

单词 叫道

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External sources (not reviewed)

不僅使發包整體蓬鬆易梳理,更在美觀度上面進行很大改革! 新款發包淘寶僅此小漁一家! 親們不要被垃圾貨所矇騙! 品牌美秀型號扣直發包款式直發包顏色自然黑深棕淺棕規格抽繩直徑7-10CM結構抽繩,扣式髮絲真人髮絲特色圓潤,飽滿抽繩設計調節備註顯示器、拍攝光線 等原因有稍微色差親們拍前看下色板哦! 100%全真發髮絲丸子頭日韓最流行的火爆的發包、丸子、 叫道 姑 頭,這個是一個真正意義上完整的發包,不是市場上的發條和頭花。
Brand Miho Model buckle straight Employer style straight contracting color natural black, dark brown and light brown specifications Drawstring diameter 7-10CM structure drawstring, button hair real hair Features rounded, plump the Drawstring design regulation Remarks display, shooting light other reasons pro before making a slight color difference look swatches Oh!
在每个MPT1327系统核心 是一专用的数字控制道,呼叫请求 信 道 分 配的 迅速处理提供用户快捷的接入。
At the heart of each MPT 1327 system is a dedicated
[...] digital control channel, where call requests and channel assignments [...]
are rapidly processed to provide fast user access.
百多年前的香港,例如當時的 七姊道 ― 當時叫七姊妹道 ― 是一個比較偏遠的地方,該處還有海 灘。
The then
[...] Tsat Tsz Mui Road, for instance, in Hong Kong over a century ago ― it was called Tsat Tsz Mui Road at that time [...]
― was a rather remote
place which used to have a beach, and it was the prevailing situation then.
那 兩個副司長,其一叫陳茂波,不 道 是 否 屬實,另一位則喚作何志 平。
The two posts of Deputy Secretaries are to be filled by Paul CHAN, though yet to be confirmed, and Patrick HO.
這個是不用問的,因為民主黨並不真 叫 民 主 黨,而 叫做 民道黨,是霸道的。
Do not think that only the Democratic Party is in a position to speak of
democracy. My good partner, Mr LAU Kong-wah,
[...] asked just now why we must tread their path for us to be considered democratic.
這塊西瓜皮,其實是不准帶進來的,但大家也 道 甚 麼 叫 “ 踩 西瓜 皮”,還有香蕉皮。
Actually, we are forbidden to bring this in. We know very well what is meant by treading on the skin of a watermelon.
斌仔”剛巧居住在我所服務的地區,而 我在這個星期天就與一批婦女前往探訪他,其間跟他談起一名澳洲籍 的傷殘人士,叫Nick,道大家 有沒有聽聞。
Last Sunday I went to visit him with some other women and we talked about a disabled Australian named Nick.
此外,遇有船隻透過指定的 甚高頻海事無線電道呼叫,系統可在航監中心的追蹤和顯示系統以 [...]
It also provides a digital readout of the bearing of any vessel calling on designated
[...] VHF marine radio channels on the tracking [...]
and display in the VTC.
在 2009 年 11 月于莫斯科举行的第一次全球道路
[...] 安全部长级会议上,我国为了共同利益而推荐这项 《倡议》,它能够同其他各国分享并作为整个中美洲 地区的模式,在中美洲地区它叫作 《 中美 道 路安 全倡议》。
At the First Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, held in Moscow in November 2009, our country introduced this Initiative as a common good that could be shared by others and
used as a model for the entire Mesoamerican region,
[...] whereby it would be called the Mesoamerican Road Safety Initiative.
由此可見,就其中豬隻叫價, 我們不 道 是 甚 麼原因, 當中有 40 頭,不論是傳媒或社會上的說法,都是每擔 [...]
2,400 元,其實已全 部落價,但我不知道為甚麼會導致此情況,希望政府看看是甚麼原因。
I hope the Government can look into the causes.
将KX –
[...] TG6572松下模型还提供了广受欢迎的语音报号功能,它宣布呼叫者的名字或环数之间,因此没有必要拿起电话, 道 是 谁在 呼 叫。
The KX-TG6572 model also offers Panasonic’s popular Talking Caller ID feature, which
announces the caller’s name or number between rings so it is not necessary to pick
[...] up the phone to know who is calling.
package subjective
[...] likes and dislikes as morality and prevent the public [...]
from accepting certain things.
[...] 一道樓梯或乘搭自動電梯上去後,要打開那道很大、很漂亮的玻璃門 時,原來是無論怎樣推都推不動的,這 叫 無 障礙 通 道 了。
I thought that the elderly could buy from these shops. Yet, after walking up the flight of stairs or taking the escalator to
the shopping centre, the elderly persons cannot push open the big and magnificent
[...] glass door, no matter how hard they try.
从汽车总站'Cumanda'采取TROLE和停止在'圣克拉拉'走在前面,通过公园的巴士站及再算上一个半街区的 道叫 ' 吉 尔 拉米雷斯Dávalos'。
From Bus Terminal 'Cumanda' take the TROLE and stop at 'Santa Clara'
walk through the park in front the bus stop and then count one and a half
[...] blocks a street called 'Gil Ramirez Dávalos'.
林健鋒議員: 主席,據報,就港珠澳大橋環評報告的司法覆核訴 訟案件,上訴庭裁定環境保護署署長上訴得直後,原訟人向傳媒表 示,是 “有叫她打官司”;道又指 原訟人就此司法覆核案件獲批法 律援助(“法援”),並指定其代表律師。
MR JEFFREY LAM (in Cantonese): President, it has been reported that after the Court of Appeal had allowed the Director of Environmental Protection's appeal in respect of the judicial review (JR) on the Environmental Impact Assessment reports for the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the plaintiff told the media that someone had asked her to file the lawsuit; it has also been reported that the plaintiff was granted legal aid for this JR case and specify which lawyer to represent her.
有两人躲在下面船的右侧道上,我 喊 叫 他 们 不要动。
There were two guys
[...] hidden underneath a walkway of the ship to the right hand side and I was screaming at them not to move.
其實,現時情況也沒有多大的轉變,不過,如今卻多了這 叫 互 聯 網的道,於 是大家便在網上不停地 click,這樣總會找到一些他們想看的圖片和 [...]
In fact, today's situation has not changed much although
[...] there is an additional channel called the Internet.
剛 才我走出會議廳就是為了查字典,因為我懂得這個英文字,但我不 道 它 的㆗ 文 叫 法 是甚 麼。
I have just been out of the Chamber to look up the dictionary
[...] because I only knew the English term but had no [...]
idea what its Chinese translation should be.
第二,田北俊其實也提過這件事,在你們還 叫 他 歸 隊之前 ⎯⎯ 我 不道最後有沒叫他歸 隊 ⎯⎯ 他在事情發生後的首個星期還是十 分勇猛的,他說:“有的,是有10點協議的”,透過其他報章的訪問,確 實是有些資料的。
Second, actually Mr James TIEN has mentioned this as well, before you people asked him to fall in beside you.
我喜欢和我兄弟一起玩游戏——推着他绕着洗衣筐转圈,那是我最喜欢的游戏,我不道那叫什么 ——只是在游戏中推着我兄弟绕着洗衣筐转圈。
I like playing with my brother – pushing him around in the
laundry basket, that’s my favourite
[...] game, I don’t know what it’s called – just the pushing [...]
my brother around in the laundry basket game
其他通信道,比如呼叫中心和以试点录相 为基础的系统也常常与 Web 网技术一起引入,反映 出部分人口常常不能或不愿以这种方式获取信息。
Other communication channels, such as call centres and experimental [...]
video-based systems, have often been introduced in parallel
to Web technology, reflecting the fact that parts of the population are often unable or unwilling to access information in this way.
至於涂謹申議員,由於劉健儀議員說 得 慢 了 一 點 , 我 不道還有叫 “ 數 皇”的名 號 , 但 我 也做了 14 年的 ICAC, 證 監 會 做了 8 年,以為說一 下 保安也可以, 那 麼 多 男 子 漢都聽 他說話 。
However, as I had done some work related to the ICAC for 14 years, and also some work related to the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) for eight years, so I thought I might speak on security matters, but unexpectedly too many muscular men from the disciplined forces would only listen to him.
法国“斯托勒吕法”20 (以提出该法的内政部长命名)所定的“回返援助” 才设立不久,就在 1981 年社会党上台后被撤销,但现在又以“ 道 主 义 回返”叫法重新出现。
In France, “return assistance”, established pursuant to the Stoléru act20— named after the Minister of the Interior who
introduced it but repealed by
[...] the Socialists when they came to power in 1981 — resurfaces under the expression “humanitarian return”.
估计叫 中心 支助、外地网络支助和维和部/外勤部应用程序支助费用比前期费用增长 5%。
Call centre support, field [...]
network support and DPKO/DFS application support costs are estimated as 5 per cent growth against the previous period costs.
[...] 工人支持進行抗爭,我們便只能“打落門牙和血吞”,作出一些妥協, 而不是一直站道德高地,叫得震天價響,最後令我們的服務對象, 即工人羣眾受到損害。
If we are unable to secure the support of the majority of workers for waging a struggle, we can only bear the anguish in
silence by making compromises rather than
[...] standing firm on the moral high ground and putting [...]
up demands which are exceedingly
difficult to meet, thereby causing the people we serve, that is, the working masses, to suffer in the end.
大多數的基督徒都道猶太人為叫 自 己 顯為敬 虔,而在摩西律法以外,加上眾多的條文。
I think most Christians would have heard of how the Jews of Jesus’ days turned the Law of Moses into many fine and external rules based on the observance of which they thought they would gain righteousness.
2009 年 6 月 10 日,身为 Al-Quds 卫星电视道通讯员的叫 Moha mmed Zahdi al-Mashharawi 的新闻记者,在加沙城受到安全部门成员的袭击,他当时 正在报道由联合国残疾问题特别报告员 Sheikha Hessa Al-Thani [...]
率领的国际代 表团对 Al-Shifa 医院的访问。
On 10 June 2009, the journalist Mohammed Zahdi al-Mashharawi, a correspondent of the Al-Quds satellite television channel, was attacked in [...]
Gaza City by members
of the security service while he was covering a visit to AlShifa Hospital by an international delegation headed by Sheikha Hessa AlThani, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Disability.
英飞凌服务于各种汽车应用,比如:汽车动力系统(包括发动机和变速箱控制装置,用于优化燃耗,满足政府的排放要求,还包括适用于各种新兴技术的芯片,例如混合动力汽车、起动机、发电机和配气机构)、车身和便利装置(包括车灯控制装置、HVAC、门锁系统、电动车窗、座椅记忆器和无钥匙进入系统)、安全管理(例如电动助力转向系统、防碰撞系统、防抱死制动系统、安全气囊、稳定性控制、胎压监控)和信息娱乐系统(包括电子 叫 、 信息调用、无线通信和全球定位)。
Infineon serves automotive applications such as the car's powertrain (comprising engine and transmission control for optimized fuel consumption and to meet government emission regulations addressing chips for emerging technologies, such as hybrids, starter alternators, and electromechanical valve-trains), body and convenience (including light control; heating, ventilation and air-conditioning HVAC; comfort locking; power windows; seat memory and keyless entry), safety management (e.g. electronic power steering, collision avoidance, anti-lock brake
system, airbag, stability control, tire pressure monitoring) and infotainment
[...] (including e-call and information [...]
(3) 內務委員會根據第(1)款所作的任何建議,如獲立法會主
[...] 席接納(在此情況下,立法會主席須 叫 喚 議 員動議有關議案前,在切 實可行範圍內盡快將決定告知各議員),對所有議員而非獲委派官員均 [...]
具約束力,而立法會主席須指示發言超過該建議時限的議員不得繼續 發言。
(3) Any recommendations of the House Committee under subrule (1), if accepted by the President (in which event he
shall so inform Members as soon as
[...] practicable prior to calling upon the Member [...]
to move the motion), shall be binding upon
all Members, but not upon designated public officers, and the President shall direct any Member speaking in excess of the recommended specified time to discontinue his speech.
提供的技术支持包括:继续为所有系统、设备、程序、时间安排、资源分配、协 调、工程及传声/视频会议的其他方面拟定各种标准,包括安全和加密连接,为
[...] 外地特派团和联合国其他实体提供的与传声/视频会议有关的 叫 中 心 支持,日 常业务支持,与后勤基地统管的视频会议和多媒体支持有关的所有活动。
The provision of technical support comprises the continued development of standards for all systems, equipment, procedures, scheduling, resource allocation, coordination, engineering and other aspects of
audio/videoconferencing, including secure and encrypted
[...] connections, call centre support related [...]
to audio/ videoconferencing for field operations
and other United Nations entities, day-to-day operational support and all activities relevant to videoconferencing and multimedia support centralized at UNLB.




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