单词 | 叭 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 叭—denote a sound or sharp noise (gunfire etc)Examples:喇叭n—speakern hornn 喇叭pl—hornspl 喇叭—loudspeaker trumpet horn (automobile etc) brass wind instrument
此外,通过安装一个双频和双极馈源喇叭,您便能同时接收C和Ku波段,以及垂直和水平极化的讯号。 asiasat.com | Furthermore, by installing a dual-band [...] and dual-pol feedhorn, you can receive [...]signals from both C and Ku bands and each [...]band having signals from both vertical and horizontal polarisations simultaneously. asiasat.com |
馈源喇叭是一个用以收集聚於卫星碟盘的讯号和将其传输至LNB之装置。 asiasat.com | The feedhorn isadevice that [...] collects the signals at the focus of the satellite dish and channels them to the LNB (Low Noise Block Down Converter). asiasat.com |
听音乐或戴着耳机会降低您对周围各种声音的反应能力,诸如紧急车辆报 警器或其他车辆发出的喇叭声。 soulelectronics.com | Listening or wearing headphones reduces your ability to hear sounds around you such as emergency vehicle [...] sirens or the horn from another [...]motorist. soulelectronics.com |
设於油门前铝合金位置的前置低音喇叭系统(Frontbass),与低音扬声器加强共振效果,令车内气氛犹如置身於出色的演奏厅。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The likewise unique Frontbass system intelligently uses the free spaces in the aluminum structures in front of the footwell as resonance spaces for the bass loudspeakers. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
在最后一分钟,JOJO抓住项目霍顿的声音的喇叭,最高的塔,并大叫“YOPP!”,突破音障前的一粒打石油。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | At the last minute, JoJo grabs the horn used to project Horton’s voice, runs up the highest tower, and yells “YOPP! seekcartoon.com |
Samsung 喇叭机座为您带来音乐享受全新体验,集时尚悦目外观与强劲音效设计於一身。 samsung.com | Take your Samsung Wireless Audio Dock experience to new levels of enjoyment with a stylish and performance-enhancing design. samsung.com |
Jabra Motion 在设计上十分注重个人的舒适感 - 通过 Jabra 传统的耳后式佩戴和独特的喇叭柱高度调节方式,您可以以您感觉最舒适的方式佩戴耳麦。 jabra.cn | Jabra Motion has been designed with your personal comfort in mind – with Jabra’s legacy of the behind-the-ear wearing style and unique height adjustment of the speakertower, you can wear the headset in a way that makes you feel most comfortable. jabra.com |
播放音乐或电影时,低音喇叭的L ED 会随机显示不同颜色,丰富您的视觉飨宴。 geniusnetusa.com | The subwoofer LED displays random colors when playing music or movies for visual impact. geniusnetusa.com |
享受令人惊艳的内建SRS WOW HD音场科技,配备含有音箱的两部内建1 0W喇叭,可进一步强化各种音效—增加更多低音及高音解析度—让您的视听体验更为完整。 benq.com.hk | Enjoy the “WOW” experience of SRS WOW HD – with dual 10W built-in speakers that are built with sound boxes to refine the bass and treble performance! benq.us |
虽然琼斯是非常优秀的喇叭手, 但他第一个接触到的乐器还是钢琴,自孩童时期,他便自学弹钢琴。 audemarspiguet.com | For although Jones is an excellent trumpet player, it was the piano he discovered first, as a child, and taught himself to play. audemarspiguet.com |
模型中的每个声音对象可被直接分配给不同喇叭,或由软件固定到位,以创建空间声场。 bksv.cn | Each sound object in the model can be directly assigned to differentspeakers orpositioned in space by the software to create a spatialised sound field. bksv.com |
在应用液体时流量 精度优於 ±0.2%读值,下面的喇叭图说明,M13型液体质量流 计的精度。 bronkhorstusa.com | The trumpet graph below illustrates the total mass flow accuracy of an M13 Mass Flow Meter used on liquid. bronkhorstusa.com |
FREEWAY 采用双麦克风技术,能过滤全部背景噪声、汽车喇叭声、道路施工噪声、颠簸声等,只保留您的声音。 jabra.cn | All of the background noises,honking cars, roadwork, bumps on the road, disappear with FREEWAY’s dual-mic technology, which filters out everything but your voice. jabra.com |
使用者可以透过一组远端的PS/2控制端(键盘、萤幕、滑鼠、喇叭、及麦克风)存取100公尺外由CE-300所连接的KVM多电脑切换器与电脑。 aten.com.tw | With CE-300 the user can access a remote computer system which is connected to a KVM switch via a PS/2 console (keyboard, monitor, mouse, stereo speakers and microphone) located up to 100 meters away. pl.aten.eu |
标志圣经软件提供免费使用30多个圣经从http://Bible.Logos.com,其中包括诸如为证,生态系统服务价值,NL叭, 1: 5-11流行的英文版本,KJV .阅读,搜索,请相互参照,比较的版本,甚至高达阅读计划,让您每天阅读圣经如期成立。 cn.moba-app.com | Logos Bible Software provides free access to more than 30 Bibles from http://Bible.Logos.com, including popular English versions like the NKJV, ESV, NLT, NASB, and KJV*. moba-app.com |
为了给一个在法律教学的新趋势适合称号,学者,到了最后的密西拿转录时间,分别为Tanna'im(唱塔纳岛,“老师”)称,那些谁来到在他们之后,Amora'im(sing.阿莫拉,“喇叭”)。 mb-soft.com | In order to give a suitable designation to the new tendency in the teaching of the law, scholars, up to the time of the final transcription of [...] the Mishna, were known as Tanna'im (sing Tanna, "teacher"), those who came after them, Amora'im [...] (sing. Amora, "speaker"). mb-soft.com |
于是,我们用了最原始的方法,用麦克风放到电脑喇叭前。 4tern.com | Therefore, Landy uses the most traditional way, to hold on the mic close [...] to the notebook speakers. 4tern.com |
Personality机器人配备7台发动机、4个红外感测器、一个内置拾音麦克风、彩色LCD萤幕、喇叭、音讯输入连接器以及LED电池指示器。 tipschina.gov.cn | The RS Mr. Personality robot features 7 motors, 4 infrared sensors, [...] a built-in microphone for voice memos, a color [...] LCD screen, speaker, audio input [...]connector, and an LED battery indicator. tipschina.gov.cn |
其他功能可让您调整喇叭架, 以便舒适地收听音乐,且电量不足时 LED 会发出警告。 geniusnetusa.com | Other features let you adjust the stand for listening comfort and a low battery LED warning. geniusnetusa.com |
您可以 将 Alienware M14x [...] 连接到外接萤幕,欣赏大萤幕影像,并透过外接喇叭(需另行选购) 感受 7.1 环绕音讯输出的震撼音效,拥有完美的娱乐体验。 dell.com | Connect your Alienware M14x to an external screen to get the big picture and be [...] blown away by 7.1 surround audio output for a complete entertainment experience [...] via external speakers(sold separately). dell.com |
2011 年 1 月 26 日 11 时 45 分 以色列人在 Abbasiyah 镇对面使用扩音喇叭对黎巴 嫩领土内耕作的黎巴嫩公民 Youssef Shahhab 进行 了威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | 1145 Using a megaphone, the Israeli enemy opposite the town of Abbasiyah threatened Lebanese citizen Youssef Shahhab, who was working on his land inside Lebanese territory. daccess-ods.un.org |
只要将您想播放音乐的来源连接到飞利浦无线 Hi-fi 喇叭,即可舒适地从座位上控制播放。 philips.com.tw | Simply connect the desired source to your Philips Wireless Hi-fi speaker, then sit back and control playback in couch comfort. philips.ca |
不锈钢表壳,直径42毫米,与磨光的两侧,喇叭口径抛光和透明的显示组件,提供了一个原始的轮廓曲线,保留一点东西,球迷们永恒的,永恒的外观在价值的产品。 zh.horloger-paris.com | The stainless steel case of 42 mm diameter with satin finish on the sides, horns polished and transparent back reveals the caliber components, presents an original profile curves which retain little something timeless and ageless look that fans in value products. en.horloger-paris.com |
独特设计的Samsung 喇叭机座,是全球首个双插座音响系统,让您可以享受各种智能装置内的动听音乐,随时倾听储存於Samsung GALAXY S II 、GALAXY Note智能手机以及 iPhone、iPod、iPad等产品内的歌曲。 samsung.com | As the world’s first dual docking system, users can enjoy their music from various smart devices such as the Samsung Galaxy S II and Galaxy Note, or other products such as the iPhone, iPod and iPad. samsung.com |
在这个真实、未经规划的街道与社区里,人们不断互动、谈笑、握手、分享、喝茶、买卖、交易,孩童手牵手走路上学,载着单车的货车穿梭在人群之间,机车缓慢钻过蔬果摊之间的缝隙,当然还有汽车驾驶的喇叭声不绝於耳。 thisbigcity.net | In this real, not manufactured, street and community people interact; they talk, they laugh, they shake hands, they share, they drink Chai with friends, they buy, they sell, they trade. Children walk to school hand in hand, bicycles carrying cargo weave around the groups of chatting people, [...] motorbikes slowly swerve around vegetable stalls and of course, the background noise is [...] car drivers honking their horns. thisbigcity.net |
线材厂,连接器厂,电路板厂,面板厂,电源供应器厂,喇叭厂,积体电路厂,散热模组厂,键盘厂,射出成型厂,触控模组厂,包 装厂,天线厂,无线网路模组厂,被动元件厂,硬碟机厂,螺丝厂, 组件厂。 wistron.com.tw | Cables, connectors, circuit boards, display panels, power supply, speakers, semiconductors, heat radiation modules, keyboards, injection molding, touch screen modules, packaging, antennas, wireless network modules, passive components, hard disks, screws, and assembly. wistron.com |