单词 | 史蒂文 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 史蒂文—Steven, Stephen (name)Examples:史蒂文斯—Stevens Stephens See also:史—annals surname Shi title of an official historian in ancient China 蒂—stem (of fruit) 文史—literature and history
秘书长在 其 2011 年 4 月 1 日的信(S/2011/219)中任命了专家组的第六名成员,比利时的史蒂文·斯皮塔埃尔先生(财务)。 daccess-ods.un.org | By a letter dated 1 April 2011 (S/2011/219), the Secretary-General appointed the sixth member of the Group, Mr. Steven Spittaels of Belgium (finance). daccess-ods.un.org |
美国《马格努森-史蒂文斯法 》涉及生态系统办法,在考虑到生态因素的情 况下要求设定联邦管理的种群的最佳产量。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the United States, the Magnuson-StevensAct addressed an ecosystem approach through a requirement to set optimum yield for federally managed stocks, taking into account ecological factors. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席(以阿拉伯语发言):我现在请比利时副首相 兼外交大臣史蒂文·范纳克尔先生阁下发言。 daccess-ods.un.org | The President( spoke in Arabic ): I now give the floor to His Excellency Mr. Steven Vanackere, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Belgium. daccess-ods.un.org |
秘书长 2011 年 2 月 10 日写信(S/2012/85)通知安全理事会,他已任命以下 人员为专家组成员:肯尼亚的纳尔逊·阿卢萨拉先生(武器);荷兰的鲁本·德·科 宁先生(自然资源);摩尔多瓦共和国的玛丽·普拉马代勒女士(海关与航空);比 利时的史蒂文·斯皮 塔埃尔先生(财务);美利坚合众国的史蒂文·黑格先生(武 装团体兼协调员)。 daccess-ods.un.org | By his letter dated 10 February 2012 (S/2012/85), the Secretary-General informed the Security Council that he had appointed to the Group of Experts the following individuals: Mr. Nelson Alusala of Kenya (arms); Mr. Ruben de Koning of the Netherlands (natural resources); Ms. Marie Plamadiala of the Republic of Moldova (customs and aviation); Mr. Steven Spittaels of Belgium (finance); and Mr. Steven Hege of the United States of America (armed groups and Coordinator). daccess-ods.un.org |
在美国,《马格努森–史蒂文森法案》以及随后的修改要求恢复被过度捕捞 的种群;所有种群的67%现在被可持续地利用,而只有17%依然被过度开发。 fao.org | In the United States of America, the Magnuson–Stevens Act and subsequent amendments have created a mandate to put overfished stocks into restoration; 67 percent of all stocks are now being sustainably harvested, while only 17 percent are still being overexploited. fao.org |
这次音乐会由新闻部和维持和平行动部与非 政府组织文化项目合作举办,采用了丰富多彩的艺术形式,其中包括由费希·史 蒂文斯导 演的新纪录片“反对战争的战争”的片断,展示了联合国维持和平人员 的成就和重要性以及他们在保护受害和弱势民众方面面临的巨大挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | Organized by the Department of Public Information and the Department of Peacekeeping Operations in collaboration with [...] the non-governmental [...] organization Culture Project, the concert employed a kaleidoscope of art forms, including segments from a new documentary, “The War Against War”, directed by Fisher Stevens, who showcased [...]the achievements and [...]importance of United Nations peacekeepers and the formidable challenges that they face in protecting victimized and vulnerable populations. daccess-ods.un.org |
世界需要更多的克里斯∙史蒂文斯。 embassyusa.cn | The world needs more Chris Stevenses. eng.embassyusa.cn |
副首相兼外交大臣史蒂文·范纳克尔在其介绍性发言中首先强调了比利时对 人权和对普遍定期审议的重视。 daccess-ods.un.org | In introducing the presentation, Steven Vanackere, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, stressed the importance that Belgium attached to human rights and the universal periodic review. daccess-ods.un.org |
克里斯∙史蒂文斯早年作为和平队(Peace Corps)年轻的志愿者在摩洛哥(Morocco)教英语,与中东建立了深厚的感情。 embassyusa.cn | ChrisStevens fell in love with the Middle East as a young Peace Corps volunteer teaching English in Morocco. eng.embassyusa.cn |
美国有4人被杀害,其中有外交服务系统的信息管理官员肖恩∙史密斯(Sean Smith)和我国驻利比亚大使克里斯∙史蒂文斯(Chris Stevens)。 embassyusa.cn | They includedSean Smith, a Foreign Service information management officer, and our Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. eng.embassyusa.cn |
美国报告说,《马格努森-史蒂文斯法》规定, 通常不允许本国船只参加公海转运高度洄游鱼类的活动,禁止在海上充当渔船的 “母船”的外国渔船和运输船在美国的港口将其渔获物上岸。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United States reported that, under the Magnuson-Stevens Act, national vessels were not generally permitted to participate in at-sea trans-shipments of highly migratory fish species, and foreign fishing vessels and carrier vessels that acted as “mother ships” to fishing vessels at sea were prohibited from landing their catch in ports in the United States.159 Uruguay prohibited trans-shipment. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,美国还 限制渔业能力,依照《马格努森-史蒂文斯法》建立和批准有限特权方案。该法 规定有资格的人对捕获一定数量的鱼拥有专有特权。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United States also limited capacity in fisheries through the establishment and approval of limited-access privilege programmes, authorized under the Magnuson-Stevens Act, which provided eligible holders the exclusive privilege of harvesting a quantity of fish. daccess-ods.un.org |
我记得年轻的电工史蒂文。他以落寞 的语气说,他渴望找到失踪的父亲,他父亲在他、他 的母亲和他的三个兄弟姐妹逃离叛军屠杀时失踪。 daccess-ods.un.org | I remember the void in Steven’s voice, a young electrician, whenhe spoke of his longing to find his father, who disappeared when he, his mother and his three siblings fled the rebel onslaught. daccess-ods.un.org |
澳大利亚西悉尼大学国际法教授史蒂文森 ·弗里兰( Steven Freeland) 先生在 第三组首先演讲,题目是“国际人道主义法和编纂法典制约太空战”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Steven Freeland, Professor of International Law at the University of Western Sydney in Australia, opened the third panel with his presentationon “International Humanitarian Law and Codifying Constraints on Space Warfare”. daccess-ods.un.org |
我将想念 Kpaka、史 蒂文斯、朱苏和我的园丁奥巴马。 daccess-ods.un.org | I will miss Kpaka, Stevens, Jusu and Obama, my gardener. daccess-ods.un.org |
在十年的澳大利亚本土电视节目和电影 演艺生涯之后,他通过主演电影《黑鹰坠落》,出演李安的电影《胡克》和《特洛伊》的赫克特王子,主演史蒂文•斯皮尔伯格的《慕尼黑》(2005)和科幻电影《星际迷航》中的尼禄而得到好莱坞的关注。 models.sight-management.com | After a decade of roles in Australian TV shows and films, he gained Hollywood's attention by playing leading roles in 'Black Hawk Down', in Ang Lee’s 'Hulk', Prince Hector in 'Troy', the lead in StevenSpielberg's 'Munich' (2005), and the villain Nero in the science-fiction film 'Star Trek' (2009). models.sight-management.com |
美国指出,任何区域渔业管理组织如果尚未为恢复过 度捕捞鱼种或接近过度捕捞状况的鱼种启动制定正式计划进程,就必须推动执行 《马格努森-史蒂文斯法》的相关规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United States noted that it was required to promote relevant provisions of the Magnuson-Stevens Act in any regional fisheries management organization that did not have a process for developing a formal plan to rebuild an overfished stock or a stock that was approaching a condition ofbeing overfished. daccess-ods.un.org |
IBM的下一代蓝色基因提供了所需要的提高电源效率,以让业界打造exascale级系统解决非常复杂的挑战的能力纪律一瞥,说:”里克史蒂文斯,计算准实验室在阿贡国家实验室主任。 technologeeko.com | IBM’s next generation Blue Gene provides a glimpse of the discipline needed to improve power efficiency in order to allow the industry to build exascale-class systems [...] capable of solving highly complex [...] challenges,” said Rick Stevens, associate laboratory [...]director for computing at Argonne National Laboratory. technologeeko.com |
UM心脏外科医生兼心肌实验室主管 史蒂文·博林(Steven Bolling)医学博士说:“食用水果和蔬菜的好处已经得到了很好的研究,但我们的调查结果显示出蓝莓含有天然化学物质,如花青素,能够减轻这些心脏疾病。 kyaniscience.com | Steven Bolling, M.D., a U-M heart surgeon and head of the Cardioprotection Laboratory, says: “The benefit of eating fruit and vegetables has been well-researched, but our findings in regard to blueberries show the naturally occurring chemicals they contain, such as anthocyanins, show promise in mitigating these heart conditions. kyaniscience.com |
它是好象这史蒂文・Spielberg 时间, 与她是理想的人导演影片或许是史诗伟大所有次"去的一个人对月亮" 的它的perfecionista 气质和dominador 。 showdalua.com | It was as if it was theSteven Spielberg of the time, with its perfecionista temperament and dominador she was the ideal person to direct the film that has perhaps been the epic greater of all the times "the Gone one of the Man to the Moon". showdalua.com |
史蒂芬•平博理将其命名为“上海之吻”并且该设计最终中标,上海市市长韩正批准将其列为“2010年世博会重要文化旅游场所”。 chinese-architects.com | The proposal went on to win the competition and was rubber stamped by Shanghai Mayor Han as one of the “key cultural attractions for the 2010 Expo”. chinese-architects.com |
北京耀中中学部的科学老师Padmini Sirimanne 博士引人入胜地向同学阐述了史蒂芬 ·柯维(Stephen Covey)众所周知的着作《高效能人士的七个习惯》。 ycis-bj.com | An engaging presentation by YCIS Beijing Secondary Science teacher Dr. Padmini Sirimanne provided students with Stephen Covey’s well-known “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. ycis-bj.com |
该公司过去已有多起成功案例:例如2001年与 史蒂芬‧斯普劳斯(Stephen Sprouse)合作的「文字涂 鸦与玫瑰花涂鸦」;2002年日本艺术家村上隆(Takashi Murakami)设计的「樱花包」及多种包款;亦或是2008年美国艺术家理查‧普林斯(Richard Prince)的「都会夜色」经典包系列等等。 ravenelart.com | Previous LV collaborations include those with American designer and artist Stephen Sprouse (2001, “letters and roses graffiti”), Japanese artist Takashi Murakami (2002, “cherry blossom” and other handbag collections), and American painter and photographer Richard Prince (2008, “Big City After Dark” classic collection). ravenelart.com |
(i) 作为板块 2 的一部分(考古遗址和历史建筑物),教科文组织继续与世界古迹基金 (WMF) 和盖蒂文物保护研究机构 (GCI) 合作对国家文物和遗产委员会 (SBOAH)工作人员进行遗址数据库和遗址情况评估培训。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (i) As part of Component 2 [...] (Archaeologicalsites and historicbuildings), UNESCO continued cooperation with the World Monuments Fund (WMF) and the GettyConservation [...]Institute (GCI) to implement [...]training for staff of the State Board of Antiquities and Heritage (SBAH) on Sites Database and Sites Condition Assessment. unesdoc.unesco.org |
一大批具体的建议已提交给对话的协调员,如建立大学的对话与网络;青年科学家的 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习记者和资深新闻工作者的 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书的比较研究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书 中阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的形象。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; [...] dialogue involving [...] professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culturein Europeanhistory books. unesdoc.unesco.org |
首脑会议通过了促进文化多 样性 (被视为东南欧极其重要的要素)的《奥帕蒂亚宣 言》,并要求制订有关东南欧文化走廊的行动计 划。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Summit adopted the Opatija Declaration, [...] which promotes cultural diversity, regarded as a fundamental dimension in South-East Europe, and calls for the preparation of an action plan relatingto the cultural corridors of [...]South-East Europe. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在和平时期开展活动时,各国应当采取一切适当的措施,使自己的行为符合保护文化 [...] 遗产的要求,尤其是符合 1972 年《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》、1956 年《关于国际考 古发掘原则的建议书》、1968 年《关于保护公共或私人工程危及的文化财产的建议书》、 1972 年《关于在国家一级保护文化和 自然遗产的建议书》和 1976 年《关于保护历史或传 统 建筑群及其在现代生活中的作用的建议书》所确定的原则和宗旨。 unesdoc.unesco.org | When conducting peacetime activities, States should take all appropriate measures to conduct them in such a manner as to protect cultural heritage and, in particular, in conformity with the principles and objectives of the 1972 Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, of the 1956 Recommendation on [...] International Principles [...] Applicable toArchaeological Excavations, the 1968 Recommendation concerning the Preservation ofCultural Property Endangered by PublicorPrivate Works, the 1972 Recommendation [...]concerning [...]the Protection, at National Level, of the Cultural and Natural Heritage and the 1976 Recommendation concerning the Safeguarding and Contemporary Role of Historic Areas. unesdoc.unesco.org |
委员会委员作了以下演讲:史蒂芬·瓦钱尼先生:“国际法委员会的工 作”;格奥尔格·诺尔特先生:“条约随时间演变”;阿兰·佩莱先生:“在国 [...] 际法委员会的 20 载春秋”;迈克尔·伍德先生:“国际组织的责任”;罗 汉·佩雷拉先生:“关于恐怖主义问题的全面公约:谈判现状”;卢修斯·卡弗 [...]利施先生:“武装冲突对条约的影响”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The following lectureswere given bymembers [...] of the Commission: Mr. Stephen C. Vasciannie: “The Work of the International [...]Law Commission”; Mr. Georg Nolte: “Treaties over Time”; Mr. Alain Pellet: “20 years at the International Law Commission”; Mr. Michael Wood: “Responsibility of International Organizations”; Mr. A. Rohan Perera: “A Comprehensive Convention against Terrorism: Current Status of Negotiations”, and Mr. Lucius Caflisch: “The Effects of Armed Conflicts on Treaties”. daccess-ods.un.org |
在开展这一培训的同时,从一些当地机构和国际机构采购了各种文化遗 产资料,如国际文化财产保护与修复研究中心和盖 蒂文物保护研究所,以便在拉马拉考古博 物馆内设立一个“文化遗产资源中心”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In connection to this training activity, various cultural heritage resource materials have been purchased from local and international [...] institutions, such as [...] ICCROM and The Getty Conservation Institute, to establish a“Cultural Heritage Resource [...]Centre” within [...]the Archaeological Museum of Ramallah. unesdoc.unesco.org |