单词 | 右箭头 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 右箭头 —right-pointing arrowExamples:右箭头键—right arrow key (on keyboard) See also:右—right (-hand) • west (old) • the Right (politics) 箭头 n—arrow n • arrows pl 箭头—arrow symbol 箭 n—arrow n • arrows pl • rocket n
选择所需时间,然后点击向右箭 头。 livescribe.com | Select the [...] desired time and Tap right. livescribe.com |
如果设置快捷方式图标没有在工具栏上显示,您可以单击 向 右箭头直 到它显示为止。 graphics.kodak.com | If the Setting Shortcuts icon is not visible on the [...] toolbar, click the right arrow until it is displayed. graphics.kodak.com |
左 / 右箭头:用于在屏幕间进行 移动。 gww.graco.com | Left/Right Arrows: Use to move from [...] screen to screen. gww.graco.com |
点击导航十字的向右箭头,或 者在任何打开的 纸张上点两下。 livescribe.com | Right-tap on the Nav Plus, or double-tap on any open paper. livescribe.com |
使用左右箭头键来设置休息时间。 sonimtech.com | Use the left and right arrow keys to set the [...] time for snooze. sonimtech.com |
找到要删除的录音片段,然后点击向 右箭头将 其选中。 livescribe.com | Locate the [...] session to delete and tap right to select it. livescribe.com |
点击导航十字的向右箭头启动 应用程序。 livescribe.com | Tap the right arrow of your Nav Plus [...] to launch the application. livescribe.com |
要将高亮显示的 用户移入或移出当前仪器用户列表,需要根据需 要定位并单击右箭头或左 箭头。 www.indsci.com | To move a highlighted user into or out of the Current Instrument User list, locate and click [...] on the right-pointing and left-pointing arrows as needed. www.indsci.com |
参数设置模式中按左/ 右箭头键(设定值闪烁), 在参数的位数之间移动。 utadvanced.com | Press the Left/Right arrow keys during parameter [...] setting mode (setpoint is blinking) to move between digits according to the parameter. utadvanced.com |
单击右箭头 完成 任务;设备组名称将自动从“可用设备”列表移动到“该组列表中的设备”。 www.indsci.com | Click on the right-pointing arrow to complete the task; [...] the equipment group name will automatically move from the "available [...]equipment" list to the "equipment in this group list". www.indsci.com |
以下 YouTube 播放器图标或者左/右箭头在我们的视频库内进行浏览。 cn.hartru.com | icon or left/right arrows on the YouTube player [...] below to navigate through our Video Library. hartru.com |
若光标变成两条带左右箭头的垂 直线,说明其正指向分区边框,可拖动它来增大或减小分区大 小。 seagate.com | If the cursor turns into two vertical [...] lines with left and right arrows, it is pointed at [...]the partition border and you can drag [...]it to enlarge or reduce the partition's size. seagate.com |
点击向右箭头查看 第一个购买的应用程序。 livescribe.com | Tap right to view the first of your [...] purchased applications. livescribe.com |
当要用的应用程序名称显示时,点向 右箭头 可 选 择该 应用程序。 livescribe.com | When the desired application [...] name is displayed, tap right to select that [...]application. livescribe.com |
使用月份标题处的左右箭头可更 改弹出日 历内的月份和年份。 seagate.com | You can change months and years in the pop-up calendars [...] using the left and right arrows in the month name area. seagate.com |
点击导航十字的向右箭头,删除密码和取消密码保护。 livescribe.com | Tap right on the Nav Plus to remove the [...] password and cancel password protection. livescribe.com |
选择阶段开始和/或阶段结束,并使用移动按钮(向左 箭 头 或 向 右箭头 ) 调 整阶段 开始和结束时间。 mesalabs.com | Select Phase start and/or phase end and use the move [...] buttons (right or left arrows) to adjust the phase [...]start and end times. mesalabs.com |
若要查看特定时期的日志,请在显示时期区域的自:和至:字段中单 击 右箭头 按 钮 ,以选择期 限。 seagate.com | To view the logs for a specific period, select the period by [...] clicking the right arrow buttons in the From: [...]and To: fields of the Show for the period area. seagate.com |
您可以使用向上、向下、向左或向右 的 箭头 导 航到一个时间片。 evget.com | You can navigate to a timeslot [...] using the up, down, left or right arrows. evget.com |
包围“启动线”的临近区 [...] 域功能类似于导航十字控制按钮:“点击向上箭头”、 “点击向下箭头”、 “点击向左箭头”、 “点击向右箭头” 和“点击中心点”。 livescribe.com | The areas immediately surrounding a Launch Line function as the Nav Plus [...] controls: Tap Up, Tap Down, Tap Left, Tap Right, and Tap Center. livescribe.com |
日历表两侧的左向和右向箭头按钮可让您浏览日历中显示的各个月份。 seagate.com | The buttons [...] with left and right arrows at the sides of the [...]calendar allow you to browse the months being shown in the calendar. seagate.com |
可通过单击窗口右侧带箭头的栏将 资源窗格隐藏至窗口边沿,也可选择将资源窗格锁定在某个位置,可以最大化窗口, [...] 从而增加可用的工作空间。 redlion.net | You can either slide out the Resource Pane [...] by clicking the arrowed bar to the right-hand side [...]of the window, or you can choose to [...]lock the Resource Pane in place, perhaps maximizing your window to increase your available workspace. redlion.net |
如需再次浏览日历表,请单击日历表 右 上 方 的向 下 箭头。 seagate.com | To view the calendar [...] again, click the Down arrow at the top right of the calendar pane. seagate.com |
如果要以链接形式插入文档,则单击“插入”按 钮 右 侧 的 箭头 , 然 后单击弹出菜单中的“插入为链接”命令。 oapdf.com | If you want to insert a link to the form of [...] a document, click the "Insert" button [...] to the right of the arrow, and then click the [...]pop-up menu in the "Insert as Link" command. oapdf.com |
若光标变成四个箭头,说 明它正指向该分区,可将其向左或 向 右 移 动 (若旁边有未配置空 间)。 seagate.com | If the cursor turns into four arrows, it is pointed at the partition, so you can move it to the left or right (if there's unallocated [...] space near it). seagate.com |
选择 ‘引导顺序’ ► 在窗口的右边,选择 CD/DVD 并使用向上箭头移动到第一个位置。 kb.parallels.com | Highlight ‘Boot [...] order’ ► on the right side of the window, choose CD/DVD, and using the up arrow move it to the first place. kb.parallels.com |
当箭头方向向左 (←) 时,所提到的生态系统服务可在左列找到 ; 箭头 向右 (→) 表明所提 到的服务在右列。 teebweb.org | When the arrow points to the left (←) the reference [...] to the ecosystem service is found in the left [...] column, to the right (→) indicates a service mentioned in the right column. teebweb.org |
把鼠标箭头移到屏幕右下角 的「安全锁」图示。 hangseng.com.cn | Move the [...] mouse pointer over the 'security lock icon' at the bottom-right corner. hangseng.com.cn |
石莲桦属分枝花柱(Cotyledion tylodes)拥有高脚杯状的外形,杯体外环绕着U型消化道(图左化石的黑色特征 , 箭头 象 征 食物的流动),这种动物往往将自己锚定在海床上或在固定的坚硬物质上,例如三叶虫蜕皮后的外骨骼( 图 右 为 艺 术构想图)。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Cotyledion tylodes had a goblet-shaped body that surrounded a [...] U-shaped gut (dark feature [...] in fossil at left; arrows denote flow of food), and the animal spent its life anchored to the seafloor or to hard objects that had settled there, such as the molted exoskeletons of trilobites (artist's representation at right). chinese.eurekalert.org |