

单词 召回

召回 ()

recall (a product, an ambassador etc)

See also:

call together
temple or monastery (used in place names in Inner Mongolia)
surname Shao
name of an ancient state that existed in what is now Shaanxi Province

External sources (not reviewed)

针对该次事件,我召回驻以色列大使要他回国 述职,并召见了以色列驻南非大使,以此表达南非政 府对以色列政府袭击船队之事的最强烈抗议。
In reaction to
[...] this incident, we recalled our Ambassador to Israel for consultation and also summoned the Israeli [...]
Ambassador to South Africa
to register the South African Government’s strongest protest at the Israeli Government’s attack on the flotilla.
政府即刻下令限制取款并限制贷款回收和 抵召回。
The government ordered restrictions on
[...] withdrawals and the recall of loans and mortgages [...]
at very short notice.
但當我看到議員逐位被「召」回會 議廳時,我就替他 難過。
I feel sorry for him when I see that Members are “called back” to the Chamber one after the other.
这将帮您避免在后期生产链中由于成品无法满足法规要求而造成的工具更换和/或产 召回 , 从 而节省高昂的开支。
This will help you to avoid expensive tool
[...] changes and /or product recalls later in the production [...]
chain when finished products fail
to meet regulatory requirements.
在审查期内,通召回人员 发现了那些存在严重差距的地区和分地区:非洲(例如东非 和南非,包括印度洋岛国);亚太地区(如中亚和太平洋小岛国);拉丁美洲及加勒比地区 [...]
The staff retreat held during the review [...]
period identified those regions and subregions where serious gaps exist: in Africa
(e.g. in eastern and southern Africa, including the Indian Ocean Island States); in Asia-Pacific (e.g. in Central Asia and in the Small Pacific Island States); in Latin America and the Caribbean (especially the Small Caribbean Island States); and in Europe (especially in Central and Eastern Europe).
就其性质而言,这些手 段完全有效,除非派遣国立召回被 反 对的成员,因为接受国撤回对他作为 代表团的一名成员的承认,几乎立即丧失其特权和豁免的前景,实际上将迫 [...]
These means are, by their nature, entirely efficacious, for
[...] unless the sending State recalls the member of the mission [...]
objected to forthwith, the prospect
of the almost immediate loss of his privileges and immunities, because of the withdrawal by the receiving State of his recognition as a member of the mission, will in practice compel that person, in his own interest, to depart at once.
然而,由于 实地小组遭遇了一些暴力行为,租车公 召回 这 些 车辆及司机,因为担心他们的 安全。
However, owing to some acts of violence
directed against the field teams, the
[...] rental companies recalled those vehicles and [...]
their drivers out of fear for their safety.
行预咨委会获悉,5 个专业干事员额(1 个 P-4 军事联络官、 2 个 P-4 警务联络官、1 个 P-5 资深支助干事和 1 个 P-4
[...] 行政干事)已经被临时分 派到上级专业领域,条件是如果有紧急需要,那些员额将视需要 召回 到 统 筹行 动小组。
The Advisory Committee was informed that five specialist officers had been temporarily assigned to their parent specialist areas (1 P-4 Military Liaison Officer, 2 P-4 Police Liaison Officers, 1 P-5 Senior Support Officer and 1 P-4 Administrative
Officer), on the understanding that
[...] those posts would be recalled, as necessary, to [...]
an integrated operational team in the event of emergent needs.
该法案加大了对消费品安全委员会(CPSC)的资金投入,这是对2007年与铅有关的玩 召回 的 回 应 ,以强化其公信力并规定了第三方测试和认证标准。
The act provides increased funding for the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC),
strengthens its authority in response to 2007
[...] lead-related toy recalls, and mandates third-party [...]
testing and certification standards.
除了因鱼变质、产品被拒绝、扣押 召回 的 经 济损失外,还 有公众对一个企业甚至一个国家的不好的看法、鱼源性疾病的成本对社区来说是 [...]
In addition to the economic losses incurred
because of fish spoilage, product
[...] rejections, detention and recalls, and the resulting [...]
adverse publicity to an industry and
even to a country, fish-borne illnesses cost vast amounts to the community because of adverse health effects, loss of productivity and medical expenses.
从去年开始实行的,定召回总部及总部外社会科学和人文科学部门人员的做法今年 [...]
继续进行。这给所有专业人员提供了机会,使他们能够在本组织战略目标和批准的工作计划 框架中、在自己工作职能范围内,解决本部门国际和地区任务中的问题。
The periodic retreats of all SHS staff [...]
(from Headquarters and the field), started last year, and continued this year, provided
opportunities for all the professionals to grapple with the questions of implementing both the international and regional strategies of the Sector in its areas of mandate within the framework of the Organization’s strategic objectives and the approved programme of work.
该法令(第 15 节)规定工业和贸易部的任务范围如下:(a)
[...] 保存在管理局登 记的相关声明的记录;(b) 任命召回专家审查委员会的成员,设立该委员会的 [...]
目的是测试专门知识并发布委员会的议事规则;(c) 就颁发和撤销专门知识证书 作出决定,保存往来文书记录;(d)
就颁发担保书和撤销已颁发的担保书作出决 定,保存往来文书记录;将颁发担保书或担保书过期及其理由通知管理局;(e) 同 意转让权利、义务和责任,保存往来文书记录;(f) 开展视察活动;(g) 征收罚 款。
The scope of mandates of the Ministry of Industry and Trade is stipulated under the Act (section 15) as follows: (a) keep records of
notifications registered by the Authority;
[...] (b) appoint and recall members of the [...]
expert examination board established to test
the expertise and issue rules of procedure of the board; (c) decide on issuance and revoke certificates of expertise, and keep the corresponding records; (d) decide on issuance and revoke certificates of sponsorship granted and keep the corresponding records; inform the Authority about the issuance or expiration of certificates of sponsorship and the reasons therefore; (e) give consent to assignment of rights, obligations and duties and keep the corresponding records; (f) carry out the inspection activities; and (g) levy fines.
在他信的任命被正式宣布的第二天,泰召回了驻 柬大使,并谴责该行为“是对泰国内政的 [...]
干涉,是对泰国司法系统的践踏,是将个人利益和 关系凌驾于两国国家利益之上的举动”。
Bangkok recalled its ambassador and [...]
denounced the act as “interference in Thailand’s domestic affairs and (a) failure to
respect Thailand’s judicial system.
临时将一位培训员从其达卡之外的任职地召 回,以 协助确认抵达达卡港的可疑装运货物。
One trainer occasionally is called in from his duty station outside Dakar to help in identifying doubtful shipments arriving in the Port of Dakar.
拉巴尼先生召回 家中,接待一个携带阿富汗塔利班领导人奥马尔毛拉 “特别讯息”的人。
Mr. Rabbani was summoned to his home to [...]
receive a man bearing a “special message” from Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Omar.
然而,他察悉在一些個案中,正 接受廉署調查的內地人士被中國共產黨中央紀律檢查委員會(下 稱 " 中紀委")"雙規" 傳召回國接受調查。
He noted, however, that in some cases, Mainlanders under investigation by ICAC had been summoned back to the Mainland for investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China (CCDI).
免除耗費成本的產召回、廢 棄及錯誤標碼。
[...] expensive product recalls, waste and incorrect codes.
国家主席根据全国人大和全国人大常委会 的决定,公布法律,任免国务院总理、副总理、国务委员、各部部长、各委员会 主任、审计长、秘书长,授予国家的勋章和荣誉称号,发布特赦令,宣布进入紧 急状态,宣布战争状态,发布动员令;代表中华人民共和国,进行国事活动,接 受外国使节;根据全国人民代表大会常务委员会的决定,派遣 召回 驻 外全权代 表,批准和废除同外国缔结的条约和重要协定。
Pursuant to the decisions of the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee, the State President promulgates statutes; appoints and removes the Premier, Vice-Premiers, State Councillors, Ministers in charge of Ministries or Commissions, and the Auditor-General and the Secretary-General of the State Council; confers State medals and titles of honour; issues orders of special pardons; proclaims martial law; proclaims states of war; and issues mobilization orders.
由于不明的原因,在行动计划可以实施之前,Te’ame 将 Omar 召回厄 立特里亚。
For reasons that are
[...] unclear, Te’ame recalled Omar to Eritrea before [...]
the planned operation could be carried out.
SGS 的电子出版物和电子新闻简报旨在让您和您的公司了解最新的行业新闻、标准和法规的更新、有关产 召回 的 信 息、市场走势、行业发展以及活动和网络研讨会的邀请信息。
SGS e-publications and e-newsletters are designed to keep you and your business up-to-date with the latest industry news,
updates to standards and regulations,
[...] information on product recalls, market trends, business [...]
developments and invitations to events and webinars.
y 指导对外政策的施行,在同其他国家的关系中代表土库曼斯坦,任 命召回土库 曼斯坦驻其他国家、国家间和国际组织的大使和其他 外交代表,接受任命召回外国 外交代表的文书
Directs the implementation of foreign policy; represents Turkmenistan in
relations with other
[...] countries; appoints and recalls ambassadors and other diplomatic representatives of Turkmenistan to foreign States and to inter-State and international organizations; receives credentials and letters of recall of diplomatic representatives [...]
of foreign States.
在美国,李氏杆菌爆发导致100起事件和18人死亡 召回 约 5000个新切的甜 瓜,而与花生酱有关的沙门氏菌爆发导致43个州的500多起事件 召回 价值 10亿美元的产品。
In the United States of America, a Listeria outbreak
resulted in 100 cases and 18
[...] deaths, leading to recalls of about 5 000 freshly cut cantaloupes, while a Salmonella outbreak linked to peanut butter resulted in more than 500 cases in 43 states and led to recalls worth US$1 billion.
附註1: 該金額以貸款合同上簽署的償還日期為基礎計算,略去 召回 條 款 引起的任何償還帶來的影響。
Note 1: The above amounts due are based on the scheduled repayment dates set out in the loan agreements and ignore the effect of any repayment on demand clause.
在千禧年的基本想法,因为理解的基督教作家,可规定如下:在年底的时候基督将在他的所有辉煌回到刚刚凝聚起来,消灭敌对势力,并在地球上发现一个荣耀之国为最高的精神和物质生活带来的享受;他本人也将作为国王的统治,所有的公正,包括圣 召回 的 生命,将参与其中。
The fundamental idea of millenarianism, as understood by Christian writers, may be set forth as follows: At the end of time Christ will return in all His splendour to gather together the just, to annihilate hostile powers, and to found a glorious kingdom on earth for the enjoyment of the highest spiritual and material
blessings; He Himself will reign as its king, and all the just,
[...] including the saints recalled to life, will participate in it.
[...] Rad—9® 产品(2002 年从一家合作商 那里购买)在传感器发生故障时可以发出可视报警却不 能发出声音报警时,我们主动签发了设 召回 书 , 以确 保最高级别的患者安全,而 FDA 规定它并不需召回, 因为这种性能符合行业标准。
When we discovered our Rad-9® product (acquired in 2002 from one of our OEMs) could visually
but not audibly alarm
[...] by design if a sensor failed, we proactively issued a recall for the device to ensure the highest level of patient [...]
safety – while the
FDA stated it didn’t require one as the behavior met industry standards.
(7) 供应方应当保证瓦克华不因由供应方交付的有瑕疵货物或服务导 致的任何产品责任索赔、开支或支出遭受损失且应由供应方赔偿瓦
[...] 克华所承担的前述相关损失,包括但不限于任何修理 召回 行 动的 开支。
(7) The Supplier shall indemnify and hold VAC harmless in connection with any product liability claims, costs and expenses resulting from
defective supplies or services delivered by the Supplier including but not limited to
[...] costs of any repair/recall actions.
底特律或許無召回往昔 汽車產業的資本主義光景,可是藉由團隊合作,仍有重新開始的機會,摩希強調,「我們總在尋找各個社區之間提高效能的方式,因為彼此並非完全獨立運作,不過困難與挑戰仍在」。
We’re not completely separate entities,” beamed Sue Mosey, but not without adding, “There still remain challenges.
[...] ‘流行’产品替代品过程中出现的经常性故障 召回 和 延 误将在削减 [分销商 ]边 际利润方面造成反射影响”。
According to the judge of first instance, it “was foreseeable at the time of the formation of each
of the relevant sales contracts that
[...] recurrent failures, recalls and delays in supplying [...]
replacements of the ‘epidemic’
products would have had a repercussive effect in reducing [the distributor’s] margins of profit”.
(b) 科赛全球人力资源政策和规范保证所有雇用规则包括但不限于雇用、工
[...] 作安排、晋升、调任、轮转、解除合同、解雇 召回 、 调 任、请假、赔 偿、报酬、社会福利和培训均不含有任何歧视内容。
(b) Kordsa Global Human Resources policies and practices ensure that all employment practices including, but not limited to, hiring,
placement, promotion-transfer-rotation,
[...] termination, layoff, recall, transfer, leaves [...]
of absence, compensation, remuneration,
social benefits and trainings are conducted on a non-discriminatory basis.




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