

单词 可程式

See also:

程式 n

app n
form n

External sources (not reviewed)

Ergo 525X Laser擁有兩可程式化的熱鍵,您可在網頁上切換上一頁╱下一頁,也能設定熱鍵使用於媒體程式、Office軟體或網際網路上。
Ergo 525X
[...] Laser features two programmable hot keys for previous/next [...]
page in IE or you can program these keys to work in
Media, Office or the Internet.
除了㆖述外,其他環境規格可程式 控 制器主機相同(請 參可程式控制器說明書)。
Environmental specifications other than
[...] the abovementioned are the same as the main unit of the Programmable controller.
多種進階功能,例如四個符合人體工學的觸發器、八向方向鍵、十 可程式 化 動 作按鈕,都會在您玩遊戲時提供所有必要的控制項。
Advanced features such as, four ergonomic triggers,
[...] eight-way D-pad, ten programmable action-buttons [...]
provide you with all the controls necessary when game playing.
可程式保護 準位及偵測延遲時間儲存在錯誤檢查/校正一次寫入EPROM內,如此可增加電池管理系統的彈性及可靠度。
Programmable protection thresholds and detection delay times are stored in Error [...]
Check/Correct (ECC) OTP EPROM, which increases
the flexibility and reliability of the battery management system.
此說明使用於連線 EX 可程式控制器及電腦專用通訊協定的詳細說明的細節與秩序。
This explains the details and methods of specifying dedicated protocol used for
[...] linking of the EX series programmable logic controller [...]
and computer.
所有這些特性使得SAMA5系列適用于需要高精度計算和低功耗的高性能工業應用,包括介面、控制台、網絡、閘道 可程式 設 計 邏輯控制器、條碼掃描器或列印機、終端和電池供電應用。
All these features make the SAMA5 series ideal for
high-performance industrial
[...] applications requiring high-precision computing and low power, including interfaces, control panels, networking, gateways, programmable logic controllers, [...]
barcode scanners
or printers, terminals and battery-operated applications.
[...] 高解析的ASDA-A2伺服驅動器、多功能型主機DVP-EH2與高階運動控制型D VP - P M 可程式 邏 輯 控制器、以及高彩寬螢幕DOP-B及簡易型TP05/08文字型人機介面等多項新產品。
During this exhibition, Delta Electronics’ booth is set at “Component, Appliance & Material” section and emphasizes on the requirements of machine tools with high cost-performance value. We provide you with Delta Electronics’ latest industrial automation products - Drive, Motion and Control, including ASDA-A2 series AC Servo Drive with high-definition up to
20bit, multi-function
[...] DVP-EH2 series and professional motion control MPU DVP-PM series PLCs, and wide [...]
& colorful panel DOP-B
series and text panel TP-05/TP-08 series HMIs…etc. during the great event.
可程式设计 及简单易懂的人性化操作界面,可模拟各种负载的电源特性;如开关类电源负载(ATX Power, Adapter, Battery Charger)的启动电流测试、输入电压及频率缓升/缓降测试、功率&效率测试、周期断电测试及开关机(ON/FF)测试…等等,在量测上提供选配0.1mA/0.01W的量测解析,有效节省外加昂贵的Power [...] [...]
Moreover, it can also simulate the characteristic of various loads such as switching type of power loads [...]
(For example: ATX Power,
Adapter and Battery Charger) for the application of inrush current test, Ramp Up and Ramp Down tests for input voltage and frequency, power and efficiency tests, periodic cut off test, ON/OFF power test and etc. For 6700 series, it is capable to offer as an option to measure current in resolution of 0.1mA/0.01W that it is suitable to test low power products.
在其限制最多的模式中 (可能也是對學 校最有用的模式),只有已指定的應 程式可 以 執 行。
In the most restrictive mode (and perhaps most useful mode for schools), ONLY the applications specified can be run.
附註: 按一下確定時,掃瞄應程式可能會 將目前的所有 ISIS 驅動程式 設定,儲存在設定集合 (頁面設定)中。
NOTE: The scanning application may save all current ISIS Driver settings in a settings collection (page setup) when OK is clicked.
甚至,應程式可以本 地化為任何語言或地區,完全獨立於程式流程或外觀。
Further, the application can be localized for different languages and regions independently of its logic or presentation.
Studio 5000LogixDesigner外程式可將控制器所記憶的變頻器參數作 為控制器標籤自動填入,協助您縮短程式編輯時間。
The Studio 5000 Logix Designer
[...] application can help reduce programming time by automatically [...]
populating drive parameters
in the controller memory as controller tags.
程式可統一 透過應用程式門戶,即「套件中心」來管理。「套件中心」提供了隨即可用的套件,不僅確保了軟體的高度整合性,經由單擊即可完成安裝的使用模式,更消除了使用者安裝過程中的疑慮。
Applications are managed in the [...]
Package Center, an application portal that hosts applications as ready-to-use packages;
to ensure high software integration as well as one-click-installation to eliminate guess work during installation.
您的掃瞄應程式可能會提供選項,讓您在掃瞄應用程式中設定掃瞄設 定,而 「隱藏掃瞄機的原生介面」程式 (例如,Adobe Acrobat Professional),將可讓您在掃瞄時不與 TWAIN Kofax 設定螢幕連接。
Your scanning application may provide options to configure scanning setup within the scanning application and “Hide Scanner’s Native Interface” programs such as Adobe Acrobat Professional will allow you to scan without interfacing with the TWAIN Kofax setup screens.
落棉 开包机BO-R通常用于预备落棉条,通过这样的式可将落棉条完美的喂入至生产 程 并 精确 到米。
The Waste opener Bo-r is used to prepare sliver waste
[...] in such a way that it can be fed into the production flow perfectly and finely [...]
程式可以直 接輸入,或透過按一下 「加入」按鈕並在教師電腦上選取一個現用應用程式來加 入,或按一下 「監控」功能表上的 「檢視學生正在執行的程式」來加入一個學生電腦上的應用程 式。
Applications can be typed in directly, added by clicking on the add button [...]
and selecting an active application on the Teacher's
computer, or by adding an application from the Student's computer by clicking on View Student's Running Programs in the Monitor menu.
藉由運用Symantec的儲存管理以及VMware環境內的高可用性平台,客戶可以安心地將所有的應用虛擬化並轉移至雲端,並在各方面享有完整的支援,包括應 程式可 用 性 、更好的儲存可見度與儲存優化,以及連結實體與虛擬環境的能力。
By using Symantec’s storage management and high availability platform within VMware environments, customers can confidently virtualize all their applications and move to the cloud with full support for application availability, better storage visibility, powerful storage optimization and the ability to bridge the gap between physical and virtual environments.
財政司答(譯文):副主席先生,我相信我剛才已回答㆒項類似的問題,我的答覆是現 時並沒有任何程式,可讓我 們界定何時作出或不作出干預。
FINANCIAL SECRETARY: Mr Deputy President, I believe I have been asked a similar
question only a few moments ago when
[...] I said that of course there is no formula whereby we can define [...]
when to intervene and when not.
由於企業工作量的不同,SPC-1C 測試使用綜合可擴充 、 真實環境的工作量,該工作量代表利用主要隨機 I/O 操作特微之企業應程式,及需要查詢和更新操作 (例如:OLTP 系統、資料庫系統和郵件伺服 器應程式) 的區塊。
While enterprise workloads vary, the SPC-1C test uses
synthesised, scalable,
[...] real-world workloads that represent a segment of enterprise applications characterised predominately by random I/O operations and require both query and update operations (for example: OLTP systems, database systems and mail server applications).
[...] 會有否透過用途改劃放棄對西九文化區用地的規劃控制權,以 及並無先例可援的"兩階段式"可能 無 法如慣常的城市規程 序一 樣,為公眾利益提供同等程度的保障。
At that time, the main concern of the Subcommittee was whether TPB had relinquished its planning control power over the WKCD site through the rezoning, and that the unprecedented
two-stage approach, might not provide the same level
[...] of protection for public interest as the normal town planning process.
(b) 更新網上校管系統的應用程式,以確保這 程式可 繼 續 在提 升後的系統環境中運作。
(b) enhance the
[...] WebSAMS application programs to ensure that [...]
they can continue to be run in the upgraded system environment.
若要利用 i5000V 系列掃瞄機提供的印刷與註釋 功能(包括不購買印表機配件可以 數位方式為影像加上戳記的功能), 則應該永遠使用掃瞄機驅程式 「進階內容」的內置印表機控制項,來 設定文件列印或影像數位註釋。
To take advantage of the imprinting and annotation features provided by i5000V Series Scanners (including the ability to digitally stamp images without purchasing the printer accessory), the scanner driver Advanced Properties imprinter controls should always be used to configure document printing or image digital annotation.
大会同届会议请秘书长在 2012 年 8 月提交一份报告,说明对发展筹资后续 进程的现行式进行 评估的要点,并在此基础上探讨加强发展筹资后续 程可能 安 排的详细备选方案,其中应考虑到会员国和所有相关利益攸关方的观点和提议 以及确保联合国在发展筹资领域各种进程协调一致的必要性(第 65/145 号决议)。
At the same session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit in August 2012 a report providing
elements for an
[...] assessment of the existing modalities of the financing for development follow-up process and, on that basis, exploring detailed options regarding possible arrangements for strengthening the process, taking into [...]
account the views and
proposals of Member States and all relevant stakeholders and the need to ensure the coherence of United Nations processes in the field of financing for development (resolution 65/145).
(b) 建筑行业关于消耗臭氧层物质相关问题的干预措施(考虑到建筑物内的大部 分能源需求与运行所安装的制冷和空调设备有关),为了让城市发展部、能 源效率局、新能源可再生能源部等制定建筑物规则/标准的管理当局能够 参与进来并且将使用氟氯烃的设备替代品的适当技术规范纳入这些规则之 中;通过绿色建筑大会等本地机构推广无氟氯烃建筑设计和 程式 ; 通过建 筑学理事会提高建筑师的能力,为修改建筑学院课程准备一个模板,以便将 无氟氯烃建筑设计和施工纳入建筑行业主流。
(b) Building sector interventions on ODS related issues (given that most of the energy demand in building is associated with the operation of the refrigeration and air-conditioning deployed), in order to engage with regulatory authorities like the Ministry of Urban Development, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, that have issued codes/standards for buildings and incorporate appropriate specifications for alternatives to HCFC-based equipment in these codes; promote HCFC-free building design and construction through local agencies such as the Green Building Congress; enhance the capacity of architects through the Council of Architecture, and prepare a template for amending curriculum in architectural institutes to mainstream HCFC free building design and construction.
在我们的审计工作中,我们注意到 FABS 系统中央支助小组的工作人员开发了一可 接收 更改要求、作出改动和检验更改要求、随后将这些改动转移到 FABS 系统工作环境的式程序。
During our work
[...] we noted that staff in the central support group for FABS have developed a formal process to receive change requests, make and test the change request and then migrate [...]
these changes into
the production environment within FABS.
会员国、政府间机构、基金和方案的一些报告指出了在执行土著人民问题准 则和政策方面存在的障碍,包括缺乏国家和地方一级的分列数据,以用于改善规 划工作,以及常设论坛提出可能需 要采用 式程 序 的 一些建议难以实施。
A number of reports from Member States, intergovernmental agencies, funds and programmes identified obstacles in the implementation of norms and policies on indigenous peoples’ issues, including lack of disaggregated data at the national and local
levels in order to
[...] improve the planning process, and difficulty in implementing some recommendations of the Permanent Forum that may require the use of formal procedures.
(3) 擔任所有類別產品、貨物、商品及其他資產之進口商、出口商、製造商、分 銷商及供應商、經銷商及代理及服務代理,尤其包括所有電子出版及數據處 理系統及設備、電腦硬件、軟件、應 程式 及 多 媒體產品、家居、辦公室、 個人、商業及工業用機器及設備,以及各類涉及 可 用 於營運上述任何業務 之週邊器材、機器及文具。
(3) To carry on the business of importers, exporters, manufacturers, distributors and suppliers of, dealers in and agents and service agents for all kinds of products, goods, merchandise and other assets including, in particular, all electronic publishing and data processing system
and equipment,
[...] computer hardware, software, application programmes and multimedia products, household, office, personal, commercial, and industrial appliances and equipment [...]
and all kinds
of peripheral equipment, appliances and stationery related to or which can be used in connection with, or which may be necessary for or complementary or incidental to the operation of, any of the foregoing.
全新GL系列可選擇配備的ON&OFFROAD套裝設有六個可優化駕駛動力和安全操控的駕 程式 , 優 秀的駕駛系 可 滿 足不同路況的要求。
The optional ON&OFFROAD package for the new GL-Class has six driving programs for optimizing driving dynamics and handling safety, as the optimum drive system control is provided for an extremely wide range of on-road and off-road operating conditions.




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