单词 | 吃亏上当 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 吃亏上当 —be taken advantage ofSee also:吃亏—suffer losses • lose out • be at a disadvantage • come to grief • get the worst of it 上当—be duped • be fooled • taken in (by sb's deceit) 当上—assume • assume a position • take on (an office) • take up duty as 吃亏 adv—unfortunately adv
最后这点似乎相当不公平,因为与可能领取其它养老金的人相比,那些领受政府养老金 的人就吃亏了。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This last seems rather unfair as it would disadvantage those on government pensions compared to those who might be receiving other pensions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
但就在他说话有时,在丹尼尔的话说,人的儿子为(马克14:62)“ 天 上 的 云 降临”,他更经常讲的人子为注定 要 吃亏 , 在 语言的回忆仆人雅威在伊萨。 mb-soft.com | But while he speaks occasionally, in Daniel's [...] terms, of the Son of [...] man as "coming with the clouds of heaven" (Mark 14:62), he more often speaks of the Son of [...]man as destined to suffer, [...]in language reminiscent of the servant of Yahweh in Isa. mb-soft.com |
但是,平等权利行动方案对多数群体社区来讲是一个争论的焦点,尤其 是 当 多数 群体社区内较贫困的成员认为他们 吃亏 了 的 时候。 daccess-ods.un.org | Affirmative action programmes can, however, be a point of [...] contention for majority communities, in [...] particular when poorer members of majority communities perceive that they are losing out. daccess-ods.un.org |
基薪/底薪 表将按标准方法上调,即在不亏不 盈基 础 上 并 入 工作地点差价调整数乘数 点。 daccess-ods.un.org | The increase in the base/floor salary scale would be implemented through the standard method of consolidating post adjustment multiplier points on a no-loss/no-gain basis. daccess-ods.un.org |
被拘留者每天应当 至少能吃上具有 足够养营价值的两顿饭,以维持健康和体力 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Police stations should be given a budget to buy food for detainees, who should receive at least twice a day meals of sufficient nutritional value to maintain their health and strength daccess-ods.un.org |
豆邀请他的两个最好的朋友Rupert和休伯特·孔新年晚会,但他们这么多 , 当 他 去 准备 小 吃 , Tw iglets(这实 际 上 是 树 枝涂用酵母提取物)和加糖的醋作为... zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Bean invites his two best friends Rupert and Hubert for [...] a New Year's party, but [...] bores them so much that when he goes to prepare a snack, Twiglets (which are [...]actually twigs coated [...]with Marmite) and sugared vinegar as a... seekcartoon.com |
本双年度结束时记在普通资金项下的汇率 盈 亏 的 净 余额,包 括 上 述 盈 亏, 都将记入杂项收入或从中扣除。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The net balance resulting from [...] all gains and losses on exchange, including those mentioned above, [...]under the General Fund at [...]the end of the biennium shall be added to or deducted from Miscellaneous Income. unesdoc.unesco.org |
中国两家亏钱的互联网企业与2010年投资者热捧其股票时在纽 约 上 市 ,现 在 亏 损 更 严重,电子商务公 司 当当 网 (NYSE: DANG)和在线视频领袖优酷网(NYSE: YOKU)似乎朝着与它们追求利润相反的方向走。 youngchinabiz.com | Two of China’s money-losing Internet companies to make New York IPOs at the height of an [...] investor frenzy for [...] their shares in 2010 have posted more losses, though e-commerce firm Dangdang (NYSE: DANG) [...]and online video leader [...]Youku (NYSE: YOKU) appear to be moving in different directions in their quest for profits. youngchinabiz.com |
双年度结束时货币结算账户上的任何 盈亏 都将计入杂项收入或从中扣除。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Any balance under the currency clearing account at the end of the biennium shall be added to or deducted from miscellaneous income. unesdoc.unesco.org |
尽管知道对女孩进行投资是应对人类面临的许多困境最强有力的办法,但在 落实和实现千年发展目标上的国 际进展却令 人 吃 惊 地 缓慢, 而 当 直 接 关系到女童 时,甚至往往更慢。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite knowing that investment in girls is the most powerful response to many of the dilemmas facing humankind, international progress in implementing and [...] achieving the Millennium [...] Development Goals is appallingly slow and, when directly concerning the girl child, often [...]even slower. daccess-ods.un.org |
当 16 年后付清最后一笔款项时,储备金帐 户 上 的 所有 盈 亏 都将 计入杂项收入,盈余最终属于会员国。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Any ultimate exchange difference remaining in the Reserve Account in 16 years’ time upon repayment of the last instalment of the loan would go to Miscellaneous Income, the balance of which ultimately belongs to Member States. unesdoc.unesco.org |
没有人愿意把时间花费在处理危机上 。 更 令我 们 吃 惊 的是 , 当 危 机 来临时,很多的公司都没有做好准备。 deloitte.com | No one wants to spend time dealing with a crisis, which makes it all the more surprising that so many companies fail to prepare for them. deloitte.com |
但是,当卢卡斯被吃掉了一只青蛙,ZOC释放他,开始喜欢他,他毕竟没有那么糟糕。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | But when Lucas is eaten by a frog, Zoc frees [...] him, starting to like him and realizing he was not so bad after all. seekcartoon.com |
代表团收到了许多投诉,抱怨人满为患(不是所有的囚犯都有属于她们自 己的床铺,有一些人不得不睡在地板 上 ) , 吃 得 不 好(难以下咽,有时还被小虫子 毁掉),医疗服务差(专业技能匮乏,药品短缺),在使用体育活动区方面给予男囚 犯特惠待遇,而且在儿童待遇方面,没有给予足够或 适 当 的 食 物。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegation received many complaints concerning overcrowding (not all inmates had their own bed and [...] some had to sleep on [...] the floor), food (poor quality, sometimes contaminated by insects), medical services (lack of professionalism, lack of medicines), preferential treatment given to male inmates with respect to the use of areas intended for sports activities, and the treatment of children, who did not receive adequate or appropriate food. daccess-ods.un.org |
教科文组织在本双年度的现金状况有了改善,尽管货币结算账 户 上 仍 有 巨大 的 亏 空。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The improvement in the cash position of the Organization during the biennium was made despite a large deficit under the currency clearing account. unesdoc.unesco.org |
由于适应新地点并开展行动通常需要时间,如果该类 别在新地点由于尚未建立而被视作不能使用,派遣国就 会 吃亏。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since adaptation to and operation in the new location often takes time, countries can be disadvantaged if the category is deemed unserviceable in the new location prior to it becoming established. daccess-ods.un.org |
基薪/底薪表的增幅将在不亏不盈基础 上 , 通 过 将 0.13%的工作地点差价调 整数并入基薪/底薪表的标准方法加以实施。 daccess-ods.un.org | The increase in the base/floor salary scale would be implemented through the standard method of consolidating 0.13 per cent of the post adjustment into the base/floor salary scale on a no-loss/no-gain basis. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果在谈判中增加市场利率之外的诱因,那么很显 然,所有买家都要吃亏。 crisisgroup.org | All buyers are clearly worse off if they add beyondmarket rate inducements in negotiations. crisisgroup.org |
我们还感到吃惊的是,当行政管理部门为了应对教育部门订立合同的丑闻而组织的强制性培 训时,居然向工作人员传授不能以合同为交易而收受超过某一价值的“礼物”……最后,制 定该伦理计划的一个不可或缺的前提就是对“滥用”一词作出严格和准确的界定,否则,举 报不准的情况将难以避免。 unesdoc.unesco.org | We are also surprised that at a compulsory training session conducted by the Administration in reaction to the Education Sector scandal concerning the awarding of contracts, members of staff were instructed not to accept “gifts” beyond a certain value in exchange for a particular contract … Lastly, a prerequisite for the establishment of the Ethics Programme is the strict and rigorous definition of the term “abuse”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
预测年初至下一报告期期末的累计净利润可能 为 亏 损 或者 与 上 年 同 期相比发生大幅度变动的警示及原因说明 □ 适用 √ 不适用 csgholding.com | Alert of loss or significant change in net profit from the beginning of year to the end of next report period or compared with the same period of last year, and statement of causations. csgholding.com |
它强调说,所有缔约国的缴款都应该在 2007 年再开始,目的是不让《公约》的 第一批缔约国吃亏。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It stressed that the contribution of all States Parties should start in 2007 only in order not to penalize the first States Parties to the Convention. unesdoc.unesco.org |
据说明,在当前财政吃紧的 环境下,对该信托基金的自愿捐助仍然是维持 这方面进展的一个重要因素。 daccess-ods.un.org | and to work simultaneously on several volumes of the publication. In the current environment of financial constraint, it was stated that the voluntary contributions to the trust fund remained an important element for sustaining progress in that regard. daccess-ods.un.org |
非正规经 济使发展中国家的财政空间受到压缩,使国家预算收入遭遇 相 当 大 的 亏 缺。 daccess-ods.un.org | Informality narrows the fiscal space and represents considerable revenue shortfalls to the State budgets in developing countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
总体来讲,在国际管理费是唯 一收入来源的情况下,该计划至少需要有 20 个国家参加才能使 LAM 的研究具有科学可行 性,至少有 30 个国家参加才能在经济上做到不亏不 赢 ,有 50 个国家参加才为更多的后期比 较分析、传播和知识转让活动提供资金。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In general, the programme will need participation of at least 20 countries to make the LAMP study viable scientifically, 30 countries to break even financially if the sole source of revenue is international overheads, and 50 countries to finance more post-release comparative analysis, dissemination and knowledge transfer activities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
同时,依照 ORHEI、CĂLĂRAŞI、FLOREŞTI、LEOVA、TELENEŞTI 省级地方议会的决定,成立了 7 家“公共医疗保健服务机构”和“卫生中心”,这些 医疗保健服务机构将从 2008 年 1 月 1 日开始,根据与“国家医疗保险机构”直接 签订的医疗服务合同,在自我财务平衡自负 盈 亏 的 基 础 上 运 行。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the same time, by means of the decisions of the raion Councils Orhei, Călăraşi, Floreşti, Leova, Teleneşti, 7 Public Health and Sanitary Institutions and Health Centres have been created, which starting with 1 January 2008 function under self-sustainability, on the basis of the contracts of health services delivery signed directly with the National Health Insurance Agency. daccess-ods.un.org |
磅玉米或粮食,这足够发展中国 家两个人吃上一整 年。27 发达国家为生物燃料生产提供补贴的政策则鼓励农民 从种植小麦和其它谷物转为种植生物燃料作物,从而助长粮食短缺和世界粮食市 场粮价扭曲现象。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, a special utility vehicle will require a total of 660 pounds of corn or food to fill its tank, enough to feed two people in a developing country for the whole year.27 Subsidies for biofuel production in developed countries have encouraged farmers to shift from growing wheat and other grains, thus contributing to a shortage of food and price distortions on world food markets. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据外部审计员对未清算的承付款问题 [...] 所提出的意见及其对教科文组织的拨款结构有可能会使有关管理人员为“作到 不 亏 不 盈 ”而 不恰当地进 行拨款的问题所表示的关注,总干事已经进行了研究。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Director-General’s study had been made in the light of the External Auditor’s comments on unliquidated obligations and their concerns about the risk that the structure of [...] the Organization’s appropriation can [...] encourage managers to appropriate their budgets incorrectly [...]in order to “breakeven”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
的确,若声明是在签署条约前发 表,而且各方在表示同意受条约约束时(或之前)赞同声明,则声明及其获得一致 赞同似乎构成一项解释协定,在第 31 条第 2 款(a)项的意义范围内,可以解释为 “全体当事国间因缔结条约所订与条约有关之任何协定”,或在第 31 条第 2 款 (b)项的意义范围内,解释为“一个以 上当 事 国因缔结条约所订并经其他当事国 接受为条约有关文书之任何文书”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, in a case where a declaration is made before the signature of the treaty and approved when (or before) all the parties have expressed their consent to be bound by it, the declaration and its unanimous approval, combined, give the appearance of an interpretative agreement that could be construed as being an “agreement relating to the treaty which was made between all the parties in connection with the conclusion of the treaty” within the meaning of article 31, paragraph 2 (a) or as “any instrument which was made by one or more parties in connection with the conclusion of the treaty and accepted by the other parties as an instrument related to the treaty” within the meaning of paragraph 2 (b) of the same article. daccess-ods.un.org |