单词 | 号数 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 号数 —ordinal numberless common: number in a sequence • serial number Examples:数位信号—digital signal 数字信号—digital signal 余留无符号数—unsigned remainder (i.e. the remainder after rounding the nearest integer)
为增强支付的直通式处理,降低处理成本并加速支付修复或调查,能随时随地查阅全球 准确且最新的参考编号数据就 至关重要。 swift.com | To enhance straight-through-processing of payments, reduce processing costs and speed up payment [...] repairs or investigations, it is critical to have any-time access to worldwide, [...] accurate and up-to-date reference data. swift.com |
因此,如果在达格·哈马舍尔德广场 1 号数据 中 心安装新的硬件,将对养恤金综合管理系统项目构成严重风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therefore, installing new [...] hardware in the data centre at 1 Dag [...]Hammarskjöld Plaza would represent serious risks to the Integrated [...]Pension Administration System project. daccess-ods.un.org |
人类和动物都有估计一组物体的数量和尺寸而不需要计数或测量的能力,但是 符 号数 学 的 概念是人类独有的。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Humans and animals share the capacity to estimate the [...] number and size of objects in a set without counting or measuring, but the [...] concepts of symbolic math are uniquely human. chinese.eurekalert.org |
定制服务包将根据您设备的具体操作标准,如机器 型 号 、 数 量 、运行时间、自身性 能和产品特性等进行专门制定. tiromat.com | The CARE Package will be based on your specific operational criteria – such as machine types, quantities, running hours, in-house capabilities and product characteristics. tiromat.com |
自 1978 年开始,理事会文件采用新的编号方法,各项决定按年编号,用两个阿拉伯数 字,中间以斜线分开来标明,第一个数字表示年度,第二个数字表示该年度决 定 号数 (例 如:第 1990/224 号决定)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since 1978, as part of the new system adopted for symbols of Council documents, the decisions have been numbered on a yearly basis and identified by two arabic numerals [...] separated by an oblique [...] stroke, the first numeral indicating the year, the second the number of the decision in the annual series (for example: decision [...]1990/224). daccess-ods.un.org |
将客户和供应商的银行识别码大批量地从传统/国内格式 转为 ISO IBAN [...] 格式和 BIC 代码,需要获取准确的参考编号数据 和 深入的 ISO 专业知识。 swift.com | Mass migration of the banking identifiers of customers and suppliers from [...] legacy/domestic formats towards ISO IBAN and BIC codes requires access [...] to accurate reference data and in-depth [...]ISO expertise. swift.com |
几项决议或决定通过后同列在一个 号数 之 下 时,则按每项决议或决定,在第二个阿拉伯数 字后面加一个英文大写字母,以资识别(例如:第 31/16 A 号决议,第 31/16 A和B号决议,第31/406 A 至 E 号决定)。 daccess-ods.un.org | When several resolutions or decisions were adopted under the same number, each of them has been identified by a capital letter placed after the two numerals (for example: resolution 31/16 A, resolutions 31/6 A and B, decisions 31/406 A to E). daccess-ods.un.org |
第 3 至第 1 安全级别系统的每个扇区内每个字节的随机选择 符 号 (数 字)。 seagate.com | Randomly [...] selected symbols (numbers) to each byte of [...]each sector for 3rd to 1st security level systems. seagate.com |
因为数字麦克风利用内置于麦克风的电路将声音 信号数字化,所以即使麦克风的安装位置与音频 CODEC 芯片分开也不会在声音信号传输途中受到外 部噪声的干扰。 lapis-semi.com | Digital microphones digitize [...] the voice signals using an internal circuit to prevent interference due to superimposed noise along the signal path [...]especially when the [...]microphone and audio CODEC are separated by some distance. lapis-semi.com |
通过并购或创设,Bourns 仍在持续不断地发展壮大。 [...] [...] 现今公司产品线包括精密电位器、面板控制器、编码器、电阻器/电容器网络、片式电阻器/阵列、电感器、变压器、自恢复保险丝、晶闸管过压保护器、馈线电阻器、气体放电管、电话局保护器、5 针保护器、工业信号、灌溉及石油保护器、CATV 同轴电缆保护器、信号数据保 护器、室内外 POT 分路器、网络接口器件以及集成电路等。 digikey.cn | Product lines now include precision potentiometers, panel controls, encoders, resistor/capacitor networks, chip resistors/arrays, inductors, transformers, resettable fuses, thyristor-based overvoltage protectors, line feed resistors, gas discharge tubes, telephone station [...] protectors, 5-pin protectors, [...] industrial signal, irrigation and petroleum protectors, CATV coax protectors, signal data protectors, indoor [...]and outdoor POT splitters, [...]network interface devices, and integrated circuits. digikey.at |
凭借电视信号数字传 播技 术,无论哪个国家都能看到大量电视频道, 这使得广播要兼顾大众化和专业化的编排设 计。 deloittetmt.com | Multi-channel television, available in any country [...] with digital distribution of a TV signal, enables general [...]and specialized programming to be broadcast. deloittetmt.com |
通过采用搭载了多显示Matrox MuraTM MPX输出/输入显卡的新一代视频墙控制器后,控制室内的显示器系统可以组建为大型、多功能的视频墙,进而显示各种传入视频或数据,如来自各种源的VGA或D VI 信 号数 据 :需要运行地图的工作站、列车自动监控系统(ATS)、列车自动保护系统(ATP)、列车自动运行系统或乘客信息系统(PIS),平台直播视频CCTV信号、机顶盒HDMI信号等。 advantech.com.cn | Benefiting from a new generation of video wall controllers loaded with multiple Matrox MuraTM MPX output/input graphic cards, display systems used in the control room can create large-scale and highly functional video walls to display any incoming video ordata, such as VGA or DVI feeds from any of a range of sources: operator workstations running maps, Automatic Train Supervision (ATS), Automatic Train Protection (ATP), Automatic Train Operation (ATO) programs or Passenger Information System (PIS), platform live video CCTV feeds, set-top BOX HDMI feeds, etc. Broad video walls composed of multiple monitors provide the viewers with a large virtual desktop that can be easily manipulated in response to rapidly changing conditions. advantech.com.mx |
每个模块提供用于气动、冷却流体、液压高压、电力或 信 号 、 数 据 总 线、物料供应等的连接。 staubli.com | Each module supplies a variety of [...] connections for pneumatics, cooling fluid, hydraulic high pressure, [...] electrical power or signal, data bus and material supply. staubli.com |
UN-I-QUE (联合国资料文号数据库 )是为回答常问问题而做的便览式文档, 提供对联合国资料(1946年以来)文件号/销售号的快速查检。 un.org | UN-I-QUE (UN Info Quest) is a ready-reference file created to respond to frequently asked questions, and designed to provide quick access to document symbols / sales numbers for United Nations materials (1946 onwards). un.org |
通过输出点累计脉冲信号数量, 用于与PLC或外接设备通讯。 diniargeo.cn | Impulse counter of the accumulated quantity through relay contact, for direct communication with PLC or external devices. diniargeo.com |
6、9 和12 点钟位置三个精心压嵌的大号数字时 标,采 用独有的设计风格,其圆润的轮廓将时间精致地呈现在精美格纹表盘上。 wthejournal.com | The three large 6, 9 and 12 o’clock numerals with their exclusive design and their rounded contours exquisitely punctuate the hours on the finely gridwork-pattern dials. wthejournal.com |
备份的等级通过等级列中的“星号” 数 量 显 示(星号越多,等级 越高)。 seagate.com | A backup rating is indicated by the number of "stars" in the Rating column (more stars means a higher rating). seagate.com |
使用预定义的字符集来识别文本,包括大写字母、小写字符、大小写混合字符串、数字、货币 符 号 、 数 字 以 及货币符号的组合、算术符号以及标点符号。 evget.com | Recognize text using pre-defined character sets, including uppercase, lowercase, mixed case alphabetic, digits, currency symbols, combined currency and digits, arithmetic symbols and punctuation characters evget.com |
它也可以将来自电脑的模拟式 RGB 信号数码化,并将其输出到数码 DVI [...] 输出端上。 wolfvision.com | It can also digitize [...] the analog RGB signal from the computer [...]and output it on the digital DVI output. wolfvision.com |
Telcordia以Mobile ID组件的方式提供了与国别有关的拨 号数 据 ,其中包括100多万个全球230多个市场的拨号代码,可供传统公共交换电话网(PSTN)电话业务、移动业务和网络电话及短信息业务以及其他多媒体服务进行全球跟踪、评分及记帐。 tipschina.gov.cn | A component of Mobile ID, Telcordia offers [...] country-specific dialing data, containing more [...]than one million worldwide dial codes [...]for more than 230 markets that are used for global routing, rating and billing of traditional Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) voice traffic, mobile traffic, and VoIP and SMS traffic, as well as other multimedia servicesAs dialing-code and numbering-plan changes occur, continuous updates are fed into the Mobile ID platform, enabling the auditing and analysis of a service provider's internal dial-code data to assess revenue impacts for its operations tipschina.gov.cn |
左图显示的是一个自定义界面包含没有滤波的E MG 信 号数 据 ( 腹部肌肉)与动态关节角度数据(髋关节外展/内收)和EMG功率表。 biometricsltd.com | The Display to the left shows a Workspace containing unfiltered EMG data (abdominal muscles) with Goniometer data (hip flexion/extension) and EMG Power Spectrum. biometricsltd.com |
这些新增数据包括: 有关金属块状硫化物的 206 项数据,2001 年为 112 项;有关低温热液成矿的 156 项数据,2001 [...] 年为 75 项;125 项热液羽流信号数据,2001 年为 20 项;102 项近 [...]场金属沉积物数据,2001 年为 77 项。 daccess-ods.un.org | These additional data include: 206 entries for polymetallic massive sulphides, compared to 112 in 2001; 156 entries for low-temperature hydrothermal mineralization, [...] compared to 75 in 2001; 125 entries for [...] hydrothermal plume signals, compared to 20 in [...]2001; and 102 entries for near-field metalliferous [...]sediments, compared to 77 in 2001. daccess-ods.un.org |
屏幕中出现一条确认将此联系人保存在了哪个存储中以及指定了 哪个单键拨号数字键的信息。 vertu.com | A message confirms which memory the contact has been saved to, and which speed dial number key has been assigned. vertu.com |
其中有一个名叫潘党,他摘了杨柳树上的三片叶子,并标 明 号数 , 叫养由基退到百步之外,顺序射去。 chinesestoryonline.com | One of them named Pan Dang chose three leaves at different heights on a willow tree, and challenged him to hit them in order. chinesestoryonline.com |
各部分的名称与功能”表单 记载了各部分的名称与功能、参数显示级别的查看方法、参数图的 符 号 、 数 值 的含义、参数画面的切换与设置操作 以及符号显示一览。 utadvanced.com | This sheet describes the names and functions of display parts, function of parameter display level, meaning of parameter map symbol and numeric value, parameter display transition and setup operation, and display symbol list. utadvanced.com |
每个货 件都需标注科勒零件编号、制造零件 编 号 、 数 量 、 批 号 、 科 勒地点名称、地址、按磅计总重、以 及任何其他适用规定项目。 kohlereurope.com | Each shipment shall be marked with the Kohler part number, manufacturing part number, quantity, lot number, Kohler site name, address, gross weight in pounds, and any other specified requirements as applicable. kohlereurope.com |
值设为无符号会将 值作为 32 位无符号数字进 行显示,从而允许显示和输入这样的值,即使 Crimson 无法在不能纳入 32 位有符号表示的值上进行任何数学计算。 redlion.net | A value of Unsigned will display the value as a 32-bit unsigned number, thereby allowing such values to be displayed and entered, even though Crimson cannot perform any math on values that will not fit in a 32-bit signed representation. redlion.net |
国际法学家委员会建议,瑞典应密切监 [...] 测该法律的解释和适用情况,防止对隐私权进行任何干涉;设立独立的审查机 制,一年后重新评估可获取信号数据 的 可允许的意图;并提供司法补救措施,以 [...] 获得具有约束力的命令,要求披露资料,说明这类人过去或现在是否被作为采集 数据的对象。 daccess-ods.un.org | ICJ also reported that it is likely that under the amended law, many of those whose communications are intercepted will not be notified.37 ICJ recommended Sweden to closely monitor the interpretation and application [...] of the law to prevent any interference with [...] the right to privacy; to establish [...]an independent review to re-assess, after [...]one year, the permissible purposes for which signal data may be acquired; and to provide for judicial recourse in order to obtain binding orders requiring disclosure as to whether such persons have been or are being subject to acquisition of data.38 5. daccess-ods.un.org |
澳大利亚商业号码(通常缩写为 ACN)是澳大利亚证券和投资委员会 (ASIC) 向依据联邦公司法 [...] 2001 注册的 每个公司颁发的作为标识符的唯一 9 位数号码。 vmware.com | An Australian Company Number (usually shortened to ACN) is a unique 9-digit number issued by the Australian Securities and [...] Investments Commission (ASIC) to every company registered under the Commonwealth [...] Corporations Act 2001 as an identifier. vmware.com |