单词 | 可持续发展 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 发展n—developmentn 可持续n—sustainabilityn sustainable mannern 持续—sustainable preservation 持续adj—continuingadj ongoingadj constantadj continualadj
目前主要研究领域为:深圳文化产业发展、深圳可持续发展战略、深圳信息产业发展等。 gemconsortium.org | Currently, her major research [...] areas are development of cultural industry in Shenzhen;sustainable development [...]strategies in Shenzhen and development of information industry. gemconsortium.org |
我们深 信,凭藉我们独特的商业模式,谨慎管理现金流,二级联动开发,必能为本公司的可持续发展打下坚实的基础。 equitynet.com.hk | All in all, we believe that our unique business model, prudent cash flow [...] management and involvement [...] in secondary development will lay a solid foundation for the Company’ssustainable development. equitynet.com.hk |
此 外,许多主要股东亦会与本集团主席及适当的高级人员(包括其他非 执行董事、公司秘书及可持续发展部门主管)举行会议。 glencore.com | In addition, many major shareholders have meetings with the Chairman and appropriate [...] senior personnel of the Group including other Non-Executive Directors, the [...] Company Secretary and Head of Sustainability. glencore.com |
特区政府透过可持续发展委员会,进行一项名为《优化建筑设计 缔造可 持续建筑环境》的公众谘询,俾能缔造优质及可持续的建筑环境。 procommons.org.hk | The Government, through [...] the Council for Sustainable Development, has recently [...]promulgated a public engagement exercise concerning [...]the fostering of a quality and sustainable built environment. procommons.org.hk |
我们将选定发展的方向及量度进度的机制,将可持续发展工作纳入中远太平 洋日常管理工作的实务中,同时加强公司与持份者之间的沟通。 coscopac.com.hk | We will set the direction for development, [...] establish a system forthe measurement of progress, and integrate sustainable development into [...]the daily management [...]of COSCO Pacific, while enhancing the communication with stakeholders. coscopac.com.hk |
我深信,内地房地产市场长 远会继续蓬勃发展,凭藉我们优秀的专业团队,公司将迈向可持续发展,并为股 东带來更高的增长。 shuion.com | I have no doubt that this market will continue to strengthen over the long term, and that with our [...] outstanding team of professionals, we will [...] leap forward tosustainable development and achieve further [...]growth for our shareholders,” concluded Mr. Lo. shuion.com |
凭藉在多元化的商品组合中进行营销及行业活动的独特组合,本集团规模庞大及垂直整合的业务模式均有助 於支撑本集团的长期可持续发展及恢复能力。 glencore.com | The Group’s large scale, vertically integrated business model, with its unique combination of marketing and industrial [...] activities across a diverse commodity portfolio, serves to underpin the [...] Group’s longtermsustainability and resilience. glencore.com |
经过公众参与过程,已编制及议定出一套可持续发展的原则及指标,这些可持续发展原则及指标将用於评估在 建立共识阶段拟备的规划概念图。 devb.gov.hk | Alistof sustainabilityprinciples and indicators has been prepared and agreed through the public consultation process; these agreedsustainability principlesand indicators will be used to evaluate the Concept Plan thatis developed in the Realization Stage. devb.gov.hk |
海通国际投资经理的主要业务是提供财富管理,并致力於通过推广社会责任投资的概念创造一个可持续发展的社会。 htisec.com | Haitong International Investment Managers, whose main business is the provision of [...] wealth management, is well-positioned to [...] contribute to creating asustainable society through [...]promoting the concept of SRI. htisec.com |
这里,我向各 位承诺,我们会致力建立成一家强大、可持续发展和创造价值的公司,为股东增加回报。 cre8ir.com | I assure you that our commitment towards [...] buildingastrong,sustainable and value-creating [...]company will remain undimmed, and that TPV iswell on the road to deliveringincreased value for our shareholders. cre8ir.com |
亦有成员认为可以把 非物质文化遗产分为以下三大類别:一)歷史;二)值得推广 及保留的传统文化;及三)可持续发展或復兴的传统。 forum.gov.hk | Another member also suggested that ICH could be categorised into three domains: 1) history, 2) traditional [...] culture worthy of preservation and promotion, and 3) traditions [...] with possibility of sustainable development or revitalisation. forum.gov.hk |
得蒙你的支持,让我们协力为社会建设可持续发展的未来。 bd.gov.hk | With yoursupport,we can help contribute towardsamore sustainable society. bd.gov.hk |
每家企业必须认清 [...] 本身的业务营运对环境或社会的潜在影响,而滙丰则透过其可持续发展风险政策来协助客户适当地管理这些影响。 hsbc.com | Every business has to recognise the potential impact of its [...] activities on the environment or [...] society and weuse oursustainability risk policies to [...]help our customers manage those impacts appropriately. hsbc.com |
本智库认为市区更新,尤其是在市区重建方面,应符合可持续发展的原则,近年社会价值观出现明显转变,市民冀望有优质的生活环境,相信订立较低 的地积比率,有助满足公众期望。 procommons.org.hk | A comparatively lower plot ratio can meet public aspiration better due to value changes and the pursuit for a better living environment. procommons.org.hk |
(b) 大澳余下的改善工程,旨在带來新增或改善的元素,以期使区内的经济、文化 和生态旅游可持续发展。 devb.gov.hk | (b) The remaining improvement works at Tai O will aim to bring about new or [...] improved elementsfor sustaining the localeconomy, [...]culture and eco-tourism. devb.gov.hk |
唯有这样,我们的业务 才称得上具有可持续发展能力,能够吸引及维系持续经营 所需的股东资本。 hsbc.com | Only then [...] do we have asustainable business, able to attract and retain the capital we need from our shareholders tocontinue tooperate. hsbc.com |
故此,我们认为现在是适当时机再度组成跨 部门工作小组进行全面的研究,俾使香港在新的数码时代可以持续发展。 procommons.org.hk | It is appropriate in timing to revisit the topic [...] for the sake of sustainingthe developmentofHongKong in [...]the new Internet era. procommons.org.hk |
除此之外,从2003年起我们亦有推行自行研发项目,而有关成果已纳入我们的工程设计、建造和程序指引之内,例如采用「共用W型聚水器系统」排放污水、引入垂直绿化墙板和绿化屋顶、采用多功能感应地图协助视障人士,以及应用微气候研究促进可持续发展的设计等。 housingauthority.gov.hk | In addition to this initiative, we have also introduced project-driven R&D since 2003 and examples include the use of the "common W-trap pipe system" in waste water drainage, vertical green panels and green roofs, [...] multi-sensory maps to assist the visually impaired, and the use of micro [...] climatic studies to facilitate sustainabledesigns. housingauthority.gov.hk |
他现任多项公职,包括世界自然(香港)基金会 副会长兼信托人、亚洲文化协会香港分会会友委员会主席、Asian Cultural Council Board [...] of Trustees成员、纽约洛克菲勒兄弟基 [...] 金成员、香港科技大学的大学学会会士和委任顾问委员,以及可持续发展委员会、香港贸易发展局香港欧盟经济合作委员会、 [...]Asia Society Hong Kong Center谘询委员会的委员及香港红十字会顾问团的成员。 wharfholdings.com | He currently holds a number of public offices, namely, the vice-president and a trustee of World Wide Fund for Nature Hong Kong, the chairman of the Friend’s Committee of the Asian Cultural Council Hong Kong, a Board Member of the Asian Cultural Council Board of Trustees, affiliate of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, New York, an honorary fellow and an appointed court member of the Hong Kong University of Science & [...] Technology, as well as a member of [...] the CouncilforSustainable Development, Hong Kong [...]European Union Business Co-operation [...]Committee of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Advisory Council of Asia Society Hong Kong Center and Advisory Board of the Hong Kong Red Cross. wharfholdings.com |
透过本课题的学习,学生可建立以下的价值观和 态度: y [...] 欣赏科学和科技带给我们多种有用产品 y [...] 体会合成物料具有广泛的用途和它们在使用时的局限性 y 了解与实验室使用和弃置碳化合物有关的危害,如碳化合物的可燃性和 毒性,以及应采取的预防措施 y 关注环境保护,并培养为使社会可持续发展而共同承担的责任感 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Students are expected to develop, in particular, the following values and attitudes: y to appreciate that science and technology provide us with useful products. y to appreciate the versatility of synthetic materials and the limitations of their use. y to be aware of the hazards associated with the use and disposal of carbon compounds in the laboratory (e.g. their combustibility and toxicity) and the precautions to be taken. y to show concern for the [...] conservation of our [...] environment and develop asense of shared responsibility for sustainabledevelopment of our society. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
說出有关的建议会否引致任何添加效果 透过本课题的学习,学生可建立以下的价值观和 态度: y 欣赏有系统地组织科学资料的重要性 y 认識科学与科技的应用所带來的益处和影响 y 重视保护地球资源 y 明白为了社会可持续发展,有必要使用其他能源 y 重视安全使用和贮存燃料 y 认識合成物料用途广泛和应用它们时的局限性 y 关注环境,并为社会的可持续发展培养一份共同承担的责任感 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Students are expected to develop, in particular, the following values and attitudes: y to appreciate the importance of organising scientific information in a systematic way. y to recognise the benefits and impacts of the application of science and technology. y to value the need for the conservation of the Earth’s resources. y to appreciate the [...] need for alternative [...] sources ofenergyfor sustainable developmentofour society. y to value the need for the safe use and storage of fuels. y to appreciate the versatility of synthetic materials and the limitations of their use. y to show concern for the environmentand develop a sense of shared responsibility forsustainable development of oursociety. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
同 时,本 集 团 强 化 无 线 产 品 的 深 度 经 营,在 保 证 网 络 性 能 指 标 及 交 付 进 度 的 前 提 下,实 现 无 线 产 品 规 模 与 利 润 的 平 衡及可 持 续 发 展。 zte.com.cn | Meanwhile, the Group strengthened its in-depth operation of wireless products, striking balance between scale and profitability [...] in this business [...] segment to ensure sustainable development whilekeeping up with required network performanceindicatorsand delivery schedules. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
认为 「一次性」的资助拨款模式对社会福利机构的运作及发展较有帮助的原因包 括「金额较大,选择可以较多(包括一些较高档的系统╱装置)」(57%)及「不 [...] 需要每年添置╱更新资讯科技系统╱装置」(57%);而选「持续性」的资助拨 款模式的受访机构则认为「可以持续发展╱定期更新资讯科技系统╱装置」 (65%)较佳。 hkupop.hku.hk | Respondents opted for “a lump sum” fund mainly because the subsidy could provide them with “more choices of facilities” (57%) and there was “no need to purchase / upgrade IT system / facilities every year” (57%), while those preferred “a [...] continuous subsidy” was because they [...] “could have continuous development / regular upgrade [...]of IT system / facilities” (65%). hkupop.hku.hk |
你认为如果曾荫权连任特首,佢可唔可以解决经济持续发展/民主政制发展/建构和谐社会既问题? hkupop.hku.hk | If Donald Tsang continuesto be the next CE, do you think he can tackle [...] the problem of sustainableeconomic development/constitutional development/development[...]of a harmonious society well? hkupop.hku.hk |
我们管理的多元化物业组合为集团创造持续性增长,令我们更灵活地抓 紧市场机遇,以支持集团的长远发展,并提供可持续及可靠的经常性收入和提高 投资收益。 wingtaiproperties.com | We now manage a much more diversified property portfolio that has created enduring growth for the Group, giving us greater flexibility to [...] seize market opportunities to [...] support our long-term development and producingsustainable and reliable [...]recurring income as well [...]as enhanced investment returns. wingtaiproperties.com |
本 公 司 将 根 据 业 务 发 展 和 内 部 机 构 调 整 的 需 要,及 时 完 善 和 补 充 内 部 控 制 制 度,提 高 内 部 控 制 机 制的可操作性, 以 使 内 部 控 制 制 度 在 本 公 司 的 经 营 管 理 中 发 挥 更 大 的 作 用,促 进 本 公 司 稳 健 经 营、持 续 发 展。 zte.com.cn | With enhanced operability, the Company’s internal control regime will play a more significant role in its daily operation and management to facilitate prudent and sustainable development. wwwen.zte.com.cn |