

单词 吃喝玩乐

See also:

吃喝 v

take v


play around
disport oneself

External sources (not reviewed)

因为您值得好好款待,因为我们喜 吃喝 欢 乐 , 因 为每个城市也需要多些无拘束的乐趣。
Because you’re worth it, because we love food, and because every city needs more no-strings fun.
在夏季,人们聚集在这吃喝和听音 乐 , 河岸顿时变得热闹。
During the summer, the riverbanks come to life when
[...] people gather here to eat, drink and listen to music.
受到整个大喝彩的五位乐家演出了一场反映非洲对 音乐的影响的复杂性和多样性。
The whole audience gave them a standing ovation after they played a repertoire illustrating the complexity and variety of African influences on music elsewhere.
我們既 然 不可能 硬 性
要 求 旅 客 在不同 時 間 過 境,因此, 當 局 應 該 開 放目 前 的 邊 境 禁 區 , 在 關 卡 附 近 設 立 不 同特色 的
[...] 項目, 吸 引 旅 客 稍 作 逗 留 , 購 物 消 閒吃 、 喝 、 玩 、 樂
Since it is impossible for us to make travellers cross the border at different times, the authorities should open up part of the Frontier Closed Area and put in place facilities with different
characteristics near the border control point to attract passengers to
[...] stop over for shopping, eating or entertainment.
現在,網站用戶瀏覽不同的版面時,即可瀏覽由Groupon香港提供不同 吃喝玩 樂 優 惠,隨時享受更優質生活。
Users of the portal can now look for hot deals on the best
[...] things to do, see, eat and buy from Groupon [...]
Hong Kong.
Groupon透過遍及全球的網絡及規模,在世界各地48個國家為消費者提供最佳 吃喝玩 樂 和 購物每日精選優惠。
By leveraging the company's global
relationships and scale, Groupon offers consumers incredible deals on
[...] the best stuff to eat, see, do, and buy [...]
in 48 countries.
葉劉淑儀議員於2009年 3月致函旅發局, 向該局提出利用蘋果的網站App
[...] Store推廣香港的建議,擬議做法 包括邀請本港的軟件程式編製員,編寫有關如何在香 吃喝玩樂 的應用軟件。
In March 2009, Hon Mrs Regina IP wrote to HKTB suggesting making use of Apple's App Store
to promote Hong Kong by inviting local software programmers to develop
[...] applications about how to have fun in Hong Kong.
Socialito」(發音so•see•ah•’li •toe)
[...] 是一個墨西哥當地常用俚語,意思是人們聚集在一 吃喝玩 樂 , 也可以用來形容喜歡去玩和享受人生的潮人。
Socialito” [pronounced as so•see•ah•’li •toe] is a Mexican slang
expression commonly used in Mexico City to describe a place where people
[...] come together to eat, drink, play, and socialize.
2010 年和 2011 年,为了促进加沙儿童和青年的心理健康 和身体健康,近东救济工程处组织了夏令运动会,为约 200 000 名儿童提供了一 个难得玩乐、交友、学习和自由展现自我的机会。
In both 2010 and 2011, in order to promote the psychological and physical health of children and youth in Gaza, summer games were organized, providing a rare opportunity for around 200,000 children to play, make friends, learn and express themselves freely.
以此同時,也會分享更多元化,更多國度 吃喝玩 樂 景 點。
At the same time, tern will emphasis more on other great
[...] places, analyze fun elements of eat, stay, play and shop.
New York Magazine》的Jonathan Van Meter 说,“长达几十年之久,纽约人绝对不会想到 喝 酒 玩乐 的 地 方—宾馆,不论其好坏,转眼间已经成为一种势不可挡的文化力量,重回这个城市。
Says Jonathan Van Meter in New York Magazine, “After decades of irrelevancy—the last place on Earth most New Yorkers would go to be at the center of it all—hotels have become, for better or worse, a cultural force in the city again.
政府指出,儿童最佳利益的原则还要求将儿童与非亲属成年人分开拘 留,和儿童能使用休闲玩乐设施
The Government noted that the principle of the best interests of the child also
dictated that children be detained separately from unrelated
[...] adults and that they have access to leisure and play facilities.
為免落後於其他周邊國家,香港 應順應世界趨勢,在大嶼山開設一個 吃喝玩 樂 於 一身,並包括賭場的綜合 娛樂中心。
In order to avoid falling behind surrounding countries, Hong Kong should go along with the world trend and establish a leisure, gaming and entertainment complex with casinos on Lantau Island to offer dining, wining, gaming and entertainment.
我們看 到旅客對古蹟文物旅遊的興趣日漸濃厚,所以政府和旅遊業界均透過技術提 升計劃為導遊提供專門訓練,讓他們除了介 吃喝玩 樂 的 地方外,還有專門 知識,以介紹古物古蹟、當地的文化習俗、傳統風俗及儀式,從而能吸引更 多遊客到訪。
We can see that tourists are getting increasingly interested in cultural heritage tourism. So, the Government and the tourist industry have provided specialist training to tourist guides through the Skills Upgrading Scheme with a view to enhancing their expert knowledge of cultural heritage, local culture, traditional customs and rituals, apart from recommending to visitors places for fun and fine foods, thus attracting more visitors.
这种音乐发展不仅技术能力的学生弹钢琴,但也发展感情的"感觉 " 音 乐玩 时。
This music develops not only the
technical ability of a student to play the piano, but also develops one's emotion by
[...] "feeling" the music while playing.
[...] objects, like simple musical toys, should be sized [...]
so these children can easily grasp and manipulate them.
有成員認為十五湖、牌九、鬥蟋蟀、唱客家山歌、麵粉公仔、 孔明燈、節氣習俗、浸藥酒、豬腳薑、豉油、腐乳、大良牛 乳等等都屬於非物質文化遺產, 吃喝玩 樂 分類已經紀錄了 不同年代的文化和生活習慣,這些民間活動和現在的現代化 電腦化都有很大的對比。
A member opined that things like Shiwuhu (a type of Chinese card game), Paijiu (a game of Chinese dominoes), cricket fight, Hakka folk songs, dough modelling, sky lanterns, different customs at solar terms, medicinal liquor infusion, pig’s feet with ginger and sweet black vinegar, soy sauce, fermented tofu, Chinese cheese, etc. were all ICH.
但这些措施并不 妨碍申诉人的手和脚作有限的移动,也不妨碍 吃喝。
These measures did not prevent him from moving his hands and feet to
[...] some extent or from eating or drinking.
保持均衡飲食,切勿偏食,避吃喝 過 量 發酵食物和飲品,特別是 酒精飲品。
Avoid overindulgence of fermented foods and beverages, in particular alcoholic beverages.
电源午餐后感觉的副作用吃喝女孩 子们的热射线相结合的糖果,然后Ganggreen刚超级大国。
Power Lunch: After feeling
[...] a side effect from eating and drinking sweets [...]
combined with the Girls' heat ray, the Ganggreen Gang then get superpowers.
[...] 帕特里夏·安妮·何东"号轮船;捐赠100万港币建立了一个儿童基金;捐助1000吨大豆和9吨兽药,并促成了给朝鲜儿童500,000件 乐玩 具 的 捐助。
These awards are in recognition of the good deeds which Me Hotung has done for DPRK which include his playing a role in developing friendly and co-operative relationship between the peoples of DPRK and the United Kingdom; donating a vessel "M.V. Patricia Anne Hotung"; setting up a children's fund with an amount of HK$1 Million; contributing 1,000 tons of soya beans; donating
(9) tons of veterinary medicines and facilitating the gifting of
[...] 500,000 pieces of musical toys to the children [...]
of DPRK.
圣诞老人同样享受这节庆的乐,他 吃 香 喷喷的甜粥之余,也会和他太太与精灵们来一趟轻快的雪橇畅游。
Santa also enjoys the simple Yuletide
[...] pleasures, such as eating tasty ginger bread [...]
biscuits freshly baked by Mrs. Claus
and singing festive songs with the elves, so come and join him in the magical Arctic Circle – he might even sing you a carol.
一到晚冬时节,天色变得较明亮,欧纳斯河就特别热闹,都 玩乐 的 人 潮。
The river is especially crowded on bright late winter days.
徐汇油罐是一个玩乐的, 娱乐大众的并享有超凡江边景观的欢乐圣地。
Xuhui Tank
[...] Tops is a convivial place to have fun, be entertained and take [...]
advantage of the extraordinary views over the river.
我們明 白 完 善 配 套 對 旅 客 的 重 要性,
所以每 一 環 節 我們都要 做 到最好 , 包括加強 宣 傳 文 物 旅 遊、文 化 旅 遊、消 閒旅遊、綠色旅遊 , 使 香港成 為 亞 洲 盛
[...] 事 之 都 , 務 求 令 旅 客 能夠各適其 式 , 盡吃 、 喝 、 玩 、樂之 趣 。
We will step up our publicity efforts on Hong Kong as a spot of heritage tours, cultural tours, recreational tours and green tours. In brief, we will seek to make Hong Kong the Events
Capital of Asia, where tourists can derive immense
[...] pleasure from the cuisine, drinks, funs and excitement [...]
that we offer.
在對外推廣 方面, 只 重 千 篇 一 律的香港夜 景 、
淺 水 灣 、 青馬大橋 、 海 洋 公 園 和名店 林立,作為香港的賣 點 , 從 種種的 宣傳, 旅 客對香港的印象可 能 只 是 一 些 巍 峨 高
[...] 聳 的大廈 、熙 來 攘 往 的 街道和 多 姿 多 采吃 喝 玩 樂生活 。
What Hong Kong impresses tourists
may just be confined to certain skyscrapers, bustling streets and a
[...] great place for eating, drinking and pleasure [...]
num.传译二十一),也有更高,更精神鉴于饶教授:“在未来世界既不存 吃 , 喝 , 也没有生育,既不易货贸易也不嫉妒,没有仇恨,也没有冲突,但义人坐在他们头上的冠冕,享受的Shekinah辉煌,因为它是说:'他们看见了上帝, 吃 了 喝 ' , 这 就是他们看到上帝是肉类和饮料给他们“(Ber.
5 (Num. R. xxi.), there is also the higher and more spiritual view taught by
Rab: "In the world to
[...] come there is neither eating, drinking, nor procreation, neither barter nor envy, neither hatred nor strife; but the righteous sit with their crowns on their heads and enjoy the splendor of the Shekinah; for it is said: 'And they saw God and did eat and drink'; that is, [...]
their seeing God was
meat and drink to them" (Ber. 17a).
衞生署在進行研究後也知道,小學生本身是知道甚麼是健康飲食的, 因為他們從書本上讀過,也懂得唸出來,但他們在日常生活中卻未必跟從, 因為小食部有其他引誘,上街時也有其他引誘,又或正如王議員所說,家長 本身很溺愛他們,讓他們任吃喝, 所以便會出現問題。
After the completion of a study, the DH knows that primary students do know what a healthy diet is, for they have read it from books and even know how to recite it.
近来科学研究显示如孩子们一起大声朗读和唱歌或倾听乐,玩有声 响的游戏,对于早熟的激发既在感情沟通(孩子与父 [...]
母建立关系的机会)又了解知识的观点上(语言的理解、朗读的 能力和表达的技能-音乐等才能的孕育)都会有积极的影响。
Recent scientific research shows that early encouragements such as to read
out aloud and to sing or listen to
[...] music, to play with musical instruments together [...]
with children has a positive influence
both from an affective point of view (the opportunity of children and parents being able to relate to each other), and from the cognitive point of view (development of language comprehension, the capacity to read and the expression of a child’s musical potential).
百事公司最新的软饮产品百事NEXT希望以一个独特的切入点打入市场,开发想 喝 可 乐 却 偏 好中卡路里而不是零卡路里的人——消费者还未对这一类别产生兴趣。
PepsiCo’s newest soft drink Pepsi NEXT is looking to break into the market for people who want to drink “real tasting” cola but prefer mid-calories instead of zero-calories; a segment which hasn’t been embraced by consumers yet.




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