

单词 可互


可互换 adj

interchangeable adj

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

我們會委託 深圳市人民政府設計主 橋,以確保橋 樑 的設可互相配合。
We would entrust the design of the main bridge to the SMPG to ensure compatibility of design.
我們應視學生多樣性為學可互相支 持的機會,尤其在學生共同完成學習 課業時最能體現這好處。
Student diversity can be viewed as an opportunity to get
[...] students to provide mutual support, particularly [...]
when they work collaboratively to complete learning tasks.
很多类型的联轴节由相同 的,完可互换组件构成。
Many of the
[...] coupling types are composed of identical, fully interchangeable components.
国际海洋资料交换系统参与了两个制定海洋 XML
的项目,以支持以下活动: 通过收集和编制全球和地区综合性数据集来追踪数据;国际海洋考察理事会和政府间海洋学 委员会联合设立的使用
[...] XML(SGXML)发展海洋数据交换系统研究小组;以及欧盟资助的 项目,即海洋 XML:使用 XML 制订海洋数可互操作预标准化。
IODE is involved in two projects that aim at developing a marine XML, which will support the tracking of data from collection through to the generation of integrated global and regional datasets: the ICES-IOC Study Group on the Development of Marine Data Exchange Systems using XML
(SGXML), and the EUfunded project, marine XML: a pre-standardization development
[...] for marine data interoperability using XML.
與同一稅務當局對同一納稅主體徵收的稅項相關或者是對不同的納稅主體徵收相關,但在未來每一項 具有重要性的遞延稅項資產及負債預期結算或撥回的期間內,涉及的納稅主體意圖以凈額結算當期稅項
[...] 資產和負債或是同時取得資產、清償負債時, 可互 相 抵 銷遞延所得稅資產與遞延所得稅負債。
Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are offset if, and only if, a legally enforceable right exists to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities and the deferred tax assets and liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on either the same taxable entity or different taxable entities which intend to either settle current tax liabilities and assets on a net basis, or to realize the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously, in each
future period in which significant amounts of deferred tax assets or
[...] liabilities are expected to be settled or recovered.
一位業界代表問,以“或 ”(or)分可互相替 代的配料是否可以接受,例 如以“奶油或牛油”(cream or butter)劃一表示加工芝士中的脂肪含量。
One trade representative enquired that was it acceptable to use “or” to separate the alternative ingredients.
(c) 當局將會增強現有電子政府基建服務平台2 的處理量和功 能,以支援一站式入門網站的發展、引進新的電子政府
[...] 服務及重新提供現有的公共服務電子化服務,亦會設立 一個開放、中立可互用及 由政府擁有的平台,方便更 多私營公司參與提供電子政府服務及增值服務。
(c) The capacity and capability of the existing
E-government Infrastructure Service (EGIS)
[...] platform2 would be enhanced to support [...]
the development of the OSP, introduction
of new e-government services as well as reprovisioning of existing ESD services.
它注意到该 扩增导航系统与其他星基扩增系统是兼容 可互 操 作 的,它与其他系统一起将 提供无缝的导航服务。
It was noted that GAGAN was
[...] compatible and interoperable with other satellite-based [...]
augmentation systems and that it would
provide seamless navigation services together with other systems.
确保遵循本规范的供应商实现之 可互 操 作 ,也就是说,在一个供应商的实现上的 Web 服务必须能够与在另一个供应商实现上执行的 Web 服务进行交互。
Ensure that vendor implementations of this specification inter-operate, i.e. a Web service client on one vendor's implementation must be able to interact with Web services executing on another vendors implementation.
如果真是為了學術研究的,或是瞭解選民訴求,我們 可互 相 協調,資源與數據共享,甚至把研究數據在選舉後全面公開,這不是更有意義嗎?
If we are really doing academic studies, [...]
or genuinely gauging voters' demands, why can't we pool our resources together
to collect and share the data?
亚洲交通运输发展研究所的代表着重强调需要审议下列方面的 议题:(a)
[...] 设立一个亚洲基础设施基金;(b) 为实现各铁路系统之间可 互操作性而采取的各种措施;(c) 交通运输基础设施和服务在减少贫困方 [...]
The representative of the Asian Institute of Transport Development (AITD) emphasized the need to consider: (a) the setting up of
an Asian infrastructure fund; (b)
[...] measures to promote interoperability between railway [...]
systems; and (c) the importance of
transport infrastructure and services in poverty reduction.
人权与赤贫问题独立专家 Magdalena Sepulveda
Carmona 强调,前几届社 会论坛确认,人权与赤贫在三个方面有联系:(a) 贫困既可以是侵犯人权的原因, 也可以是其后果 ;
[...] (b) 实 现所有人权和消除赤贫现象的努可互 为 加强;和(c) 各 项人权规范和原则为减贫和/或消除贫困提供了框架。
The independent expert on the question of human rights and extreme poverty, Magdalena Sepulveda Carmona, recalled that previous sessions of the Social Forum had confirmed that human rights and poverty were linked in three ways: (a) poverty can be both a cause and consequence of human rights violations; (b) the realization of all
human rights and efforts to eliminate
[...] extreme poverty are mutually reinforcing; and (c) [...]
human rights norms and principles
provide the framework for poverty reduction and/or eradication.
再也不用在欄位輸入尺寸,現在你只要在打印預覽視窗中,拖曳頁邊邊線及標示, 可互 動 地 控制打印佈局的頁邊設定,以及按你所想修正照片大小。
Instead of entering dimensions in fields, you can simply drag
margin lines and guides in the print
[...] preview window to interactively control the margins [...]
of your print layout and size photos as desired.
Web 服务是一种面向服务的体系结构,它能够创建服务的抽象定义、提供服务的具体实现、发布并查找服务、实现服务实例选择,并实 可互 操 作 服务的使用。
Web Services is a service oriented architecture which allows for creating an abstract definition of a service, providing a concrete
implementation of a service, publishing and finding a service, service instance
[...] selection, and interoperable service use.
主席还强调与国际对话进程协可互 利 互 惠 的 一些领域, 包括加强建设和平战略的协调规划;加强有关国家与国际合作伙伴之间的相互问 [...]
The Chair also highlighted a number of areas where
collaboration with the International Dialogue
[...] process would be mutually beneficial, including [...]
in the areas of strengthening coherent
planning for peacebuilding strategies; reinforcing mutual accountability between the countries concerned and international partners; and financing for peacebuilding.
RMWAH 重视生物多样性和有机食品生产,这也让公司充分受益于全球社会对可持续生产之食品 可互 换 之 碳信用额的需求增长。
RMWAH’s focus on biodiversity and organic food production has
it well positioned to benefit from growing global demand for sustainably produced
[...] foodstuffs and fungible carbon credits.
本文能够在以下方面起到促进作用:进一步确定开放规范、正式或事实上的标准、共用 的免知识产权(免
[...] IP)解决方案设计,帮助加速大数据技术的采用,创建繁荣、开放可互操作的大数据解决方案市场。
This document serves as the catalyst for further defining the open specifications, formal or de facto standards, and common intellectual property-free (IP-free) solution designs that will help
accelerate adoption of Big Data technologies and
[...] create an open, interoperable, and thriving market [...]
of Big Data solutions.
成員可通過電話會議或 其他類似的通訊工具參與會議,只要參與會議的各 可互 相 聽 到。
Members may participate in a meeting by means of a conference telephone or
similar communications equipment by means of which all persons participating
[...] in the meeting are capable of hearing [...]
each other.
多份参与式地可互相集中/ 叠加,以了解不同的项目和界限是如何重叠和相互联 系的。
Several participatory maps can be converged/superimposed on one another to get a sense of how different issues and boundaries overlap and interrelate.
高度集成的威盛C系列数字媒体芯片组包括各 可互 换 的 南北桥选项,为系统开发商提供各种核心逻辑选项及丰富的功能配置。
The highly integrated VIA C-Series digital media chipsets consist of various interchangeable North and South Bridge options that provide system developers with an impressive range of core logic options and features sets.
理光2009年12月推出的GXR是一款革命性的组 可互 换 数 码相机系统,可通过装载在单个单元中集成镜头、图像感应器和图像处理引擎的相机单元来更换镜头。
Introduced in December 2009, the GXR is a
[...] revolutionary interchangeable unit camera [...]
system in which lenses can be changed by
mounting camera units that integrate lens, image sensor, and image processing engine into a single unit.
公司为用户端设备市场提可互操作 的HDMI和DisplayPort连接解决方案,为消费电子和个人电脑市场提供高清视频分发和显示,公司还提供一系列通信处理器,这些处理器给大量应用带来了最佳性能。
For the customer-premises
[...] market, we offer interoperable connectivity solutions [...]
that provide a bridge between HDMI and DisplayPort
and enable the distribution and presentation of high-definition (HD) content for consumer electronic and personal computer markets and also provide a family of communications processors that provide best-in-class performance for a range of applications.
专家们还鼓励 条约合作伙伴启动双可相互可接受 的联合执行行动计划和关于这方面体制机制 [...]
The experts also encouraged treaty
partners to initiate discussions for the
[...] development of mutually acceptable joint [...]
implementation plans of action and institutional mechanisms in this regard.
这些国家特别应考 虑加入国际刑警组织的全球警务通信安全登入系统(亦称:I-24/7 系统),通过该 系统它可互通情 报、协调活动并进入国际刑警组织数据库。
In particular, they should consider joining the secure global police communications system of INTERPOL, referred to as I-24/7, allowing them to share information, coordinate their activities and access INTERPOL databases
如並無 選任主席或副主席,或於任何會議上主席及任何副主席均未於會議指定舉行 時間後五(5)分鐘內出席,則出席的董 可互 選 一人擔任會議主席。
If no chairman or deputy chairman is elected, or if at any meeting neither the chairman nor any deputy chairman is present within five (5) minutes after the time appointed for holding the same, the Directors present may choose one of their number to be chairman of the meeting.
2009年11月10日,日本东京讯,理光公司(总裁兼首席执行官:近藤史朗)今日宣布成功开发并推出了GXR组 可互 换 数 码相机系统,堪称全世界最小巧轻便* 的可互换镜头数码相机。
Ltd. (president and CEO: Shiro Kondo) today announced the development and release of the GXR interchangeable unit camera system featuring the world's smallest and lightest* digital camera with the ability to change lenses.
海卓泰特工程师减轻了工具的重量,但没有削弱功能: 系统具可互换的导螺杆,使其适合重新打磨受损的凸面或对焊法兰,达到标准和紧凑型法兰设计要求的不断变化的表面处理标准。
Hydratight engineers have pared weight but not features: the system has interchangeable lead screws that make it suitable for resurfacing damaged raised-face and lens-ring joint flanges to the varying standards of finish demanded of standard and compact flange designs.
倘 本 行 同 意 阁 下 ( 或 任 何 第 三 者 ) 与 本 行 之可 互 相 透 过 电 邮 丶 互 联 网 丶 手 机 短 讯 或 任 何 其 他 方 式 ( 恒 生 商 业 e-Banking 除 外 ) 进 行 通 讯 , 阁 下 承 认 [...]
该 等 通 讯 存 有 被 第 三 者
截 取 丶 监 察 丶 修 改 或 干 扰 之 风 险 。
If we agree that you may communicate with us or we agree to communicate with you (or any third party) via email, the Internet, SMS [...]
or any other method
(other than via Hang Seng Business e-Banking) you acknowledge the risks that any such communications may be intercepted, monitored, amended or otherwise interfered with by third parties.
如果真是為了學術研究或瞭解選民的訴求,各機構 可互 相 協 調,資源與數據共享,甚至把研究數據在選舉後全面公開,以求事半功倍。
Chung suggested all political and research parties to conduct exit polls openly, use scientific sampling method, and if possible, share their resources and data for the benefit of the entire community.
这些研究包括:所有人权的可分 割、 相 互 联 系和 相 互 依 存 ;经济、社会和文化权 利的可诉性;关于衡量实施经济、社会和文化权利,特别是接受教育权利指标的现状,以及 [...]
These studies concern: the indivisibility, interrelation and interdependence of all human [...]
rights; the enforceability of
economic, social and cultural rights; the state of the art with regard to indicators to measure the implementation of economic, social and cultural rights and in particular the right to education and the right to take part in cultural life and the right to education.




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