单词 | 右下 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 右下—lower rightSee also:右—right (-hand) west (old) the Right (politics)
必要时,遵循第 12 页冲洗右下边启动和调节泵的步 骤或者第 16 [...] 页开始的维修章节中拆卸的步骤。 graco.com | As necessary, follow the steps under Starting and Adjusting [...] the Pump, at right, underFlushing [...]on page 12, or under Disassembly in the Service section, starting on page 16. graco.com |
打开该特性之后,您可以选择想要编辑的数据或者在右下角的区域进行说明。 dmx512.ch | After opening this feature, you can choose the values you wish to edit or illustrate from the [...] field in the upperright hand corner. dmx512.ch |
按「节目面板」右下方的设定键 会出现「节目群组设定视窗」。 avermedia.eu | Select the Setup button located on the bottomright corner of the program panel and the program group setup dialog will appear. avermedia.eu |
电源开启装置且建立连结时,两个指示灯将会亮起:连接的乙太网路埠右下角旁的绿色 LED,以及前置面板上的连结指示灯。 support2.imation.com | When the device is powered on and a link is [...] established, two indicators will glow: a [...] green LED next to thelower rightcornerof the [...]connected Ethernet port, and the link indicator on the front panel. support2.imation.com |
使用我们的快速搜索工具(右下方),为您的设计搜寻合适的数据转换器。 analog.com | Use our Quick Search Tool (below right) to find the [...] rightdata converter for your design. analog.com |
戴尔报价单编号是位于报价单右下角客户编号上方的唯一参考编号。 dell.com | Dell quotation number is a unique reference located [...] in the lower right handcorner of the [...]quotation, above your customer number. dell.com |
任何合资格注册商标中出现的中文字、英文字母﹑阿拉伯数字及符号的 排列次序以“上左﹑上右﹑下左﹑下右”的顺序为准,除非申请人可以提交 HKIRC 认为满意的文件 [...] 证明,证实在有关合资格注册商标中所出现的中文字、英文字母﹑阿拉伯数字及符号通常是以不同的 排列次序出现的。 hkdnr.hk | The sequence of the Chinese Characters, English letters, Arabic numerals and Symbols appearing in [...] any Eligible RTM will be [...] deemed to be 'top-left, top-right, down-left, down-right' unless the [...]Applicant can establish, to [...]the satisfaction of HKIRC and by way of documentary proof, that the Chinese Characters, English letters, Arabic numerals and Symbols by appearing in the Eligible RTM are commonly used in a different sequence. hkdnr.hk |
按住右下按钮Ⓐ 两秒或更长时间取消讯号接收。 citizen.com.hk | Press and hold the lower rightbuttonⒶ for [...] two or more seconds to cancel the signal reception. citizen.com.hk |
这里展示的是阿尔特采用白色提亮颜色的墨水画,描绘的是维也纳的议会大厦,右下角有签名和“1885 年”的日期字样。 wdl.org | Shown here is Alt’s ink drawing with white heightening of the parliament building in Vienna, signed and dated [...] 1885 in the lowerright-hand corner. wdl.org |
单击鼠标按钮并按住不放,同时将矩形框拉伸到图片右下角。 cdn.ftp.nicelabel.com | Click and hold the mouse button while you stretch the [...] rectangle to the lowerright cornerof the [...]picture. nicelabel.com |
当节目面板出现时,点选节目面板右下方的显示模式 按钮 ,即可切换节目列表及节目群组列表。 avermedia.eu | If you click on the display mode button located on the bottom right corner of the program panel, the program panel will be switched from Program List to Program Grouping List. avermedia.eu |
斯坦福大学医疗中心心脏病学副教授、医学博士Amin Al-Ahmad也参加了Artisan Extend导管的评估,他说:“Artisan [...] Extend导管灵活性的提高和弯曲半径的增加使其能够进入右下肺静脉和其它心脏靶点,而这些靶点用人工技术标测时一般很难触及到。 tipschina.gov.cn | According to Amin Al-Ahmad, M.D., Assistant Professor of Cardiology, Stanford University Medical Center, who also evaluated the Artisan Extend catheter, "The improved flexibility and bend radius with the Artisan [...] Extend catheter allows [...] access to the right inferior pulmonary vein [...]and other cardiac targets that are typically harder to reach when [...]mapping with manual technique. tipschina.gov.cn |
设计用上质感细腻柔软的白色棉质素材,加入精巧的酒红色眼镜图案,左上方印上「Obscura Winter 2012」字样,右下方则印上SILLY THING标志,四正方型的剪裁设计,可随心摺叠成袋巾配合着装使用,希望读者们喜欢。 think-silly.com | The handkerchief come in a classic eyeglass pattern in an elegant Bordeaux color; with the words “Obscura Winter 2012” stamped on the upper left corner, and “SILLY THING” logo on the right bottom. think-silly.com |
游戏滑鼠的解析度在FPS游戏中是非常重要,玩家为了射击上的需求常常在急转身的动作上就需要高灵敏度的支援,容易躲过被敌人击毙的机会,M873U可以让完家随时更改滑鼠的解析度范围在2,000dpi ~500dpi之间,滑鼠的滚轮前後方各设计按键达到切换的任务(在萤幕的右下方可清楚的见到目前的解析度),所以玩家在不同游戏场景中可以进行不同的解析度调整来适合自己的需求。 btc.com.tw | In the hugely popular FPS (First Person Shooter) games, the resolution and agility of the mouse plays a very important role because it is often necessary to make precise and rapid movements when avoiding an enemy or when staging a counterattack, etc. Because the optimal resolution is highly dependant on the mission at hand, the M873U isequipped with easily adjustable resolution buttons on either side of the scroll wheel that allow gamers to change the mouse resolution at any time during game play between 2,000dpi, 1000dpi and 500dpi. btc.com.tw |
单击大多数屏幕右下角的退出图标,或单击右上角的关闭框。 graphics.kodak.com | Click the Exit icon in the lower right-hand corner on [...] most screens or click the Close box in the upper right-hand corner. graphics.kodak.com |
使用者可於【专辑下载列表】画面中,点选正在下载或等待下载之新闻,会开启 新闻内容,点选右下角功能表开启功能选单,并选择“停止下载”。 esobi.com | In [Episode Download List], select current downloading or queue news to open its content. Select Menu at the lower-righthand corner and “Stop Download”. esobi.com |
然後,你可以看到一个OCR相关的滑动按钮在右下角的接口。 tw.anypdftools.com | Then you could see an OCR-related sliding [...] button at the lower-right corner of the [...]interface. resource.anypdftools.com |
设备开机并且链接已建立后,两个指示灯将亮起:已连接以太网端口右下角旁的绿色 LED 和前端面板上的链接指示灯。 support2.imation.com | When the device is powered on and a link is [...] established, two indicators will [...] glow: a green LEDnext to the lower rightcornerof the [...]connected Ethernet port, and the [...]link indicator on the front panel. support2.imation.com |
将系统开机到桌面,用开始功能表或以滑鼠按兩下工作列的 RST 储存图示(画面右下方)开启 RST GUI。 download.asrock.com | Boot system to desktop, open RST GUI from either Start Menu or by double-clicking RST Storage icon in [...] Icon tray, lower right-hand cornerof the screen. download.asrock.com |
在 该 支 票的右 下角有该 公 司 名 字 的 橡 皮 图 章 [...] 印 监 , 印 监 下 有 一 条 虚 线 , 而 第 二 被 告 人 则 在 虚 线 上 签 上 自 己 的 名 字 , 在 其 名 字 之 下 则 以 橡 皮 [...]图 章 印 上 ‚ Managing Director‛ ( 董 事 总 经 理 ) 的 文 字 。 hkreform.gov.hk | In thebottomrighthand the cheque bore [...] a rubber stamp in the name of the 1st defendant company, underneath which was a [...]dotted line upon which the 2nd defendant had signed his own name, and beneath which had rubber-stamped the words "Managing Director". hkreform.gov.hk |
注 意用户界面的大小是可以调整的(可以通过点击并拖动窗口的右下方来拉宽它)。 crystalballservices.com | Notice, too, that the user interface is resizable (e.g., you can click and drag the rightside of the form to make it wider). crystalballservices.com |
在生成的幻灯片网页中,双击里面的网页文件就可以看见效果了,点击网页右下角的“幻灯片放映”按钮,浏览器还可以以全屏的方式进行播放,效果和在PowerPoint2003播放差不多(如图3)。 oapdf.com | In the resulting slide page, double-click the file inside the web page can see results, and click thebottom rightcorner of the page "slide show" button, the browser can also be the way to full-screen playback, effects and playing almost in PowerPoint2003 ( Figure 3). oapdf.com |
你可以利用迷你地图 (在位置功能主地图的右下角) 来快速地浏览大地图。 mammals.org | Use the mini-map (in the lower-right corner of the main Places map) to quickly navigate the large map. mammals.org |
单击H4单元格,鼠标指向该单元格右下角的小黑方块(即填充句柄),待光标变为黑色“十”字时,按下鼠标的左键向下拖曳至H13,各科总分就很容易显示出来(根据需要可以选择不同函数对数据进行处理,如用Max函数计算最高分,Min计算最低分,Average计算平均分等)。 oapdf.com | Click H4cells, mouse cells point to the lower right corner of [...] the small black box (that is, fill handle) until the cursor [...]into a black "10" character, press the left button down drag the mouse to the H13, subjects score can easily show (based on the need to choose a different data processing functions, such as the Max function with the highest score, Min calculation of the minimum hours, Average grade average). oapdf.com |
本软体可依据更新频率设定进行自动更新作业,不论於【新闻订阅】、【Podcast [...] 订阅】及【同步资料夹】中,点选右下角功能表开启功能选单,并选择“设定” [...]开启【一般】画面,即可设定更新频率。 esobi.com | In [News Reader], [Podcast Reader] and [Synched [...] Folder], click on Menu at the lower-right hand corner to open function list, [...]select “Setting” and then “General” to proceed. esobi.com |
在您与客户进行聊天会话时,操作员控制面板可以最小化到 Windows 系统托盘,即屏幕右下角靠近时钟的一小片区域。 providesupport.cn | When you don't have ongoing live chat sessions with customers, Live Chat [...] Operator Console can be minimized to Windows System Tray - small area [...] in the bottom right corner of the [...]screen, near the clock. providesupport.com |
( b ) 加 印 字 眼 的 公 司 支 票 与 标 准 的 公 司 支 票 一 样 , 但 [...] 支 票 的 顶 部 及 /或右 下角印有 公 司 名 称 。 hkreform.gov.hk | (b) Overprinted cheques are the same as standard [...] company cheques, but the name of the company is printed at the top of the cheque [...] and/or at thebottomright hand corner. hkreform.gov.hk |
在该屏幕右下角单击 COM 4 组合框上的向下箭头,并根据你当前所用控制器选择“触摸屏智能设置”或“触摸屏智能触 [...] 摸”。 zh.rjginc.com | At the bottom right corner of the screen, click the down arrow [...] on the COM 4 combo box and select either “Touch Screen Smartset” [...]or “Touch Screen Intellitouch” depending on the controller you are using. en.rjginc.com |
分解运算每次处理一个元素,按照列的顺 序,从左上角开始,按照垂直之字形方式进 行,在矩阵右下角结束,如图3(a)所示。 bdti.com | The decomposition is performed one element at a time, column-wise, starting from the top left corner, proceeding in a vertical zigzag fashion, and ending at the bottomright corner of the matrix as shown in Figure 3(a). bdti.com |