

单词 召集人

See also:



call together
name of an ancient state that existed in what is now Shaanxi Province
temple or monastery (used in place names in Inner Mongolia)
surname Shao

External sources (not reviewed)

地名培训课程工作召集人72(Revision 1)号工作文件中报告了以下 培训课程:雅温得(专家组)、马德里(泛美地理和历史学会)以及地名学网上课程。
The Convenerof the Working Group on Training [...]
Courses in Toponymy reported, in Working paper No. 72 (revision 1), on the
training course in Yaoundé (Group of Experts) and Madrid (Pan American Institute of Geography and History) and on the web course on toponymy.
在对是否需召集人 可能发挥的作用及可能适用的正确称呼召集 人持人或协调人)进行了一番讨论后,缔约方同意了联席主席的提议。
Following some
[...] discussion on whetherconvenors wereneeded, the role they might play, and the correct terminology that might apply to them(convenors, moderators [...]
or facilitators), the
parties agreed to the proposal of the Co-Chairs.
教科文组织作为联合国科技组召集人知识和资 金上支持非洲联盟(AU)制定科技促进非洲发展的部门计划,该计划随后在 [...]
2007 年非洲联盟首 脑会议上通过,作为非洲的“非洲科学技术综合行动计划”(CPA)。
As theconvenor of the United Nations [...]
Cluster on Science and Technology, UNESCO supported both intellectually and financially
the African Union (AU) Commission in elaborating a sectoral programme on science and technology for African development, subsequently adopted by the 2007 African Union Summit as Africa’s “Consolidated Science and Technology Plan of Action” (CPA).
关于教科文组织作为联合国全系统“科学、评估、监测和预警”横向应对行动召集 人世界气象组织共同承担)的特殊作用,一个会员国认为气候变化问题应明确地划归为 [...]
一个双年度部门优先事项,并建议把现在的双年度优先事项 1 修改为: “促进妥善管理自
然资源以及防灾减灾方面的研究与科技能力建设, 特别重视气候变化问题”。
Referring to UNESCO’s
[...] particular role as theconvener (together with [...]
WMO) of the “Science, Assessment, Monitoring and Early
Warning” cross-cutting area of the United Nations system-wide response, one Member State felt that climate change should be explicitly addressed by a biennial sectoral priority and suggested that the current BSP 1 be amended as follows: “Promoting research and technical capacity-building for the sound management of natural resources and for disaster preparedness and mitigation, with particular emphasis on climate change”.
召集人了爱尔兰地名数据库(www.logainm.ie)的声音文档。该数据库于 [...]
2008 年 10 月启动,内含大约 100 000 个地名的正式英语和爱尔兰语版。
The Convenergave a presentation [...]
on sound files in the Placenames Database of Ireland (www.logainm.ie). The database had
been launched in October 2008 and contained official English and Irish language versions of approximately 100,000 place names.
联 络小组召集人 报时通知委员会,工发组织曾报告说,维修行业的消费量包括了该国 [...]
建立主要基础设施的一次性后果的 618 吨的 HCFC-22,卡塔尔同意自起点中减去该数量。
When reporting back, the convener informedthe Committee [...]
that UNIDO had reported that the service sector consumption included
618 mt of HCFC-22 that was a one-off consequence of the establishment of major infrastructure in the country and that Qatar had agreed to subtract that amount from its starting point.
检查专员还要强调,分组领导人必须向前迈进一步, 成为分组活动真正的协调人,而不只是分组会议召集人
They would further like to stress the importance of
cluster leaders moving forward to become real coordinators of cluster activities
[...] rather thanmere conveners of clusters.
米莱姆(Miriam)学院院长兼亚太非政府组织“北京+15”论召集 人Patricia Licuanan 女士报告了论坛的成果,这次论坛于 [...]
2009 年 10 月 22-24 日在马尼拉举行。
Ms. Patricia Licuanan, President of the
[...] Miriam College and Convener of theAsia Pacific [...]
NGO Forum on Beijing + 15, reported
on the outcome of the Forum, which had been held in Manila from 22 to 24 October 2009.
Titles that he still keeps today are only Professor Emeritus, the University of Tokyo, and Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Keizai University, leaving other titles in his previous career (including Former Member, Science Council of Japan and Director of Humanities thereof; Former Chairperson, Japan National Committee for International Congress of Historical Sciences [CISH] ; Former President, Asian
Federation of Associations for Middle East
[...] Studies[AFMA] ; Convener, Dialogueof Civilizations [...]
between Japan and Islamic World;
Chairperson, Organizing Committee for Japan-Korea Historians Congress; etc.) partly because of aging and partly because of securing preferable individual freedom and independence.
[...] 约方已经在闭会期间提供了进一步建议,联络小组的共召集人缔约方的 建议纳入了修订后的案文,该案文已分发给相关缔约方。
The representative of the European Union said that those parties that had expressed views at the Open-ended Working Group had
provided further suggestions intersessionally
[...] and thatthe co-convenors of the contact [...]
group had incorporated their suggestions
into a revised text, which had been circulated to interested parties.
以下案文仅反映缔约方在联召集人 停止议 事之前在会上提出的某些意见和评论。
The text below reflects only some of the input and comments provided by Parties at the meeting before the co-facilitators decided to adjourn proceedings.
召集人了对氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的主要修改,即减少计划的总体资金, [...]
减少对维修行业的吨位的供资,该国的总体削减量起点的自愿削减增加 10.13 ODP 吨,并 从该国的最终淘汰管理计划转让合共 248,000 美元到氟氯烃淘汰管理计划 ,以淘汰 3.03 ODP 吨。
The Convenorhighlighted key [...]
modifications to the HPMP, namely: a decrease in overall funding for the project, a decrease
in funding for the tonnage in the servicing sector, an increase of 10.13 ODP tonnes in the country’s voluntary deduction from the starting point for aggregate reduction, and the transfer of a total of US $248,000 from the country’s TPMP to its HPMP with an associated phase-out of 3.03 ODP tonnes.
会议结束时, 秘书长作为高级别会召集人席,分发了下列讨论摘要,其中反映了他对所 [...]
At the end of the meeting, the
[...] Secretary-General, as convener and Chair of the [...]
high-level meeting, circulated the following
summary of the discussion which reflected his understanding of the views expressed.
作为该小组数据和研究工作组的共召集 人为 2011 年全球移徙与发展论坛轮值主席瑞士为筹备全球论坛最后辩 [...]
As co-convenerofthe Group’s Working Group [...]
on Data and Research, the Population Division contributed to several thematic
meetings organized by the chair-in-office, Switzerland, of the 2011 Global Forum for Migration and Development in preparation for the concluding debate at the Global Forum.
在 3 月 11 日第 8 次会议上,法国外交和欧洲事务部主管全球经济和发展战 略的司长兼二十国集团发展工作组共同主席 Serge
[...] Tomasi 以及新加坡常驻联合 国代表兼全球治理组召集人·戈帕拉·梅农作了介绍。
At the 8th meeting, on 11 March, presentations were made by Serge Tomasi, Director of Global Economy and Development Strategies of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of France and Co-Chair of the G-20 Development Working Group and by
Vanu Gopala Menon, Permanent Representative of Singapore to the
[...] United Nationsand Convener of the Global Governance Group.
它是德班后续行动工作组非政府组织反种族主义委员会召集人任世界反种族主义网络秘书处;并且是筹建一个广泛的民间社会论坛的协调人, [...]
It functionedasa convenerofthe NGOCommittee [...]
against Racism at the Durban follow-up working group, as the secretariat
of the World against Racism Network, and as coordinator of the preparations for a broad-based civil society forum that was held at the Durban Review Conference.
为 充 分 反 映 中 小 股 东 的 意 见,公 司 对 董 事 选 聘 方 法 采 用 累 积 投 票 制 度;公 司 董 事 会 具 有 合 理 的 专 业 结 构,以 公 司 最 佳 利 益 为 前 提,诚 信 行 事;公 司 已 制 定 董 事 会 议 事 规 则,董 事 会 的 召 集、召 开 严 格 按 照《公 司 章 程 》及《董 事 会 议 事 规 则 》的 规 定 进 行;为 了 完 善 治 理 结 构,公 司 董 事 会 根 据《上 市 公 司 治 理 准 则 》设 立 了 提 名 委 员 会、审 计 委 员 会
和 薪 酬 与 考 核 委 员 会 三 个 专 门 委 员 会,独 立 董 事 在 各 专 业 委 员
[...] 会 中 占 多 数 成 员 并 担召 集 人董 事 会 的 决 策 提 供 了 [...]
科 学 和 专 业 的 意 见 和 参 考。
The Company has formulated a set of rules of procedure for Board
of Directors meetings, and board
[...] meetings are convenedand held in strict compliance [...]
with the Articles and Rules of Procedure
of the Board of Directors Meetings.
协 商会议的共召集人 非盟和联合国,决心按协议 召开该论坛,并且有效执行设立它所要完成的主要任 [...]
The joint conveners of the consultative [...]
forum, that is, the AU and the United Nations, are determined that the forum should
meet as was agreed and effectively carry out the principal tasks for which it was established, namely, to ensure the effective coordination of international action on the Sudan.
为此亚太经社会将增强 其作为亚太区域内所有联合国系统专门机构、基金和方案的区域协调 机制召集人的领导作用、并更为积极地参与联合国发展集团的 工作。
ESCAP will therefore reinforce its leading role as the convener of the Regional Coordination Mechanism, which brings together all the specialized agencies, funds and programmes of the United Nations system in the region, and its active participation in the United Nations Development Group.
薪 酬 与 考 核 委 员 会召 集 人立 董 事 朱 武 祥 [...]
先 生,委 员 包 括 侯 为 贵 先 生、王 宗 银 先 生、陈 少 华 先 生、糜 正 琨 先 生 及 李 劲 先 生。
The convenor of the Remuneration and Evaluation [...]
Committee is Independent Director Mr. Zhu Wuxiang.
在第2 次会议上,主席请以上第15、16和17 段所指各联络小组联合主席 和非正式磋商联召集人有关各小组讨论状况的最新情况。
At the 2nd meeting, the Chair invited the co-chairs of the contact groups and the co-facilitators of the informal consultations, referred to in paragraphs 15, 16 and 17 above, to provide updates on the status of the discussions in their respective groups.
关于发展定期和系统衡量自己业绩的机制的建议 3,尽管尚未建立正式机制, 协调机构已在加强通过年度报告、年底召集人明以及调查等办法来衡量它 们的业绩方面取得重大进展。
In connection with recommendation 3, that the coordinating bodies develop mechanisms to regularly and systematically measure their own performance, while formal mechanisms have not been established, the bodies have made significant progress in strengthening their capacity to measure their performance through, inter alia, annual reports, end-of-year notes to convenors and surveys.
因此,需要形成一个实质性和程序性 筹备机制,筹备 2012 年会议和落实会议成果,具体是成立一个特设筹备组,组
[...] 成人员为:秘书长(作为 2012 年会召集人)由其调解人代表;规定的阿拉 [...]
Hence, there is a need to form a mechanism for substantive and procedural preparation for the 2012 Conference and follow-up to the progress achieved,
through an ad hoc preparatorygroup composed of the Secretary-General, in
[...] his capacity as convenor of the2012 Conference [...]
(or the facilitator,
on his behalf); the mandated Arab delegation; the three depositary States; the remaining nuclearweapon States; and the other participating regional States.
香港特别行政区教育局副秘书长陈嘉琪博士 (前排左三);香港大学教育学院副院长及教育资讯科技中心总监罗陆慧英教授 (前排右四);联合国教育、科学及文化组织总监 Dr
Gwang-Jo Kim (後排左一);欧盟委员会「未来科技研究学院」高级科学家 Dr Yves Punie (後排左五);香港大学教育学院院长颜哲思教授
[...] (後排左六);香港大学「科学专题策划研究」会召集人 明教授 (後排右一)及嘉宾。
Dr K K Chan, Deputy Secretary of Education Bureau of HKSAR (first row left 3); Professor Nancy Law, Director of CITE and Associate Dean of Faculty of Education of HKU (first row right 4); Dr Gwang-Jo Kim, Director of UNESCO, BKK (second row left 1); Dr Yves Punie, Senior Scientist of Institute for Prospective Technology Studies of European Commission (second row left 5); Professor Stephen Andrews, Dean of Faculty of Education
of HKU (second row left 6); Professor
[...] Cheng Kai Ming, Co-Convenor of Strategic Research [...]
Theme on Science of Learning of HKU
(second row right 1) and our honorable guests.
[...] 九七年,彼作为香港联合交易所有限公司(「联交所」)理事会之独立理事期间,彼担任联交所监察委员会及上市委 员会之会召集人
He has served as a part-time panel member of the Hong Kong Government’s Central Policy Unit from 1993 to 1995 and was an independent member of the Council of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock
Exchange”) from 1992 to 1997 during which
[...] time he also actedasconvener of both theCompliance [...]
Committee and the Listing Committee of the Stock Exchange.
苏兆明在香港也踊跃参与社区事务,曾任香港企业财务长协召集人 1996-2000﹞、亚洲青年管弦乐团董事会主席﹝1997-2009﹞、香港总商会人力委员会成员﹝2003-2009﹞、明德儿童启育中心主席﹝1994-1995﹞以及明德国际医院董事会成员﹝1998-2005,2003至2005年间出任主席﹞;现任香港管弦协会董事、青年艺术协会有限公司主席、财资市场公会议会成员﹝香港企业财务长协会代表﹞、香港英商会理事会成员以及AFS国际文化交流计划主席。
His community involvement in Hong Kong has included,
[...] professionally, a period as Convenor of the Hong Kong [...]
Association of Corporate Treasurers (1996-2000).
He was a Director of the Asian Youth Orchestra (1997-2009), a member of the Manpower Committee, Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (2003-2009), Chairman of the Matilda Child Development Centre Executive Committee in 1994 -1995, and was a member of the Board of Governors of the Matilda International Hospital from 1998 to 2005, serving as Chairman from 2003 to 2005.
While the July 1 Demonstration was
used as the appeal, and Richard Tsoi was
[...] even the main convenor ofthe first July [...]
1 Demonstration, its attractiveness to
the participants was however apparently lower than "Long Hair".




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