

单词 可计量

See also:

计量 adj

metering adj

计量 n

metrology n

计量 v

calculate v

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 出的完成率见表 1(其中不包括那些仅列有可计量产 出 的预算款次),其更详细情 况可参阅下文各预算款次的产出完成情况列表。
The rate of implementation of those outputs is shown in table 1 (which
does not include those budget sections
[...] having only non-quantifiable outputs), and is [...]
available in more detail in the output
implementation tables for budget sections that follow.
一位代 表认为,尽管有所改善,更加侧重 可计量 的 预 期结果看来是可取的,并强调需要有说明性的指标,以便于对 成果进行评估。
One delegate was of the view that, despite improvements, a yet tighter focus on measurable expected outcomes [...]
appears desirable
and emphasized the need for descriptive indicators to facilitate the assessment of achievements.
这些产出 的完成率列于表 1(表中没有显示那些仅有可计量产 出的预算款次)。
The rate of implementation of those
outputs is shown in table 1 (those budget sections
[...] that have only non-quantifiable outputs are not shown [...]
in the table).
表 1 中“产出数目”一栏的数据显示了最 初编入方案、结转和立法机构或秘书处添加 可计量 产 出 的总和。
The data in the “number of outputs” column in table 1
[...] shows the sum of quantifiable outputs that were [...]
initially programmed, carried over and
added by either legislation or the Secretariat.
这些可计量的产 出没有 在其后的执行情况报告中加以反映,但在关于资源利用和技术合作交付情况的分析 [...]
中(见下文第三章 F 节)以及在关于预期成绩完成情况报告中已被计算在内。
Such non-quantifiable outputs are not reflected [...]
in the implementation reporting that follows, but they are factored into
the analysis of resource utilization and technical cooperation delivery (as reported in chap. III.F below), as well as in the reporting on the implementation of expected accomplishments.
[...] 会的任务在于提出具体和切实的方案,并在其中确定明确 可计量 的 指 标及实施 时限。
The international community had therefore the task
to come up with a concrete and practical programme
[...] with clear and measurable targets and time [...]
frames for implementation.
我们致力于《公约》和《巴厘行动计划》,并将 采取进一步的适当的全国性减轻影响行动,只要这些
[...] 行动得到发达国家按照《巴厘行动计划》的规定,可计量、可报告和可核查的方式所提供的能力建设活 [...]
We are committed to the Convention and the Bali Action Plan, and will undertake further nationally appropriate mitigation actions, provided that those actions are enabled by capacity-building activities and supported
by finance and technology from
[...] developed countries in a measurable, reportable and [...]
verifiable way, as specified in the Bali Action Plan.
在 这方面,咨询委员会重申,必须注意确保绩效指标做到遵守 SMART(具 体可计量、可实现 、合理、有时限)原则。
In this connection, the Advisory Committee reiterates that care must be taken to ensure that
the indicators of achievement adhere to
[...] SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable [...]
and time-bound) principles.
(g) 东道国政府制订有关所有上述内容的公开、财政上可持续的工作计划, 包可计量的目 标、执行时间表以及对潜在的能力制约因素的评估,国际金融机 [...]
(g) A public, financially sustainable workplan for all of the above is developed by the host Government, with assistance from the
international financial institutions, where
[...] required, including measurable targets, a timetable [...]
for implementation, and an assessment
of potential capacity constraints.
其他活动的产生“可计量”的原因在于, 其数目并不总是能在方案预算中确定,因为例如它们要么取决于各国政府的请求, [...]
Other activities comprise “non-quantifiable” outputs in the [...]
sense that their numbers are not consistently defined in the
programme budget as they can be neither planned nor predicted precisely, because, for example, they are either subject to Government request or they represent the provision of services the scope of which is uncertain.
虽然国际商定目标和承诺没有设定采取主流化行动的时标 可计量 的 步 骤, 但是妇女运动确认各国政府有义务通过消除对妇女歧视委员会、妇女地位委员 [...]
会、人权事务高级专员办事处以及《北京行动纲要》的各次后续审查会议,报告 实施情况。
Although the internationally agreed
development goals and commitments do not have
[...] timescales or measured steps to mainstream [...]
actions, the women’s movement recognizes
the reporting accountability of Governments through such mechanisms as the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Commission on the Status of Women, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and subsequent reviews of the Beijing Platform for Action.
管理事务部应确保,在为加快新设特派团的部属而破例采用灵活适用行政规 则的措施时:(a) 进行正式的风险评估,分析有必要采用非常措施的情况,并找
出处理这种情况实际需要的具体行政措施;(b) 向所有有关办公室发出明确的准
[...] 则,并建立监测机制,以便妥善查明和监测与采用非常措施相关的风险;(c) 明 确界可计量的预 期效益,并传达给所有有关办公室,以便评估为适用非常措施 [...]
The Department of Management should ensure that, when flexibility measures in the application of administrative rules are exceptionally introduced to expedite the deployment of new missions: (a) a formal risk assessment is performed to analyse the circumstances that warrant the use of extraordinary measures and to identify the specific administrative measures actually needed to address such circumstances; (b) clear guidelines are communicated to all concerned offices and monitoring mechanisms are established so that risks associated with the use of extraordinary measures are
properly identified and
[...] monitored; and (c) measurable expected benefits [...]
are clearly defined and communicated to all concerned
offices to assess whether targets set for the application of extraordinary measures are met.
苏丹表示,其杀伤人员地雷问题 可计量 的 , 短期 内应可解决,但如果不从速提供国际援助,苏丹将需要请求延长其最后期限。
Sudan indicated that its anti-personnel
[...] mine problem is measurable and can be addressed [...]
in a short time-frame but if international assistance
is not provided soon, Sudan would need to apply for an extension of its deadline.
执 行情况报告涵盖六类可计量”产 出:(a) 为会议提供实质性服务;(b) 会议文 件;(c) [...]
专家组、报告员和交存事务;(d) 经常性出版物;(e) 非经常性出版物; (f) 其他实质性活动(如展览、小册子、特别活动、技术资料、实况调查、特派
[...] reporting covers “quantifiable” outputs comprising [...]
six categories: (a) substantive servicing of meetings;
(b) parliamentary documentation; (c) expert groups, rapporteurs and depository services; (d) recurrent publications; (e) non-recurrent publications; and (f) other substantive activities (such as exhibits, booklets, special events, technical material, fact-finding and special missions and the promotion of legal instruments).
32.23 正如联合检查组后续制度所规定并经大会第 54/16 号决议认可的,为了使各参加组织立法机关 能充分、有效地利用联检组的报告,这些报告所载的建议必须:(a) 旨在纠正明显的缺陷,提 出切实可行、注重行动的措施,以解决重大问题;(b)
令人信服,并在报告内提出事实和分析, 作为佐证;(c) 就所涉的资源承诺和技术能力而言切合实际;(d) 成本效益高;(e) 具体说明
[...] 有待采取的行动,由何人采取行动,以明确跟踪落实情况和所产生的效果,即应符合具体可 计量、可实现、有针对性、有时限(SMART)的要求。
32.23 As established in the follow-up system of the Joint Inspection Unit and endorsed by the General Assembly in its resolution 54/16, in order for the Unit’s reports to be thoroughly and effectively utilized by the legislative organs of participating organizations, the recommendations included in those reports must be: (a) directed at correcting clear deficiencies with practical, action-oriented measures to solve significant problems; (b) convincing and well supported by the facts and analysis in the report; (c) realistic in terms of implied resource commitments and technical capabilities; (d) cost-effective; and (e) specific with regard to actions to be taken and those responsible for taking actions so that implementation and resulting impact
can be clearly tracked, that is, according to
[...] SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant [...]
and time-bound) mandates.
另外,已经努力继续完善成果预算编制框架的拟订,确保绩效指标和计划产 出具体可计量、可实现 、切实可行并有时限,而且产出的制订与所需资源更密 切地联系在一起。
Furthermore, efforts have been made to continue to refine the formulation of the results-based-budgeting frameworks to ensure
that the indicators of
[...] achievement and planned outputs are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic [...]
and time-bound, and
that the formulation of outputs is linked more closely to resource requirements.
可计量”产 出的特殊之处在于,它们在方案预算中有明确的说明和计量, 而且产出完成情况可以明确地加以监测。
The distinct
[...] feature of the “quantifiable” outputs is that [...]
they are clearly described and quantified in the programme budget
and their implementation can be unambiguously monitored.
[...] 出努力,减少各司或处产出数目并缩短产出说明,侧重最重要的、资源密集的产出, 同时确保所有产出都是具体可计量 、 可 实 现 、切实可行并有时限的。
Finally, with a view to streamlining the presentation of the support account budget proposals and addressing concerns raised by legislative bodies, efforts have been made to reduce the number and length of descriptions of outputs in each Division or Office
by focusing on the outputs that are the most significant and resource-intensive, while ensuring that all
[...] outputs are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic [...]
and time-bound.
改革:许多代表团表示他们支持继续进行改革;评估和监管工作还应进一步加强, 同时还要寻可计量的指 标,有效的认责机制以及更透明的预算。
Reform: many delegations expressed themselves in favour of continuing reform efforts;
evaluation and monitoring should be further strengthened, along with
[...] the pursuit of quantifiable indicators, effective [...]
and transparency of the budget
在一般 的 意 义上,以人权为基 础 的 发展合作方针承认 人 “ 是其自身 发展的关键 能 动
[...] 者,而不是商品和 服 务的被动接 受者” :这些方针强 调 参 与 既 是手段又 是目的;它 们 旨 在 赋 予 权 力 , 因 此 应当既 采 用自上而下 , 又采用自下 而上的办法;在规 划方案 时通可计量 的目标 和 指标 后 ,对结果 和进程两 方面都 加以监 测 和评价 ;方案 应 关 注 边 缘 化、处 境 不利和受 排斥群 体,旨 在 减少差异。
At a general level, human rights-based approaches to development cooperation recognize people “as key actors in their own development, rather than passive recipients of commodities and services”: they emphasize participation as both a means and a goal; they seek to empower, and thus should combine
top-down and bottom-up
[...] approaches; both outcomes and processes should be monitored and evaluated, following the adoption of measurable goals and targets in programming; all stakeholders should be involved [...]
in analysis; and the
programmes should focus on marginalized, disadvantaged, and excluded groups, and aim at reducing disparity.
编入方案的产出清单根据大会第 64/244 A 至 C 号决议核准的 2010-2011 两
[...] 年期拟议方案预算有关次级方案的工作方案说明编制。2010-2011 两年期预算中 载有 28 200 项可计量的计划产出。
The inventory of programmed outputs is based on the programme of work narratives of the relevant subprogrammes in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 as approved by the
General Assembly in its resolutions 64/244 A to C. The 2010-2011 budget
[...] contained 28,200 planned and quantifiable outputs.
就业绩管理而言,秘书长同其高级管理人员订立 盟约,规定一年内要拿可计量的具 体成果。
With regard to performance management, the Secretary-General had
entered into compacts with his senior managers providing for
[...] specific and measurable results to be delivered within a year.
2000 年订立的千年发展目标在内容上与有关和平协定中的各项专题和目标不
[...] 谋而合(见框表 1);此外,它还具有优势,即通 可计量 和 可 比 较 的标准和指标, 说明各国在时间上和与其他国家比较在发展领域取得的进展,跟进国家达标情况。
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), adopted in 2000, substantially coincide with various themes and objectives contained in the peace agreements (table 1); in addition, they have the advantage of describing progress in development
and monitoring of national efforts
[...] through targets and measurable indicators that [...]
are time-bound and can be compared with other countries.
在道路安全 这个领域内,秘书处的举措也有利于加强成员国的能力。已协助 7
[...] 个国家拟定国家道路安全战略和行动计划,其中提出 可计量 的道路安全目标和指标以及监测进展情况的各种工具。
Road safety was another area in which secretariat initiatives contributed to member State capacity, with seven countries having been supported in
developing national road safety strategies
[...] and action plans with measurable road safety [...]
goals and targets, as well as tools to monitor progress.
政策委员会报告第五章所载关于如何更好地监测联合国对《毛里求斯执行战略》 落实工作的支助的意见和观点及各会员国的意见,提交一份报告,就如何使联合
[...] 国对小岛屿发展中国家的支助更有针对性、成本效益更高、 可计量 、 更 有效提 出具体建议,供经济及社会理事会 [...]
2011 年实质性会议审议。
2. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the inter-agency consultative group on small island developing States, and taking into account the views and perspectives contained in chapter V of the report of the Committee for Development Policy on how to improve monitoring of United Nations support for the implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for Implementation, and the views of Member States, to submit a report to the Economic and Social Council, for consideration at its substantive session of 2011, on concrete recommendations on how
United Nations support for small island
[...] developing States could be more targeted, cost-efficient, [...]
measurable and effective.
他们 还敦促秘书处为所有特别政治任务制订遵守 SMART (具体可计量、可达成 、合理和有时限)原则的明确 业绩指标,以便会员国能够评估在实现预期成绩方面 取得的进展。
They also urged the Secretariat to develop, for all special political missions, clear performance indicators that adhered to SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable [...]
and time-bound)
principles, so that Member States could evaluate progress in the achievement of expected accomplishments.
秘书处要求提可计量的目标,这些目标将明确确认确实正在开展与维修技术人员 直接相关的活动;由于卡塔尔的维修行业消费量说明其维修质量非常糟糕,而且在维修制 [...]
冷和空调设备过程中通过改善对良好做法的遵守,有可能大幅削减 HCFC-22 的使用,所
The Secretariat requested
[...] the submission of quantifiable targets which would [...]
identify clearly that activities directly related
to service technicians are actually taking place; this appeared particularly important to the Secretariat since the servicing sector consumption of Qatar suggested a very poor quality of service, and the related possibility to reduce the use of HCFC-22 dramatically by improving the observance of good practices during the servicing of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment.
量可计为协 定所设 2006 年上限以外的消费,等同于《议定书》下所设的委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国 [...]
2006 年氟氯化碳消费限量。
That amount might be counted as consumption [...]
beyond the maximum level allowable in the agreement for the year 2006, which
was equal to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela’s CFC consumption limit under the Protocol for 2006.
净减少额反映大多数支出用途项下的减少额,包括咨 询人项下的 242 800 美元,其主要原因是尽可能增加对内部专门知识的使用;专 家项下的 104 700 美元,主要原因是可能合 并会议或减少专家 量 和 会议持续 时间的协同努力;工作人员差旅项下的 121 200 美元,其主要原因是增加对视频 会议的使用、尽可能合并差旅和(或)减少差旅时间;订约承办事务项下的 460 800 美元,其主要原因是更多使用电子手段传播出版物;家具和设备项下的 111 000 美元,原因是通过延长家具和设备的使用时间减少对更换家具和办公设备的需 求;以及赠款和捐款项下的 781 600 美元,其主要原因是终止了与国际电 计算 中心的合同。
The net decrease reflects reductions under most objects of expenditure, including $242,800 under consultants, mainly as a consequence of the increased use of in-house expertise, where possible; $104,700 under experts, resulting mainly from concerted efforts to combine meetings or reduce the number of experts
and the duration of
[...] meetings, whenever possible; $121,200 under travel of staff, mainly attributable to increased utilization of video conferencing, combining trips and/or reducing the duration of travel as much as possible; $460,800 under contractual services, primarily owing to increased utilization of electronic means of disseminating publications; $111,000 under furniture and equipment, reflecting reduced requirements for the replacement of furniture and office equipment resulting from extending the lifespan of furniture and equipment; and $781,600 under grants and contributions, mainly owing to the termination of the contract with the International Computing Centre.




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