

单词 台湾民主自治同盟

External sources (not reviewed)

觉察台湾人民及其民选领导人信 民主 、 自 由 和人权等普世价值,并矢志 增强经济、社会和文化发展以及人道主义援助方面的国际合作
Observing that the people of Taiwan and their elected leaders are committed to the universal values of democracy, freedom and human rights [...]
as well as to the enhancement
of international cooperation on economic, social and cultural development and humanitarian assistance
专家组打算在最后报告中介民主同盟军对黄金以及木材之自然 资 源的征税情况以及通过资金划拨提供外 国资助的情况(S/2010/596,第 112 段)。
In its final report, the Group intends
[...] to document the taxation by ADF of natural resources such as gold and timber [...]
and foreign financing
through money transfers (S/2010/596, para. 112).
在承认其民的期望的同时, 各位部长重申了不 盟 运 动对万隆原则和那 些在哈瓦那首脑会议上通过的《关于不结盟运动在当前国际形势下的宗旨和原 则及作用宣言》所载原则、《联合国宪章》及其维护与促进的不可动摇的政治 和道德承诺和决心以及充分尊重,以进一步巩固和加强不 盟 运 动 作为在多边 论坛,特别是联合国中代表发展中国家 主 要 政 治 平 台 的 作 用和立场。
Recognising the
[...] aspirations of their peoples, the Ministers reaffirmed the Movement’s irrevocable political and moral commitment and determination to and full respect for the Bandung Principles and those adopted at the Havana Summit in the Declaration on the Purposes and Principles and the Role of the NAM in the Present International Juncture and the UN Charter as well as for their preservation and promotion, with a view to further consolidate and enhance the Movement’s role and position as the principal political platform representing the [...]
developing world in multilateral
forums, in particular the United Nations.
在有关国际组织的协作下,在科索沃设立国际民事存在,以便在科索 沃建立一个临时行政当局,使科索沃人民能够在南斯拉夫 盟 共 和 国内享有 高度自治,并进行过渡行政管理,同时 设 立临 民主自治 机 构 并监督其发展, 以确保科索沃所有居民有正常和平生活的条件”。
with the assistance of relevant international organizations, to establish an international civil presence in Kosovo in order to provide an interim administration for Kosovo under which the people of Kosovo can enjoy substantial autonomy within the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and which will provide transitional
administration while
[...] establishing and overseeing the development of provisional democratic self-governing institutions to ensure conditions for a peaceful [...]
and normal life
for all inhabitants of Kosovo”.
因此,我谨认为,今天的辩论,以及安全理 事会两天后的辩论,向我们提供了机会,以便考虑我 们各个国家如何能够赋予委员会更强的能力,使之成 为可发挥以下五个广泛职能的独特的 治 平 台 :第一,支持本国利益攸关方阐述其和平与发展的构想; 第二,确保所有行为体全力以赴,支持在国家建设和 平优先事项方面的国自主性和 能力发展;第三,调 动资源,资助关键的能力和优先事项;第四,把所有 行为体团结在本国确定的建设和平 同 目 标 的周围; 以及第五,促进国家利益攸关方同其区域和国际伙伴 之间的相互问责。
I would therefore like to think of today’s debate, and of that to be held by the Security Council in two days’ time, as presenting opportunities to consider
how our individual
[...] countries can empower the Commission to exercise its role as a unique political platform for the following five broad functions: first, supporting national stakeholders in projecting their vision for peace and development; secondly, ensuring focused commitments by all actors in support of national ownership and capacity development for national peacebuilding priorities; thirdly, [...]
mobilizing resources
to fund critical capacities and priorities; fourthly, aligning all actors around common and nationally identified peacebuilding objectives; and, fifthly, promoting mutual accountability between national stakeholders and their regional and international partners.
鉴于上述理由,我们认为,对于所有寻求拥 民主 、 人 权和国际社会规范和 价值的国家台湾堪当楷模。
For all these reasons, we believe that Taiwan serves as
an excellent
[...] model for all those countries that seek to embrace democracy, human rights and the norms and [...]
values of our international community.
缅甸代 表团深感遗憾的是主要提 案国依然选择在第 1 段使 用表示严重关切“持续有系统地侵犯缅甸 民 的 人权 和基自由的 行为”的语文,这是欧洲 盟 决 心 为了治目的 继续利用人权和针对具体国家的证据。
His delegation
[...] deeply regretted that the main sponsor had still chosen in paragraph 1 to use language expressing grave concern “about the ongoing systematic violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms of the people of Myanmar”, which was evidence of the European Union’s determination to continue to exploit human rights and target specific countries for political purposes.
尼加拉瓜感 谢尼加拉瓜、古巴、加拿大、巴西、西班牙、伊朗、 日本、卢森堡、墨西哥台湾境内 的巴勒斯坦团体 以及世界粮食计划署、美洲开发银行和中美洲经济 一体化银行提供帮助,感谢“我们美洲 民 玻 利瓦 尔盟”坚定不移的声援。
Nicaragua was grateful for the help provided by the Palestinian Community in Nicaragua,
Cuba, Canada, Brazil, Spain, Iran,
[...] Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico and Taiwan, as well as the World Food Programme, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Central American Bank for Economic Integration, and the unwavering solidarity of ALBA.
在拉丁美洲开始了与伊比利亚美洲地 自治 联 盟 的 合 作, 同 为拉 丁美洲大中城市的地方当局编制电子政务课程。
In Latin America,
[...] cooperation started with the Union Iberoamericano de Municipalistas to develop curriculum on e-governance for local authorities [...]
of Latin American
medium- and large-sized cities.
随着《与贸易有关的知识产权协 议》的到来,大部分自由已 被取消,各国不能再走瑞士、韩国 台湾 发 展 时的老路,通 过科技学习、效仿和翻版确定真正本土的革新能力必须采取 同 于 以 往的方式。
The process of technological learning, and of progressing from imitation and reverse engineering to establishing a genuine indigenous innovative capacity, must now be done differently from in the past.
2002 年选举后,捷克社会民主党(ČSSD)赢得最多议席(70 席),其次是公民
[...] 民主党(ODS 58 席)、波希米亚和摩拉维亚共产党(KSČM 41 席),最后是基督教 民主同盟-捷克斯洛伐克人民党(KDU-ČSL)以 自 由 同盟 - 民主同 盟 (U S-DEU) 结成的政党联盟,获得 31 个议席。
In 2002 elections, The Czech Social-Democratic Party (ČSSD) received the highest amount of seats (70), followed by The Civic Democratic Party (ODS) with 58 mandates, the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSČM) with 41 seats and the last was the
coalition of the Christian
[...] and Democratic Union – The Czechoslovak People’s Party and The Freedom Union – The Democratic Union (KDU-ČSL [...]
US-DEU) with 31 mandates.
如果军方继续行使不受约束的权力,占据中心 台 , 文 官 治 理 和民主改革进程将受到影响。
If the military continues to exercise unchecked powers and occupy
[...] centre stage, civilian rule and the overall democratic reform process [...]
will be undermined.
9 月 23 日,我在之友小组会议之后发表声明(见下文第三节),对此表示欢迎,认为这是 朝着正确方向迈出的一步同时呼吁释放所有在押 治 犯 , 取消对全 民主 联盟 (民盟)总书记昂山素季的一切限制。
In a statement on 23 September following a meeting of my Group of Friends (see sect. III below), I welcomed this as a step in the right direction, while
calling for the release
[...] of all remaining political prisoners and the lifting of restrictions on Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, General Secretary of the National League for Democracy (NLD).
注意到中华人民共和国自 1949 年成立以来,从未对台湾行使过任何控制或 管辖,中民国在 台湾政府也从未对中华人民共和国的领土行使过任何控制或管 辖,又注意到中华民国在结束了 40 年的威权治后,已在台湾转变成一 自由
Noting the fact that, since
[...] its establishment in 1949, the People’s Republic of China has never exercised any control or jurisdiction over Taiwan, nor has the Government of the Republic of China or Taiwan ever exercised any control or jurisdiction [...]
the territory of the People’s Republic of China
世贸组织通过贸易政策审 评为其成员国的贸易政策分析做贡献,而其 区域贸易协定的地区覆盖世界各大洲,并与 以下组织开展合作:欧洲自由贸易 盟 、欧 盟、中欧自由贸易协定、盟、亚太经社会、 东非共同体、东部和南部非洲共同市场、西 非国家经济共同体、南部非洲发展共同体、 南部非洲海关联盟、西非经济和货币 盟、 中非国家经济同体、海湾合作 委员会、拉 美一体化盟、南 锥体国家共同市场、东加 28 勒比国家组织、加勒比共同体、中美洲经济 一体化组织、安第斯共同体和美洲开发银 行。
WTO also contributes to analysis of trade policies of its members through the Trade Policy Review and Regional Trade Agreements areas is across continents in collaboration with organizations such as EFTA, EU, CEFTA, ASEAN, ESCAP, EAC, COMESA, ECOWAS, SADC, SACU, WEAMU, CEEAC, GCC, ALADI, MERCOSUR, OECS, CARICOM, SIECA, Andean Community and IADB.
这一发展的基础是土库 曼斯坦决定其未来的不可剥夺的权利并且符合其对国家现在和未来所承担的责 任;是忠实于关于团结、和平与和谐生存祖训的表现;在加强土库曼斯坦的独立、 主权和永久中立地位的同时维护了民族价值和利益、确保每个人和公民的权利自由,同时努 力确保社会秩序和民族和谐,并确 民治 根 基 以及一 民主 和 政教 分立的国家。
This was done on the basis of the inalienable right of Turkmenistan to determine its future and in keeping with its responsibility for the present and future of the homeland; as an expression of fidelity to the ancestral tenets of living in unity, peace and harmony; to preserve national values and interests while strengthening independence, sovereignty and the permanent neutral status of
Turkmenistan; to guarantee
[...] the rights and liberties of every person and citizen while striving to ensure civil order and national harmony in society; and to secure the foundations of the rule of the people and of a democratic, law-based [...]
and secular State.
举办的活动包括乌拉圭议会通过决议纪念该国际日;纳米比亚议会播放相关的电视和 台 节 目 ;印度尼西亚议会举办一个“对外开放”日;泰国议会组织了一个题为“议会在泰国 治 改 革 中的作用”研讨会和一个促 民主 观 念的展览;希腊议会在雅典举办了一次特别会议,时任各国议会 盟 主 席 皮埃尔·费尔迪南多·卡西尼出席该会议。
Events included the adoption of a resolution
marking the day in
[...] Uruguay, television and radio programmes in Namibia, an “open doors” day in Indonesia, the organization of a seminar on the role of Parliament in Thailand’s political reform and an exhibition to promote concepts of democracy by Thailand and a special session of the Greek Parliament in Athens, which was attended by the then IPU President Pier [...]
Ferdinando Casini.
赞赏地注意到 2010 年 7 月 23 日在罗安达举行主题为“团结一致推动 葡语空间多样性”的葡萄牙语国家共同体国家元首和政府首脑第八次会议的成果 文件,其中强调葡语空间文化多样性和社会经济发展、在 治 和 外交 舞 台 上 团 结 一致的重要性、发展援助以及促进和传播将 同 体 以 葡萄牙语为官方语言的八个 成员国 2.4 亿民团结在一起的葡萄牙语; 8.
Notes with appreciation the outcome of the eighth Conference of Heads of State and Government of the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries, held in Luanda on 23 July 2010,
under the theme “Solidarity in the
[...] diversity of the lusophone space”, which emphasizes its cultural diversity and socio-economic development, the importance of solidarity in the political and diplomatic arenas, aid to development and the promotion and dissemination of the Portuguese language, which is a unifying factor among the eight States members of the Community and their 240 million inhabitants whose official language is Portuguese
外国公民和无国籍人员拥有与摩尔多瓦共和国 民同 等 的 权利 自 由 和 责 任(居住、工作和工作保护、教育、休息、健康保护等权利);同时现行法律规定 了一些例外情况(不得被提名参与或参与根据法律规定必须是摩尔多瓦共和国公 民才能参与的活动,在立法、行政及其他职能机构中无选举与被选举权,无权参 加普选,不得加入党派及其他社会 治 组 织 ,不得在摩尔多瓦共和国武装部队服 役)。
Foreign citizens and stateless
[...] persons have the same rights, freedoms and responsibilities as do the citizens of the Republic of Moldova (right to residence, work and protection of work, education, rest, health protection, etc.); with the exceptions set by legislation in force (may not be nominated or involved in activities for which, according to the legislation in force, the Republic of Moldova citizenship is required, do not enjoy the right to elect and the right to be elected in legislative, executive and other eligible bodies, to participate in the universal suffrage, may not be members of parties and other sociopolitical organisations, [...]
may not exercise the
military service in the armed forces of the Republic of Moldova).
联中非办和联合国西非办事处一道,与中非经 共体、西非国家经济同体、几内 湾 委 员 会以及 非洲盟密切 协作,积极参加推动关于几内亚湾海 盗和武装抢劫问题的第2039 (2012)号决议的执行。
UNOCA, together with the United Nations Office for West Africa, has been actively engaged in facilitating the implementation of resolution 2039 (2012),
on piracy and armed
[...] robbery in the Gulf of Guinea, in close collaboration with ECCAS, the Economic Community of West African States, the [...]
Gulf of Guinea Commission and the African Union.
根据该条约第三条的明确规定,几内亚湾委员会 的宗旨包括以下内容:创造有利于各国和谐发展的相 互信任以及和平与安全的条件;促进在开采几内湾 自然资源方面的密切协商,以期确保成员国经济发展 及其民的福祉;统一各国在同关 心 的问题、特别 是自然资源开采问题上的各自政策;保护、养护和改 善几内亚湾环境并在发生自然灾害时开展合作;加强 [...]
通信合作、特别是海上通信合作,以便促进成员国之 间的关系和贸易。
Among the objectives of the Commission, as clearly stated in its Article 3, are the following: to create conditions of mutual confidence and peace and security conducive to the harmonious
development of States; to promote close consultation in the exploitation of
[...] the natural resources of the Gulf, with a view to ensuring the economic development of member States and the well-being of their peoples; to harmonize the [...]
respective policies of
States regarding matters of common interest, particularly matters concerning the exploitation of natural resources; to protect, preserve and improve the natural environment of the Gulf of Guinea and cooperate in the event of natural disaster; and to strengthen cooperation in communications, especially maritime communication, with a view to facilitating ties and trade among member States.
认证: ISO 9001、ISO 13485、盟指令93/42/EEC(MDD)、盟 指 令 98/79/EEC (IVDD )、 CMDCAS (加拿大)、 JPAL (日本)、 INMETRO(巴西)、FDA认可法人计划、良好销售规范、以及 台湾 、 香 港、澳大利亚、韩国、沙特阿拉伯等国家的其它监管批准。
Certification: ISO 9001, ISO 13485, EC
Directive 93/42/EEC (MDD) , EC Directive
[...] 98/79/EEC(IVDD), CMDCAS( Canada), JPAL ( Japan), INMETRO( Brazil), FDA Accredited Persons Program, Good Distribution Practice,  with additional regulatory approvals for Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia, Korea, Saudi Arabia and others.
尽管恢复民主人民军和爱国者盟 2011 年签署了结束招募和使用儿童的行 动计划,同民主力量团结盟再次 确认了现有的行动计划,但继续观察到在地 方武装团体、外国武装团体自卫团 体中存在使用以及招募人数不详的女孩和男 孩的情况。
The signature in 2011 of action plans to end the recruitment
and use of children by
[...] APRD and CPJP and the reaffirmation of an existing action plan with UFDR notwithstanding, the presence and recruitment of an unknown number of girls and boys continued to be observed among local armed groups, foreign armed groups and self-defence groups.
亚太经社会将与各次区域其主要政 府间机构和发展行为者,例如盟、孟加拉湾多部 门技术经济合作倡议、太平洋区域组织理事会、经 济合作组织、南亚区域合作联盟(南盟)、上海合作组织(上合组织)等, 建立战略性伙伴关系,并与联合国的“一体交付”的努力保持一致,以 [...]
一种连贯和协调的方式制订和执行相关方案,并在此过程中充分利用联 合国发展系统在次区域和国家级别的资源,以缩小在发展方面存在的各 种重大差距。
ESCAP will build strategic partnerships
[...] with other key intergovernmental institutions and development actors in the subregions, such as ASEAN, the Bay of Bengal Initiative [...]
for Multi-Sectoral
Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), the Council of Regional Organizations in the Pacific (CROP), the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), and develop and implement programmes in a coherent and coordinated manner in line with United Nations efforts to “deliver as one”, utilizing the full assets of the United Nations development system at the subregional and national levels to bridge key development gaps.
会议由坦桑尼亚银行、肯尼亚中央银行和金融包容性 盟 ( AF I) 同主 办 , 来 自 非 洲 大陆的高层决策者承诺分享实施移动金融服务政策的最佳实践和经验,共同努力确保该地区的无银行账户人口能够方便、安全地利用移动技术享受正规的金融服务。
Co-hosted by the Bank of Tanzania, the Central
[...] Bank of Kenya and the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI), the [...]
event saw high-level policymakers from across the African continent make a commitment
to sharing best practices and experiences on MFS policy and work together to ensure the region's unbanked population is able to easily and safely use mobile technology to gain access to the formal financial sector.
[...] 确保普及健康和教育、提高创新能力和人力资源能力、建立社会公正、减少 社会差异、提高应对气候变化消极影响的能力和 使 民主 牢 固 地扎根于 治舞 台。
The focus of those polices and plans had increasingly shifted to stabilizing commodity prices and lowering inflation, securing health and education for all, enhancing creativity and human capacities, establishing social justice, reducing social disparity,
improving the capacity to tackle adverse impacts of climate
[...] change and firmly rooting democracy in the political arena.
安全理事会在该决议中“决心解决”它所确认的“严峻 的人道主义局势”(见序言部分第 4 段),停止科索沃境内的武装冲突,授权联合
[...] 国秘书长在科索沃设立国际民事存在,以便“在科索沃建立一个临时行政当 局……进行过渡行政管理,同时设立临 民主自治 机 构 并监督其发展”(第 10 段)。
In this resolution, the Security Council, “determined to resolve the grave humanitarian situation” which it had identified (see the fourth preambular paragraph) and to put an end to the armed conflict in Kosovo, authorized the United Nations Secretary-General to establish an international civil presence in Kosovo in order to provide “an interim administration for Kosovo … which will provide transitional
administration while establishing and overseeing
[...] the development of provisional democratic self governing institutions” [...]
(para. 10).
会员国应台、发 展或审查电子民主政策、惯例和立法,并与地方、 地区、国家和国际各级有关伙伴合作采取措施,形成电子民主理念并制定电 子民主标准,这些理念与标准应支持人权、 主 和 法 治,提 民主 政 治 、民 主机构 和民主工作的实效,拓宽公众参与政治进程的选择范围,使公众有机 会进行有意义和卓有成效的讨论并参与民主进程的各个阶段,适应人们的需 求与优先事项。
Member States should introduce, develop or review e-democracy policies and practices and legislation and take steps, in cooperation with the appropriate local,
[...] national and international partners and stakeholders, to develop concepts of, and standards for, edemocracy that uphold human rights, democracy and the rule of law, enhance the effectiveness of democracy, democratic institutions and democratic processes and widen the choices available to the public for taking [...]
part in
political processes, providing opportunities for meaningful and effective public deliberation and participation in all stages of the democratic process, responsive to people’s needs and priorities.
如上文(见第 58 段)所述,安全理事会第
[...] 1244(1999)号决 议构想“一个临时行政当局……进行过渡行政管理 同 时 设 立临 民主自治 机构 并监督其发展”(第 10 段)。
As noted above (see paragraph 58), Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) envisages “an interim administration for Kosovo … which will provide transitional
administration while establishing and overseeing the
[...] development of provisional democratic self-governing institutions” [...]
(para. 10).




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