

单词 司马懿

See also:


two-character surname Sima
official post of minister of war in pre-han Chinese states


External sources (not reviewed)

卓越的業績主要由成功預售懿薈」 及 「嘉茂園」開始確認溢利、租金收益改善、出售工業物業資產及投資物業重估收益 [...]
This excellent performance was in part driven by the
[...] successful pre-sales of “Forfar” and “Belle [...]
Vue Residences” from which we have begun
to recognise profits, in addition to improved rental yields, gains from the disposal of industrial assets, and revaluation gains on investment properties.
該強勁表現主要來懿薈及 嘉茂園餘下單位的卓越銷售業績、Landmark [...]
The strong performance was mainly attributable to excellent sales of the
[...] remaining units at “Forfar” and “Belle [...]
Vue Residences”, improved rental income
from Landmark East and fair value gains of the Group’s investment properties.
范華達的確認中提及其出任高盛(亞洲)有限責任 司 董 事 ,而梁高 懿 及 楊 敏德的確認則提及其出任香港上海匯豐銀行有限公司董事。
The confirmation from T G Freshwater refers to his directorship of Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C. and the confirmations from M Leung and M M T Yang refer to their directorships of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.
另一個豪華住 宅項目懿峯」 亦正如期進行,預期將於二零一一年下半年授予入伙紙,屆時該項 [...]
Our other luxurious
[...] residential project “Seymour” has made excellent [...]
progress and for which we expect to obtain the occupation
permit in the second half of 2011, upon which profits can be recognised.
通过上述项目马斯达尔公司在本 国和国际范围促进了可持续能源和清洁 能源的开发和利用,缓解了全球变暖的影响,改善了发达国家和发展中国家的 [...]
Masdar thus contributes to the development and [...]
deployment of renewable energy and clean technology both domestically and
internationally, limiting the impact of global warming and improving energy security within the developed and developing world.
如就本摘要有任何查詢,請致電 2842 7638 與證監會中介團體監 察科莫懿芳女士聯絡。
For any enquiries on this brief, please contact Mrs. Yvonne Mok of the Intermediaries Supervision Department of the Commission at 2842 7638.
選舉董事: 主席稱郭鵬、鄧蓮如勳爵、范華達、利乾、梁高 懿及 施 祖祥根據第 93 條退任,但因合乎資格,願意候選連任。
The Chairman advised that M Cubbon, Baroness Dunn, T G Freshwater, C Lee, M Leung and M C C Sze retired in accordance with Article 93 and, being eligible, they offered themselves for re-election.
在涉及普遍管辖权适用问题的一些情况中,对管辖权的规定一般还有其他明 示或暗示的依据,这些依据来自国内刑法(例如奥地利、多民族玻利维亚国、保 加利亚、喀麦隆、哥斯达黎加、爱沙尼亚、萨尔瓦多、埃塞俄比亚、伊拉克、以 色列、马来西亚、挪威、秘鲁、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、瑞士),包括军事刑法(例如 瑞士)、刑法(例如以色列)、刑法(例如亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、阿塞拜疆、白俄罗 斯、比利时、捷克共和国、塞浦路斯、丹麦、芬兰、德国、意大利、马耳他、荷
[...] 比利时、喀麦隆、法国、德国、伊拉克、挪威、瑞典、突尼斯),或刑法(例如中 国)或关于司法权力的条例,包括《法院条例》(例如毛里求斯)和 司 法 条 例》(例马来西亚)。
There were cases where issues concerning the application of universal jurisdiction, usually along side other bases of jurisdiction, were provided for, either expressly or impliedly, in their domestic penal codes (e.g., Austria, the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Estonia, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Iraq, Israel, Malaysia, Norway, Peru, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland), including the military penal codes (e.g., Switzerland), the Penal Law (e.g., Israel), criminal codes (e.g., Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, the Republic of Korea) or codes of criminal procedure (e.g., Armenia, Belarus, Belgium, Cameroon, France, Germany, Iraq, Norway, Sweden, Tunisia), or the criminal law (e.g.,
China) or acts on powers of judiciary, such as courts acts (e.g.,
[...] Mauritius) or Courts of Judicature Act (e.g., Malaysia).
实现千年发展目标基金的解决冲突与和平建设联合计划于 2009 年获得批准,涉及传播
[...] 与信息部门、教育部门和自然科学部门以及联合国合作伙伴及巴 马司 法 部、教育部和社会 发展部。
The MDG-F joint programme on conflict resolution and peace-building was approved in 2009 and involve CI,
ED and SHS as well as United Nations
[...] partners and the Panamanian ministries [...]
of justice, education, and social development.
案中 ,律司司 長就高等 法 院原訟法庭法官懿君 在 1998 年 11 月 26 日判定青雲觀 屬屯門陶嘉儀祖和 陶族的 決 定提出 上 訴 。案件涉 及 慈善信託和 中國習 慣 法,律政司司長加 入 代表慈善利 益 一方與訟 。
This is a matter concerning charitable trust and Chinese customary law, and SJ had joined as a party representing the interests of charity.
原马鞍山铁矿场分成 了马鞍山钢铁有限司和马钢集 团控股有限 司 ( 马 钢 ) 。 马 鞍 山 钢铁有限公司主营钢 铁产品的生产和销售。
Maanshan Steel’s principal activities are producing and selling iron and steel products.
美国俄亥俄州哥伦布市(2011年10月13日)— Emerson
[...] 公司(纽约证券交易所股票代码:EMR)所属业务品牌、实现关键基础设施可用性、容量及效率最大化的全球领导者艾默生网络能源,与其他公司一起,为 Teliti 国际有限司(马来西 亚 IT 服务主要供应商)在马来西亚建设的具有国际水平的绿色数据中心提供技术和解决方案。
COLUMBUS, Ohio (October 13, 2011) – Emerson Network Power, a business of Emerson (NYSE: EMR) and a global leader in maximizing availability, capacity, and efficiency of critical
infrastructure, is joining
[...] a group of companies that are providing technologies and solutions for a world-class green data center being built in Malaysia by [...]
Teliti International,
a leading Malaysian IT services provider.
作为都福公司的全资子司,马肯依 玛士是一个产品和包装识别和跟踪系统的领先制造商。
A subsidiary of the New York-based Dover Corporation NYSE:DOV), Markem-Imaje is a leading manufacturer of product and packaging identification and traceability systems.
(a) 一个教科文组织小组访问了马来西亚科学院、马来西亚标准与工业研究院 (SIRIM)、世界工业技术研究组织协会秘书处(WAITRO)、马来西亚国际伊 斯兰大学、以及科技与创新部(MOSTI)下属的几个机构,如科技处、马来西亚 科技园、多媒体开发司、马来西 亚气象局、马来西亚遥感研究所和马来西亚国 家科学中心等。
(a) A UNESCO team visited the Academy of Science Malaysia, The Malaysia Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM), the Secretariat of the World Association of Industrial Research Organizations (WAITRO), the International Islamic University Malaysia, and several institutions under the umbrella of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), such as: Division of Science and Technology, Technology Park Malaysia, Multi-Media Development Corporation, Malaysia Meteorological Department, Malaysia Remote Sensing Institute and National Science Centre Malaysia.
港樂「社群和諧」籌款音樂會演出樂友及出席嘉賓尚包括(以出場先後序):保良局蔡繼有學校、右思維幼稚園、KinderU鈴木音樂學院、李軒先生、甘穎昶先生、蔡筱蕊小姐、湯珍妮小姐、劉元生先生及夏定忠先生、方津生醫生及汪明欣小姐、陳慶麗小姐、何光鴻先生、Mr Philip Lee & Ms Jigs Abiera、民政事局副秘書長甄美薇女士JP、 懿 翎 女士、邱詠筠女士、周董立茂女士以及Tasha Lalvani女士。
The stellar roster of the Hong Kong Phil and Friends “The Community in Harmony” Fundraising Concert includes (in chronological order): Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School, Rightmind Kindergarten, KinderU Suzuki Music Academy, Mr Lee Hin, Mr Wing-Chong Kam, Ms Shirley Choi, Ms Jenny Tong, Mr Y.S. Liu & Mr John Harding, Dr David Fang & Ms Wong Ming Yan, Ms Sophia Chan, Mr Thomas Ho, Mr Philip Lee & Ms Jigs Abiera.
物業發展方面,本集團將推懿薈、 懿 峯 及嘉茂園的餘下單位,預期為二零一一年的溢利及現金流帶來動力。
On property development, the Group will launch the remaining units at Forfar, Seymour and Belle Vue Residences, which is expected to drive our profit and cash flows in 2011.
懿薈擁有罕貴的豪華會所 - "Grand Mansion", [...]
Forfar features a rare luxury [...]
clubhouse, "Grand Mansion", offering a comprehensive range of facilities exclusively for the
residence to enjoy entertainment, leisure and relaxation.
懿峯(本集團擁有該項目之30%權益)自二零零九年十一月起已成功預售約85%之單位,並錄得約3,000,000,000港元收 [...]
About 85% of the units at Seymour, in which [...]
the Group has a 30% interest, have been successfully pre-sold since November
2009, generating approximately HK$3.0 billion in revenue which will be recognised by the Group upon the granting of the occupation permit expected in the second half of 2011.
簡介 首播日期: 2012.08.13
[...] 南宋宮中兩大陣營,大王子趙貴誠(敖嘉年)及二王子趙貴和(黎 懿 ) 皆 覬 覦帝位。
Synopsis Release Date: 2012.08.13 During the Southern Sung Dynasty, Prince
CHIU KWAI-SHING (Pierre Ngo) and Prince CHIU
[...] KWAI-WO (Lai Lok Yi) are rival brothers [...]
and they both covet the throne of the kingdom.
本次会议是 2011 年联合国空间应用方案活动的一部分,由秘书处外层空间 事务厅组织,并由马来西亚国立大学空间科学研究所与宇航技术私人有限司、马来西 亚国家宇航局和马来西亚彭亨大学合作主办。
The Meeting was organized by the Office for Outer Space Affairs of the Secretariat, as part of the activities of the United Nations Programme on Space Applications in 2011, and hosted by the Institute of Space Science of the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, in cooperation with the Astronautic Technology Sdn Bhd, the National Space Agency of Malaysia and the Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
1999年,Münch 博士被任命为ABB公司马来西亚区首席执行官和总裁。
In 1999 he went to ABB Malaysia as CEO und Country Manager.
公司进口铁矿石和机械设备,而 钢铁的主要供应商是其兄弟司马钢。
The company imports raw ore and machinery.
今年春天,《觉》音乐+艺术节、Idle Beats、创可贴T恤以及马司唱片 共同合作,将在北京展开一个多媒体音乐和艺术的特别活动日,包括来自Idle Beats和创可贴T恤的海报作品、马司 的 专 辑和海报存档,另有国内独立音乐资讯网站无解音乐网(Wooozy.cn)挑选的数支优秀年轻本土乐队参与表演。
Music + Art, Idle Beats, Plastered T-shirts, and Maybe Mars come together in a multimedia music and art showcase event in Beijing featuring poster art from Idle Beats and Plastered T-shirts, album and poster art from the Maybe Mars archives and a musical programme showcasing some of the best young(ish) bands playing in Beijing today, selected by leading Chinese-language music information and criticism website Wooozy.cn.
[...] 善了受影响社区、传统领导人和森达美特许 司 、 马 里 兰 州油棕榈种植园和卡瓦 拉橡胶种植园之间的交流沟通。
An interministerial committee led by the Land Commission has improved communication between affected
communities, traditional leaders and the concessionaires of
[...] the Sime Darby, Maryland Oil Palm and Cavalla [...]
Rubber plantations.
懿峯僅 提供82戶,分別為2,348平方呎五房雙套房及1,888平方呎四房雙套房單位,屬全港罕有大宅設計,真正矜貴半山無遮擋高層維港全海景「觀景大宅」。
Seymour offers 82 large-sized apartments of five-bedroom (2,348 square feet, with two ensuites) or four-bedroom (1,888 square feet, with two ensuites) layouts, which are the most treasured units in Mid-levels West with unhindered harbor views.
此 外 , 中 國 工 商 銀 行 ( 亞 洲 ) 非 執 行 董 事 陳 愛 平 先 生 、
Damis Jacobus Ziengs 先 生 , 以 及 獨 立 非 執 行 董 事 王 于 漸 教 授 、 徐 耀 華 先 生 、 袁 金 浩 先
[...] 生 和 副 總 經 理懿 先 生 , 均 有 出 席 [...]
是 次 冠 名 儀 式 。
The other honourable guests also include Non-executive Directors Mr Chen Aiping and Mr Damis Jacobus Ziengs, and
Independent Non-executive Directors Prof. Richard Wong, Mr Alec Tsui, Mr George Yuen and
[...] Deputy General Manager Mr Zhang Yi.
在介绍会上,首先由来自欧盟-中国民用航空合作项目(EUCCAP)的项目组成员对项目背景及相关活动做了介绍;之后,来自欧盟驻华代表团贸易与投资处第一秘 司马 睿 先生(Roberto Cecutti)为中方代表团做了精彩的讲演,内容涵盖欧盟的成立和发展过程,欧盟法律效力的等级和渊源,欧盟主要机构与实体,欧盟决策制定过程等,在讲演的最后 司马 睿 先 生还就欧盟未来战略方向及活动与中国民航局代表团进行了分享和探讨。
The presentations begun with a brief introduction to the EUCCAP and its related activities by the team members, followed by an introductory presentation on EU's decision-making process by Mr. Roberto Cecutti, First Secretary, Trade and Investment Section of the EU Delegation, the presentation covered areas of the EU’s evolution, sources of EU law, main EU institutions and bodies, EU’s decision -making process, and in the end, Mr. Cecutti also shared with the CAAC participants the visions of EU’s future strategic directions and actions.
杨海崧同时身为中国最具革命性的乐队PK14的领袖,和中国最重要的独立唱片 马司 的 创 始人之一。
A leader of both China’s most revolutionary band  (P.K.14) and China’s most important alternative record label, (Maybe Mars), Yang Haisong will tell it how it is when he is interviewed by Nic Harcourt, one of the USA’s most  influential radio DJs.
这个成语故事出自《韩非子 ·喻老》司马迁的 《史记》记载了这个故事的另一个版本,其中主人公换成了齐国的齐威王和他的大臣淳于髡,不过故事情节是一样的。
This Chinese idiom story is
[...] from "Yu Lao", an article of Han Fei Zi, but Si Ma Qian recorded another [...]
version of this story
in his masterpiece--"The Records of the Grand Historian", in which the main characters were the king Wei of the state of Qi and his minister Chun Yu Kun, while the plot is almost the same as this one.




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