单词 | 台式电脑 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 台式电脑 —desktop computerSee also:台式 n—desktop n 台式—(of an appliance) tabletop model • (of a computer) desktop model 电脑 pl—laptops pl 电脑 n—laptop n
一些台式电脑和大 多数较新款的笔记本电脑会带有一个集成蓝牙适配器。 jabra.cn | Some desktop computers and most newer laptops possess an integrated Bluetooth adapter. jabra.com |
它是一款真正意义上的双向高保真扬声器,可以收缩安装于您 的 台式电脑 中 ,顷刻间便可让您的 PC 或 MAC 变身为一个卓尔不凡的音响系统。 bowers-wilkins.cn | It’s a true two-way hi-fi speaker, shrunk [...] to fit on your desktop, turning your PC or Mac into a superb sound system. bowers-wilkins.eu |
成熟但高度动态的硬盘(HDD)市场由许多细分领域组成——消费、移动 、 台式电脑 、 企 业——每个领域有着截然不同的存储要求。 marvell.com.cn | The mature but highly dynamic hard disk drive (HDD) marketplace consists of multiple segments—consumer, mobile, desktop, enterprise—each with very different storage requirements. marvell.com |
宾夕法尼亚州的Devault食品利用新的RINA软件的优势,可以 从 台式电脑 上 检 查肉的分析。 foss.cn | Devault Foods in Pennsylvania took advantage of the new RINA software suite and now they are able to check their meat analysis from their desktop. foss.dk |
标准将台式电脑与笔 记 本电脑分成A-D四种表现类别,最大配置(D)设 备,特别在待机时最耗电。 tuv.com | They separate desktops and notebooks into four [...] performance categories, ranging from A-D. The equipment with the biggest [...]configurations (D) also wastes the most energy, especially in idle mode. tuv.com |
(f) 将居家办公的做法、包括不再用 台式电脑 而 采 用带有扩展坞的膝上型 电脑的做法在全组织推广,贯彻无纸化工作流程,在共用驱动器上保存关键文 [...] 件,这些大大方便业务连续性的保持。 daccess-ods.un.org | (f) Mainstreaming of telecommuting practices [...] throughout the organization, [...] including usage of laptops with docking stations instead of desktops, [...]implementation of paperless [...]processes, and storing of critical documents on shared drives greatly facilitates business continuity. daccess-ods.un.org |
(e) 通信和信息技术,办法是:采用每人一台计算机的做法;进一步合并数 据中心;落实虚拟台式电脑基础 设施;在各区域落实思科公司智能网合同和威瑞 信公司许可证;再使用购置用于选举进程的手提计算机、超高频电台和卫星电话 (1 498 100 美元);延长现有通信设备的使用(2 929 000 美元);延长现有信息 技术设备的使用(2 306 000 美元)以及减少备件和用品(723 000 美元)。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) Communications and information technology, through the introduction of the practice of one computing device per person, the further consolidation of data centres, the implementation of the virtual desktop infrastructure, the regional implementation of the Cisco SMARTnet contract and Verisign licences, and the reuse of laptops, ultra high-frequency radios and satellite phones that were purchased and utilized for the electoral process ($1,498,100), as well as the extension of utilization of existing communications equipment ($2,929,000), the extension of utilization of existing information technology equipment ($2,306,000) and reduction in spare parts and supplies ($723,000). daccess-ods.un.org |
从您的台式电脑中删除现有的 NiceLabel 软件版本。 cdn.ftp.nicelabel.com | Remove the existing NiceLabel software [...] edition from your desktop computer. nicelabel.com |
产品应用领域包括电信、蜂窝电话、网络产品、笔记本 电 脑 和 台式电脑 、 视频/多媒体、工业仪表、汽车电子、工厂自动化、过程控制以及军事和空间系统。 digikey.cn | Applications for the Company's products include telecommunications, cellular telephones, networking products, notebook and desktop computers, video/multimedia, industrial instrumentation, automotive electronics, factory automation, process control, and military and space systems. digikey.ca |
生态系统的三维视觉已超过1000笔记本 电 脑 和 台式电脑 , 显 示器,电视机,投影机,NVIDA图形处理器,视频应用,数码相机和游戏,更多的设备和3D内容正在稳步增加。 technologeeko.com | The 3D Vision ecosystem now exceeds 1,000 [...] notebook and desktop PCs, displays, TVs, projectors, [...]NVIDA GPUs, video applications, cameras, [...]and games, with more devices and 3D content being steadily added. technologeeko.com |
用于手机、笔记本电脑、台式电脑、 电 子小说阅读器以及数据获取与识别产品中的电池安全性和质量是在市场上获得成功的关键 tuv-sud.cn | The safety and quality of the batteries used in mobile phones, laptop and tablet computers, ebook readers, and data capture and identification products is crucial to market success. tuv-sud.com |
Trustwave可以支持对登录网络或应用的企 业 台式电脑 、 雇 员笔记本电脑、远程站点和智能手机等进行身份验证。 tipschina.gov.cn | Trustwave can support network or application authentication from the corporate desktop, employee laptops, remote locations and mobile smartphone devices. tipschina.gov.cn |
早期台式电脑的AC/DC开关电 源是最早使用功率MOSFET的批量消费 [...] 产品之一,随后出现了变速电机驱动、 荧光灯、DC/DC转换器等数千种如今已 经深入我们日常生活的其它应用。 epc-co.com | AC-DC switching power supplies for [...] early desktop computers were among [...]the earliest volume consumers of power MOSFETs, followed [...]by variable speed motor drives, fluorescent lights, DC-DC converters, and thousands of other applications that populate our daily lives. epc-co.com |
SMARTem24接收器可运行功能强大的软件,与用 于 台式电脑 质 量 控制和设置的软件相同,以进行数据采集。 electromag.com.au | The SMARTem24 receiver instrument runs the same powerful software for acquisition as is available for desktop QC and setup use. electromag.com.au |
Vidyo™ 软件可让用户使用常见的台式电脑 以及 移动设备,经互联网以及常用的无线网 络来进行具有网真品质的视频会议通讯。 cn.vidyo.com | Vidyo™ Software Clients transform popular desktop and mobile devices for telepresencequality video conferencing over the Internet and everyday wireless networks. vidyo.com |
希捷在硬盘设计、制造和销售领域居全球领先地位,提供用于企业 、 台式电脑 、 移动设备和消费电子的丰富产品。 seagate.com | Seagate is the worldwide leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of hard disc drives, providing products for a [...] wide-range of applications, including Enterprise, [...] Desktop, Mobile Computing, Consumer Electronics and Branded [...]Solutions. seagate.com |
虽然在打印照片质量的图像分辨率是不可能的本机(它的质量已经达到了HQ1200,高达2400 × 600点每英寸打印),硬拷贝到电脑上获得了在实验室质量是用 于 台式电脑 和 互联网容易使用。 infosum.net | Though printing the images at photo quality resolution isn’t possible with this unit (it tops out at HQ1200 quality, up to 2400 [...] x 600 dot per inch printing), getting [...] hard copies onto your PC at lab quality is made easy [...]for desktop and internet use. infosum.net |
在 2012 年 7 月发布的《第 30 [...] 次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》中明确指出,手机 已超过台式电脑成为 中国网民第一大上网终端,第一次从数据上向全社会证实和宣告了中 [...] 国移动互联网时代的来临,为产业界投资和重视移动互联网、政府加强移动互联网管理和 [...]服务增强了依据和信心。 cnnic.net | According to the 30th Statistical Report on the Development Status of China’s Internet [...] published in July 2012, mobile phone had [...] overtaken desktop computer to be the top 1 [...]Internet terminal in China, which confirmed [...]and announced to the public the advent of the mobile Internet era in China, and encouraged and assured those enterprises that invested in and attached great importance to the mobile Internet and the government departments that strengthened the management and service of mobile Internet. cnnic.net |
捐赠10架全新惠普台式电脑给德 义青年关怀服务中心,以帮助来自低收入家庭的小学生体验 [...] IT 技术的学习。 wearnes.com | Donated 10 brand-new [...] Hewlett Packard desktop PCs to the Care Corner [...]– Teck Ghee Youth Centre to help primary school children [...]from low income families experience IT-enabled learning. wearnes.com |
集数字信号处理与一些最先进的声学技术于一身,MM-1 首次为您的台式电脑带来 真正的高保真音效,为您的电脑提供当之无愧的音响。 bowers-wilkins.cn | By combining digital signal processing with some of our most advanced acoustic technology, MM-1 brings true hi-fi sound to your desktop for the first time, giving your computer the audio it deserves. bowers-wilkins.eu |
中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)刚刚公布的数据显示,手机首次超 越 台式电脑 成 为 中国网民第一大上网终端,这符合全球性趋势,并对长期主导个人电脑(PC)市场的英特尔 youngchinabiz.com | A government agency has just released data showing that mobile Internet users in China have passed traditional desktop users for the first time, posing an interesting challenge for all players that have typically designed their products for people who surf the web from fixed-line PCs at home and in Internet cafes. youngchinabiz.com |
您对 Zeppelin™ 的全部热爱,居然源于这么一款流线型精巧设备,它 是 台式电脑 和 狭 窄空间的上佳之选。 bowers-wilkins.cn | Everything you love about the Bowers & Wilkins Zeppelin™, but in a streamlined, compact package perfect for desktops and smaller spaces. bowers-wilkins.com |
以台式电脑而 言 ,此公式用在每天操作9.6小时或一年使用率为 40%。 tuv.com | For desktops, the formula applies when [...] they operate for around 9.6 hours each day, or 40% of the year. tuv.com |
声称为其台式电脑注册 过“IPAD”商标的唯冠电子公司同苹果公司的侵权纠纷日前以苹果公司支付6000万美元换取IPAD商标使用权而告终。 labbrand.com | Apple has recently made a $60 million transaction to Proview, a Chinese electronics company that previously held the “IPAD” trademark for desktop computers. labbrand.com |
适用于所有的蓝牙设备,包括移动电话 , 台式电脑 , 笔 记 本,PDA等等,在蓝牙V2.0有着提升的性能. gembird.nl | Compatible with all kinds of Bluetooth devices, including mobile phones, PC, laptop, PDA ect. with enhanced performance by the standard Bluetooth protocol v.2.0 gembird.nl |
2008 年从 5 个区域 [...] 25 个 新闻中心收集的库存数据表明,目前正在使用 的 台式电脑 平 均 已使用 8 年。 daccess-ods.un.org | Inventory data collected in 2008 for 25 [...] information centres located in five regions indicate that the average [...] age of desktop computers currently in use [...]is eight years. daccess-ods.un.org |
估计数主要涉及每台电脑(台式机和笔记本电脑)每年 310 美元的中央管理许 可证费用,笔记本电脑和台式电脑每月 20 美元的中央信息技术服务费,中央数 据储存、检索和维护支持的所需费用(每个电子邮件账户每年 85 美元)。 daccess-ods.un.org | 76. Estimates relate primarily to the provision of centrally managed licences at a rate of $310 per computer (desktop and laptop) annually as well as provisions for centralized information technology services at a rate of $20 per month for laptop and desktop computers, and centralized data storage and retrieval and maintenance support at $85 per year per e-mail account. daccess-ods.un.org |
基本设施:17寸液晶显示器台式电脑 、 双 宽带上网接口、柚木地板、柚木家具、柚木躺椅、特大保险柜、开放式衣帽间、吊扇、中央空调、中外卫星电视29个频道、国际国内直拨电话、迷你吧、电热水壶、电熨斗、烫衣板、体重称、电吹风、独立淋浴间、可调性光源等。 horizonsanya.com | Basic facilities: Lenovo computer (17-inch LCD) with double wideband internet access, teak floor, furniture and double chaise lounge, extra-large safe, open [...] cloakroom, ceiling [...]fan, central ACD, 29 satellite channels (both national and international), direct international and domestic calls, mini-bar, electric kettle, electric ironer, ironing board, weight scale, electric hair dryer, independent shower room, and adjustable light. horizonsanya.com |
从直播新闻和体育赛事到追看您喜爱的电视连续剧,Envivio实现了以最佳的质量向电视机、手机、笔记本 电 脑 和 台式电脑 、 游 戏设备等提供人们希望看到的视频内容,以及提供企业需要的品牌推广和创收性广告;简而言之,包括人们可以用于娱乐的任何类型的屏幕。 envivio.com | From live news and sports to catching up with a favorite TV series, Envivio makes it possible to deliver the video that people want, at the best possible quality, [...] along with the branding and [...] revenue-generating advertising businesses need, [...]to televisions, mobile phones, laptops and PCs, [...]gaming devices; in short, any of the ever-expanding variety of screens where people turn for entertainment. envivio.com |