

单词 召集

召集 adjective ()

convening adj

召集 noun ()

convener n




召集人 n

convenor n

召集者 n

convener n

See also:

call together
name of an ancient state that existed in what is now Shaanxi Province
temple or monastery (used in place names in Inner Mongolia)
surname Shao

External sources (not reviewed)

(l) 秘書處會就席上所提事項 及跟進工 作與當
[...] 局聯絡,而有關會 議 / 午 餐聚會召 集人則會親自代表出席的議員向該 [...]
區議會 匯 報 結果。
(l) While the Secretariat will liaise with the Administration on the
issues raised and the follow-up action to
[...] be taken, the convenor of the meeting/luncheon [...]
will report back to the DC personally, on behalf of Members present.
另㆒項 修訂訂明,倘審裁召集㆟因 患病、身在海外或其他原因而未能履行其職責時,副 審裁召集㆟可代他履行職責。
The other amendment is
[...] to provide that the Deputy Tribunal Convenor may act in the place of the Tribunal Convenor if the latter is unable to perform [...]
his duties due to
illness, absence from Hong Kong or any other cause.
它呼吁政召集公 共 当局和非政府组织建立这样一个后续机制。
It called on the
[...] Government to convene public authorities [...]
and non-governmental organizations to create such a follow-up mechanism.
秘书长还指出,将通过非洲经委 召集 的 联 合国系统机构区域协商会议,加强在 非洲工作的这些机构之间的机构间协调与协作,以支持新伙伴关系的优先事项 (同上,第 18A.8 段)。
The Secretary-General also states that inter-agency coordination and collaboration among United Nations system agencies working in Africa will be strengthened through the regional consultation meetings of those agencies convened by ECA in support of the priorities of NEPAD (ibid., para. 18A.8).
[...] 同法律传统的外部专家的帮助,与个人进行特别磋商,或在必要召 集特定领域专家组会议。
In preparing its work, the secretariat may seek the assistance of outside experts from different legal traditions,
conducting ad hoc consultations with
[...] individuals or convening meetings of groups [...]
of experts in a particular field, as required.
大会今天面前的决议草案(A/64/L.12)欣见第六 届新的民主政体或恢复民主的政体国际会议后续机
制开展的工作以及主席国进行的努力,以使会议和后 续工作更具效力和效率,并在这方面,注意到第六届
[...] 国际会议咨询委员会四次会议的成果,尤其是会议 2007-2009 年工作方案的执行,以及在大会第六十四 届会议间召集“新的民主政体或恢复民主的政体运 动”的部长级会议。
The draft resolution before the Assembly today (A/64/L.12) welcomes the work carried out by the follow-up mechanisms of the Sixth International Conference of New or Restored Democracies and the efforts of the Chair to make the Conference and the follow-up thereto more effective and efficient, and in this regard takes note of the outcomes of the four meetings of the Advisory Board of the Sixth International Conference, particularly the implementation of the programme of
work of the Conference for
[...] 2007-2009 and the convening of the ministerial meeting of the New or Restored [...]
Democracies Movement
on the sidelines of the sixtyfourth session of the General Assembly.
最后报告将包含技术评估意见、适当的技术建议,以及 缔约方的答复,如有秘书召集的经 验丰富的审评员小组的咨询意见,也应列 入。
The final report will contain the technical assessment, technical recommendations, if appropriate, and the
response of the Party and, where provided, the advice of the small group of
[...] experienced reviewers convened by the secretariat.
教科文组织与教育和培训部(MOET)共 召集 了 教 育项目协调组(PCG),与粮农组织共召集了可 持续发展项目协调组,并且是艾滋病毒、施政和性别项目协调组的积极成员。
UNESCO co-convenes the Program Coordinating Group (PCG) on education (jointly with the Ministry [...]
of Education and Training, MOET) and Sustainable
Development (jointly with FAO) and is an active member of the PCGs on HIV/AIDS, governance and gender.
关于前专家组最后报告中的建议(S/2009/521,第 520 段),专家召集了在 阿比让机场的非马航安局官员和联科行动禁运小组快速反应工作队举行一次会 议。
In connection with the recommendation in the final report of the previous Group of Experts (S/2009/521, para. 520), the Group organized [...]
a meeting between ASECNA
officials at Abidjan Airport and the UNOCI embargo cell quick reaction task force.
高级别互动专题辩论的目的召集国 家元首和政府首脑、主要部长和高级官 员、联合国机构和布雷顿森林机构负责人、知名发展人士、私营部门和民间社会 伞式组织的首席执行官和负责人,针对对形成最不发达国家下一个十年发展战略 至关重要的上述专题,开展多方利益攸关方讨论。
The aim of the high-level interactive thematic debates was to bring together Heads of States and Governments, key ministers and senior officials, heads of United Nations agencies and the Bretton Woods institutions, eminent development personalities, chief executive officers and heads of private sector and civil society umbrella organizations in a multi-stakeholder discussion on the above-mentioned themes, which are crucial in shaping the least developed countries’ development strategy in the next decade.
即使董事會出現任何空缺,多名留任董事或唯一留任董事仍可執行職責,但如董 事人數減至少於本細則所訂定或依據的最少董事人數,即使董事人數少於本細則所訂定或依據
[...] 的法定人數或僅有一名留任的董事,則留任的多名或一名董事可為填補董事會空缺 召集 本公司股東大會的目的行事,而不可由於任何其他目的。
The continuing Directors or a sole continuing Director may act notwithstanding any vacancy in the Board but, if and so long as the number of Directors is reduced below the minimum number fixed by or in accordance with these Articles, the continuing Directors or Director, notwithstanding that the number of Directors is below the number fixed by or in accordance with these Articles as the quorum or that there is only one continuing Director, may act
for the purpose of filling vacancies in
[...] the Board or of summoning general meetings [...]
of the Company but not for any other purpose.
我们请预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会考 召集 一 个不限成员名额的政府 间专家组,对网上犯罪问题以及各会员国、国际社会和私营部门就此采取的对 策进行一次全面研究,包括就国家立法、最佳做法、技术援助和国际合作开展 [...]
We invite the Commission on Crime
Prevention and Criminal
[...] Justice to consider convening an open-ended intergovernmental expert group to conduct a comprehensive [...]
study of
the problem of cybercrime and responses to it by Member States, the international community and the private sector, including the exchange of information on national legislation, best practices, technical assistance and international cooperation, with a view to examining options to strengthen existing and to propose new national and international legal or other responses to cybercrime.
联刚 稳定团还继召集关于 安全部门改革的工作组会议,现在定期由该国相关部委的 官员共同主持。
MONUSCO also continued to convene working group meetings on [...]
security sector reform, which are now regularly co-chaired by
officials of the country’s relevant ministries.
这一队伍包括通过内部调召集的 2 59 人,以及通过外部部署及与非政府 组织、政府组织以及私营公司建立的待命伙伴安 召集 的 其 他人员。
This capacity included
[...] 259 people mobilized through internal redeployments, and additional capacity through external deployments and standby partner arrangements with NGOs, governmental organizations and private companies.
全民教育全球行动计划旨在调整和协调五个全民教 召集 机 构 和其他合作伙伴为实现全民教育 目标而向各国提供的支持,进一步强化“一个联合国”方法的各项目标,澄清了各机构间的分工, [...]
The EFA Global Action Plan (GAP), which has been conceived
to align and harmonize support provided
[...] by the five EFA convening agencies and other [...]
partners to countries for achieving
the EFA goals, further reinforces the objectives of the One United Nations approach, clarifies the division of labour among the agencies, as well as improve coordinated and complementary action by other partners.
布隆迪保召 集 本国的 所有相关利益攸关方,研究如何 执行所作的建议。
Burundi undertook to gather all relevant stakeholders [...]
in the country to study how to implement recommendations made.
同时,由多部门委员召集国内民间社会中每类残 疾人群的代表与会,在会上听取了其各自的主要需求(《2009-2018 年机会平等 计划》就是政府在全国范围内进行广泛公开听证后的结果),并通过各种宣传渠 道,如由国家广播电台播放的广播节目《无障碍》、新的广播节目《能力建 设》(www.radiobacan.com/bacan_tv.php)、在残疾事务主管机构――全国支助残疾 人理事会的门户网站中开展的各项论坛活动,以及在共和国国会残疾事务特别委 员会的网站中开展的“在线调查”对这些需求进行了反馈。
) Civil society also has access to the media through, for example, the radio programme “Sin Barreras” (without barriers), which is broadcast by a State-owned radio station; the new programme “Fortaleciendo Capacidades” (capacity-building) (www.radiobacan.com/bacan_tv.php); forums on the website of CONADIS, which is the lead agency in the field of disability; and the online survey on the website of the Special Commission on Disability of Congress.
理事会会议应由西 亚经济社会委员会执行秘召集,执 行秘书可自行提议召开理事会特别会议,并 [...]
Sessions of
[...] the Board shall be convened by the Executive [...]
Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia,
who may propose special sessions of the Board at his/her own initiative and shall convene such special sessions at the request of a majority of Board members.
大会作为联合国最民主和最具有代表性的机构 发挥了中心作用,今天召集会议 ,回应来自世界各 个角落的呼吁,要求进行认真努力,以结束已经爆发 [...]
的无情暴力并制止占领国以色列对在被困加沙地带 毫无防卫能力的巴勒斯坦平民制造的大屠杀和破坏。
Undertaking its central role as the most democratic and
representative body of the United Nations, the
[...] General Assembly has convened today in response [...]
to appeals from all corners of the world
for serious efforts to be made to bring an end to the senseless violence that has erupted and to stop the carnage and destruction being perpetrated by Israel, the occupying Power, against the defenceless Palestinian civilian population in the besieged Gaza Strip.
博茨瓦纳高度重视打 击小武器和轻武器非法贩运问题,在这方面,我们欢 迎你采取主动召集举行 这次公开辩论会,讨论非法 武器贩运对中部非洲次区域和平与安全所造成的影 响。
Botswana attaches great importance to combating the illicit trafficking in small arms and light weapons, and in this connection we welcome your initiative, Sir, to hold this open debate on the impact of illicit arms trafficking on peace and security in the Central African region.
本定义将在 PBC 主召集的非 正式磋商上得到进一步细化,争取为 WIPO 计划和预算中“发展支出”的制 [...]
This definition would be refined further, in
[...] informal consultations convened by the Chair of [...]
the PBC, with a view to evolving a more
precise definition of ‘development expenditure’ in the context of the WIPO Program and Budget.
本報告期,針對18項應用指引,公司內控項目管理辦公 召集 各 業務部門共同 確定了每項指引涉及的具體業務流程,對存在的困難和需要協調的事項進行了 深入了解。
During the reporting period, the project management office organised all business departments to jointly determine specific businessprocessesinrelationtoeachofthe 18 Application Guidelines and developed in-depth understanding of existing difficulties and matters requiring coordination.
(b) 开始讨论以上第33 段和第34 段所指事项,以期拟出一项关于相应工
[...] 作方案及其实施模式的决定草案的可能要点,为此要考虑到主席在两个附属机构 第三十四届会议和第三十五届会议 召集 的 论坛上进行的交流。
(b) Initiate discussion on the matters referred to in paragraphs 33 and 34 above, with a view to elaborating possible elements for a draft decision on a corresponding work programme and modalities for its
operationalization, taking into account exchanges held
[...] during the forum convened by the Chairs of [...]
the subsidiary bodies at their thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth sessions.
在同一份决议中,委员会请毒品和犯罪问题办公室执行主任在 2009 年召集一次 不限成员名额政府间专家组会议,以便按照《囚犯待遇最低限度标准规则》和 《联合国非拘禁措施最低限度标准规则》(东京规则)拟订针对在押以及拘禁和 [...]
非拘禁环境中妇女待遇问题的补充规则;委员会欢迎泰国政府主动提出主办该 专家组的会议。
In the same resolution, the Commission
requested the Executive
[...] Director of UNODC to convene in 2009 an open-ended intergovernmental expert group meeting to develop, [...]
consistent with
the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners and the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-custodial Measures (the Tokyo Rules), supplementary rules specific to the treatment of women in detention and in custodial and non-custodial settings; and welcomed the offer by the Government of Thailand to act as host to the expert group meeting.
他目前仍然保留的头衔仅有东京大学荣誉教授与东京经济大学的荣誉教授,而放弃了之前的众多头衔【包括日本科学委员会委员、科学委员会人文部部长、国际历史学会日本国内委员会(CISH)前主席;中东研究协会亚洲联盟(AFMA)前会长;日本与伊斯兰世界文明对 召集 人 ;中韩历史会议组织委员会主席等】,部分是由于年岁增大,部分是希望有更多的个人自由与独立。
Titles that he still keeps today are only Professor Emeritus, the University of Tokyo, and Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Keizai University, leaving other titles in his previous career (including Former Member, Science Council of Japan and Director of Humanities thereof; Former Chairperson, Japan National Committee for International Congress of Historical Sciences [CISH] ; Former President, Asian
Federation of Associations for Middle East
[...] Studies [AFMA] ; Convener, Dialogue of Civilizations [...]
between Japan and Islamic World;
Chairperson, Organizing Committee for Japan-Korea Historians Congress; etc.) partly because of aging and partly because of securing preferable individual freedom and independence.
会议还同召集化工 生产分组的会议,其组成是:阿根廷、加拿大(组长)、中国、 古巴、芬兰、印度、约旦、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国。
The meeting agreed to reconvene the Production Sector Sub-Group with the following [...]
composition: Argentina, Canada (facilitator),
China, Cuba, Finland, India, Japan, Jordan, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America.
扩大 WIPO 国际知识产权体系(PCT、马德里体系、海牙体系、里斯本体系和 WIPO
[...] 仲裁与调解中心)的地理覆盖面,提高这些体系的使用率;利用更好的信息技术服务 与工具,以及通过有关联盟的成员国大 召集 各 种 工作组,修改和更新有关规定,简 化和持续改善国际知识产权体系,增加其吸引力。
Increased geographical coverage and use of WIPO’s Global IP Systems (PCT, Madrid System, Hague System, Lisbon System and the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center), the simplification of those systems and the continuous improvement and attractiveness of the systems through better IT services and tools and the
amendment and updating of relevant
[...] regulations through the various working groups convened [...]
under the Assemblies of the relevant Unions.
部长会议由共和国总统负召集,目 的是处理紧急事务,推动执行政府政 策并做出集体决策:a) 集体商讨总统提出的所有涉及公共利益的事务,以及审 议立法方面的提案;b) 定期公布会议决议。
The Council of Ministers deliberates on all matters of public interest raised by the President of the Republic for consideration by the Council, acting as an advisory body; discusses initiatives in the legislative field; and ensures that its decisions are published regularly.
[...] 工作方案:(a)提供基于证据的分析为各种 讨论和对话提供支持;(b)利召集会 议 的 权力使专家和政策制订者聚集一堂处理区 [...]
域问题;(c) 倡导为重大举措提供实质性的 政治支持;(d) 通过区域协调机制使联合国
和其他区域发展伙伴聚集在一起协调各专 题领域的努力,以确保区域的协调;和(e) 在统计、经济和社会分析和趋势领域通过能 力建设和分享区域各地的经验,实现知识分 享和结成网络联系。
Regional Commissions use the following modalities in implementing their programme of work: (a) providing evidencebased analysis
to support discussions and
[...] dialogue; (b) using their convening authority to bring together [...]
experts and policymakers to address
regional issues; (c). advocating substantive and political support for key initiatives; (d) ensuring regional coordination, through the Regional Coordination Mechanisms (RCMs), bringing together UN and other regional development partners to coordinate efforts in thematic areas; and (e) knowledge-sharing and networking by building capacity and sharing experiences across region, in areas such as statistics, economic and social analysis and trends.
召集人强 调了对氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的主要修改,即减少计划的总体资金, [...]
减少对维修行业的吨位的供资,该国的总体削减量起点的自愿削减增加 10.13 ODP 吨,并 从该国的最终淘汰管理计划转让合共 248,000 美元到氟氯烃淘汰管理计划 ,以淘汰 3.03 ODP 吨。
The Convenor highlighted key [...]
modifications to the HPMP, namely: a decrease in overall funding for the project, a decrease
in funding for the tonnage in the servicing sector, an increase of 10.13 ODP tonnes in the country’s voluntary deduction from the starting point for aggregate reduction, and the transfer of a total of US $248,000 from the country’s TPMP to its HPMP with an associated phase-out of 3.03 ODP tonnes.




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