

单词 号召者

See also:

号召 n

call n

call together
name of an ancient state that existed in what is now Shaanxi Province
surname Shao
temple or monastery (used in place names in Inner Mongolia)

External sources (not reviewed)

他也敦促反恐执行工 作队的所有工作组在其工作中贯彻人权观点,号 召会员国对侵犯人权行为的受者提 供 有效补救 和赔偿。
It also urged all Working Groups of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force to include a human rights perspective
in their work and called on States to
[...] provide effective remedies and reparations to victims of human rights violations.
这可能是由于手机不能在适当的时间内将联系人资料转到 Jabra FREEWAY,因此它只能播报来者号码。
This might be due to fact that the mobile phone could not
forward contact details to the Jabra FREEWAY within the reasonable time, and hence it would
[...] only announce the Caller Number.
新内容还欢迎在南非举办国际足球联合会世界 杯比赛之前发起“万众一心防治疟疾”宣传活动号 召各国 足球明星和足球队、政府、非政府组织、基金 会和公司携手防治疟疾;敦促国际社会、联合国和其 他利益攸者参与 资助和执行《全球防治疟疾行动计 划》;及呼吁扩大预防、控制和治疗疟疾行动,以便 实现国际上商定的防治疟疾目标。
The new elements also welcome the United Against Malaria Campaign, which, ahead of the International Federation of
Association Football World
[...] Cup event in South Africa, unites football stars and teams, Governments, non-governmental organizations, foundations and corporations in the fight against malaria; urge the international community, the United Nations and other stakeholders to participate [...]
in the funding and implementation
of the Global Malaria Action Plan; and call for scaling up malaria prevention, control and treatment in order to meet the internationally agreed malaria goals.
通过培训、专门给使者召开的 情况通报会和在实践中不断积累经验,相信支付 情况定会不断改善。
The payment situation should continue to improve through training, dedicated information meetings with users, and acquisition of experience in using the new systems.
倘該等 公司細則中關於股東大會的所有規定作出必要修訂,亦適用於各個另 召 開 的 股東大 會,惟所需的法定人數為不少於兩名人士或由受委代表(或倘股東為法團,則作為有 關法團的正式授權代表)持有該類別已發行股份面值至少三分之一,及於續會上,不 少於兩名人士或由受委代表(或倘股東為法團,則作為有關法團的正式授權代表)持 有該類別股份及該類別股份的任何持有人親身或由受委代表出 者 ( 或倘股東為法 團,則作為有關法團的正式授權代表)均有權要求投票表決。
To every such separate general meeting the provisions of these Bye-laws relating to general meetings shall mutatis mutandis apply, but so that the necessary quorum shall be not less than two persons holding or representing by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) at least one-third in nominal value of the issued shares of that class, and at an adjourned meeting not less than two persons holding [...]
or representing by proxy (or, in the
case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) shares of that class, and that any holder of shares of the class present in person or by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) may demand a poll.
1997 年,意大利图书馆联合目录、书目
信息中心(ICCU)组建了以更新 RICA 为使命的 RICA 联合会,最后,将联合会的工作职
[...] 责确立为修改和更新现行的规则(确切地说就是是意大利编目规则(RICA)),同时利用者和图书馆员的贡献号召人们 表达看法或参与到规则的准备过程中来。
Established in 1997 by the Central Institute for Unified Catalogue of Italian libraries and for bibliographic information (ICCU), the Commission for updating the RICA has finalized its work to revise and update the code in use, precisely the Regole italiane di catalogazione
per autori (RICA), also making
[...] use of the contribution of scholars and librarians, called upon [...]
to express opinions or involved in the preparation of rules.
秘书长的争取气候中号召不仅 促使各组织秘书处注意其碳管理做法,也 促使它们更广泛地考虑包括建筑管理、可持续采购、能源节约、纸张循环利用等 在内的内部环境管理做法。
The Secretary-General’s call for climate neutrality prompted the various secretariats to look into not only their carbon management practices but to consider more generally their inhouse environmental management practices covering building management, sustainable procurement, energy savings, paper recycling etc.
具 体的落实行动包括组召开具 体培训届会,旨在激励决 者 和 政 策制 者 授 予 在线普及利用 公共记录和政府持有的记录的权利,确定和促进公共领域中信息和知识的储存并使其可供全 民使用,对政府持有的公共领域信息进行保护和数字化。
Concrete follow-up initiatives
have included the
[...] organization of specific training sessions with a view to stimulating decision- and policy-makers to enact the [...]
right of universal
online access to public and government-held records, to identify and promote repositories of information and knowledge in the public domain and to make them accessible to all, as well as to undertake the preservation and digitization of public domain information held by governments.
号召所有 尚未加入《公约》的国家加入到绝大多数国家消除杀伤人员地雷 的努力中来。
We call on all States not yet party to the Convention to join the vast majority of States in our struggle against this weapon.
所有这些都需要一定程度的政治承诺——这种承诺 在很大程度上是缺失的。如果号召 各 方 作出政治 承诺的话,即使无法实现 GPA [...]
议程中涉及的、为 2013 年举行一个真正选举所需的所有改革,至少有 机会实现包括对安全部门的限制在内的选举所需的 最起码的条件。
All that will require a degree of political
commitment that has largely been absent,
[...] but if it can be summoned, there may yet [...]
be a chance to put in place – if not the
full agenda of GPA reforms – at least the minimum conditions, including restraints on the security services, needed for a genuine election by 2013.
号召所有 有关的联合国机构落实 可持续发展委员会第十七届会议上通过的有关干旱 和荒漠化的各项决定。
It called on all relevant United Nations agencies to implement the decisions of the Commission on Sustainable Development on drought and desertification adopted at its seventeenth session.
他们强调在解决全球化所带来的问题方面教科文组织所发挥的积极作用号召教科 文组织在以明确的远见指导其工作使其成为一个具有独创能力的知识论坛的同时,扩大影 响和提高效率。
They stressed the proactive role of UNESCO in addressing the consequences of globalization, and called for a new visibility and efficiency along with a clear vision that will guide UNESCO’s work and ability to act as an innovative intellectual forum.
代表们进一步强调教科文组织所特有的使命使其能够在所有重大计划中贯彻跨部门的整合与协 同号召制订更多的横向专题计划。
Delegates further emphasized UNESCO’s unique mandate allowing for intersectorality, integration and synergy among all its Major Programmes, and they called for a much larger number of intersectoral programmes.
4. 学区并无义务为了能够继续向您的子女提供特殊教育及相关服务而为您的子 召集 IEP 会议者制定 IEP;并且
4. is not required to have an IEP meeting or develop an IEP for your child for the further provision of special education and related services; and
2008--2009 年期间,秘书 处将工作重点放在改善公共宣传方面,特别是准备了有质量的材料,如向媒体发布新闻稿和 通知、通过印刷媒体和数码媒体以及教科文组织和各部门门户网站以及各不同奖项网站散
[...] 发、内部交流、举办 60 分钟会议以及新闻发布会或与获 者召 开 圆 桌会议以及在仪式上发 展公共关系。
In 2008-2009, the Secretariat focused its efforts on improving public information – in particular by preparing high-quality material, including press releases and media advisories, and disseminating it in print and digital formats, on the Internet portals of UNESCO and the sectors and on the websites of the various prizes – as well as internal communication, with the organization of
60-minute sessions and press conferences and
[...] round tables with prizewinners, and public relations [...]
during award ceremonies.
该宣言特别提及了东盟与亚太经社会的密切关系,包括 以区域协调机召集者的身份。
The Declaration makes particular reference
to ASEAN’s close relationship with ESCAP, including in
[...] its capacity as convener of the Regional [...]
Coordination Mechanism.
认识到区域层面对其工作的重要性 和增值作用,方案问题高级别委员会于2009
[...] 年决定邀请各区域委员会作为区域协调机 制召集者向其 会议介绍值得在全球层面 审议的任何新出现的区域间问题;并将方案 [...]
问题高级别委员会可能希望在区域层面推 进的全球问题带到区域协调机制的会议上 审议。
Recognizing the importance and value added of the regional dimension to its work, the High-level Committee on Programmes (HLCP)
in 2009 decided to invite the Regional
[...] Commissions, as conveners of the RCM, to [...]
bring to the deliberations of the HLCP any
emerging interregional issue meriting consideration at the global level; and to bring to the deliberations of the RCM, those global issues that the HLCP may wish to pursue at the regional level.
在审议了两个选择:保持每年召开三次 会议的“现状态”,者召开两 个通常会议和另一个关于氟氯烃的特别会议之 后,对此问题的考虑推迟至第五十四次会议(第 53 / 4 0 号 决 定 )。
After having considered the two options available, either to maintain the status quo of three meetings per year or to hold two regular Meetings with a special meeting on HCFCs, further discussion was deferred until the 54th Meeting (decision 53/40).
我的 Jabra STONE2 在有来电时只播报来者号码,不播报来电者姓名。
My Jabra STONE2 announces only Caller number and not name during an incoming call.
8 月 12
[...] 日是国际青年节,今年的主题是“改变我们的世界” — 一个鼓舞人心号召,呼 吁年轻人把自己的精力、思想和勇气用来应对他们和世界共同面临的复杂挑战。
August 12th is International Youth Day, and this year’s
theme is “Change Our World”  - an inspiring
[...] call to young people to bring their [...]
energy, ideas and courage to the complex challenges facing them and the world.
政府将采取一套措施,确保为举行全民投票营造适当的气氛,其中包括:解 除紧急状态,保障集会和表达自由,并允 号召 人 们支持任何一方。
The Government will ensure that the appropriate climate is in place for the conducting of the referendum by taking a set of measures, including
lifting the state of emergency,
[...] guaranteeing freedom of assembly and expression, [...]
and permitting calls to be made in support of either of the two choices.
方案的第一阶段是根据民众参与和权利下放的概念, 许多明确的项目有利于土著人民;第二阶段(2005-2009 年)是一个土著人民方案, 其灵感来自劳工组织第 169 号公约,玻利维亚土地改革关于土著地区的规定,以 及常设论坛号召,要 求让土著人民直接参与设计发展方案并成为这些方案的受 益人。
While its first phase was based on a concept of popular participation and decentralization, with explicit components in favour of indigenous peoples, the second phase (2005-2009) was an indigenous programme inspired by International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 169, the indigenous territory dimension of Bolivian land reform and the challenge of the Permanent Forum to directly involve indigenous peoples directly in the design of development programmes and as beneficiaries of such programmes.
这对残疾工作来说是一个重要的出发点,因为此类倡议可号召民间 社会在更大程度上的参与,并有利于政府对获 批通过的计划予以资助。
This is a significant point of departure, since such initiatives promote greater participation by civil society and encourage the authorities to find funding for the plans.
开发署继续向联合 国其他机构提供咨询和技术支持,而且是开发署性别平等问题工作队统一性别平 等方面投资追踪问题分组的主召集 者。
UNDP continues to provide advice and technical support to other UN agencies and is the lead convener of the subgroup of the UNDP Gender Equality Task Force on harmonizing the tracking of gender-related investments.
[...] 并表达一个强烈和清晰的信息,即支持采用建立在人权之上的方法,尤其是 2010 年 3 月 31 日在纽召开的捐赠者大会上。
By adopting this text the Council firmly indicated its wish to ensure that human rights occupy a prominent place on the reconstruction agenda and to deliver a strong and clear
message in support of a rights-based approach, especially
[...] at the International Donors’ Conference on 31 [...]
March in New York.
此外,阿富汗指出,《阿富汗刑法典》第 347 条规定对下列
[...] 人员处以徒刑和/或罚金:强行阻止宗教仪式的进行者或摧毁或损坏举行宗教仪 式的获准礼拜场所者;摧毁或损坏任何宗教标志或 号者。
In addition, it noted that article 347 of the Afghan Penal Code provides for a sentence of imprisonment and/or cash fines where persons who forcibly stop the conduct of religious rituals, and persons who destroy or damage
permitted places of worship where religious rituals are conducted, or who destroy or damage
[...] any sign or symbol of any religion.
[...] 全部门改革和军事人员的养恤基金筹集资源,支 召 开 一 个捐 者 圆 桌会议,重 点关注建设和平委员会建设和平战略框架提出的社会经济和机构能力建设优先 [...]
The paper stressed that, depending on future developments on the ground, the Peacebuilding Commission could help mobilize resources for security sector
reform and the military pension fund,
[...] and support the organization of a donors’ round table [...]
with a focus on socio-economic and
institutional capacity-building priorities as outlined in the Peacebuilding Commission’s strategic framework for peacebuilding.
24 对于涉及知识产权和科技创新的 WIPO 和其他机构来说,这是调整其计划和活动一 号召 , 来 反映和促 进一个兼顾各方利益和面向发展的知识产权体系(正如 Sachs 报告号召的一样);实现千年发展目标 (正如 STI 工作组报告中所明确一样)和有关千年发展目标八具体目标的技术要求。
24 In the case of WIPO and other agencies involved with IP and STI, this is a call to realign their programming and activities to reflect and contribute [...]
towards a balanced and development-oriented
IP system (as called for by the Sachs Report); and meeting the technological requirements of the MDGs (as defined in the Report of the Task Force on STI) and the relevant MDG 8 targets.
大家都知道LG以前是有半导体的,那时候就有A1CCD,但是好象是1997年,韩国国家说半导体厂家太多,要求减少,以便减少国内竞争,提高国际竞争力,因此LG半导体响应国 号召 , 和 现代半导体合并,合并后统一为HYNIX,主要方向是DRAM,于是A1的工程师就没有饭吃了,又不甘心就这样饿死啊,于是自己出来搞,又不想放弃LG的名号,怎么办呢?
We all know that the LG before semiconductors, when there A1CCD, but if the 1997 South Korean national, said too many semiconductor manufacturers, calls for a reduction, in order to reduce domestic competition, and improve their international
competitiveness, LG Semiconductor to
[...] respond to national call and Hynix Semiconductor [...]
merge unified for Hynix, the main
direction of the DRAM, so the engineers of the A1 nothing to eat, but also not willing to starve to death ah, so come out to engage, and do not want to give up the name of the LG, how do?




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