单词 | 史丹福 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 史丹福 noun —Stanford nExamples:史丹福大学—Stanford University See also:史—annals • surname Shi • title of an official historian in ancient China 丹 adj—red adj 丹—cinnabar • pellet 福 n—happiness n • luck n • good fortune n
Coleman 先生擁有美國空軍官校電腦科學學系學士學位,以 及 史丹福 大 學 電腦科學與電腦工程學系碩士學位。 seagate.com | Mr. Coleman holds a bachelor’s degree in computer science from [...] the U.S. Air Force Academy and a master’s degree in computer science and computer [...] engineering from Stanford University. seagate.com |
主席,我前年出席了史丹福大學 一個探討香港回歸10年種種進展的 學術會議,我演說的題目是有關香港在那十多年間爭取民主的過程。 legco.gov.hk | The topic of my speech was about the fight for democracy in Hong Kong in the decade or so. legco.gov.hk |
所以, [...] 讀完兩年後,要入讀哪所大學......我有很多朋友入讀 UCLA、史丹福、南加州,根本絕不困難,因為他們有大量學位餘額,可以讓他們入讀。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, after studying for two years, when it comes to which university to study in …… [...] I have many friends who studied [...] in the UCLA, Standford or the University of Southern California [...]and it is not difficult at [...]all for them to be enrolled at them because these universities have large numbers of places available that can be offered to them. legco.gov.hk |
他們當中包括史丹福大學 的梁福麟教授和普林斯頓大學東亞圖書館館長馬 泰來博士。 legco.gov.hk | These people include Prof Frankie LEUNG Fook-lun of the Standford University [...] and Prof MA Tai-loi, Librarian of the East [...]Asia Library in Princeton University. legco.gov.hk |
慎思民主中心設於美國史丹福大學 ,致力於有關民主及以慎思民調獲得民眾意見的研究。 hkupop.hku.hk | The Center for Deliberative Democracy, housed in the Department of [...] Communication at Stanford University, is [...]devoted to research about democracy and [...]public opinion obtained through Deliberative Polling. hkupop.hku.hk |
馬世民 先生持有Bath University法律榮譽學士學位,並於美國修 讀 史丹福 商 學 院舉辦 的 史丹福 行 政 人員課程(SEP)。 glencore.com | He holds an honorary B.A. degree in law from Bath University and has attended the Stanford Executive Programme (SEP) in the U.S. glencore.com |
李立,美國史丹福大學傳播學博士,現任香港城市大學英文與傳播學系助理教授。 hkupop.hku.hk | He is an assistant professor at the Department of English and Communication at the City University of Hong Kong. hkupop.hku.hk |
此計劃會集合不同專科,為有需要人士提供一系列臨床及支援服務,包括基因篩選、診斷、治療、化驗測試及科研項目,並透過會面形式 與 史丹福 大 學醫學院進行視像會議,提供一般輔導及基因輔導。 hksh.com | The Programme is a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary breast care programme offering a full range of clinical and support services, including screening, diagnosis, treatment, general and genetic counseling, both locally [...] and via teleconferencing with Cancer [...] Genetics Clinic at Stanford University School [...]of Medicine, laboratory testing and research. hksh.com |
成立于1859年,福康宁公园曾经是军火库,军营和医院,而也是前满者伯夷(Majapahit)国王的度假皇宫以及殖民地总督 如 史丹福 莱 佛士爵士的居所。 singaporeflyer.com | Established in 1859 as an arms store, barracks and hospital, Fort Canning Park was the site [...] for the palatial resort of former Majapahit kings and the residence of colonial [...] governors such as Sir Stamford Raffles. singaporeflyer.com |
有關史丹福大學「慎思民調」的背景資料,可登入慎思民調專頁瀏覽。 hkupop.hku.hk | For the background [...] information of Stanford University's [...]“Deliberative Polling”, please refer to Deliberative Polling Page. hkupop.hku.hk |
研習班由香港大學民意研究計劃及公民社會與治理研究中心 與 史丹福 大 學 慎思民主中心(Center for Deliberative [...] Democracy at Stanford)合作舉辦,對象為本地學術界及非政府組織、政治團體、政府部門等專事民意調查或輿情研究的代表。 hkupop.hku.hk | The Public Opinion Programme and the Centre for Civil Society and Governance at the University of [...] Hong Kong hosts the Center for [...] Deliberative Democracy at Stanford University to [...]organize the Workshop on Deliberative Polling. [...]The target participants were academics and opinion researchers and project directors from local NGOs, political parties and Government departments. hkupop.hku.hk |
史丹福大学 (Stanford University)干细胞计划的医学伦理中心主任克里斯托弗·斯科特(Christopher [...] Scott)向<<新科學家>>表示,他希望该宗案件能令食品和药物管理局多调查其它未经证实的干细胞治疗诊所。 hongkongstemcell.com | Christopher Scott, the [...] director of Stanford University’s [...]stem cell program for its center for biomedical ethics, told New [...]Scientist he hoped it would lead to more FDA investigations of unproven stem cell treatments at other clinics. hongkongstemcell.com |
我記得其㆗㆒項研究是由史丹福大學 研究所於㆒九八八或八九年進行而在香港公 布。 legco.gov.hk | One that I recollect was done in about 1988 [...] or 1989 by the Stanford Research Institute [...]and published in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
兩位前史丹福學子的項目已經取得重大進展,並在2011年6月21日獲得了專利。 ipress.com.hk | The patent was announced by Teradata Corporation (NYSE: TDC), the world’s largest company focused on big data analytics, data warehousing and integrated marketing management, which acquired Aster Data in April. ipress.com.hk |
2005年,當Aster Data公司開發副總裁Mayank [...] Bawa和產品管理與市場推廣副總裁Tasso Argyros 還在美國史丹福大學 唸書時,就預見大數據分析將成為分析業務的下一個焦點,並開始對大數據分析進行研究。 ipress.com.hk | The Next Big Thing in analytic business foresight began in 2005, when Mayank Bawa and [...] Tasso Argyros were students at Stanford. ipress.com.hk |
張 博 士 獲 得 加 州 理 工 學 院 物 [...] 理 系 理 學 士 學 位,亦 獲 得 史丹福大學應 用物理學博士學位。 aactechnologies.com | Dr. Chang was the President and CEO of Avago Technologies. Dr. Chang received a Bachelor’s degree [...] in physics from the California Institute of Technology and a Doctor’s degree in [...] applied physics from Stanford University. aactechnologies.com |
創辦人及執行主席Ren [...] Ng的光場攝影博士研究,於 2006年獲表揚為史丹福大學 電腦科學最佳論文,並於2006年創立的ACM論文獎廣受國際認可。 ipress.com.hk | D. research on light field [...] photography won Stanford University’s [...]prize for best thesis in computer science in 2006 as well [...]as the internationally recognized ACM Dissertation award, founded the company in 2006. ipress.com.hk |
外匯基金由1994年至2008年的複合年度回報率為6.1%,比其他基金的複 [...] 合年度回報率為低,例如新加坡政府投資公司由1981年至2006年的複合 年度回報率是9.5%,以及史丹福大學 基金由1998年至2008年的複合年度 [...]回報率是8.9%。 legco.gov.hk | For example, the compounded annual return of the Government of Singapore Investment [...] Corporation Pte Limited from 1981 to 2006 was 9.5%, [...] and that of the Stanford University Merged [...]Pool from 1998 to 2008 was 8.9%. legco.gov.hk |
在史丹福大學畢業的 William Hewlett 和 David Packard,便是在後者的車房裡創立惠普。 gemconsortium.org | Hewlett-Packard was founded [...] in Packard's garage by Stanford graduates William [...]Hewlett and David Packard and garages and [...]sheds may provide invaluable space. gemconsortium.org |
當 中,32 名 肄 業 於本地的大 學、5 名 肄 業 於內地的大 學、其餘 39 名 則 肄 業 [...] 於海外 的 大 學 , 如 美 國的史 丹 福 大 學 、 麻 省 理工學 院、 [...]加 州 大 學 克萊分 校、英國的劍橋大 學 和加拿 大多倫 多大學 等。 legco.gov.hk | Among them, 76 are degree holders: 32 from local universities, five from universities in the Mainland and the remaining 39 from overseas [...] universities, including those of the [...] United States like Stanford University, Massachusetts [...]Institute of Technology and the [...]University of California at Berkeley, the Cambridge University of the United Kingdom and the University of Toronto of Canada. 44% of the R&D staff hold the master's degree and 26% hold the doctor's degree. legco.gov.hk |
根據史丹福、波 士頓 及劍橋等地的經驗顯示,一個教育樞紐會衍生一些周邊工業,從而進一步振 [...] 興當地的經濟。 legco.gov.hk | As the experience of Stanford, Boston and Cambridge [...] has shown, an education hub generates spin-off industries which further boost the local economy. legco.gov.hk |
1999年 年年 [...] 年2月 月月 月24日 日日 日 美國史丹福大學高等教育 及經濟學李暉教授 [...](David Jacks榮譽教授 銜) legco.gov.hk | 24 February 1999 Professor Henry M Levin, David Jacks Professor of Higher Education [...] and Economics, Stanford University, USA legco.gov.hk |
今次我們訪問了兩所大學,包括 史丹福 大 學 和加州柏克萊大學。 legco.gov.hk | This time, we visited two [...] universities, including the Stanford University and [...]the University of Berkeley. legco.gov.hk |
莫乃光議員:主席,喬布斯生前最精采的演講是他2005年 在 史丹福大 學 的畢業典禮上說,他在大學退學後 其實他當時就讀的大學名 為 Reed College,是葉劉淑儀議員經常提到的博雅大學(liberal arts college) 每天按自己的興趣上課,這種多元學習,促成他後來可 以改變世界。 legco.gov.hk | MR CHARLES PETER MOK (in Cantonese): President, the most remarkable speech by Steve JOBS during his lifetime was delivered at the graduation ceremony of the Stanford University in 2005. legco.gov.hk |
夫妇二人设计了叫做“多协议路由器”的联网设备,用 于 史丹福 校 园 网路(SUNet),将校园内不相容的电脑区域网整合在一起,形成一个统一的网路。 nethub.com.hk | The couple has designed a multiple-protocol router networking [...] equipment for the Stanford campus network [...](SUNet), to form a unified network by connecting different LANs in the campus. nethub.com.hk |
他现为史丹福大学 基因及医学教授,并为以其名字命名的实验室的首席研究员。 shawprize.org | He is Professor of Genetics and of Medicine, and Principal Investigator of Stanley N Cohen Lab at Stanford University. shawprize.org |
研習班由香港大學民意研究計劃及公民社會與治理研究中 心 史丹福 大 學 慎思民主中心(Center for Deliberative Democracy at Stanford)合作舉辦,對象為本地學術界及非政府組織、政治團體、政府部門等專事民意調查或輿情研究的代表。 hkupop.hku.hk | The target participants were academics and opinion researchers and project directors from local NGOs, political parties and Government departments. hkupop.hku.hk |
私立大學不一定為了斂財,史丹福大 學便 是個很好的例子。 legco.gov.hk | Private universities do not necessarily seek to [...] gain profits, the Stanford University is [...]a very good example. legco.gov.hk |
這項活動,以美國史丹福大學創立的「慎思民調」的理念為藍本,隨機抽樣約一百名香港市民出席辯論會,讓出席者可以聽取正反雙方嘉賓論點,並向嘉賓即場發問。 hkupop.hku.hk | The concept of this activity comes [...] from the idea of “Deliberative Polling” [...] created by the Stanford University in [...]the US. 100 Hong Kong citizens are randomly [...]selected to attend the deliberative forum. hkupop.hku.hk |