor when I was small and all of us cramped together in a very small flat in Tung Tau Estate. legco.gov.hk |
我以前在地區做事,曾接觸一位 [...] 六七十歲的獨居長者,他已退休,沒有工作、沒有子女、也沒有收入,他每 天只吃一餐,真真正正是“食穀種”, 既 吃 不 飽, 亦 穿 不 暖。 legco.gov.hk | He did not eat enough and he never wore enough to [...] stay warm. legco.gov.hk |
但是,“派糖”必然會有很多後遺症,讓一些肥胖至癡肥、一些肥胖至 連襪子也穿不上的人再吃糖, 不但對他們的牙齒有害,亦會對他們的身體產 [...] 生副作用,即所謂加速他們的死亡。 legco.gov.hk | Not only will giving people who are fat or even obese, or people who are [...] so fat that they cannot put on [...] their socks more sweets to eat be harmful to their teeth, [...]this will also have side effects [...]on their body, that is, what people call hastening them to their deaths. legco.gov.hk |
依靠他人帮助才能完成日常活动(穿衣 、 吃 饭 、 洗澡、在室内活动、需 要他人随时在场,如该条例所述)的儿童(从 [...] 3 岁起),这种情况的严重 程度远远超过同龄人的正常水平 daccess-ods.un.org | A child (from age 3) dependent on the help of [...] others for the performance of everyday [...] functions (dressing, eating, washing, mobility [...]in the home and the permanent presence [...]of another, as defined in the regulations) to a degree significantly greater than is normal for his/her age group daccess-ods.un.org |
有特殊學校教師反映他們日常的工作,不但 要訓練學生梳洗、如廁及穿衣吃飯,亦要協助專業治療師進行各種治療,甚至要餵飯、 [...] 換尿布、抱學生㆖落! 至於學校社工亦需要兼顧學生的情緒心理,亦要為離校生進行就業輔導。 legco.gov.hk | Some teachers in special schools have told me that on top of teaching [...] their pupils to wash up, dress [...] themselves, go to toilet and eat their meals, they have [...]to assist the professional therapists [...]in all kinds of therapy and even go so far as feeding the pupils, changing their diapers and carrying them around. legco.gov.hk |
當然,今年已是㆒九九㆕年了,不可能再說生存權只是包括有屋住、有衣 服 穿 或 有東 西吃就足 夠,這些生存條件在今時今日的世界已經認為是必有的,亦不用多提。 legco.gov.hk | Nowadays, we of course can no longer say that the right to survive includes no more than having housing, clothes and food. legco.gov.hk |