单词 | 可擦写可编程只读存储器 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 存储器n—memoryn 可写adj—writableadj 可读adj—readableadj 储存—stored
您可以编写备注(例如会议备忘),并将收到的纯文字档案 (TXT 档案)储存至记事 本应用程式。 vertu.com | You can write notes, such as meeting memos, and savereceived plain text files (TXT files) to the Notes application. vertu.com |
我同时还顺利安装并架设好 SVN 伺服器,以至於我现在拥有一个具备极高安全性及统整性的空间来储存所有我编写的程式。 synology.com | I've been able to successfully install and run an SVN server, sonow I have a safe, central locationto storeallthecode I write. synology.com.tw |
只 编纂串谋 罪 及 未 遂 罪 的 法 律 而 不 理 会 煽 惑 罪 , 一 定 会 产 生 古 怪 的 後 果 。 hkreform.gov.hk | To encode the law of conspiracy and attempt and leave aside incitement would produce a decidedly odd result. hkreform.gov.hk |
如果你想要高品质的影像,你可以储存成未经 压缩的 AV I 档案格式,或者如果你想要使档案变 小,也可以选取任何你想要的编码器來压缩档案。 avermedia.eu | Itcanbe savedin uncompressed form if you want highquality video, or compressed using any of the availablecodecs if you want to minimize the file size. avermedia.eu |
您可以通过本程式发送和接收邮件,进行閲读、回覆、编写和删除电子 邮件等操作。 xplore.com.hk | This application lets you manage email onyour Smartphone, you can send or receive the [...] e-mail through the phone; Youalso can read, reply,edit and delete the email on your Smartphone. xplore.com.hk |
针对书写、漫游和阅读三种不同设定,Moleskine发表了三个全新系列,包括袋子、走珠笔、铅笔、老花眼镜、储存盒、阅读架,以及可以透过USB充电的阅读灯,各自均可跟品牌现有的笔记本子,结合成完整妥善的文化生活流动工具。 think-silly.com | Moleskine has [...] launched three brand new series basedon writing, traveling and reading, including items such as bag, ball pen, pencil, eye glasses,storage box, reading shelf and USB charged readinglight [...]— all compatible with existing Moleskine items. think-silly.com |
检视、回覆与删除电子邮件 进入已设定的电子邮件帐号,轻触开启您欲阅读的电子邮件,在电子邮件检视画面中,您可轻触回覆或全部回覆按钮撰写电子邮件回覆,完成电子邮件撰写後轻触传送按钮即完成回覆;轻触储存为草稿按钮即会将目前为止编辑之回覆储存为草稿;或轻触舍弃按钮放弃回覆。 camangi.com | On the email screen, you can touch the Reply or Reply all icon to compose a reply mail and touch the Send icon to complete your reply. Also, you can touch the Save as draft icon to savethe composed mail as a draft or touch the Discard icon to cancel composing an email. camangi.com |
XP Z81680 微控制器系列产品的eZ8 CPU核心具有20 MHz 寄存器并采用内存到内存的算术运算设计,包括具有电路编程能力的24 Kbytes 闪存、2 Kbytes随机存储器以及256Bytes电可擦除只读存储器、具有43.2 kHz到11 MHz 可编程输出的内置精密振荡器,以及多个串行接口,包括两个LIN通用异步收发器(LIN UARTs)、串行外围接口以及I2C。 tipschina.gov.cn | XP Z81680 Microcontroller Series, based on a 20 MHz register-based eZ8 CPU core with memory-to-memory [...] arithmetic operation, includes [...] up to24 Kbytes Flash memory with in-circuit programming capability, up to 2 Kbytes register RAM and 256 Bytes EEPROM capability, a built-in internal precision oscillator withprogrammable outputfrom [...]43.2 kHz to 11 MHz and [...]multiple serial interfaces including two LIN UARTs, SPI, and I2C. tipschina.gov.cn |
移动元素或可移动存储设备的读写磁头也可以模拟。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Also read-write heads onmoving elements or removable storage devices canbe simulated. en.developmentscout.com |
各支票 或股息单应以只付予抬头人的方式支付发送,而待支付有关支票或股息单後,即表示 本公司已妥为解除支付股息及/或红利的责任,即使其後可能发现该支票或付款单被 盗或其上的任何加签属假冒。 asiasat.com | Every cheque or warrant so sent shall be made payable to the order of the person to whom it is sent, and the payment of any such cheque or warrant shall operate as a good discharge to the Company in respect of the dividend and/or bonus represented thereby, notwithstanding that it may subsequently appear that the same has been stolen or that any endorsement thereon has been forged. asiasat.com |
此功能是记录软体版本,只可读取。 linhmau.com | This functionis torecord [...] software version, read only. linhmau.com |
4.21 本行只会执行本行认为合理可行之指示,并将遵照本行正常业务惯例及程序行事。 hncb.com.hk | 4.21 Wewill only act on an instruction insofar as it is in our opinion practicable and reasonable to do so and in accordance with its regular business practicesandprocedures. hncb.com.hk |
产品简介:1、对MSP430FLASH全系列单片机进行编程和在线仿真;2、完全兼容德州仪器原厂MSP-FET430UIF开发工具;3、采用德州仪器标准的14 PIN标准连接器;4、USB口取电, 不需要外接电源,并能给目标板或用户板提供3.3V电源;5、支持IAR430、AQ430、HI-TECH、GCC以及TI一些第三方编译器集成开发环境下的实时仿真、调试、单步执行 、断点设置、存储器内容查看修改等;6、支持JTAG、SBW(2 Wire JTAG)接口;7、支持固件升级功能。 tw.imendit.com | Product Introduction: 1, the MSP430FLASH full range of [...] microcontroller programmingand circuit emulation; 2 is fully compatible with Texas Instruments factory the MSP-FET430UIF development tools; 3, Texas Instruments standard 14 PIN standard connector; 4 USB port to take the electricity, does not require an external power supply, and give the target board or user board 3.3V power; 5, support IAR430, AQ430, HI-TECH, GCC and TI's third-party compiler integrated development environment under real-time emulation, debugging, and single-step execution , set breakpoints, viewthe contents of the memorymodify; 6,support [...]JTAG, SBW (2 Wire JTAG) [...]interface; 7 support firmware upgrade function. imendit.com |
除了一般的资料库管理功能,如编辑或设计资料表、资料写入、资料库转储、及建立或编辑使用者,其他有用的功能包括:汇入/汇出精灵、报表建立工具、查询建立工具、自动完成程式码、资料/结构同步、批次作业排程、HTTP/SSH 通道连接、备份等等。 navicat.de | Besides general database administration functions like edit/design tables, [...] data entry, SQL dump, [...] and create/edit users, other useful features include the Import/Export Wizard, Report Builder, Query Builder, Code Completion, Data/Structure Synchronization, BatchJob Scheduler, HTTP/SSH Tunnel [...]Connection, Backup and more. navicat.de |
如 罪 行 轻 微 , 裁 判司可能只问被告 或 他 的 代 表 [...] 律 师 , 他 认 为 可 付 出 多 少 钱 作 具 结 或 人 事 担 保 以 获 取 保 释 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Where minor offences areconcerned, the magistrate [...] may simply ask the accused, or his legal representative if he has one, [...]how much he proposes to put up for bail by way of recognizance or surety. hkreform.gov.hk |
Momentus XT 硬碟机的 Serial ATA 6 Gb/秒介面和 8 GB 单层式储存NAND快闪记忆体,将前一代产品的介面与 NAND读写速度提高为原来的二倍。 seagate.com | The Momentus XT hard drive’s Serial ATA [...] 6Gb/second interface and 8 gigabytes of [...] Single Level Cell NAND flash double the interface and NAND read-write speed ofthe previous generation. seagate.com |
尽管益美将尽一齐 所能确保益美收集所得的客户个人资料被妥善地保存在储存系统,并只有获授权的雇员方可查阅有关资料, 但鉴於互联网之公开及全球性质,益美可能无法保护及保 [...] 密客户个人资料不受第三者的蓄意干扰。 acmesanitaryware.com.hk | While Acme shall use our best endeavors to ensure that the Personal Data [...] collected by Acme will be [...] securely keptin our storagesystem withonly authorized personnel be allowed to [...]gain access to such Personal [...]Data, given the open and global nature of the on-line service, Acme may not be able to protect and secure such Personal Data from any deliberate third party interference. acmesanitaryware.com.hk |
该系统是一个电脑化的遥控系统。安装该系统之後,用户可以利用网际网路、电话和个人数位助理(PDA)对家庭或公寓中下列系统的电力与电源进行控制与预编程:家用电器、加热、通风与空调系统、照明系统(具有开/关,变暗或情景效果)、 智能防盗报警分析装置和摄像监视系统、娱乐系统(可对预先储存的视频、影集、广播与电视频道进行源选择)、天气监控系统、智能小交换机系统、以及先进的门禁系统(例如生物测量门禁系统)。 nixon.hk | This system is a computerised/remote control system which allows the user to control and/or pre-program (via the Internet, the telephone or a personal digital assistant (PDA)), [...] amongst others, the electricity andpower supply systems of certain household appliances, heating, ventilation [...] and/or air-conditioning systems, lighting systems (with on/off, dimming or scene effects), intelligent security alarm analyser and camera surveillance systems, entertainment systems (with source selection for pre-stored videos, photo albums [...]and radio and television [...]channels), weather monitoring systems, intelligent PABX systems as well as advanced access control systems such as bio-metric door access systems in a house or an apartment. nixon.hk |
为集中发展新兴的通讯应用领域,Cypress积极拓展多元化的产品系列,包括高速数据通讯集成电路、网络优化及微功率静态随机存取记忆体、高频宽多端口及先进先出 (FIFO) 记忆体、高密度可编程逻辑器件、用於个人电脑及其他数码系统的时序技术,以及USB控制器。 ipress.com.hk | With a focus on emerging communications applications, Cypress's product portfolios include high-speed data communications ICs, [...] networking-optimised and [...] micropower static RAMs;high-bandwidth multi-port and FIFO memories; high-density programmablelogic devices; timing technology for PCs and other digital systems; and controllersfor Universal Serial Bus(USB). ipress.com.hk |
PQI Nano 随身碟,首创业界最大容量,一举提升至 128GB,可储存高画质影片约 160 小时、 20,000 张精彩张照片以及 32,000 首动人歌曲,在传输速度上则拥有绝佳的效能表现,最高可达读入195 MB/Sec,写入100 MB/Sec,复制一部 HD 电影不用一分钟,水库般大容量,传输仅需一眨眼。 tw.pqigroup.com | PQI Nano Thumb Drive leads the [...] industry with the largest capacity of up to128GB (up to 160 hrs of HD movie, 20,000 photos, and 32,000 songs) and extreme performance at 195MB/Sec readand 100MB/Sec write (transfer a whole HD movie within one minute), [...]even PQI Nano's large [...]capacity can be filled up in a blink of an eye. pqigroup.com |
有限公司是一间香港持牌的网络服务供应商(电讯牌照:1218),联通国际专营网上服务,业务广泛而专业,服务包括网站寄存、企业电邮方案、伺服器租用、网站设计、程式编写、网上商店管理、网上磁碟、传真至电邮等等。 communilink.net | is a licensed Internet service provider (SBO license:1218) in Hong Kong. We provide professional and extensive service, including web [...] hosting, enterprise e-mail service, [...] dedicated server out-renting, web design, programming, onlineshopservice, fax to email service etc. r communilink.net |