

单词 史前古器物

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External sources (not reviewed)

使人”这说长期延续线兵的处境被置于重要位 置,而妇女则被置于次要位置。
History hasperpetuatedthe ancient mythof “armsand the man”, prioritizing the plight of soldiers onthe front lines whilerelegating [...]
women to the sidelines.
史前 任 Elena Korka 女士介绍了文化财产送回原有国雅典国际大会(雅典, 2008 年 3 月)的成果。
Mrs Elena
[...] Korka, Director of Prehistoric and ClassicalAntiquities presented the [...]
outcomes of the Athens International Conference
on the Return of Cultural Property to its Country of Origin (Athens, March 2008).
提供科技支持和专业支持的主要机构“国家人类学与历史研究所”(INAH)是墨西哥 政府的一家独立自主的机构,建立于 1939 年,其宗旨是开展研究,确保有效地保存、保护 和加强墨西哥史前 、考古遗产、人类学遗产、产。
The main institution that will provide scientific and technical support and expertise is the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), an autonomous institution of the Federal Government of Mexico, which was founded in 1939 in order to undertake research and ensure effective conservation,
preservation and
[...] enhancement oftheprehistoric,archaeological, anthropological,historical and palaeontologicalheritage of Mexico.
历史和建筑(包括具有民间风格的)区域应被认为是指自然和生态环境中的任何建筑 群、结构和空地的集合体,包括考古和古,它们是人类在城市或农村环境中的居住地, 其聚合力和价值从建筑史前史、美学或社会文化角度得到承认。
Historic and architectural (including vernacular) areas” shall be taken to mean any groups of buildings, structures and open
spaces including
[...] archaeological and palaeontological sites, constituting human settlements in an urban or rural environment, the cohesion and value of which,from the archaeological, architectural, prehistoric, historic,aesthetic or [...]
sociocultural point of view are recognized.
五个核共同提出提案,突出表明了他们 对这一问题的重视以及愿意促进核武器地位。
That co-sponsorship by
[...] all five nuclear-weapon States, an unprecedentedmove,underlined the importance that they attached to the issue and their interest in promotingMongolia’s nuclear-weapon-free status.
因此,隶属于文化和旅游部的三大国家博物馆(即摩尔多瓦国家与历摩尔多瓦国家人种学与自然历史博物馆、摩尔多瓦国家美术馆)成为 开展这些宣传活动的重要基地,人数已达 150 000 人。
Thus, an essential growth of activities of the three national museums from the
subordination of the
[...] Ministry –National ArchaeologicalAndHistory Museum of Moldova, National Ethnography and Natural History Museum of Moldova and the National Arts Museum has been registered, these being visited by over 150,000 visitors.
The Antiquities andMonuments Office and Institute of Archaeology and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences have in 1977 work together in excavatingthearcheological vestige of Ma Wan, and have discovered numerous historical valuable cultural relics such as Tang Dynasty Lime Kiln and Ching Dynasty Brick Kiln ofMa Wan, and historyoflife and items of Ma Wan people at the LateNeolithic,whichare now placed at theprevious Ma Wan Fong Yuen [...]
PublicSchool now known as Heritage
Centre for exhibition, so that visitors can understand the living condition of early Ma Wan residents.
论坛将着重探讨该地区这一作化和经济联系轴心的独特文化走 廊,这其中包含了该地区各个国家和人民 化及 ,可以作为地区协 议和合作的框架。
The forum will focus attention on the unique
cultural corridors in the region, which are axes of age-old
[...] cultural and economic links that include the tangible and intangible culturaland historicalheritage ofthe countries and peoples and may serve as a framework for regional [...]
accords and cooperation.
因此,有关条款把以下行为定为罪行:(a) 筹备危害国家的严重暴力行为 (《刑法》第
[...] 造、采购、提供或储存特定武器、特定物质或装置以实施筹备进行的犯罪行为; 采购或储存制造这些装置所需之必 或其;以及为攻 击提供资助;(b) 为从事危害国家的严重暴力行为进行联系(《刑法》第 [...]
89(b) 节);以及(c) 为从事危害国家的严重暴力行为发出指示(《刑法》第 91 节)。
Accordingly, provisions had been introduced criminalizing: (a) preparing a serious violent act endangering the State (sect. 89 (a) of the Criminal Code) by training or receiving training to commit a serious violent act endangering the State, manufacturing, procuring, providing or storing specified weapons, specified substances or devices needed to carry out the offence prepared, as well as
procuring or storing
[...] essential itemsor “precursors”needed to manufacture suchweapons,substancesor devices and financing [...]
an attack; (b)
initiating contacts for the commission of a serious violent act endangering the State (sect. 89 (b) of the Criminal Code); and (c) issuing directions for the commission of a serious violent act endangering the State (sect. 91 of the Criminal Code).
The unit combines Avocent’s management systems division -- which offers access and control ofthe physical aspects of network [...]
devices and servers
-- with Aperture’s powerful infrastructure software for a robust portfolio of data center infrastructure management solutions.
出土的 汉朝(公206–公元225年 中国见到稻 田养鱼的设计,十三世纪泰国国王的题字,以及例如越南 的“稻和鱼就象母亲和孩子”的传统歌曲,这些均实际证明 [...]
Designs of rice fields withfish on ancient Chinese potteryfrom tombs of the Han [...]
Dynasty (206 BC–225 AD), inscriptions
from a thirteenth century king of Thailand, and traditional sayings, such as one from Viet Nam – “rice and fish are like mother and children”, are all testament that the combination of rice and fish has traditionally been regarded as an indicator of wealth and stability.
From the day the first cave man threw a leg of woolly mammoth on the fire to today’s dinner that you heat up in the microwave, nutrition and technology have been linked.
博物馆中设有金银饰物室、青货币室 古物 览室 史前 室、室、民俗展览室、东印度公司陈列室等,其中包括30万年前爪哇猿人头骨化石、三四千年前中国青铜时代的鼎和鬲、中国古代的陶瓷器和古币、爪哇岛上的象首人身佛像、苏门答腊岛独特的房屋模型以及皮影戏、木偶戏道具等。
Its broad and
[...] fascinating collections covers all of Indonesia's territory and almost all ofits history.
在《》和《化学武器公约》以及《不扩散核武器条约》框 架内提出的资料文件和安全理事会第 1373(2001)和 1540(2004)号决议要求提交 的报告,可随时通过因特网在联合国网站查到。
The information
[...] documents submittedbyCuba within theframework of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention [...]
and the Chemical Weapons
Convention, or the reports required pursuant to Security Council resolutions 1373 (2001) and 1540 (2004), can be easily accessed online, via the website of the United Nations.
寺庙拥有不同凡响的建 美绝伦的雕像、独具一格的壁画 统的 各种佛教经卷,已成为令游客趋之若鹜的旅游胜地。
The temple has become a popular tourist attraction due to its remarkable buildings, fine statues, distinctive frescos, musical instruments and extensive collection of Buddhist scriptures.
这项为期三年的计划由以下五个部分组成:第 1 部分:文化遗产,重点放在国家加强 对文化遗产的合法保护和保存的能力建设方面;第 2 部分:址和强对址和管;第 3 部分:博物馆和文化机构:包括修复这类机构的设施、 提供设备和进行工作人员培训;第 4 部分:图书馆和档案馆,主要目的是使国家图书馆和伊 [...]
拉克的其它十个图书馆的编目系统现代化,以及进行工作人员培训;和第 5
部分:非物质遗 产,尤其是宣传木卡姆音乐、保护木卡姆档案,以及修复巴格达音乐学院,该学院是一所教 授音乐和芭蕾舞的国立学校。
The programme, which runs over a three-year period, has the following five components: Component 1: Cultural heritage at large, focusing on national capacity-building for increased legal protection and preservation of
cultural heritage;
[...] Component 2: Archaeologicalsites and historic buildings, to strengthen the surveillance at archaeologicalsites and historic buildings; Component 3: Museumsand cultural [...]
institutions, including
rehabilitation of facilities, provision of equipment and staff training for such institutions; Component 4: Libraries and archives, notably aimed at the modernization of the cataloguing system of the National Library and ten other libraries in Iraq, as well as staff; and Component 5: Intangible heritage, in particular the promotion of the practice of Maqam music, the protection of Maqam archives, as well as the rehabilitation of the Melodic Institute in Baghdad, the national school of music and ballet.
2005 年 ICOMOS 大会通过的《关于保护遗产建的西安宣言》7 将遗产区域定义为“紧靠古遗址的和延伸的、影响古遗址重要性或是其重要性组成部分的周 边环境”,并承认“与物质、视觉、精神及其他文化的背景环境之间所产生联系”之历史区 域的重要性和独特性,它有力地推动了制订有关对保护和管理遗址区域适当进行规划的工具 与战略。
The Xi’an Declaration on the Conservation of the Setting of Heritage Structures, Sites andAreas, adopted in 2005 by the General Conference of ICOMOS7 defined the setting of a heritage area as “the immediate and extended environment that is part of, or contributes to, its significance and distinctive character” and, having acknowledged that the significance and distinctive character of historic areas derive from the relationship “with their physical, visual, spiritual and other cultural context and settings”, it promoted the development of proper planning tools and strategies for the conservation and management of the areas forming the setting.
根据 1976 年《联合国教科文组织关于保护历史或传统建筑群及其在现代生活中的作用的建议书》,具有历 史意义的城市景观指的是自然和生态环境中的任何建筑群、结构和空地的集合体,包括考古和古 , 它们是在相关的一个时期内人类在城市环境中的居住地,其聚合力和价值从 建筑 史前史、科 学、美学、社会文化或生态角度得到承认。
The historic urban landscape, building on the 1976 “UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Safeguarding and Contemporary Role of Historic Areas”, refers to ensembles of any group of buildings, structures and open spaces, in their natural and ecological
context, including
[...] archaeological and palaeontological sites,constituting human settlements in an urban environment over a relevant period of time, the cohesion and value of which are recognizedfrom the archaeological, architectural, prehistoric, historic, scientific, [...]
aesthetic, socio-cultural or ecological point of view.
2002年9月,「香港设计中心」办公室迁至坚尼地道28号作为总部,是一幢由政府提供的中英联络小组办事处,已 事处列为受保护的历史文物,具有重要的历史意义。
September 2002, the headquarter of Hong Kong Design Centre moved to premises provided by the
Hong Kong SAR
[...] Government in a heritage building at 28 Kennedy Road, HongKong thatpreviously served as the office of [...]
the Joint Liaison Group.
来北京旅游,不能错过当地特色的,如秀水街丝绸市场、潘家园、珍珠市集,在市场里可以淘 具、玉器、地毯、丝绸、绘画和书法作品、手工艺品以及刺绣。
Beijing's most popular markets are the Xiushui (Silk Market), Panjiayuan and Pearl Market where youcan find antiques, porcelain, lacquer ware, jade, carpets, [...]
silk, painting,
calligraphy scrolls, handicraft and embroidery.
这个地点原先每周举办市集,贩售有机食品、手工首饰、新鲜面包,殊不知地底下却 古物数百年,据称都是西维尔本地产物,包括多个世 的金属与木质艺术品,由於多数出土物件的美学及 很高,地方政府决定举办竞赛,广徵当代建筑设计案,不仅要满足新集会所的功能,更要纳入老西维尔的新发现,设置某种博物馆。
Since most of the pieces had been able to maintain a strong aesthetic and historical value, the local government decided to launch a competition to design a contemporary building which not only functioned as a new gathering place, but also incorporated the new findings of the old Seville – a museum of some sort.
,该 网络成员包括:国家海洋学中心(联合王国)、国家海洋技术研究所(印度)、法国 海洋开发研究所、联邦地球科学及自然资源研究所(德国)、国家海洋学研究所(印 度)、自然(联合王国)、美利坚合众国北卡罗来纳杜克大学和国际大 洋中脊协会,后者是一个促进洋底扩张中心跨学科研究的国际非营利组织。
Members of the network to date include the National Oceanography Centre (United Kingdom); the National Institute of Ocean Technology (India); the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea
[...] the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (Germany); the National Institute of Oceanography (India); theNaturalHistory Museum (UnitedKingdom); Duke University, North Carolina (United States of America); and the International Cooperation in Ridge-crest [...]
Studies (InterRidge),
an international, non-profit organization promoting interdisciplinary studies of oceanic spreading centres.
上海对其多所具有地区性与全国性重要地位的博物馆引以为傲,例如: 上海博物馆 (含艺术博物馆与),该馆有世上最珍贵的中国 ,包括 1949 之後陆续发掘出土的
It boasts several museums of regional and national importance such
as the Shanghai Museum
[...] of artand history which has one of the best collections of Chinese historical artifacts in the world, including important archaeological finds since 1949.
在这些性质千变万 化的“区域”中,特别可以区分以下几类 史前 址、城市街区、乡村和小村 庄以及同类纪念性建筑群,作为一项规则,应小心谨慎地使纪念性建筑群保持原貌。
Among these “areas”, which are very varied in nature, it is possible
to distinguish the following
[...] “in particular: prehistoric sites, historictowns,old urban [...]
quarters, villages and hamlets
as well as homogeneous monumental groups, it being understood that the latter should as a rule be carefully preserved unchanged.
(D) 相较议,新建筑物的高度和大小,将会因应市民的关 注,以及公众参与工作蒐集所得的意见,予以适当下调,但我 们亦应藉此机会,在香港兴建一幢别具特色的建筑物,令香港 能与一些拥有着名现代建筑的海外和内地城市看齐; (E) 中区警署建筑群范围内的及建筑物的修复、保育和发 展,均须遵古物监督所订的规定,而有关计划亦必须通 过相关的法定程序;以及
(D) The height and bulk of the new structure should be suitably reduced from that previously proposed to address concerns and views collected during the public engagement exercise but the opportunity should be taken to create an architectural piece that will put Hong Kong on par with overseas and Mainland cities with reputable contemporary architecture
2009 年 9 月,文物保育专员办事处改良 该机制,订明若就拟议工程项目进行的文物影响评估确定其对 史古造成影 响,则工程倡议者须就拟议的缓解措施,寻求委员会的支持。
In September 2009, CHO refined the HIA mechanism to
require a project proponent to seek theAntiquities Advisory Board’s support for the recommended mitigation measures if the HIAconducted for the project has identified impacts on the historic site(s).




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