

单词 台湾省

External sources (not reviewed)

他与着名的欧洲和亚洲乐团和歌剧院有过一系列的合作,如法国国家交响乐团,法国广播交响乐团,法国里昂国立交响乐团, 法国图鲁兹歌剧院交响乐团, 斯特拉斯堡爱乐乐团,贝藏松交响乐团,嘎纳交响乐团, 比利时国家交响乐团, 柏林交响乐团, 圣彼德堡爱乐乐团,维也纳室内乐,哥本哈根爱乐乐团, 西班牙国家广播交响乐团, 义大利圣切利亚音乐学院交响乐团 ,米兰威尔第交响乐团,托斯卡尼尼交响乐团 ,海牙交响乐团, 新加坡抒情歌剧院,台湾国立交响乐,台湾省响乐团, 台北市立交响乐团等等。
Following his débuts with some of the most important European and Asian orchestras, he has made an unbroken string of return appearances with (among others) the Orchestre National de Lyon, the Orchestre Philharmonique du Strasbourg, the Orchestre National de Bordeaux-Aquitaine, the Orchestre des Concerts Lamoureux, the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, the Orchestra Filarmonica “Arturo Toscanini”, the Orchestre Regionale dell’Emiglia Romagna, the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, the Taipei Symphony Orchestra, the National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan (Taiwan Philharmonic), the Singapore Lyric Opera, the Orchestre de Bretagne, the Orchestre symphonique de Nancy, the Wiener Kammerorchester and the Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra, the London Philhamonic Orchestra, the RTVE Symphony Orchestra Madrid and the Orchestra della Toscana.
(Macasía River)环境重建计画」、协助萨尔瓦多、史瓦
[...] 济兰「安全饮用水计画」、在太平洋六友邦推动台 湾灯计画」、索罗门群岛「全国森林种植发展计 [...]
画」、帛琉「污水处理系统改善计画」、海地「整治尖 沙海滩计画」、宏都拉斯「西部天然灾害防治计画」、
吐瓦鲁「废弃物减量计画」及「捐助国际保育计画」 等。
k. Environmental protection: Macasía River Recovery Project in the Dominican Republic, Program for Environmental Pollution Control in El Salvador and
Access to Potable Water in Rural Swaziland
[...] Project, Light Up TaiwanProject insix allied [...]
nations in the Pacific, Nationwide
Forestation Campaign in the Solomon Islands, Program to Improve Sewage Disposal Systems in Palau, Point Sable Beach Renovation Program in Haiti, Program on Prevention and Control of Natural Disasters in the West in Honduras, Funafuti Household Solid Waste Reduction Technical Assistance Project in Tuvalu, and donations to international conservation programs.
[...] 楼的「水晶钢琴」酒廊亦为您献上复活节特色鸡尾酒, 台湾 表演者-阿荣的精彩钢琴演唱增添色彩。
On the 28th floor of Hotel Okura Macau, The Crystal Piano offers Easter
Cocktails for you to enjoy to accompany the passionate vocal and
[...] piano performance of Taiwans famedperformer, [...]
Mr. Wing.
本次峰会中,许多业者均预测游戏产业未来的发展趋势,如有监於游戏发展的多元化及开发的重要性,外贸协会副秘书长叶明水表示,「GDC台北峰会将秉持GDC『源自开发者,为了开发者』之宗旨,厚植游戏产业的实力,强化产业经贸交流,带动商务合作,带 台湾业者,发掘国际游戏产业未来发展趋势,进入国际游戏产业市场,提 台湾内容游戏产业国际竞争力。
Mr. Walter M.S. Yeh, Executive Vice President of TAITRA remarked “The Taipei Summit recognizes that ‘Developers are the Crown Jewels of the Game Industry’ and will serve as a bridge for local game
enterprises and universities to tap
[...] future market trends and enhance international cooperation, so as to promote the competitiveness ofTaiwan’s game industry in the world market.
洪毅全也是一个孜孜不倦和有奉献精神的教育者,他和亚洲的青年音乐家参与了多个课题项目:他作为2009和2010年度NTSO 台湾- 青年交响乐团的首席指挥,首次将中国 台湾秀的青年音乐家召集在一起,在北京和台北的国家音乐厅举行引人注目的音乐会。
He is furthermore a tireless and dedicated educator, and has been involved in numerous projects with young musicians in
Asia: he was chief
[...] conductor ofthe NTSO Taiwan-China Youth Orchestra in 2009 and 2010, an initiative which brought together the best young musicians fromChina andTaiwan,leadingthem in [...]
high-profile concerts
at the national concert halls of Beijing and Taipei.
於本公告日期,根据证券及期货条例(「证券及期货条例」)第XV部的涵义,朱先生於 111,200股本公司股份中拥有实益权益,其中包括本公司根据首次公开发售前购股权计
[...] 划所授予购股权附带之17,800股相关股份以及20,000单 台湾凭证表彰之20,000股 相关股份。
As at the date of this announcement, Mr. Chu has a beneficial interest in 111,200 shares of the Company, which includes 17,800 underlying shares attached to the pre-IPO share options granted by the Company
under the pre-IPO share option
[...] scheme and 20,000 units of Taiwan Depository Receipts which [...]
represent 20,000 underlying shares,
within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (the “SFO”).
[...] 目前获超过80名来自德国、瑞典、波兰、澳大利亚、菲律宾、俄罗斯、印度、泰国、中国、日本、新加坡 台湾港等地区的调酒师报名参加, 务求在此项激烈的国际赛事中切磋技术, [...]
In the forthcoming three-day competition, more than 80 bartenders from Australia, China, Germany, Hong
Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Poland, Russia,
[...] Singapore,Sweden, Taiwan, Thailandand [...]
the Philippines will be competing at the Cocktail Competition this year.
[...] 取得外国永久性居民身份的人士;(4)无国籍而已取得外国永久性居民身份的人 士;以及(5台湾
The Scheme is applicable to: (1) Foreign nationals; (2) Macao SAR residents; (3) Chinese nationals who have obtained permanent resident status in a
foreign country; (4) stateless persons who have obtained permanent resident status
[...] in a foreign country; (5) Taiwan residents.
台湾医学院李水盛教授针 台湾药发展现状进行了报告,并详细介绍了运用 HPLC-SPE-NMR 技术对叶下珠中木质素类成分的体内代谢物分析;中国科学院大连化学物理研究所 杨淩 教授针对当前 ADME/T 相关技术在新药研发和中药质量评价中的应用进行了细致的汇报;香港赛马会中药研究院(HKJCICM)徐宏喜教授和国际中医药学会秘书长、澳门大学中华医药研究院(ICMS)王一涛教授分别介绍了HKJCICM和ICMS的中医药研究概况。
[...] Li Shui-shengofNational Taiwan University School of Medicine reported on the development of Chinese medicineinTaiwan,and introduced [...]
in details the application
of HPLC-SPE-NMR technique to Phyllanthus lignin in vivo metabolite analysis; Professor Yang Ling of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences gave a comprehensive report on the application of ADME / T-related technology to new drug research and development, as well as quality evaluation of Chinese medicine; Professor Xu Hong-xi of HKJCICM and Professor Wang Yi-tao of ISCM and ICMS introduced the research situation in HKJCICM and ICMS respectively.
About DelSolar: Founded in 2004 in the Hsinchu
[...] Science Park in Taiwan, DelSolaris dedicated [...]
to the research, development and
production of high-quality solar cells, modules, and PV systems.
Noront Resources
[...] Ltd.致力于高品位鹰巢镍铜铂钯矿床和高品位黑鸟铬铁矿床的开发,这两处矿床均位于安大,处在一个名为“火环”的新兴金属带上。
About Noront: Noront Resources Ltd. is focused on development of the high-grade Eagle's Nest nickel, copper, platinum and palladium deposit and the high-grade Blackbird
chromite deposit, both of which are
[...] located in the James Bay lowlands of Ontario inan emerging [...]
metals camp known as the Ring of Fire.
这些以大学为单位的参赛队伍将在ISC’13展览厅展开激烈角逐,并将展示尖端HPC系统和应用软体的绝佳性能。这些队伍包括:英国的爱丁堡大学(EPCC);德国的开姆尼茨工业大学和卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(KIT);哥斯大黎加的哥斯大黎加科技学院(TEC);美国的科罗拉多大学波尔德分校(C U) 台湾立清华大学(NTSU);南非的一所大学(具体名单将由高速计算中心(CHPC)在决赛中确定);以及中国大陆的两支大学队伍(具体名单将由Inspur在2013年初的决赛中确定)。
University-based teams to compete and demonstrate the incredible capabilities of state-of-the-art HPC systems and applications on the ISC'13 show-floor will be the following: The University of Edinburgh (EPCC) from the United Kingdom, Chemnitz University of Technology and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) from Germany, Costa Rica Institute of Technology (TEC) from Costa Rica,
University of
[...] Colorado Boulder (CU) from the USA,National Tsing Hua University (NTSU) from Taiwan, a university [...]
to be determined in a
run-off competition via the Centre for High Performance Computing (CHPC) from South Africa, and two university teams from China who will be determined in a run-off competition via Inspur in early 2013.
[...] 董事会通过,有关本公司董事会通过及股东会决议盈余分派资讯,请 台湾交 易所之「公开资讯观测站」查询。
Information on the appropriation of the earnings, bonus to employees, and remuneration to directors and supervisors proposed by the board of
directors and approved at the AGM is available on the Market Observation Post
[...] System website of the TaiwanStockExchange.
32.2 董事执行业务,有重大损害本公司之行为或违反法令及/或章程之重大事项,股东会未 为特别(重度)决议将其解任者,持有本公司已发行股份总數百分之三以上之股东, 得於股东会後三十日内诉请法院裁判解任之,并得台湾台方法院为第一审管辖 法院。
32.2 In case a Director has, in the course of performing his/her duties, committed any act resulting in material damages to the Company or in serious violation of applicable laws, regulations and/or the Articles, but not being removed by a supermajority resolution of a general meeting, the Member(s) holding 3% or more of the total number of issued shares of the Company may, within thirty days after that general meeting, institute a lawsuit in the court for a judgment to remove such Director.




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