

单词 叩头

叩头 ()

kowtow (traditional greeting, esp. to a superior, involving
kneeling and pressing one's forehead to the ground)

See also:



kowtow n

External sources (not reviewed)

小偷非常惊恐,从房梁跳到地上,向陈 叩头 请 罪
Hearing this, the thief was in a cold sweat from fear, and wasting no time, he climbed down, knelt in front of Chen Shi, apologizing to him.
[...] 為例,收費電視的推銷員曾在上門為某住戶修理有線電視後,在該大廈內逗 留,然後到各樓層逐叩門, 游說他們購買有線電視服務。
To take the housing estate in which I live as an example, promoters of pay television service would remain in a building
after carrying out repairs for a household
[...] and would knock on every door on each floor [...]
to persuade these households to subscribe to cable television service.
因此,我相信我們應該本 良心做㆟,維護㆟民應
[...] 有的權益、爭取更多的民主,而不是向保守的思 叩 頭 、屈服,違背了香港與㆗國歷史的 [...]
I therefore believe that we should act according to our conscience, safeguard the people’s legitimate rights
and interests, and strive for more democracy,
[...] instead of kowtowing and succumbing [...]
to the conservative thinking which runs
counter to the historical tides of Hong Kong and China.
我是㆒個讀科學的㆟, 雖然我暫時不能完全肯定你們是否屈膝 叩 頭 , 但當做得太多次後,我想不信亦不能。
I am a student of science. Though I cannot be absolutely certain for the time being that we have knuckled and kowtowed, I have to believe it after it has been repeated many times.
本 文 會 先 後 討 論 培叩 關 及 繼 承 危 機 之 角 色 , 其 後 的 其 他 問 題 也 會 論 及 , 包 括 社 會 經 濟 問 題 及 學 術 的 轉 變 。
Then, I will examine the importance of Succession Crisis and finally the other factors such as the socio-economic problems and intellectual changes will be discussed.
候選人及租客應留意,因租客對其住用 的單位有獨享佔用權,他有權邀請任何人士為合法目的到
[...] 訪其單位,包括進行競選活動,但並無權容許他所邀請的 人士造訪其他租戶,例如到其他單 叩 門 、或在大廈內公 用地方進行任何活動,但為進入或離開其單位,或為進行 [...]
Candidates and tenants should note that as a tenant has exclusive possession of the unit that he occupies, he has the right to invite anyone to visit his unit for any lawful purpose, including electioneering, but he has no right to
allow the invitee to approach other tenants’
[...] units, such as knocking on other people’s [...]
doors, or to do anything in the common
parts of the building, except for accessing and leaving his unit or for the purposes allowed by the owners.
諮詢報告建議從「直接促銷」定義中,剔 除社工向有需要人士提供必要的社會服務及設施,讓社工
[...] 可基於當事人的福祉及社會整體利益繼續 叩 門 」 ,儘管 這樣做有時會違背當事人的意願。
The consultation report proposed to exclude from the definition of “direct marketing” the offering of essential social services and facilities by social workers to individuals in need of such services and facilities, so that social workers may, in the proper
interest of the client and of the society at large,
[...] continue to “knock at the door” of the client, [...]
even against his wish.
此产品适合在标称电压为 120V 的电路上使用,其接地头与下 图所示的 头 类 似
This product is for use on a nominal 120V circuit and has a grounding plug similar to the plug illustrated in the figure below.
這 些 原 因 表 示 在 培叩 關 前 , 幕 府 已 面 對 很 多 足 以 動 搖 其 統 治 的 問 題 。
These two factors obviously show that the Tokugawa Japan before the coming of Perry faced a lot of problems which were sufficient to shake their rule.
該機構由2008年起至今,先後與商務及經濟發展局、運輸及房屋局、發展局和機場管理局商討,惟特區政府並沒有統一處理旅遊基建及景點發展的政策局,該機構不 叩 門 仍 不得要領。
Since 2008, the international group has discussed with the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, the Transport and Housing Bureau, the Development Bureau and the Airport Authority on different occasions, yet there is no policy bureau in the SAR Government to centrally deal with the development
of tourism infrastructure and attractions, and the international group has
[...] continued to knock the door but to no avail.
我希望他今次北行,不叩頭, 亦不是朝聖,而是為香港㆟ 爭取㆒個我們可以接受的政制。
I hope that the Governor's forthcoming visit to China will not be a kow-tow trip or a pilgrimage but a trip to win for the people of Hong Kong a political system that we can accept.
塔利班对这些杀戮行为负 有主要责任,而且表明,它们在对无辜平民或那些保 护当地居民的叩动扳 机时完全丧失了良知。
The Taliban has been primarily responsible for such killings and has displayed a total lack of conscience in pulling the trigger on innocent civilians or those who protect local people.
正 如 歷 史 學 家 Richard Storry指 出 , 「 內 部 轉 變 這 因 素 是 重 要 的 , 但 培叩 關 對 於 德 川 政 權 的 倒 台 更 為 重 要 。
As Richard Storry put, “the internal changes were important, but the coming of the west was more crucial in contributing to the downfall of Tokugawa.
国家必须尊重和 增进贫困儿童的权利,包括为儿童保护战略和方案增加和拨出必要的资源,尤其 要把重点放在被边缘化的儿童身上,例如, 头 流 浪 儿童、儿童兵、残疾儿童、 被拐卖的儿童、家庭的儿童户主和生活在收容机构的儿童――所有这些儿童都有 受到剥削和虐待的更大的风险。
States must respect and promote the rights of children living in poverty, including by strengthening and allocating the necessary resources to child protection strategies and programmes, with a particular focus on marginalized children, such as street children, child soldiers, children with disabilities, victims of trafficking, child heads of households and children living in care institutions, all of whom are at a heightened risk of exploitation and abuse.
過往衛奕信時代,凡事聽命於㆗ 國,實叩頭叩得太多。
During Governor WILSON’s days, the British was at China’s beck
[...] and call and kowtowed to China all [...]
too often.
總 括 來 說 , 若 德 川 政 權 必 需 依 靠 各 藩 之 間 的 互 相 抗 衡 來 鞏 固 勢 力 的 , 那 麼 西叩 關 則 消 除 了 那 些 障 礙 , 江 戶 時 代 因 而 注 定 終 結 。
To conclude, if the Tokugawa system must be consolidated through mutual antagonism among the han, it was the coming of the West that helped remove those barriers and accordingly doomed the end of the Edo era.
陳議 員 補充,部分 委員選擇不 留 在香港參與條
[...] 例草案 的 審議工作, 寧 願 到 美 國 向 某些人叩 頭 ”
Mr CHAN added that instead of staying
in Hong Kong to take part in the scrutiny of the Bill, some members had
[...] preferred to “kowtow” to some persons [...]
in the US.
對他有利、 有作用的,即使要他三跪叩也可以;但對於一些他不滿意或認為沒 有利用價值的人,他便會視作垃圾,視作是仇人般處理。
To those who are useful to him or have advantage
[...] to offer, he can kowtow numerous times; [...]
but to those who are dissatisfied with him
or considered useless to him, he will regard them as rubbish and foes.
公 署 提 出 這 項 建 議 的 原 意 是 把 向 受 助 人叩 門 」 提 供 的 社 會 福 利 服 務 (儘 管 有 時 是 違 反 他 們 的 意 願 ),從 直 接 促 銷 活 動 的 定 義 中 剔 出 。
The original intention of the PCPD in making this proposal is to exempt from the definition of direct marketing activities social welfare services which are offered by “knocking at the door” of the clients, sometimes even against their wishes.
難道立法局同事為求達成協議,不惜鼓勵 英國政府再次向㆗國政叩頭, 甚至犧牲港㆟的「高度自治」?
Are colleagues so eager to have an agreement
that they will by all means urge the British
[...] Government to kowtow to the Chinese [...]
Government again, and even sacrifice Hong
Kong people's high degree of autonomy?
所以,貿發局會繼續跟MEHK和海外辦事處, 透過大型廣告、外展探訪、舉辦研討會 叩 門 等 措施,把香港展覽的信 息傳達到我們的目標市場,吸引買家來港。
Therefore, the TDC will continue to co-operate with MEHK and our economic and trade offices, through
large-scale advertising, outreach
[...] visits, seminars and door-knocking and other measures, [...]
to spread messages on exhibitions
in Hong Kong to our target markets for the purpose of attracting buyers to Hong Kong.
看哪,我站在門叩門,若有聽見我聲音就開門的,我要進到他那裡 去,我與他,他與我一同坐席。
If anyone hears my voice
[...] and opens the door, I will come [...]
in and eat with him, and he with me.
隨 中 國 日 益 強 大 ,
[...] 越 來 越 多 強 大而富 裕 的國前 來中叩 門。
China has grown, the rich and powerful of the world are increasingly
[...] coming to knock on China's door.
事 實上,自行政長官宣布擴充大專教育的長遠指標後,得到社會上廣泛的認 同,亦得到培訓機構積極的回應,在 1 年之內,已為接近 7 000 名年青人提 供升學機會叩開了 另一道邁向成功的大門。
Indeed, since the Chief Executive announced the long-term target of expanding tertiary education, we have received wide support in the community and active response from training institutions.
[...] 望有多些民主,不想見到香港政府事事向㆗ 叩 頭 ;但另㆒方面我們又想安居樂業, [...]
On the one hand, we want more democracy and would not like to see the Hong Kong
[...] Government kowtowing to the Chinese [...]
Government on every matter, but on the other
hand, we want to live and work in peace, and avoid getting involved in the political and economic disputes and sustaining unnecessary loss thereform.
[...] 代表港㆟的利益而投票,不要使全世界的㆟從今㆝本局的決定就認為香港㆟是自暴自棄, 自己不願意要民主的,自己願意甘心屈 叩 頭 爬 行的。
Otherwise people all over the world would think, from the decision of this Council today, that Hong Kong
people have decided to give up on themselves, reject democracy and willingly be
[...] on their knees, kowtow and act servilely.
主席,一個自命“民生無小事”的政府,口口聲聲說只有“香港營” 的特首,在處理長者福利的問題上,卻極為短視,硬推長者生活津貼, 只為挽回一時的管治威信,一洗上任以來積下的頹風,不惜與立法會 各黨派反面,政治倫理可以擱在一旁,他要一鋪過,用盡建制派的政 治忠誠,要他們歸順的歸順叩首的 叩 首 , 要他們厚顏轉軚,也在所 不惜。
He wants to use every means just for this time around, exhausting the political allegiance of the pro-establishment camp, demanding them either to submit or bow, even at the expense of demanding them to change their stance shamelessly.




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