

单词 号称

称号 noun ()

name n
label n
tag n

External sources (not reviewed)

有一些消息来源称,“西非 统一和圣战运动”(号称是在 伊斯兰马格里布的一个基地组织的分化团体)已声称 对此事负责。
Some sources have indicated that the “Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa”, said to be an Al-Qaida splinter group in the Islamic Maghreb, has claimed responsibility.
主营产品包括电子元件精细化所需的等离子腐蚀装置 号称 世 界 最顶级的测长SEM、被誉为全球领先的元件安装系统-表面安装机和模片结合器。
Its main products include the Plasma Etching System used for the refined
electronic components; the most advanced
[...] Measurement SEM in the world; SMT machines [...]
and wafer bonder which are the most advanced
componentsinstallation system.
这份报告只简单地触及,在130 000名利比亚平 民号称保护 他们不受前政权毒害的借口下遭到杀 [...]
The report timidly addresses the tragic situation
[...] of the Libyan people after 130,000 [...]
Libyan civilians were killed under the pretext
of protecting them from the former regime.
与印度在1974年的最初核试验相比,这次核试验并 号称 是 “ 和平试验”。
In contrast to India’s initial nuclear test in 1974, this
[...] time there were no claims that these [...]
were “peaceful tests”.
歇尔·多尼戈尔国际拉力赛(The Shell Donegal International
Rally)已经屹立爱尔兰赛车运动前沿达35年之久,拥有世界上最精险的舞台;阿尔斯特大奖赛(Ulster Grand
[...] Prix)自1922年设立以来便一直是爱尔兰路面赛车爱好者的盛事;而西北200(North West 200)拥号称世界最快赛道。
The Shell Donegal International Rally has been at the forefront of Irish motorsports for the last 35 years and boasts some of the world’s most thrilling stages; while the Ulster Grand Prix has been going since 1922 and is one of the premier events in Ireland for fans
of motor cycle road racing; along with North West 200, which
[...] has a circuit reputed to be one of the fastest in the world.
2006 年]5月30
[...] 日,在副总理和驻伊拉克多国部队的领导下,对 号称 “4 号点”的一个监狱进行了联合检查,显示有1,431 [...]
名在押者,普遍存在遭受 精神和心理虐待的证据。
On 30 May [2006], a joint inspection
led by the Deputy Prime Minister and
[...] MNF-I, in a prison known as “Site 4,” revealed [...]
the existence of 1,431 detainees with
systematic evidence of physical and psychological abuse.
有具有一千多年历史的龙华古寺,有建于三国时期的静安古寺和国内外知名的玉佛寺, 号称 江 南 名园之秀的豫园,有嘉定的孔庙,松江的方塔、醉白池等。
There are the more-than-1000-years-old Longhua Temple, old peaceful temples built during the Three Kingdoms period, the internationally famous Jade Buddha Temple, the scenic Yu Gardens, the Jiading Confucian Temple, the Songjiang Square Pagoda, Zuibaichi, etc.
尽管取得这一进展,该次区域在这方面却仍面临一些挑战,特别是一 些内部边号称是“ 绿色边界”,而整个区域的边境管理质量参差不齐。
Despite this progress, the subregion continues to face challenges in this respect, particularly as some internal borders are “green borders” and the quality of border management across the region varies.
以昭和41年竣工的数寄屋桥交叉路口的索尼大厦为开端,四丁目交叉路口的三爱大厦 号称 银 座最大的东芝大厦、银座狮王大厦、名铁MELSA、资生堂The•Ginza等,备受瞩目的楼宇如同雨后春笋般拔地而起。
In 1966, the completion of the Sony Building at the Sukiyabashi intersection was the start of high profile buildings popping up one after another, including the Sannai Building on the 4-Chome intersection, the Toshiba Building that is the largest building in Ginza, the Ginza Lion Building, Meitetsu Melsa, Shiseido The Ginza, and more.
各缔约方局可能要求就商标的某些成分,如纹章、徽章、肖像、勋章 称号 、厂 商名称或非申请人的姓氏、或者其他类似说明,所提供的合法性使用的证明文件,除 原属局确认之外,应免除一切认证和证明。
Documentary evidence of the legitimacy of the use of certain elements incorporated in a mark, such as armorial bearings, escutcheons, portraits, honorary distinctions, titles, trade names, names of persons other than the name of the applicant, or other like inscriptions, which might be required by the Offices of the Contracting Parties shall be exempt from any legalization as well as from any certification other than that of the Office of origin.
因此,奖项战略只适用于国际或地区范围的 奖项(见第 171 EX/19 号文件,第 5 段),而教科文组织在国家和分地区一级授予的荣称 号则使用一个有别于“奖项”的名称。
Accordingly, the Strategy only covers prizes that have a global or regional scope (171 EX/19, para. 5) and a term other than “prize” has been used for distinctions awarded by UNESCO at the national and subregional levels.
为了给一个在法律教学的新趋势适 称号 , 学 者,到了最后的密西拿转录时间,分别为Tanna'im(唱塔纳岛,“老师”)称,那些谁来到在他们之后,Amora'im(sing.阿莫拉,“喇叭”)。
In order to give a suitable designation to the new tendency in the teaching of the law, scholars, up to the time of the final transcription of the Mishna, were known as Tanna'im (sing Tanna, "teacher"), those who came after them, Amora'im (sing. Amora, "speaker").
整个咖啡厅获得GBF的同情,他们同意让他继续他的冠 称号。
The entire coffee shop gains GBF’s sympathy, and they agree to let him keep his title.
同样,阿根廷政府谨请因特网指定 称号 码 管 理公司及下属机构考虑把 “NIC-ARGENTINA”作为“.ar”域名下唯一有效的授权机构负责授权阿根廷共和 国境内所有域名,包括马尔维纳斯群岛、南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇群岛的域名登记。
Likewise, the Argentine Government kindly requests ICANN and subordinate bodies to consider “NIC-ARGENTINA” as the only valid delegated authority for the “.ar” domain in charge of authorizing the registration of all the domain names within the Argentine Republic, including those addressed in the Malvinas, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands.
奉我国政府指示,谨随函转递 2008 年 12 月 30 日给因特网指定称号码管 理公司总裁的信件副本(见附件),其中明确指出阿根廷共和国拒绝该公司将因特 网域名“.fk”和“.gs”分别授予马尔维纳斯群岛、南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇群岛 的非法殖民主义“当局”。
On instructions from my Government, I have the honour to transmit herewith a copy of the letter dated 30 December 2008 addressed to the President of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) (see annex), which made clear that the Argentine Republic rejects the assignment of the Internet domains “.fk” and “.gs” by ICANN to the illegitimate colonial “authorities” of the Malvinas Islands and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, respectively.
22/05/2012 伦敦国际葡萄酒博览会开幕 • 21/05/2012 葡萄酒投资基金将获得超过FTSE 100的巨大回报 • 21/05/2012 宝得根酒庄美酒需求增加 • 18/05/2012 失事轮船上的葡萄酒再次征战拍卖会 • 18/05/2012 葡萄酒投资期待“乐观的2012” • 17/05/2012 拍卖会卖出240年的佳酿 • 17/05/2012 凯隆世家在二级葡萄酒市场开始交易 • 16/05/2012 2011年期酒趋势发布为之带来新的力量 • 15/05/2012 中国葡萄酒投资呈下降趋势 • 15/05/2012 除法国之外的葡萄酒投资——面向新世界 • 14/05/2012 威登庄园获得了2011年最佳葡萄酒 称号 • 1 4/05/2012 罕有的修道院红颜容副牌酒成为拍卖之星 • 11/05/2012 新选举的法国政府推进葡萄酒在中国的销售 • 11/05/2012 美国葡萄酒商并未被2011年期酒所动 • 10/05/2012 庞特卡内会成为2011年期酒之星吗?
22/05 London International Wine Fair opens • 21/05 Wine investment fund sees huge returns over FTSE 100 • 21/05 Growing appeal for Chateau Pontet Canet • 18/05 Shipwrecked wine to go up for auction again • 18/05 Wine investment prospects 'positive for 2012' • 17/05 240-year-old wine sells at auction • 17/05 Calon Segur trades on secondary wine investment market • 16/05 Flood of 2011 en primeur releases sparks new life into campaign • 15/05 Wine investment in China sees decline • 15/05 Wine investment beyond France - look to the New World • 14/05 Vieux Chateau Certan earns title for best wine of 2011 • 14/05 Rare La Mission-Haut-Brion the star attraction at auction • 11/05 Newly-elected French government to push wine in China • 11/05 US wine merchants not turned on by 2011 en primeur • 10/05 Could Pontet Canet be a star of the 2011 vintage?
全球领先的医疗器械设备制造商、近日荣膺小型企业管理局2011年度亚利桑那出口 称号 的 Vante公司在11月2日和3日举行的美国国际医学设计及制造展示会(MD&M Minneapolis)上推出了一个充满活力、注重选择的尖端产品和服务阵容。
Vante, a leader in medical device equipment manufacturing and recently honored as 2011 Small Business Administration (SBA) Arizona Exporter of the Year, is rolling out a dynamic, choice-focused line up of cutting edge products and services at MD&M Minneapolis on November 2nd and 3rd.
世界卫生组织选定摩 尔多瓦为实施“无风险妊娠”的全球倡议试点项目的欧洲国家,2005 年底,妇女 儿童卫生保健科学研究所下属国家围产期学信息与治疗方法研究中心荣获“协作 中心”称号,实 施本战略的目的在于为每个新生儿都有“一个健康生活的开始” 的目标全面实施的质量和效率。
The experience of Moldova has been highly appreciated by the WHO, which selected Moldova among the European countries as a pilot project for the implementation of the Global Initiative “Pregnancy without risks”, and at the end of 2005 the national informational and methodical Centre of perinatology within the Institute of Scientific Research in the field of Healthcare of Mothers and Children was honoured with the titles of Collaborative Centre.
[...] •梅隆大学计算机科学及电子与计算机工程系FORE系统大学教授Edmund M. Clarke授予了“2013年爱因斯坦讲席教授 称号。
The Chinese Academy of Sciences has named Edmund M. Clarke, the FORE Systems University Professor of
Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering at
[...] Carnegie Mellon University, an Einstein Professor for 2013.
LVD无极灯自2003年研制成功、2004年投放市场以来,至今已拥有100多项专利,在上海南浦大桥、韩国首尔机场等全球数万个重大工程项目中投入使用,客户反响非常好,荣获国际工业博览会金奖和国家重点新产品 称号。
The lamp is put into operation in tens of thousands of key engineering projects worldwide such as Shanghai Nanpu Bridge, Korea Seoul Airport, etc. The products are well praised by clients and have won gold medal in International Industry Fair and National Key New Products Title.
成功完成这个方案的工作人员被授予“食品监 察员称号。
The personnel successfully completing the programme are granted the title of “food inspector”.
非凡丽致1995年婚纱摄影登陆武汉,经过十多年的发展,在中国已遍布武汉、长沙、青岛、大连、北京、上海、深圳等多个大中城市,成为亚太地区婚纱业界的典型代表,国际婚纱摄影知名品牌,先后荣获国内贸易部 “全国十佳照相馆”奖、中国消费者协会 “ 全国十大杰出影楼”奖、中国人像摄影学会“全国摄影名店”和“全国摄影业百强企业 称号 、 中 国商业信用中心“中国商业信用企业,信用等级A级”等诸多奖项。
Landis extraordinary Wuhan wedding photography landing in 1995, after 10 years of development, China has been around in Wuhan, Changsha, Qingdao, Dalian, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and many other large and medium-sized city, to become the Asia-Pacific region the wedding industry is the typical representative of the international wedding photography, well-known brands, has won the Ministry of internal trade of" national top ten studio" award, China Consumers Association" national ten outstanding studio" award, Chinese Institute of portrait photography" National Photography brand" and" National Photography Industry hundred enterprises" title, Chinese commercial credit center" China business credit business, credit grade" and many other awards.
[...] GPU(图形处理器)的发明者NVIDIA®(英伟达™)公司于今日正式宣布,公司正式授予哈佛大学CUDA卓越中 称号 , 以 表彰其在教学与研究领域的突出贡献。
SANTA CLARA, CA — APRIL 2, 2009 — NVIDIA Corporation, inventor of the GPU, today announced
that Harvard University has been recognised
[...] as a CUDA Centre of Excellence for [...]
its commitment to teaching GPU Computing and
its integration of CUDA™-enabled GPUs for a host of science and engineering research projects.
作为中国第一家获得全国“绿色矿山”荣 称号 的 企 业,中铝广西分公司将国内外的领先创新技术和设备,积极用于解决独特地理条件带来的挑战,以及农业生产可耕地面积不断缩减引发的严峻问题。
As winner of the first national-level “Green Mine” title in China, CHALCO Guangxi uses innovative technologies and best practices from home and abroad to address the challenges of unique geological conditions and the grim reality of shrinking arable lands suitable for agriculture.
2012年8月,中澳企业家联合会成功协助福建省农业厅与南澳州农业部签订《中国福建省与澳大利亚南澳大利亚州建立农业合作与交流备忘录》,为此福建省农业厅及南澳洲农业部共同授予中澳企业家联合会会长王雷蒙(Raymond Wang)先生为“南澳-福建农业交流合作大使” 称号 , 并将联合会投资建设的“南澳州安全食品与食品安全研发及交易中心”项目列为福建省首个“南澳州产业园福建实验基地”进行重点培育,并在建立项目成功模式后,在福建省范围内进行复制。
In August 2012, China Australia Entrepreneurs Association successfully assisted the Fujian Agricultural and South Australian Agricultural department to sign the “China Fujian and South Australia Establish Agricultural Cooperation and Exchange Memorandum of Understanding” thus in Fujian Agricultural Department and South Australian Agricultural Department together awarded China Australian Entrepreneurs Association President Mr. Raymond Wang the title of “South Australia-Fujian Agricultural Exchange and Trade Ambassador” and with CAEAI investment established “South Australia Safety Foods and Safe Foods Project Research and Exchange Center” the project will allow Fujian to have the first “South Australian Products Fujian Experimental Base” that will be important for training and after establishing project successful model will be replicated throughout surrounding regions.
国家主席根据全国人大和全国人大常委会 的决定,公布法律,任免国务院总理、副总理、国务委员、各部部长、各委员会
[...] 主任、审计长、秘书长,授予国家的勋章和荣 称号 , 发布特赦令,宣布进入紧 急状态,宣布战争状态,发布动员令;代表中华人民共和国,进行国事活动,接 [...]
Pursuant to the decisions of the National People’s
Congress and its Standing Committee, the
[...] State President promulgates statutes; appoints [...]
and removes the Premier, Vice-Premiers,
State Councillors, Ministers in charge of Ministries or Commissions, and the Auditor-General and the Secretary-General of the State Council; confers State medals and titles of honour; issues orders of special pardons; proclaims martial law; proclaims states of war; and issues mobilization orders.
常博逸率领他的咨询团队,成功地为众多立足于上海的大型国有企业和政府部门提供战略管理和规划建议,全力支持上海市政府有关产业转型、以服务业为导向的战略目标,为上海国际金融中心城市发展、静安区城市航站楼、创意园区建设等提出了极具建设性的战略规划,2011年,罗兰贝格被授予了“静安区百强企业” 称号。
Mr. Bouée and his team of consultants have worked with the Shanghai Municipal Government to offer strategic planning for industrial transformations and service-oriented industry strategy, conducting projects such as the development of the Shanghai World Financial Center, the construction of Creative Parks, and the Jing'An District city airport terminal.
国王支持 Kamal al-Din
[...] 在大不里士的工作,并为他提供很多奖赏(被他拒绝了),而且还任命他为国王的个人秘书和赐予他“皇家老年秘书长”的荣 称号。
The monarch supported Kamal al-Din’s work in Tabriz and offered him a number of rewards (which he
refused) as well as made him his personal secretary and bestowed upon
[...] him the honorific epithet "the Elderly Royal [...]
使用称号、以 及此地图所列材料并不代表管理局秘书处对任何国家、领土、 城市或当局所管理地区法律地位的意见,或关于其边界或边境划界的意见。
The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Authority concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitations of its frontiers or boundaries.




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