单词 | 右键 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 右键 noun —right click nExamples:右箭头键—right arrow key (on keyboard) See also:右—right (-hand) • west (old) • the Right (politics) 键—linchpin • chemical bond • button (on a mouse or other device) • key (on a piano or computer keyboard)
要发布图表,请右键单击图表,选择“另存为图片”,然后勾选“在 MQL5 [...] 图表服务中在线发布图像和获取链接”框,最后点击"确定"。 activtrades.cn | To do it, make a right click on a chart and [...] select "Save as Picture" tick the "Post image online in MQL5 Charts service [...]and get the link" box and press "OK". activtrades.co.uk |
要访问这个 屏幕,请鼠标右键单击 所需的数据文件。 cn.rockwellautomation.com | To access this [...] screen, right mouse click on the desired [...]data file. literature.rock...lautomation.com |
您会看到"账户历史",请右键单击 白色框中任何地方,选择"所有历史"。 activtrades.cn | You will see "Account [...] History", please right click anywhere in [...]the white box and select "All History". activtrades.co.uk |
例如右键点击 了一副图片后,您就可以直接从文本菜单调用图片自定义对话框。 evget.com | For instance, if you've right-clicked an image, you can invoke the image customization dialog directly from the context menu. evget.com |
通过拖拽鼠标或点击甘特图标题上的日期选择日期范围可以对图表进行缩放 , 右键 单 击 甘特图标题可撤销缩放。 evget.com | Chart can be zoomed by selecting date range by mouse draging or clicking to one date in Gantt header, [...] unzoomed by right click Gantt header. evget.com |
然后转到“Start”(开始)菜单并打开 Jabra PC Suite Control Center 或右键单击快速启动菜单右侧的 Jabra PC Suite 图标。 jabra.cn | Then go to Start and open Jabra PC Suite Control Center or right click on the Jabra PC Suite icon on the right side of the quick-start menu. jabra.com |
任务项”视图使用的默认详细信息是“资源和前置任务”,但也可以通 过 右键 单 击 鼠 标按钮并选择想要应用的详细信息,从而应用其他详细信息。 seavusprojectviewer.com | The default detail used by the Task Entry view is [...] Resources & Predecessors, but you can apply other [...] details by right-click on the mouse [...]button and select the detail you want to apply. seavusprojectviewer.com |
更让人叫绝的是:因为是和资源管理器进行集成,不论是同一目录还是多重子目录下PPT的转换过程,在利用Windows操作系统的搜索功能后,只要选中相应的文档,再 点 右键 “ PP T2PDF”,就可以完成我们“有PPT的地方就有PDF”的终极目标了(当然要求所在目录是可写的,而不是只读)。 oapdf.com | Wow even more people is this: because it is integrated and resource managers, whether in the same directory or a subdirectory under the multiple PPT conversion process, in the use of Windows operating system's search feature, just select [...] the appropriate [...] document, and then right click "PPT2PDF", you can complete our "There PPT where [...]there is PDF" The ultimate [...]goal of the (of course, requires the host directory is writable and not read-only). oapdf.com |
每次当您在水平/倾斜区域内移动鼠标时按 下右 键,将对该位置给出一个场景编号。 dmx512.ch | Every time [...] you press the right button while moving [...]the mouse within the Pan/Tilt field, this position is given a Scene number. dmx512.ch |
当我从“HHonors积分网店商城”点击进入一个商家网站, 并 右键 点 击 了一个产品或链接以打开一个新窗口或选项卡后,我在打开的新窗口/选项卡中完成了购物。 shoptoearn.hhonors.com | I clicked to a merchant from the HHonors Shop-to-Earn Mall and once on the merchant site, I right-clicked on [...] a product or link [...]to open a new browser window or tab, and I completed my purchase in that new window/tab. shoptoearn.hhonors.com |
如果你不想启动界面,只需右键单击 PDF文件,您可以将PDF文件转换EPUB格式菜单中的快捷方式。 cn.anypdftools.com | If you don’t want to launch the [...] interface, just right-click the PDF file, [...]you can convert PDF files to EPUB format in the menu shortcuts. resource.anypdftools.com |
然后,向下钻 取查找包含需要恢复的文件的文件夹,选择文件 , 右键 单 击 ,在快捷菜单中选择复制,打开用 于保存要恢复的文件的文件夹,在文件夹 中 右键 单 击 ,选择快捷菜单中的粘贴。 seagate.com | Then drill-down to the folder containing the file(s) you need [...] to recover, select the [...] file(s), right-click and choose Copy in the shortcut menu, open a folder for saving the files to be recovered, right-click in the folder and choose Paste in the shortcut menu. seagate.com |
1 图片提取:在“浏览区”列表中右键 单 击 文件名选择“提取图片”选项切换到“图片”窗口,此时程序会将该PDF文件中包含的所有图片都显示在右侧窗口中,双击图片会将图片显示在左侧窗口中,此时可以对该图片进行缩放和翻转等操作,如果要截取图片局部,点击“框选工具”按钮,用鼠标选取图片范围,在点击“将图片另存为”按钮即可保存截取的图片。 oapdf.com | 1 Image Extraction: In the "Browse [...] Area" list, right-click the file name [...]select "Extract image" option to switch to the [...]"picture" window, this time the program PDF file contains all the pictures are displayed in the on the right window, double-click the image will be displayed in the left picture window, a time to flip the picture to zoom and other operations, if you want to intercept partial picture, click on "box is checked Tools" button, select the picture with the mouse range, the click on "Save Picture As" button to save the interception of the pictures. oapdf.com |
用鼠标右键单击 桌面上的任意地方(图标除外)。 eizo.com | Right-click the mouse anywhere [...] on the desktop except for icons. 2. eizo.it |
通过右键单击 编辑窗格然后从出现的菜单中选择适当命令,即可配 [...] 置编辑器选项。 redlion.net | Editor options can be [...] configured by right-clicking on [...]the Editing Pane and selecting the appropriate command from the resulting menu. redlion.net |
要更改计划表中的时间标度,右键单 击时间表格以打开菜单并指定标度。 support.nec-display.com | To change the calibration of time on schedules, right-click a time cell to open the menu and specify the calibration. support.nec-display.com |
您可以右键单击 这些词语,拼写检查程序会给出词语拼写的所有可能建议。 providesupport.cn | You can right click such words [...] and the spell checker will suggest you all possible variants of the word spelling. providesupport.com |
通过右键单击 文件夹或文件夹内容,可以访问多个不同的 [...] 菜单,您可以使用这些菜单管理会话窗口输出、图形、工作表、命令语言以及 相关的项目区域。 minitab.com | By right-clicking either the [...] folders or the folder contents, you can access a variety of menus that allow you to manage [...]Session window output, graphs, worksheets, command language, and related project areas. minitab.com |
标题可能有多达三个图标:列、排列图标方式和磁盘属性,后者是在通 过 右键 单 击 对象打开的 上下文菜单中复制的。 seagate.com | The header may have up to three icons: [...] Columns, Arrange Icons by and Disc properties, the latter duplicated in the context [...] menu opened by right-clicking objects. seagate.com |
项目简介: ddMenu是一个基于Mootools开发的右键菜 单 ,菜单的样式可以通过CSS定制。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: DojoMVC is based on Dojo, using the MVC design pattern developed Ajax/JavaScript development framework . javakaiyuan.com |
设备和打印机, 然后,右键单击打印机图标,再单击 打印首选项。 support.dell.com | Devices and Printers, then right-click the icon for your printer and click Printing Preferences. support.dell.com |
您可以在选择希望结算的仓位后,点击‘结清头寸’按钮,或在‘未平仓头寸’ 窗口 按右键选择‘平仓’。 hiroseuk.com | You can close your open positions by clicking on the ‘Close Position’ button or placing an order from the ‘Open Positions’ window. hiroseuk.com |
为了一次性选择多个或者全部的灯具,在按下 SHIFT 按键的同时单击您想添加的第一个和最后一个等级,然 后在按下鼠标右键的同时拖放至右侧的阵列窗口上。 dmx512.ch | In order to select multiple or all fixtures at once, click on the first and the last fixture you wish [...] to add while holding [...] down the SHIFT key, and then drag over to the matrix window on the right while holding down the right mouse button. dmx512.ch |
在Windows XP中,依次单击“开始”、“打印机和传真机”,然 后 右键 单 击 打印机图标,再单击“打印首选项”。 support.dell.com | In Windows XP, click Start, Printers and Faxes, then right-click the icon for your printer and click Printing Preferences. support.dell.com |
在图像区域内单击右键(将会显示 MxPEG ActiveX 插件的选项中所述的单击右键菜单),并选择伸缩图像 > 2x 选项。 ssf.lv | Right-click in the image area (this will show the context menu described in Options of the MxPEG ActiveX [...] plug-in) and select the Scale image > 2x option. ssf.lv |
要做到这一点,只需右键单击 PDF,去“属性”,看到“只读”复选框被勾选或不。 cn.anypdftools.com | To do that, just right-click the PDF, go [...] to "Properties" to see the "Read-only" check-box is ticked or not. resource.anypdftools.com |
右键单击任务栏上的 VRS 图标,以启动交互式查看器。 graphics.kodak.com | Right-click on the VRS icon [...] located in the Taskbar to launch the Interactive Viewer. graphics.kodak.com |
项目简介: [...] 你可以使用该插件在Eclipse的资源导航器或包资源管理器上选中一个资源,然 后 右键 选 择 Open extern菜单打开一个shell(可以是command prompt-CMD或linux [...] shell),或一个文件夹(比如windows系统中的资源管理器)。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: You can use this plug- in for Eclipse resource navigator or package [...] explorer on a resource is [...] selected , then right menu choose Open extern open a shell ( can be a command prompt-CMD [...]or linux shell), or [...]a folder ( such as windows system resource manager ) . javakaiyuan.com |
如果想要在 Seavus Project Viewer™ 中操作表格,可使用“更多表格”对话框进行编辑, [...] 或甚至创建自己的表格,也可以仅使用“插入”菜单或上下文菜单( 在 右键 单 击 视图工 作表部分标题行中的任意列时可用),在与视图相关联的当前表格中插入或删除字段。 seavusprojectviewer.com | If you would like to manipulate the tables in Seavus Project Viewer™, you can use the More Tables dialog to edit, or even create tables of your own, or you can simply use [...] the Insert menu or the context menu [...] available when you right-click on any column [...]in the header row of the sheet portion of [...]the view, to insert or remove fields from the current table associated with the view. seavusprojectviewer.com |
如果您的浏览器被设置为以浏览器窗口显示这些文件,则点击鼠 标 右键 选 择此链接(Mac 用户:按住此链接),在弹出菜单中选择“将目标另存为...”,然后根据提示操作。 zh.usps.com | If your browser is configured to display [...] these files in your browser window, select the [...] link with your right mouse button (Mac [...]users: hold down the link) and choose “Save [...]Target As…” from the pop-up menu and follow the prompts. usps.com |