单词 | 右 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 右—right (-hand)less common: west (old) the Right (politics) Examples:左右adv—aroundadv 左右—influence attendant 左邻右舍—neighbors colleagues doing related work
要取下输入托盘,请将输入托盘轻轻推到左边或右边将插脚从插 槽中释放出来,然后将它拉出。 graphics.kodak.com | To remove the input tray, gently push the input tray [...] to the left or right to release the [...]pin from the slot, and lift it out of position. graphics.kodak.com |
这个进程面临的重大 挑战是,要着重点,还是要包容性,在两者之间左右为难的困境。 daccess-ods.un.org | The main challenge faced in this process was the dilemma between focus and inclusiveness. daccess-ods.un.org |
这样做之后,A 侧的部件 [...] (流体入口、止回阀及 流体室的 A 侧)会换到右边。graco.com | Doing this will reposition A side parts (fluid inlet, check valve, and fluid [...] housing A side) to right. graco.com |
百分之九十的疟疾死亡病例发生在非洲,那里的疟疾占所有儿童死亡病例的五分之一左右。 unicef.org | Ninety per cent of malaria deaths occur in Africa, where malaria accounts for about one in five of all childhood deaths. unicef.org |
打印机打印最左边的标签和最右边的标签而非打印多个标 签,这样打印输出的长度为原来的两倍,但宽度为原来的一半。 printronix.com | Instead of printing multiple labels [...] across the printer, it prints the leftmost [...] label and the rightmost label, so [...]the printout will be twice as long but half as wide. printronix.de |
计算机软件业本身也是创新 [...] 的一个非常重要的来源,并且其成员认为在过去的十年左右时间 内他们在许多商用软件产 品的性能和功能方面创造了巨大的增益,而与此同时价格依然保持稳定,甚至有所降低。 iprcommission.org | The computer software industry [...] is also a highly important source of [...] innovation inits own right and its members [...]argue that they have produced dramatic gains [...]in the performance and functionality of many commercial software products in the last decade or so while prices have remained stable or even fallen. iprcommission.org |
如果设备成功的与测量软件相连,被激活的“设备的连接状态显示”图标会变成彩 色的(主界面右上角的图标)。 statuspro.cn | When sensor and software communication has been established then the sensor [...] symbol in the top right hand corner [...]of the measurement screen will be coloured red and yellow. statuspro.com |
点击上面概述中的产品型号查看与之有关的支持,或使用页面右侧的链接访问我们的支持版块。 jabra.cn | Click on a product variant in the [...] overview above to see the support available for it, or visit our support section using [...] the linkon the rightside ofthe page. jabra.com |
选取函数后即打开“函数参数输入”对话框,然后单击“折叠对话框”按钮(即Nu mber1右边的按钮),此时对话框消失,接着选取单元格区域,选取方法(单击C4拖曳至G4或单击C4按Shift键同时单击G4),最后必须按“回车键”加以确认,“函数参数输入”对话框再次出现,单击对话框中的“确定”按钮退出后即可得到第一名学生总分。 oapdf.com | Select function after open "function parameters" dialog box, [...] and then click "fold dialog" button (that is, theright button Number1), [...]when the dialog box [...]disappears, and then select the range, select the method (click to drag C4 C4 by G4 or click Shift key while clicking the G4), the last must press the "Enter" to confirm that the "function parameters" dialog box appears again, click the dialog box "OK" button can be obtained from the following Total students first. oapdf.com |
若要编辑或添加注释,请单击侧栏中的 [...] 恢复,从数据还原和备份管理屏幕中选择相应的备份,然后右击,从快捷菜单中选择编辑注 释。 seagate.com | To edit or add a comment, go to the Data recovery and backup management screen by [...] clicking Recovery on the sidebar, choose the appropriate [...] backup, right-click andselect Edit [...]comments in the shortcut menu. seagate.com |
道 路交界处偶会提供额外的右转车位,以确保这些交界处的 运作效率。 devb.gov.hk | Occasionally, additional right-turning pockets [...] are provided at road junctions to ensure the operational efficiency of the junctions. devb.gov.hk |
每张表格的右上角均 注明表格代号。 bank.hangseng.com | All the forms are printed with a [...] code on the top right hand corner, [...]along with a specific form reference. bank.hangseng.com |
巴基斯坦建议德国:(a) 承认《公民权利和政治 权利国际公约》完全 适用于国内外在其管辖之下的每一个人;(b) 在反恐措施方面充分遵守各项国际人 权文书的规 定,包括《公 民权利 和政治 权 利 国 际公约》 和 《 禁 止 酷刑公约》 的 规 定;(c) 废除侵犯个人隐私 权的任何 法规 ,如对私人 住宅 的 摄像监视; (d) 确保其 境 内的所 有人,不论其法律地 位如何 [...] ,都能 充 分享有 基 本 保健、受教育和法律诉 讼权利; (e) 采取具体行动,取消就业和社会融合方面的基 于宗教的歧视性做法; (f) [...] 对种族主义问题特别报告员的建议给予特别注意,他曾警告,要正确对待仇外 思想,以避免产生右翼极端主义。 daccess-ods.un.org | Pakistan recommended that Germany: a) acknowledge the full applicability of ICCPR to persons subject to its jurisdiction both at home and abroad; b) in the context of counter terrorism measures fully respect the provisions of international human rights instruments including ICCPR and CAT; c) repeal any legislation that infringe upon individuals’ right to privacy such as the video surveillance of private homes; d) ensure full access to primary health care, education and judicial recourse to all persons present on its territory irrespective of their legal status; e) take concrete actions to deal with the discriminatory practices on the grounds of religion in access to employment and social integration; and f) pay special attention to the recommendations of the [...] Special Rapporteur on racism who cautioned that xenophobia needs to be addressed [...] squarelyto avoid right-wingextremism. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,必须强调,被占领的东耶路撒冷继续广泛遭受占领国及其定 [...] 居者的极端行为和挑衅之害,以色列政府右翼官员不断威胁和煽动,就 被占领城市的圣地,特别是耶路撒冷旧城“尊贵禁地”接二连三地提出 [...]挑衅性和不顾后果的公告和要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this connection, it must be stressed that Occupied East Jerusalem continues to suffer extensively from the extremism and the provocations of the occupying Power and its [...] settlers, as well as the constant threats [...] and incitement byright-wingIsraeli Government [...]officials, who continue to make provocative [...]and reckless declarations and claims regarding holy sites in the occupied city, particularly with regard to Al-Haram Al-Sharif (the Noble Sanctuary) in the Old City. daccess-ods.un.org |
要发布图表,请右键单击图表,选择“另存为图片”,然后勾选“在 MQL5 [...] 图表服务中在线发布图像和获取链接”框,最后点击"确定"。 activtrades.cn | To do it, make a rightclick on achart and [...] select "Save as Picture" tick the "Post image online in MQL5 Charts service [...]and get the link" box and press "OK". activtrades.co.uk |
任何合资格注册商标中出现的中文字、英文字母﹑阿拉伯数字及符号的 排列次序以“上左﹑上右﹑下左﹑下右”的顺序为准,除非申请人可以提交 HKIRC 认为满意的文件 [...] 证明,证实在有关合资格注册商标中所出现的中文字、英文字母﹑阿拉伯数字及符号通常是以不同的 排列次序出现的。 hkdnr.hk | The sequence of the Chinese Characters, English letters, Arabic numerals and Symbols appearing in any [...] Eligible RTM will be deemed to be [...] 'top-left, top-right, down-left,down-right' unless the [...]Applicant can establish, to the satisfaction [...]of HKIRC and by way of documentary proof, that the Chinese Characters, English letters, Arabic numerals and Symbols by appearing in the Eligible RTM are commonly used in a different sequence. hkdnr.hk |
要访问这个 屏幕,请鼠标右键单击所需的数据文件。 cn.rockwellautomation.com | To access this [...] screen, rightmouse clickon thedesired [...]data file. literature.rock...lautomation.com |
近年来,由聚酯生产的消费品市场蓬勃发展,尤其是在亚洲,导致 PX 需求的年增长率 始终保持在 6% 左右。 exxonmobilchemical.com.cn | The growing market for consumer products made from polyester, particularly in Asia, has lead to a sustained annual growth rate in PX demand of about 6% in recent years. exxonmobilchemical.com.cn |
若要创建一个新存档(如,进行完整备份),请选择创建新备份存档并在下面的备份位置:字 [...] 段中输入存档位置的路径和新的存档文件名称或单击浏览,从目录树中选择存档位置,然后在 文件名一行中输入新的文件名,或使用文件名生成器(该行右边的按钮)。 seagate.com | If you are going to create a new archive (i.e. perform a full backup), select Create new backup archive and enter the path to the archive location and new archive file name in the Backup Location: field below or click Browse, select the archive location on the directory [...] tree and enter the new file name in the File name line, or use the file name [...] generator (a button to the rightofthe line). seagate.com |
长於所选设定的扫瞄页面,其右侧边缘会被剪切。 graphics.kodak.com | Pages scanned that are longer than the selected setting will be clipped on the right edge. graphics.kodak.com |
据档案和记录管理科估计,7%左右的资 料是永久性档案,应运交其设施进行编目、保护和供研究使用。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Archives and Records Management Section estimates that about 7 per cent of the material constitutes permanent archives and should be transferred to its facilities for cataloguing and preservation and to make it available for research. daccess-ods.un.org |
去年,我在关于妇女参与建设和平的报告(A/65/354-S/2010/466)中,向安全理 事会提供了分配给冲突后局势中妇女赋权和性别平等资金水准的数据,指出这个 水准是资源总额的5.7左右,并请会员国和区域机构同我一起努力,以实现至少 达到联合国管理的用于支助建设和平的资金总额的15%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Last year, in my report on women’s participation in peacebuilding (A/65/354-S/2010/466), I provided data to the Security Council on levels of funding allocated to women’s empowerment and gender equality in postconflict contexts, noting that the overall level was 5.7 per cent, and asked Member States and regional bodies to work with me on achieving a minimum level of 15 per cent for all United Nations-managed funds in support of peacebuilding. daccess-ods.un.org |
乌克兰拥有大量武器库存,其枪支数量与乌克兰 士兵的比例为 54:1,而世界接受的比例为 2:1 左右;而且乌克兰拥有大量多余的大型飞机,包括超大型的 安东诺夫和伊留申飞机。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has huge stocks — there are 54 firearms for every Ukrainian soldier, as against the accepted world ratio of around 2:1 — and a large surplus of large planes, including oversized Antonov and Ilyushin models. daccess-ods.un.org |
应 当指出,销售的主要途径是传统网络,而远程下载的书籍则只占销售的 10%左右;由此可以 看出,《以纸张为载体的版本》及在国际或地区一级举办的书展上推销这些版本是至关重要 的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It should be noted that most sales are derived from distribution through traditional networks whereas downloaded works only account for some 10% of sales; hence the importance of “paper editions” and their promotion, especially at international and regional book fairs. unesdoc.unesco.org |
本文件的第 I 部分提到,截止帐目结算时,未经审计的数字显示,经 调整的 6.419 亿美元的预算批准额几乎全部用于开支总额/承付款(6.4189 亿美元),盈余总 额仅为 1 万美元左右,约相当于总预算的 0.001%。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As previously mentioned in Section I of this document, the unaudited figures as at the closure of the accounts showed that the Approved Budget (as adjusted) of $641.90 million was almost completely consumed by the total Expenditures/Obligations of $641.89 million, leaving a slight overall surplus of approximately $0.01 million which corresponds to approximately 0.001% of the total budget. unesdoc.unesco.org |
当日 13 时 20 分,由 30 人左右组成的一伙人来到我团正门前,并开始制造 [...] 巨大的噪音,高喊攻击性和侮辱性口号,做出威胁的手势,并多次在我团正门及 列克星敦大道一侧的外窗置放攻击性的海报。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 13:20, a group of around 30 [...] persons arrived at the main entrance of the Mission and began to make a lot of noise, shouting [...]offensive and insulting slogans and making threatening gestures, and placed numerous offensive posters at the main entrance of the Mission and exterior windows on Lexington Avenue. daccess-ods.un.org |
麦当劳总裁兼首席运营官Don Thompson和国际奥委会主席Jacques Rogge博士(前排从右至左)、美国奥委会首席执行官Scott Blackmun、美国青年奥运会代表团成员Sarah Warren、奥地利奥运代表团成员Nina Prock、麦当劳执行副总裁兼全球首席品牌官Kevin Newell和美国奥委会主席Larry Probst(后排从左至右)出席了2012年1月13日(星期五)在奥地利因斯布鲁克举行的麦当劳赞助商资格续约仪式。 tipschina.gov.cn | Don Thompson, McDonald's President and Chief [...] Operating Officer Dr. Jacques [...] Rogge(first right to left) International Olympic Committee President, Scott Blackmun, United States Olympic Committee Chief Executive Officer, Sarah Warren, member of the US Youth Olympic team, Nina Prock, member of the Austrian Olympic team, Kevin Newell, McDonald's Executive Vice President and Global Chief Brand Officer and Larry Probst, USOC Chairman, back row from leftto right, present the signed [...]McDonald's Sponsorship [...]renewal contract in Innsbruck, Austria on Friday, Jan. 13, 2012. tipschina.gov.cn |
结果表明:(1)减数分裂Ⅰ终变期染色体标本是进行染色体显微操作的理想材料;(2)DOP-PCR扩增产物片段在200~1 000 bp之间,平均600 bp左右;(3)杂交结果显示,本研究所获得的单条染色体是黄鳝3号染色体;(4)与显微操作仪和微激光分离相比较,该方法不需要昂贵仪器,在常规实验室即可操作,具有广泛的普及应用意义。 actazool.org | The hybridization results show that: (1) Chromosome specimen of meiosis Ⅰ diakinesis is the ideal material for single chromosome microisolation; (2) The sizes of DOP PCR products range from 200 bp to 1 000 bp, averagely 600 bp;(3) The single chromosome obtained in the study is rice field eel chromosome 3;(4) Compared with micro manipulator and micro laser beam, the methods developed in the study can be more widely used in ordinary laboratory for requiring no expensive instrument. actazool.org |