单词 | 吃人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 吃人—exploitativeoppressiveExamples:礼教吃人—sufferings brought about by Confucian ethics 吃豆人—Pac-Man (computer game) 令人吃惊—shock amaze 吃人不吐骨头—vicious and greedy ruthless See also:吃v—eatv consumev absorbv stammerv eradicatev 人n—peoplen humann mann
更加令人吃惊的或许是,一直以来,社会科学、 艺术和人文学科的团队规模增长率几乎与科学和工程研究相同 [7 ]。 biggerbrains.com | Perhaps even more surprisingly, the growth rates of social sciences and arts and humanities team sizes have been almost as large as those in science and engineering research[7] . biggerbrains.com |
尽管多年来为解决这一突出空白作出了努力,但私营军事 [...] 和保安承包商的问责问题仍然是一项挑战,检诉缺乏的程度令人吃惊。daccess-ods.un.org | Although there have been efforts to address this glaring gap over the years, [...] accountability of private military and security contractors continues to be a [...] challenge, witha startling lackof prosecutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
如同总司令菲德尔·卡斯特罗·鲁斯在许多场合所警告的,人类现面临历史 关键时刻;我们人类生存受到的威胁日益严重和令人吃惊,要保证核武器不被国 家或任何人使用,唯一的办法是彻底消灭或禁止这些武器。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the Cuban Commander-in-Chief, Fidel Castro Ruz, has warned on various occasions, humanity is now at a pivotal moment in history; threats to the survival of our species have grown increasingly serious and alarming, and the only way to guarantee that nuclear weapons cannot be used by States or other actors is to eliminate and strictly prohibit them. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,2010 年出 现索马里南部地区和中部一些地区得不到国际人道主义援助和发展援助的令人吃惊情况,邦特兰和索马里兰等北部地区情况好一些,但也不令人满 意。 daccess-ods.un.org | Consequently, 2010 saw an alarming void in international humanitarian aid and development assistance throughout southern and some parts of central Somalia, and to a lesser but by no means satisfactory level in the northern areas of Puntland and Somaliland. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,一个既令人吃惊又非常悲惨的事实 是,被占领国打死打伤的巴勒斯坦人中有三分之一以上是儿童,死伤者中还有数 百名妇女。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, it is both shocking andtragic that more than one third of those Palestinians killed and injured by the occupying Power were children and that hundreds of women were also killed or injured. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如相关国家的代 表团向审计组所强调的,“令人吃惊的是在 FIPC 存在的 36 年内,居然没有一个伊朗人被提 名(加入理事会)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As the Delegation of the country concerned pointed out to the auditing team, “it is surprising that no Iranian has been appointed (to the Administrative Council) throughout the 36 years that the IFPC has existed” even though the Islamic Republic of Iran “has many experts in this field”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
本来就没有很多的让球,托特纳姆热刺的那场比赛的让一球已经是最大的了,这场比赛也基本上是最让人吃惊的!这可是一场被绝大多数人,当然也包括我们的心水专家Kenny Lee都认为他们会取得一场很简单的胜利,就像三个赛季之前的那场9比1一样,而且维冈基本上也没有得分的利器。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | And it was one where most people, including our very own tipster Kenny Lee, were sure that Tottenham would cruise to an easy victory, like the 9-1 thrashing of three seasons ago. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
考虑到委员会总体上专注、细腻的行事风格和一贯不受仁慈心和 法律以外因素干扰,作出这种选择确实令人吃惊。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is truly surprising, given the Committee’s usual meticulousness and its care not to let compassion and legally questionable considerations interfere with its work. daccess-ods.un.org |
在讨 论中,我们很快注意到一个令人吃惊的事实:即贫困地区病人面临的现代疗法和传统疗法的选择问题;无论 是西方还是其他地区的与会者都注意到贫困地区人们大多数只选择传统疗法,关于传统 traditionsdavenir.info | One immediate andsurprising observation came during discussion of the subject: “the impoverished patient faced with modern or traditional treatments”; the participants (western or other) heard only the term “traditional ,” such is the controversy still surrounding this term. traditionsdavenir.info |
该决议草案不专 业的程度令人吃惊,是充满谬论、毫无根据和无法考 证的指控。 daccess-ods.un.org | The draft resolution was astonishingly unprofessional and full of fallacies and baseless, unverifiable allegations. daccess-ods.un.org |
正是这一鉴定结果导致执行局在其决定 166 EX/8.6 中 “对关于米奥利斯--邦万办公楼的状况令人吃惊的报告表示极大的不安”并“请总干事筹集 必要的资金”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This led the Executive Board in 166 EX/Decision 8.6 to express “its great anxiety with regard to the report on the alarming state of the buildings of the Miollis/Bonvin site” and to invite “the DirectorGeneral to seek the appropriate funding”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
即便这些人及 巴基斯坦人民党内的其他人不愿与当局合作,但巴基斯坦警方有办法传唤他们,令人吃惊的是,虽然这一罪行很严重,警方却没有这样做。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even if those persons and others within the PPP did not wish to cooperate with the authorities, the Pakistani police had the means to summon participation, and it is surprising that they did not, given the seriousness of the crime. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据犹太教的传统,小偷的人注定要填补unfillable罐;陷入泥潭的不纯汇; [...] thosethat用舌头被暂停,从而犯了罪,有些人的脚,头发,或眼睑暂停;别人吃热煤和砂,其他正在吞噬蠕虫,或置于火中雪和交替。 mb-soft.com | According to rabbinical tradition, thieves are condemned to fill an unfillable tank; the impure sink into a quagmire; thosethat sinned with the tongue are suspended [...] thereby; some are suspended by the feet, hair, [...] or eyelids; otherseat hotcoals andsand; [...]others are devoured by worms, or placed alternately in snow and fire. mb-soft.com |
最后,比利的父亲透露,其实他是一个人吃鼻塞,仅仅是为了生存,直到午餐时间。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | In the end, Billy’s dad reveals that he was [...] in fact the one whoate Sniffles merely to [...]survive until lunch time. seekcartoon.com |
然而,由于我们认为不合规“无 法避免”,再加上资源不够,以致于该系统长期受到善意忽略,到今天随着工作 量日益增加而处于难以为继的边缘,即便是不考虑这样一个令人吃惊的事实:即 每个条约平均有 23%的缔约国从未参与过该条约的审查程序。 daccess-ods.un.org | But by resigning ourselves to the “inevitability” of non-compliance and inadequate resources, the system was left to suffer a long history of benign neglect to the point where, today, it stands on the verge of drowning in its growing workload, even when leaving aside the shocking fact that at average 23 % of States parties to one treaty have never engaged in the review procedure of that treaty. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们之所以关注这个问题,是因为我们历来被排 除在安理厅之外,而且令人吃惊的是,小岛屿发展中 国家在总体上极少能成为安全理事会的成员。 daccess-ods.un.org | Our interest is born of our historical absence from this Chamber, and, indeed the appalling dearth of small island developing States (SIDS) in general among the membership of the Security Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列没收巴勒斯坦人民的土地、 摧毁其家园、扩建非法定居点和限制巴勒斯坦人的 行动自由却完全不受惩罚,这一点令人吃惊。 daccess-ods.un.org | The absolute impunity of Israel as it confiscated land, demolished homes, extended illegal settlements and restricted the movement of Palestinians was alarming. daccess-ods.un.org |
磅玉米或粮食,这足够发展中国 家两个人吃上一整年。27 发达国家为生物燃料生产提供补贴的政策则鼓励农民 从种植小麦和其它谷物转为种植生物燃料作物,从而助长粮食短缺和世界粮食市 场粮价扭曲现象。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, a special utility vehicle will require a total of 660 pounds of corn or food to fill its tank, enough to feed two people in a developing country for the whole year.27 Subsidies for biofuel production in developed countries have encouraged farmers to shift from growing wheat and other grains, thus contributing to a shortage of food and price distortions on world food markets. daccess-ods.un.org |
最让人吃惊的是,按照该研 究所的测算,与此同时,该方案仅占家庭收入的 0.7%。 daccess-ods.un.org | What is most striking is that the programme did the same thing, representing only 0.7 per cent of the families’ income, as measured by the research. daccess-ods.un.org |
令人吃惊的是,尽管秘书长的报告指出各方根 据《促进达尔富尔和平多哈文件》与达尔富尔民间 社会协作,开展了各种政治活动,然而,分发给安 理会成员的决议草案却没有提及延长特派团任务期 限必需的所有方面。 daccess-ods.un.org | notes the political activities of the various parties under the Doha Document, embracing civil society in Darfur, the draft resolution circulating among Council members does not refer to all aspects necessary to extend the Mission’s mandate. daccess-ods.un.org |
深表关注继续有报告指出,厄立特里亚当局严重侵犯其本国人民和同胞的人 权,包括侵犯公民权利和政治权利及经济、社会和文化权利,并且这种侵犯人权 行为造成人数令人吃惊的平民逃离厄立特里亚 daccess-ods.un.org | Expressing deep concern at the ongoing reports of grave violations of human rights by the Eritrean authorities against their own population and fellow citizens, including violations of civil and political rights, as well as economic, social and cultural rights, and the alarming number of civilians fleeing Eritrea as a result of those violations daccess-ods.un.org |
一些强国断言,当今全球环境更加有利于朝着核 裁军取得进展,并强调它们自己也致力于“零核”, 但是与此同时它们却令人吃惊地反对裁军谈判会议 进行关于这个核心问题的谈判。 daccess-ods.un.org | While some powerful nations assert that today’s global environment is more favourable for progress towards nuclear disarmament and stress their own commitment to nuclear zero, they are surprisingly opposed to the Conference on Disarmament engaging in negotiations on this core issue. daccess-ods.un.org |
这条新闻尤其令人吃惊,因为在最近的域名销售中,域名的价格都达到了7位数,包括510万美元的Toys.com,140万美元的Ad.com(本周销售),170万美元的Auction.com以及176万美元的Fly.com。 tipschina.gov.cn | The news [...] is especially stunning asit comes [...]on the heels of recent comparable sales in the seven-figure range including [...]Toys.com for $5.1m, Ad.com for $1.4m (this week), Auction.com for $1.7m and Fly.com for $1.76m. Other large sales have occurred but go unreported or are sealed by the purchase agreement. tipschina.gov.cn |
热收缩膜包装技术原本是为补充纸箱包装而设计 的经济型批发包装,而它却突然引发了PET瓶装 矿泉水令人吃惊的销售增量。 ocme.it | This technology was devised as an economical alternative to the cardboard box for the manufacturing of wholesale packs, and was instantly adopted as a result of the staggering growth in the consumption of mineral water in PET bottles. ocme.co.uk |
陈先生亦表示沙士疫症後,市民对健康饮食多了要求,得知燕麦有助降低胆固醇,该茶餐厅亦於日前增加健康早餐 -- 蛋白燕麦片及冬菇瘦肉燕麦,亦减少用油,务求令客人吃得更健康。 hkupop.hku.hk | With the outbreak of SARS, people are getting more health conscious. Knowing that oats is a healthy food and can reduce cholesterol level, he takes no time in launching a new health-oriented breakfast menu that includes oats withegg white and oats with pork and mushroom, while they are using less oil in cooking. hkupop.hku.hk |