

单词 可不是



if this can be tolerated, what cannot? [idiom.]
enough is enough

See also:


is not






should not
must not

External sources (not reviewed)

It also recommends that the State party take steps to
improve awareness of the Covenant rights
[...] as justiciable human rights and not merely rights as part of the “Welfare [...]
If the wish expressed by the Purchaser may not be completed within one month of its claim, or if such repair or replacement is impossible, the Purchaser shall have the right either to return the product and then be returned the price of the product if payment has already taken place, or to retain the product and not be reimbursed for a portion of the price.
[...] 民权利和政治权利一样的关注,尽管所有的权利被 认是不可和相互依存的,包括发展权,发展 [...]
权不仅仅指经济增长,也体现在对人民状况的改善 上,特别是被压迫和被边缘化的人群的状况,从而 建立所有人的公正、平等和可持续发展。
Economic, social and cultural rights did not enjoy the same attention as civil and political rights, but all rights were interrelated and
interdependent, including the right to development,
[...] which encompassed notmerely economic [...]
growth but also improvements in the condition
of peoples, in particular those who were oppressed and marginalized, in order to establish justice, equality and sustainable development for all.
一个全 面的、雄心勃勃的有效协定对于全球过渡到绿色经济和可持续发展,以及更紧 迫的对于帮助全世界民众特别是最弱势民众适应现在是不可的影响来说 是至关重要的。
A comprehensive, ambitious and effective agreement is essential to the global transition to a green economy and sustainable development and, most urgently, to helping the world’s population, especially the most vulnerable, to adapt to impacts that are nowinevitable.
印度代表团在提及其在 CAC/31 LIM/9 号文件中提出的书面意见时指出,通过品种 选育的方法实现生马铃薯含糖量降至低于 0.3%的水平是可且对储藏温度和时 间的严格控制是可在发展中国家尤为如此。
The Delegation of India, referring to its written comment presented in CAC/31 LIM/9, stated that the selection of cultivars to achieve a reduced sugar content level of less
than 0.3 % in raw
[...] potatoes was not always feasible and that strict control of storage temperature and time was not always possible, [...]
particularly in developing countries.
这些研究包括:所有人权不可、相互联系和相互依存;经济、社会和文化权 利的可诉性;关于衡量实施经济、社会和文化权利,特教育权利指标的现状,以及 参与文化生活的权利和接受教育的权利。
These studies concern: the indivisibility, interrelation and interdependence of all human rights; the enforceability of economic, social and cultural rights; the state of the art [...]
with regard to indicators to measure the
implementation of economic, social and cultural rights and in particular the right to education and the right to take part in cultural life and the right to education.
在与伊拉克各利益攸关方进一步协商后,工发组织代表说,原则上,伊拉使用碳氢化合物为替代制冷剂,但条件是应确保:该技术在技术是可,即可以得到 这些产品所需要的构件和原材料;最后产品价格与使用 HFC-134a 的产品价格相当;该项 目制造和维修方面的安全因素得到解决;使用碳氢化合物的产品性能与使用 [...]
HFC-134a 的 产品性能相似,必须铭记,巴格达夏季气温可轻易达到摄氏
50 度;提 供关于多边基金资助 的商用制冷转换碳氢化合物技术项目类似经验的信息。
Following further consultations with stakeholders in Iraq, the representative of
UNIDO said that in
[...] principle, Iraqdid not object to using hydrocarbon as the replacing refrigerant, subject to ensuring that: the technology was technically [...]
feasible in terms
of the availability of components and raw materials for such products; the final product price was comparable to HFC-134a products; safety considerations were fulfilled within the project, covering both manufacturing and servicing aspects; the performance of hydrocarbon-based products was similar to that of HFC-134a products, keeping in mind that the temperature in Baghdad could easily reach 50 degrees Celsius in the summertime; and information was provided on similar experience with projects funded by the Multilateral Fund for shifting commercial refrigeration to hydrocarbon technology.
然而,有些与会者承认,如果不限于 2007 年,31 C/4 的战略目标从长远来看还是有效 的,并且建议教科文组织确定哪些目标中期是可现的——因为教科文组织可支配的资 金有限——并且将它们与长期战略目标区分开来,因为长期战略目不可六年内实现。
Some participants however recognized the long-term validity of document 31 C/4 strategic objectives beyond the framework of 2007 and recommended UNESCO should
identify what could
[...] realistically beexpected to be achieved in a medium-term perspective – given the limited means at the disposal of the Organization – and distinguish them from long-term strategic objectives, whose outcomes are unlikely to be attained in [...]
a six-year period.
而对于那些数额相对比较小的预算项目, 哪怕在预算额上只有很小的偏差,在表示为“开支率”时就有可能产生很大偏差,尽管从绝 对值意义上这种偏差的影响实际是可
For budget lines with relatively small amounts, minor variations in the budget may give a large deviation in the “expenditure rate”, even though the impact of such a deviation is negligible in absolute terms.
翻译工作需要如此长的时间,特别是自我辩护上诉人的情况下,对此本应作 出更多解释,然而本报告限于篇幅而不能做此解释,的是,正在作出努 力,以更有效地与会议和语文支助事务科主管不断联系,以评估进展情况并确定 是否需要对具体的翻译要求分轻重缓急,并重新探讨会议和语文支助事务科的内 部要求,即判决书翻译的审校工作必须整体一起完成,不是完成(这样做 可以逐步公布翻译好的部分)。
The inordinate length of translation times, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants, calls for greater explanation than suitable for a report of this size, but it can be said that efforts are under way to more effectively liaise with the supervisors in the Conference and Language Services Section on a
continual basis in order to assess
[...] progress and determine the need for requesting prioritization of specific translations, and to readdress the internal requirement of the Conference and Language Services Section that the revision process for translation of a judgement must be accomplished as a whole, rather than volume by volume (which would allow for gradual release of translated portions).
尽管 他理解一国作出的不提供任何定义的建议的根本原因,但他认为如果不定义该 词,那么条款草案是可有用的(这也将限制条款草案的范围)。
While he understood the underlying reasons for the suggestion, made by a State, that no definition be provided at all, he was of the view that the draft articles would no longer be viable and useful if there were no definition of this term (which also served to limit the scope of the draft articles).
它也是促进社会包容的一种手段,是治理贫困的努不可的组成部分, 更何况它能确保公共政续的,是旨在满足社会最贫困的阶层所表达的需 求的。
It is also a means of promoting social inclusion and an essential component of efforts to combat poverty, not least by ensuring that public policies are sustainable and designed to meet the expressed needs of the poorest segments of society.
(6) 如果是相同的保留,像第 2 款(a)项所指的那样,这种保留的领土范围扩大 到在国家继承之日之前并没有对之适用的国家合并产生的国家领土的一部分,在 有些情况是不可,这是有关保留的性质或目的所致。
(6) In the case of identical reservations, referred to in paragraph 2 (a), the territorial extension of such a reservation to the part of the territory of the State formed from a uniting of States to which it did not apply before the date of succession of the States may, however,not bepossible in some situations because of the nature or purpose of the reservation in question.
然而,行预咨 委会重申,必须继续严格审查调用资金提议,以确保授权调用的资金仅限于满足 不断变化的优先需求,而且这种需是不可的,是必须毫不拖延地解决的(另 见 A/65/743,第 22 段)。
However, the Committee reiterates the need for proposals for redeployment to continue to be scrutinized to ensure that the authorizations that are given are limited to what is necessary to meet changing priority requirements which were not possible to anticipate and which need to be addressed without delay (see also A/65/743, para. 22).
[...] 言,最好的解决办法是安全而有尊严地回到永久性居住地,遗憾的是,这在现阶是不可
The delegation stated that the best solution for the IDPs would be to
return to their places of permanent residence in safety and dignity, which was,
[...] unfortunately, not possibleat this stage.
缔约国请委员会:注意提交人所陈述的事实和有关情况何等相似;考虑当 时的社会、政治以及安全环境;注意提交人没有用尽所有国内补救措施;注意缔 约国的有关机构已经建立了一种全面的内部解决机制,以便通过符合《联合国宪 章》以及随后的条约和公约中的原则的旨在实现和平与民族和解的措施,处理和 解决这些来文中所提到的案件;判定上述来是不可的;要求提交人利用适 当的补救办法。
4.8 The State party asks the Committee to note how similar the facts and situations described by the authors are and to take into account the socio-political and security context at the time; to note that the authors failed to exhaust all domestic remedies; to note that the authorities of the State party have established a comprehensive domestic mechanism for processing and settling the cases referred to in these communications through measures aimed at achieving peace and national reconciliation that are consistent with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and subsequent covenants and conventions; to find the above-mentioned communications inadmissible; and to request the authors to avail themselves of the appropriate remedy.
规则 159 规定,审判分庭可 接受匿名证人的证据;不可依据或在决定性的程度上依据此类证据作 出有罪判决。
Rule 159 provides that the Trial Chamber may admit the evidence of an anonymous witness; however, a conviction maynot bebased solely or to a decisive extent on such evidence.
由于多种原因,起草适当形式或不连续形式的具体条款如公约或 示范法供纳入国家法律体系是可各国家法律体系经常使用 差异很大的立法方法和办法解决特定问题,各国可能还没有准备好就 单一办法或共同规则达成一致,可能就找到统一办法解决特定问题的 必要性不存在共识,或者就特定主题的关键问题以及如何处理这些问 题存在着不同程度的共识。
For a number of reasons, it is not always possible to draft specific provisions inasuitable or discrete form, such as a convention or a model law, for incorporation into national legal systems: national legal systems often use widely disparate legislative techniques and approaches for solving a given issue, States may not yet be ready to agree on a single approach or common rule, there may not be consensus on the need to find a uniform solution to a particular issue, or there may be different levels of consensus on the key issues of a particular subject and how they should be addressed.
此外,贫是可的死亡、健高死亡率和低 预期寿命的根源,因为更多地面临暴力侵害,而且是因为物质上的被剥 夺及其后果,例如,缺乏食物、安全饮用水和卫生设施等。
Moreover, poverty isa cause of preventable death, ill-health, highmortality rates and low life expectancy, notonly through [...]
greater exposure
to violence but also material deprivation and its consequences, such as lack of food, safe water and sanitation.
该研究 社 指 出,《布基 纳 法索宪法》宣布了人民的权利和责任,该研究社 称 赞 布 基
[...] 纳 法 索 站 在 它 所 扞 卫 的 立 场 的 前列, 认 为 人的权利和责是 不 可的,必须同时加 以增进。
CRED noted that the Constitution of Burkina Faso proclaims peoples’ rights and duties, and congratulated Burkina Faso for being at
the forefront of positions
[...] defendedby it, namely that human rights and dutiesare indivisible [...]
and must be promoted conjointly.
,如果亚洲 及太平洋区域国家要确定赤字的目标,就要将赤字限额提高到 5%,条件是要将 这些投资用于与千年发展目标有关的优先事项,因为立即改善营养、 卫生和教育状况,而且还将因此提高劳动生产率,从而有助于遏制较大的赤字 产生的通胀压力,如有的话。
It can be argued, however, that if countries in Asia and the Pacific target deficits at all, they should raise the limit to perhaps 5 per cent, as long as this is being invested in priorities related to the Millennium Development Goals, since this would not only immediately [...]
improve nutrition,
health and education but also result in productivity gains that would help contain inflation inflationary pressures arising from a larger deficit, if at all.
会员国与秘书处之间的相互配合对于确保教科文组织的出版物始终达到较高的质量标是不 可的,这样能够通过适当的渠道将教科文组织的出版物送到各种受众手中。
The interaction between the Member States and the Secretariat will be
essential for ensuring that UNESCO publications
[...] consistently meet high quality standards [...]
which can be delivered to a large variety
of audiences through the appropriate channels.
如果重返家庭在一定时期内证是不可或被认为违反儿童的最大利 益,则应考虑确定稳妥的解决办法,如收养或伊斯兰法的“卡法拉”(监护);如 果做不到这一点,则应考虑采取其他的长期选择办法,如寄养照料或适当寄宿照 料,包括集体之家和其他有监督的生活安排。
Should family reintegration prove impossible within an appropriate period orbe deemed contrary to the best interests of the child, stable and definitive solutions, such as adoption or kafala of Islamic law, should be envisaged; failing this, other long-term options should be considered, such as foster care or appropriate residential care, including group homes and other supervised living arrangements.
由于日益增长的放射性同位素管理压力(供应,运输,销毁,关闭辐是不可),可预见的将来伽玛消毒灭菌方式将逐步被电子束和X-射 线取代。
Because of the increasing issues related to the management of radioisotopes (supply, transport, disposal, impossibility to turn radiation off ),it isexpected that gamma sterilization will gradually be replaced by E-beam and X-ray.
他强调毒品和犯罪问题办公室目 前的供资模是不可的,并指出在毒品和犯罪问题办公室的历史上大会前 [...]
所未有地在通过 2010-2011 两年期联合国方案预算时对毒品和犯罪问题办公室的 总体财务状况表示关切,还请秘书长在其 2012-2013
两年期拟议方案预算中提出 建议,以确保毒品和犯罪问题办公室有足够的资源执行任务(大会第 64/243 号 决议,第 85 段)。
He emphasized that the present UNODC
[...] funding model was not sustainable and [...]
pointed out that, for the first time in the history
of UNODC, at the time of adoption of the programme budget of the United Nations for the biennium 2010-2011 the General Assembly had expressed concern regarding the overall financial situation of the Office and requested the Secretary-General to submit proposals in his proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013 ensuring that the Office had sufficient resources to carry out its mandate (Assembly resolution 64/243, para. 85).
[...] 一种可能的解决办法便是对投机活动进行管制,但专家们指出,投机为市场提供 了流动性,投机者对于价格发现和对冲机制的运是不可的。
Some delegates expressed the view that an approach might be to regulate speculative activities, but experts pointed out that speculation provides
liquidity to the market and that
[...] speculators are essential for price discovery and the operation [...]
of hedging mechanisms.




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