

单词 可信的


最可信的 adj

most credible adj

不可信的 adj

suspect adj

可信赖的 adj

dependable adj

See also:

可信 n

credibility n



可的 adj

shameful adj

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 阿联酋 注意到 , 必须建 立 一可信的、建设性的程序,而 不 是 将 人权与纯粹政治 [...]
With regard to the UPR, the UAE noted that it is
[...] essential to build a credible and constructive [...]
process without merging human rights with pure political matters.
委员会认为,实现透明度和参与,有助于增 强受害者和其他有关各方对调查进程的信任,使他们能够进一步感觉到,正在进 行的调查是真可信的。
The Committee is of the view that transparency and participation help build the confidence of victims and other interested
parties in the investigation process, including
[...] fostering a sense that credible and genuine investigations are taking place.
申诉人对于缔约国认为诊断书 可信的 说 法 表示反对,他建议委员会 联系该牙医,以确认治疗原因。
Disputing the State party’s consideration of the medical certificate as unreliable, the complainant suggests that the Committee contact the dentist to verify the reasons for treatment.
公平、有效可 信的刑事 司法系统能推动长期的社会经济和人文发展,使社会不受犯罪、贩 [...]
A fair, effective and credible criminal justice [...]
system promotes long-term socio-economic and human development and shields
society from the effects of crime, trafficking, corruption and instability.
相反,可信的普查中, 个人信息不能被单独引用。
On the contrary, in a credible census, personal [...]
information was not referred to individually.
安全理事会还核可作为联科行动部队进一步缩编的先决条件而提出的各项基 准:完成前战斗人可信的解除 武装、复员和重返社会以及民兵的解散;成功完 [...]
成选举;开始安全部门改革,特别是在更广泛的框架内采取建立信任措施,进行 安全部门的民主管理和监督,统一军队并建立能够发挥作用和属于共和国的科特
The Security Council also endorsed the following benchmarks introduced as preconditions
for further drawdown of the UNOCI
[...] force: completion of credible disarmament, demobilization [...]
and reintegration of former
combatants and dismantling of militias; successful completion of the elections; commencement of security sector reform, in particular confidence-building measures within a broader framework for democratic governance and oversight of the security sector, reunification of the army and establishment of functional and republican Ivorian armed forces and security services; and restoration of State authority throughout the country.
就在巴勒斯坦领导人和国际社会为恢 可信的 政 治 进程做出认真努力,以期 实现和平解决之时,占领国以色列继续背道而驰,拒绝致力于和平道路。
In the midst of serious efforts by the Palestinian leadership and the international
[...] community to resume a credible political process [...]
aimed at achieving
a peaceful solution, Israel, the occupying Power, continues to move in the opposite direction, refusing to commit to the path of peace.
最后,我愿确认,政府认识到 2012 年选举是对 巩固我国和平与民主治理工作的重大考验,因此正在
[...] 采取一切必要步骤,确保选举是和平、自由、公正、 透明可信的。
In conclusion, I wish to confirm that the Government, recognizing the 2012 elections as a litmus test for our peace and democratic governance
consolidation, is taking all necessary steps to ensure that the elections will be peaceful, free,
[...] fair, transparent and credible.
该 科还编写了“在国家政策中赋予青年权力:教科文组织议程”,这是有关青年政策的文件,
[...] 其目的是支持会员国在该领域的行动并作为指南,回答政府在考虑制 可信的 青 年 政策时将 提出的各类问题。
The Section also prepared the publication of “Empowering youth through national policies: UNESCO’s agenda”, a document on youth policies which is intended to support Member States’ initiatives in this domain and to be used as a
guide to answering the sort of questions that will be asked when governments
[...] consider creating a credible youth policy.
我们继续认为,最佳和最有效的不扩散措 施是一可信的、有时限的全面、可核查和非歧视性 的核裁军方案。
We continue to believe that the best and most effective non-proliferation measure would be a credible, timebound [...]
programme for global,
verifiable and non-discriminatory nuclear disarmament.
[...] 市民卻不能以這個方式向政府提出訴訟,這就是為何我們必須有㆒ 可信的 法 庭 ,而 不是㆒個在折衷情況㆘設立的法庭。
While businesses can resort to arbitration or use a different
court, individuals suing the Government cannot, and that is why
[...] we must have a credible court, not a compromised court.
如欲质疑性视察有一定的阻遏效 果,该机制必须可信的。
In order for challenge inspections to have a deterrent effect, the
[...] mechanism must be credible.
国际社会必须以迅速、坚定可信的 方 式 对这些扩散危机作出回应,以维护 《不扩散条约》这一集体安全体系的基石,维持集体安全体系成员对《条约》确 [...]
A prompt,
[...] determined and credible response from the [...]
international community to these proliferation crises is vital to preserving
the Non-Proliferation Treaty — the bedrock of the collective security system — to ensure the continued confidence of States parties in the Treaty’s ability to ensure their security, and to prevent other countries from developing nuclear activities for non-peaceful purposes.
因此,中国中央政府一直在通过颁布信息公开的法律法规、地方环境绩效评估来努力推 动地方政府对环境保护做出真 可信的 承 诺
Thus, the Chinese central government has been trying very hard to stimulate local environmental commitments by enacting freedom of information regulations and evaluating local environmental performance.
要负责任地进入私人资本市场,需要一个健全的契约环境以可信的货币 、财政和汇率政策,但私营部门最终需要成为增长和创造就业 [...]
Accessing private capital markets in a responsible manner
will require a sound contractual
[...] environment, as well as credible monetary, fiscal [...]
and exchange rate policies, but ultimately
the private sector will need to be the engine of growth and employmentgeneration.
( 如太阳能和风能)为
[...] 目标,这种战略可能会通过创新和规模经济早日促成降低成本,据此向私人部门 发出明可信的信号, 并鼓励提高能效。
If targeted at the most promising technology options (e.g. solar and wind), such a strategy could trigger an early cost write-down through
innovation and scale economies, giving the private
[...] sector clear and credible signals, and encouraging [...]
energy efficiency.
[...] 动物健康和福利、食品安全、环境完整性和社会-经济方面,准则为制定、组织和 实可信的水产 养殖认证计划提供了方向。
By setting minimum substantive criteria for developing aquaculture certification standards, including animal health and welfare, food safety, environmental integrity and socio-economic aspects, these
guidelines provide direction for the development, organization and
[...] implementation of credible aquaculture certification [...]
可信的封闭式网络如环球银行间金融电信协会管理的网络传输的信用证是引 人注目的例外情况,商界对它并非持上述态度。
Letters of credit transmitted via trusted closed networks such as that managed by the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) constituted a notable exception to that business attitude.
为使裂 变材料条约真正推进裁军与不扩散目标,它就不应只
[...] 是双边禁止今后的生产,而是还应规定多边削减库 存,并采取更广泛可信的做法,来处理裂变材料的 定义、范畴与核查等问题。
For a fissile material treaty to genuinely advance the goals of disarmament and non-proliferation, it should not just ban
future production bilaterally but also provide for the reduction of stocks multilaterally and
[...] take a broader, credible approach to the [...]
issues of the definition,
scope and verification of fissile materials.
我们在 第 2
[...] 章中提到,这种情况发生的前提条件是强制许可的威胁必须 可信的 — — 因为有一个 潜在的获得许可的人能够以比专利人更低的价格廉价提供专利产品。
We note in Chapter 2 that this is only likely to be the case where
[...] the threat is a credible one in terms of [...]
there being a potential licensee capable
of supplying the patented product economically at a lower price than the patentee.
(i) 充分尊重国际难民和人权法规定的不推回义务,同时在充分尊重这些义
[...] 务和其他法律保障措施的情况下,一旦发 可信的 相 关证据显示某人犯有国际难 民法排除条款所述犯罪行为,包括恐怖主义行为,即复核先前关于此人难民地位 [...]
(i) To fully respect non-refoulement obligations under international refugee and human rights law and, at the same time, to review, with full respect for these obligations and other legal safeguards, the
validity of a refugee status decision in an
[...] individual case if credible and relevant evidence [...]
comes to light that indicates that
the person in question has committed any criminal acts, including terrorist acts, falling under the exclusion clauses under international refugee law
利用上述科技创新和知识产权相关需求/成果,在千年发展目标与 WIPO
[...] 的任务授权和业务范围 之间建立真可信的关系 之后,下一步就需要将千年发展目标的需求/成果与 [...]
WIPO 的战略目标、预期 成果和效绩指标以及有关发展议程的建议挂钩。
Having established a plausible link between the MDGs and WIPO mandate and sphere of operation, using the STI and
IP-related needs/outcomes as above, the
[...] next step would then be to link these MDGs [...]
needs/outcomes to WIPO’s Strategic Goals,
the expected results and performance indicators as well as the relevant Development Agenda Recommendations.
[...] 实,但巴勒斯坦领导层依然充分致力于和平和积极参 与以商定框架为基的可信和平 进程,目的是最终结 束以色列的占领,以便使巴勒斯坦人民能够在他们以 [...]
东耶路撒冷为其首都、以 1967 年以前边界为基础、
和平、安全地与以色列毗邻共处的独立国家行使自己 的自决权,并根据国际法和联合国决议公正解决巴勒 斯坦难民的困苦。
I reaffirm today that, despite the harsh reality that prevails on all fronts, the Palestinian
leadership remains fully committed to peace and
[...] to engaging in a credible peace process based [...]
on the agreed terms of reference, with
the aim of definitively bringing an end to the Israeli occupation in order to allow the Palestinian people to exercise their right to selfdetermination in their independent State, with East Jerusalem as its capital, living side by side with Israel in peace and security on the basis of the pre-1967 borders, and achieving a just resolution of the plight of the Palestine refugees in accordance with international law and United Nations resolutions.
小组委员会建议,所有被警方剥夺自由的人,从这种剥夺一开始就系统获 悉他们有接触律师或其可信第三 方的权利,并向他们提供必要手段,以便私下 咨询律师或其可信任的第三方。
The SPT recommends that all persons deprived of their liberty by the police are systematically informed, as from the outset of such deprivation, about
their right of access to
[...] a lawyer or other trusted third party, and are provided with the means necessary to consult in private with a lawyer or other trusted third party.
法案委員會要求澄清,若有證據顯示 聲請人的行為屬於該條文所指明的類型的行為,聲請人的聲請是
[...] 否會被駁回,以及政府當局的政策原意是否只將聲請 的可信性 作 為考慮酷刑聲請的其中一個考慮因素。
The Bills Committee has sought clarification on whether a claimant's claim would be rejected if there is evidence showing that the claimant's behaviour falls within the kinds of behaviour specified in the provision, and whether it
is the Administration's policy intent
[...] that a claimant's credibility is only one of the [...]
factors to be taken into account in considering a torture claim.
Syed Hamid Albar,《缅甸-无辩护
之可能》,《华尔街日报》,2006 年 7 月 24 日;《缅甸不急 于推进外交》,法新社,2006 年 7 月 22 日;菲律宾外交部长 Romulo
[...] 称,如果缅甸遵循路线图,“那就没有问题”,但“我们 必须得考虑东的可信度和 对东盟有利的做法。
Syed Hamid Albar, “It is not possible to defend Myanmar”, Wall Street Journal, 24 July 2006; “Myanmar not eager to promote diplomacy”, Agence France-Presse, 22 July 2006; Philippine Foreign Minister Romulo said that if Myanmar followed the
roadmap, “then there is no problem”, but “in the end, we
[...] have to consider the credibility of ASEAN and what [...]
is good for ASEAN”.
建议在《防 治荒漠化公约》进程中让定期科学同行审评发挥作用,以此为手段,不仅可促进
[...] 吸收新的观点,对不断发展的科学、用户需要以及因执行《公约》而产生的具体 目标做出回应,而且还有利于树立指标系 的可信 度 , 以及应对《公约》涉及的 其他科学问题。
It was recommended that a role be built into the UNCCD process for periodic scientific peer reviews as a means not only to facilitate integration of new ideas in response to evolving science, user needs and specific objectives arising from
the implementation of the Convention,
[...] but also to build credibility for the indicator [...]
system, as well as other scientific
issues addressed by the Convention.
因此,我们相信国际社会将坚定不移地以适当的方式对付这 一威胁,并籍此保护国际制的可信 性 和 对国际制度的尊重,保护在中东实现和 平与安全的前景。
We thus trust that the international community will maintain its resolve to confront this threat
in the appropriate manner and in so
[...] doing protect the credibility and respect of our [...]
international system and the prospects
for attaining peace and security in the Middle East.
阿巴斯总统进一步重申巴勒斯坦领导人愿意认真地进行和平的政治和外交 努力,以便根据 1967 年前的边界实现“两国解决方案”,包括明确根据中东和平 进程的长期工作范围,即有关的安全理事会决议、包括土地换和平原则在内的马 德里原则、阿拉伯和平倡议和四方路线图,就所有最终地位问题恢 可信 、 善意 的谈判
President Abbas further reaffirmed the readiness of the Palestinian leadership to engage seriously in peaceful political and diplomatic efforts to achieve the twoState solution on the basis of the pre-1967 borders, including through the resumption of credible, good-faith negotiations on all final status issues based clearly on the long-standing terms of reference of the Middle East Peace Process, namely, the relevant Security Council resolutions, the Madrid principles, including the principle of land for peace, the Arab Peace Initiative and the Quartet Roadmap.




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