单词 | 叱咤 | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 叱咤 —rebuke angrilyExamples:叱咤風雲—lit. rebuke Heaven and Earth (idiom); fig. shaking the whole world • all-powerful See also:叱—shout at • hoot at • scold 咤—used for the sound "zha" in certain names
在职业高球领域里叱咤风云 20多载,这位性格刚毅的北爱好手在他整个职业生涯里已赢得数十回的锦标赛,其中包括他在四次莱德杯(Ryder [...] Cup)期间和并肩作战的欧洲队所赢得的奖杯。 audemarspiguet.com | He has been a professional for more [...] than 20 years and this Northern Irishman with his strong personality has won dozens [...]of tournaments throughout his career including four Ryder Cups with the European team. audemarspiguet.com |
(二) 就香港商業廣播有限公司(“商業電台” ) 叱咤 903 商業二台在 2006 年 6 月 3 日凌晨播放的“架勢堂”節目所舉辦的“我最想非 禮嘅香港女藝人”選舉是否涉及教唆非禮罪,廣管局已將個案轉 交律政司跟進。 legco.gov.hk | (b) As to whether the poll on "The Hong Kong female artistes I would most want to indecently assault" conducted by the radio programme "So Fab" broadcast on CR2 Channel of the Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting Company Limited (CRHK) around midnight on 3 June 2006 involves abetting indecent assaults, the BA has referred the case to the Department of Justice for follow-up. legco.gov.hk |
我們的詹議員曾經叱吒一時,他從事足球事業時,我還在“捱”救世軍 的衣服。 legco.gov.hk | Mr CHIM of this Council was once very famous for his participation in the football business, and I was only "enduring" the Salvation Army clothing at that time. legco.gov.hk |
香港的證券行業歷史悠久,代理主 席,如果你有看過“竊聽風雲”第二集,便會知道本地的證券商是曾經 指點江山、叱吒風雲。 legco.gov.hk | Deputy President, if you have watched the movie "Overheard 2", you would know that the local securities dealers were once very powerful and had great influence in the community. legco.gov.hk |
Dawood Khan 更曾代表香港參加英國溫布頓網球錦標賽預選賽,於60年 代 叱 吒 香 港網球壇,曾贏得多項本地賽事冠軍,並代表香港參加多個國際知名賽事。 ipress.com.hk | Dawood Khan, local tennis legend, multiple local tournament champions, is one of the very few Hong Kong tennis players who ever played in the Wimbledon qualifying. ipress.com.hk |
正當全球合力抵禦金融海嘯之際,美國政府與金融中心華爾街正在 痛定思痛,打算從根本改革金融體系,一 些 叱 吒 華 爾街數十年甚至上百 年的投資銀行,有的如雷曼般倒閉,有的如摩根士丹利般轉為商業銀 行,而美國各界有識之士都在尋找這次經濟大災難的根源。 legco.gov.hk | When the whole world is working together to resist the financial tsunami, the United States Government and the Wall Street financial centre have drawn lessons from the bitter experience. legco.gov.hk |
在非觀眾人士中較普遍收聽的電台是商業電台雷霆 881 (11.7%)、香港電台第二 台 (11.3%)、商業電台叱吒 903 (10.4%)、香港電台第一台 (9.4%) 及新城電台娛樂台 (5.5%)。 legco.gov.hk | The more popular radio channels among non-audience were Commercial Radio FM881 (11.7%), RTHK Radio 2 (11.3%), Commercial Radio FM903 (10.4%), RTHK Radio 1 (9.4%) and Metro Showbiz (5.5%). legco.gov.hk |
眼見許多曾經叱吒一 時的美國跨國企業因新創企業的 冒起而倒退,學者開始重新審視善於採用新商業模式和引進新科技的創業者的角色。 gemconsortium.org | Technology continued to be seen as critical but the MNC’s role was challenged. Many formerly prominent US MNCs declined in the face of newly established enterprises, leading social scientists to reassess the role of entrepreneurs who implement new business models and new technologies. gemconsortium.org |
更強勁的馬力及升級的煞車系統、降低 10 公釐的車身,還有特別針對激烈駕馭風格調節的底盤搭載了氣壓式懸載系統和保時捷主動式懸載調整系統 (PASM), 這些重大技術改進使Panamera GTS 既能在賽場上叱吒風 雲,又不會犧牲實用性。 pap.porsche.com | The body, lowered by ten millimetres, and the extremely sporty chassis with adaptive air suspension and Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM) make it highly suitable for the racetrack ─ without limiting suitability for everyday life. pap.porsche.com |
全新 Panamera GTS 更強勁的馬力及升級的煞車系統、降低 10 公釐的車身,還有特別針對激烈駕馭風格調節的底盤搭載了氣壓式懸載系統和保時捷主動式懸載調整系統 (PASM),這些重大技術改進使這款 Panamera 車型既能在賽場上叱吒風 雲,又不會犧牲實用性。 pap.porsche.com | More power and upgraded brakes, a body lowered by ten millimetres and the especially sportily tuned chassis with air suspension and PASM are the major technical modifications that make it the Panamera model capable of cutting it on the racing circuit – without sacrificing practicality. pap.porsche.com |