单词 | 只不过 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 只不过 adverb —only adv只不过 —merely • no more than • nothing but See also:不过 adv—only adv • nevertheless adv 不过—but • merely • no more than • anyway (get back to a previous topic) 不只—not only • not merely 不只 adv—not simply adv
迄今揭露的情况实际上只不过是冰山一 角,其他许多这种暴行根本从未报道,因为国际媒体 [...] 遭到以色列的禁止,无法报导令人痛心的加沙悲剧。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those revealed so far are really just [...] the tip of the iceberg, and many other such [...] atrocities are simply never reported [...]because the international media are facing [...]an Israeli ban and cannot cover the heartbreaking tragedies in Gaza. daccess-ods.un.org |
也有人以为付钱给某走私者只不过是 为 了让他运送他们到目的地而已,但在抵达目的地时却发现他们被迫陷入被贩运 [...] 的境地。 daccess-ods.un.org | Still others who had [...] thought that they had simply paid a smuggler [...]to transport them to their destination have been forced [...]into a situation of trafficking upon reaching destination. daccess-ods.un.org |
会议注意到,自第六次审查会议以来,缔约国在建立信任措施之 下提交资料的比例只不过略有增加。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Conference notes that since the Sixth Review [...] Conference, there has only been a slight increase [...]in the percentage of State Parties submitting their CBMs. daccess-ods.un.org |
所有国家都同时并存着消费过度和消费不足的情况 , 只不过 比 例不同, 这种情况在各国内部和各国之间造成了巨大差距。 daccess-ods.un.org | The combination of over- and under-consumption that exists in all countries, though in differing proportions, has resulted in enormous disparities within and between countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
获得融资的成员直接受益,但其债务的增加可能对其债权人不利 , 只不过 从长期来说这些债权人应当也能获益。 daccess-ods.un.org | The member receiving the finance is deriving a direct benefit, but increasing its indebtedness to the potential detriment of its creditors, although they should also benefit in the longer term. daccess-ods.un.org |
工作 人员被派至不带家属工作地点,因此在那里工作并呆在那里,但工作人员永远不 [...] 会视工作地点为家,甚至不会视工作地点为生活的地方;工作地 点 只不过 是 他们 工作一段时期的地方。 daccess-ods.un.org | Staff serve in non-family duty stations and hence work and stay there; however, staff will never consider [...] the duty station their home or even a place to live; [...] instead, it is simply the place where [...]they work for a defined period. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,有些并不反对《公约》的国家仍然置身于《公约》之外,原 因仅仅在于行政资源匮乏,而批准或加入《公约 》 只不过 是 在资金分配上互有冲 突的众多优先事项之一。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, some States with no objections to the Convention remain outside it simply because ratification or accession to it is one of many competing priorities for scarce administrative resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
其它发展中国家,还有许 多最不发达国家,如果出席的话,当前最 多 只不过 是 世界贸易组织和世界知识产权组织的 观察员。 iprcommission.org | The rest of the developing countries, including many of the LDCs, are currently little more than spectators in WTO and WIPO, if they are present at all. iprcommission.org |
作为对联合王国代表发言的回应,我并没有编造 [...] 我自己对联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团(科索沃 [...] 特派团)和欧洲联盟驻科索沃法治特派团(欧盟驻科 法治团)任务范围的界定,我只不过是 在 宣读 2008 年 11 月 24 日的秘书长报告(S/2008/692),这份报告得 [...]到了安全理事会的核准。 daccess-ods.un.org | In response to the intervention by the representative of the United Kingdom: I am not making up my own definition of the remit of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and the [...] European Union Rule of Law Mission in [...] Kosovo (EULEX); I am only reading the report [...]of the Secretary-General dated 24 November [...]2008 (S/2008/692), which was endorsed by the Security Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别报告员”是在美国、日本和欧洲联盟的操纵下产生的,因上述国家的 支持和庇护而存在,只不过是为 了代表这些国家的利益而四处奔走的一个傀儡。 daccess-ods.un.org | The “Special Rapporteur”, who originated as a result of the machinations of the United States, Japan and the European Union and has been [...] existing with the backing and patronage of [...] these countries, is only a marionette running [...]here and there in order to represent [...]the interests of these countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然事实上美国人类基因科学公司已经同意了几项利用 CCR5 受体基因进行新药研制的 专利使用许可,但这一例证表明了将专利授予名为发明实为发现的危险性,而有关专利 人在还不完全了解该基因的功能时就宣称它的用 途 只不过 是 一 种投机。 iprcommission.org | Although HGS has in fact already agreed to several licences for the use of the CCR5 receptor gene in research into new drugs, the example illustrates the possible dangers of granting patents on inventions which are in reality little more than [...] discoveries in which the [...] use claimed is merely speculative and based on an incomplete knowledge of the function of the gene. iprcommission.org |
她又说,上述调查表并非如该非政府组织所述具有歧视性,因 为向该组织提供的调查表并不涉及该组织的目标 , 只不过 是 因为它受到指责。 daccess-ods.un.org | She added that the questionnaire was not discriminatory — as the non-governmental organization was describing it — since it had been addressed to the [...] organization not in the context of the [...] organization’s objectives but only because of the facts [...]for which it had been reproached. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据资本主义社会推进的逻辑,重新发 展 只不过 是 发 展的重复过程而已。 shanghaibiennale.org | In the most societies moving according to the logic of capitalism, [...] the redevelopment only repeats development. shanghaibiennale.org |
萨格勒布法学院教授Ivo Josipović先生80 [...] 认为,只有克罗地亚境内的人才对 设立信息中心感兴趣,其实真正有兴趣 的 只不过 是 一 些学术界人士、律师或记者。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Ivo Josipović,80 Professor at the Law Faculty of Zagreb, was of the view that interest for Information [...] Centres would be rather limited in [...] Croatia and that only some academics, [...]lawyers, or journalists would have a real interest. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们毫不怀疑的是,这些国家提出这些指 控 只不 过是企 图转移对其本国违反核裁军义务的骇人听闻 行径的注意力,这些行径包括共享核武器,在其领土 上部署核武器,以及帮助中东唯一的《不扩散条约》 非缔约方以色列政权从事其核武器计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | We have no doubt that raising such allegations is nothing but an attempt to divert attention from the horrendous record of non-compliance [...] by those countries [...]with their nuclear disarmament obligations, including through nuclear weapon-sharing, hosting nuclear weapons in their territories and assisting the only non-party to the NPT in the Middle East, the Israeli regime, with its nuclear weapons programme. daccess-ods.un.org |
超轻探头与轻触式探头类似,只不过 其 运 动质量会低很多,而且触点力能够低至 0.03N。 solartronmetrology.cn | Ultra Light probes are similar to Feather Touch probes except they have significantly lower moving mass and are capable of tip forces as low as 0.03N. solartronmetrology.com |
风格类似于传统面向对象widget库如Eclipse的S WT , 只不过 是 采用Javascript实现。 javakaiyuan.com | Style similar to traditional object-oriented widget libraries like [...] Eclipse 's SWT, but is the use of Javascript [...]implementation . javakaiyuan.com |
图谋从伊朗、途径叙利亚向加沙地带恐怖组织转让武器的这些做法,公然违 反了安全理事会的众多决议,而在这两个国家向加沙地带走私武器的非法活动 中,这只不过是冰山一角。 daccess-ods.un.org | This attempt to transfer weaponry from Iran to terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip through Syria constitutes a blatant violation of numerous Security Council resolutions, and represents only the tip of the iceberg of these two countries illegal efforts to smuggle weapons into the Gaza Strip. daccess-ods.un.org |
Live Park”能让参与者推动故事向前发展,这有点像大型多人在线角色扮演游戏 , 只不过 它 既 能满足虚拟世界体验,又能满足有形的真实世界体验。 tipschina.gov.cn | Live Park' makes visitors drive the story forward similarly to an MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role playing game), but it will satisfy a virtual and tangible real world experience. tipschina.gov.cn |
关于决议草案第 2 段,塞尔维亚代表团重申其立 场,认为提到的数额只不过是会计统计数字,因为不 应也不可能对不存在的国家摊款。 daccess-ods.un.org | In connection with paragraph 2 of the draft resolution, his delegation reiterated its position that it considered the amounts mentioned to be no more than accounting statistics, as no contributions should or could have been assessed on a State that did not exist. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们必须解 释,其他孩子仍然是通人情的, 只不过他 们 说不同的语言,处于不同的文化并做出 不同的行为。 doosan.com | We had to explain that the other kids are still human but they have a different language, a different culture and different behaviors. doosan.com |
地方警察和防暴武警绝 大多数由若开族佛教徒组成,他们在最好的情况下 也只不过是对 穆斯林受害者漠不关心,而在最坏的 情况下则据说与暴徒们沆瀣一气。 crisisgroup.org | Local police and riot police are overwhelmingly made up of Rakhine Buddhists who are at best unsympathetic to Muslim victims and at worst allegedly complicit in the violence. crisisgroup.org |
因应我们自身的商业服务和经验,我们直到实现优质和卓越是有价的,我 们 只不过 是 获 得了投资的回报而已。 servcorp.com.cn | We know through our own business services and experience, that quality and excellence come [...] at a cost and we only get a return on what [...]we invest in. servcorp.com.cn |
年3月28 日,负责卷宗的监察员( 实情调查和情报局)8 不带任何偏 见地驳回了该案件,并在评价报告中认为:“鉴于实际证据已遭破坏,而且已经 过去了很长时间,因此,为查明可疑犯罪人或其同伙而进一步开展调查 , 只不过 是浪费时间而已”。 daccess-ods.un.org | 2.16 On 28 March 2000, the Ombudsman (Fact-finding and Intelligence Bureau)8 in charge of the file dismissed the case without prejudice, concluding in its evaluation report that “the conduct of further investigation in order to find out the identity of the perpetrator and his accomplices, if any, will only be a waste of time, considering that the physical evidence has already been tampered with, not to mention the lapse of time”. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果你说要离开,老板 就说你只不过是懒惰,不想工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | If you say you are leaving, the boss says you are just lazy and don’t want to work. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,在摩洛哥出生,母亲为摩 洛哥人,父亲为外国人的儿童可取得其母亲的国籍,条件是在成年后两年内声明 愿意取得该国籍,只不过做出 此声明时,需要长期定居摩洛哥。 daccess-ods.un.org | Further, a child born in Morocco of a Moroccan mother and a foreign father may acquire the nationality of its mother by declaring, within two years of reaching the age of majority, its desire [...] to acquire that [...] nationality, provided that, on making such declaration, its customary and regular residence is in Morocco. daccess-ods.un.org |
有部落长老和神职人员在沿海村落就海上抢劫的不道德性和危险性对年轻人进行教育,然而多数人对海盗行为采取宽容态度,甚至有人认为索马里海洋资源遭“掠夺”,海岸成为有毒垃圾的倾倒场,海上抢 劫 只不过 是 对 这些行为的反击而已。 crisisgroup.org | Clan elders and clerics are talking to youth groups in coastal villages about the immorality and dangers of piracy, but the practice is widely tolerated and even described as a response to the “plunder” of Somalia’s marine resources and the reported dumping of toxic waste on its shores. crisisgroup.org |
如果仔细研究过这段代码,会发现它同AppWizard自动生成的OnInsertObject()函数有着惊人的相似程度,事实上,上述代 码 只不过 是 On InsertObject()的一个特例:OnInsertObject()允许用户从可用的OLE对象列表中选择其一插入到应用程序中。 oapdf.com | If you have looked carefully at the code, you will find it with AppWizard automatically generated OnInsertObject () function has a [...] surprising degree of similarity, in fact, [...] the above code is only OnInsertObject () [...]of a special case: OnInsertObject () allows [...]the user from the available OLE Object list, select the one inserted into the application. oapdf.com |
我只在 Chrome 浏览器 10 上测试了这一方法,不过只要稍 做调整就应该能够适用于其他的现代浏览器。 html5rocks.com | I tested this approach only with Chrome [...] 10, but it should work on other modern browsers with only minor tweaks. html5rocks.com |
尤其,对于PDF文档,由于我们一般只能用Adobe公司的Arcobat Reader来打开它,而这个软件的启动速度非常让人难受,要一个个去查看,实在是太让人恼火了… … 不过 , 只 要 使 用百度硬盘搜索,一切都不是问题了。 oapdf.com | In particular, the PDF document, as we generally can only use Adobe's Arcobat Reader to open it, and the software people start very hard for me to go to one view, people are so irritated ... ... However, as long as Baidu search using the hard disk, everything is not a problem. oapdf.com |