

单词 另类的

See also:


other adj
another adj


External sources (not reviewed)

法 律 之家” 还 为 暴力受 害者提 供 庇护,并提供 一另 类 的 冲突解 决办法。
The houses also provide shelter to victims of violence and offer alternative solutions to conflict.
只能在看纪录片或者在去旅行,读提供拉美的历史 另类的 意 见 的导游书Lonely Planet(孤独的地球)时,才知道拉美与美国政府在政经利益上那绞缠的关系。
It is only until we watch documentaries in the media, or we travel and read the Lonely
Planet, the travel guidebook series that
[...] reveals facts and alternative opinions about [...]
the history of Latin America, which are
deeply intertwined with the political and economic interests of the government of the United States.
此外,新南威尔士北海的另类集市 ,如在 Nimbin 的集市,也值得一看。
Alternative markets on the New South Wales north coast, such as the one at Nimbin, are also worth a visit.
斯泰纳的沙哑男中音是他那种以吉他伴奏为驱 的另类 摇 滚的核心与灵魂。
Hjelmbrekke’s rough baritone is at the heart and center of his guitar-driven alt rock.
然而,到目前为止,尚未制订 出用以衡量这另类资本流的逆转必然会引发的潜在脆弱性的标准。
To date, there is no yardstick to measure the potential vulnerability inherent in the
[...] reversibility of those other types of capital flows.
海上50日》作为一个展览,创造 另类 空 间 ,新产 的 空 间 借用了现实空间的元素,最后提供一个对现实空间奇怪的在意识上造成疏离的反映。
50 Days at Sea, as an exhibition,
[...] creates other spaces, newly produced spaces that borrow elements [...]
from the real space, and, in
the end, offers a strange and consciously alienating reflection of the real space.
于2004年,他参与了首个中国大陆公司在英 另类 投 资市 场 的 上 市 计划,并担任其后10家东亚及东南亚公司上市业务的申报会计师一职。
In 2004, he was involved in the first listing of a Chinese mainland business on AIM and has since acted as reporting accountant on a further ten listings of East and South East Asian businesses.
(a) 投资干事(P-4)——另类投资,以提供关于整 的另类 资 产 投资策略的 建议,并在适当的尽职基础上,提供专项资金的投资建议,并协助安置,监控投 资,提供摘要报告
(a) Investment Officer (P-4) — Alternative Investments, to provide recommendations for an overall alternative asset investment strategy and for investments in specific funds, based on appropriate due diligence, and to assist with placement, monitor investments and provide summary reporting
我们坚信,来自多元化群体、肢体残障者以 另类 生 活 方式者提 的 观 点会使我们的公司更加充实、丰富。
We firmly believe that the points of view brought by diverse groups, the physically challenged, and by alternative-lifestyle employees enrich our company.
卢森堡不仅发展传统的金融业务,还将 自身定位另类产品的主要中心:投资 工具如主营私募股权(SICAR)或主另 类资产类别的专项投资基金(SIF),不 仅有助于扩大合格资产的范围,而且有 助于改善机构投资者和合格投资者的 投资灵活性。
The country did not only develop the traditional financial segment, but also positioned itself as a leading centre for alternative products: investment vehicles like the SICAR (for private equity) or the Specialised Investment Funds (SIF) for alternative asset classes contribute to the widening of the scope of eligible assets and to the improvement of flexibility of investment for institutional and qualified investors.
而且,通常的能源或气候政策将影响 ODSs 及其 替代品另类替代应用的间接 GHG 排放。
Furthermore, general energy or
climate policies affect the indirect GHG emissions of applications with
[...] ODSs, their substitutes or not-in-kind alternatives.
这种新型市场开发为卢森堡增添了 机遇,成为海另类基金重新选的 中心
This new market development will constitute an additional opportunity for Luxembourg as a centre for the redomiciliation of offshore alternative funds.
此前,Sullens 先生是华特迪士尼公另类投资部的 经 理人,负责指导公 另 类 投 资项目,包括在私募股权投资、房地产、风险资本及对冲基金方面的投资。
Previously, Mr. Sullens served as Manager of Alternative Investments for The Walt Disney Company, where he directed the company’s alternative investment program, including investments in private equity, real estate, venture capital and hedge funds.
据总部在美国的市场研究公司House Mountain Partners报告,2012年1月,多伦多证券交易所、多伦多证券交易所创业板、澳大利亚证券交易所和伦敦证券交易 另类 投 资市 场 的 石 墨勘探板块有9家初级勘探公司。
According to US-based research firm House Mountain Partners, in January 2012 there were 9 junior exploration companies involved in graphite exploration on the TSX, TSX-Venture, ASX and the AIM Exchanges.
的另类资产 管理业务包括管理私募股权投资基金、房地产基金、对冲基金的基金、信用导向型基金、债务抵押债券工具 (CLO) 以及封闭型互惠基金。
Our alternative asset management businesses include the management [...]
of private equity funds, real estate funds, hedge fund
solutions, credit oriented funds and publicly-traded closed-end mutual funds.
深为关切在这方面伊斯兰教往往被错误地与侵犯人权和恐怖主义联系在 一起,并在这方面对专为控制和监督穆斯林少数而制定法律或采取行政措施感到 遗憾,使他们因此被视另类,他 们所受 的 歧 视 被合法化; 强烈谴责在这方面禁止修建清真寺的尖塔和最近其他各种歧视性措施, 这些是仇视伊斯兰的表现,与有关宗教、信仰、良心和表达自由的国际人权义务 形成鲜明对照,并强调,此类歧视性措施会煽动歧视、极端主义和和误解,导致 两极分化和分裂,具有无法预料的意外危险后果
Strongly condemns in this regard the ban on the construction of minarets of mosques and other recent discriminatory measures, which are manifestations of Islamophobia which stand in sharp contradiction to international human rights obligations concerning freedoms of religion, belief, conscience and expression, and stresses that such discriminatory measures would fuel discrimination, extremism and misperception leading to polarization and fragmentation with dangerous unintended and unforeseen consequences
董事会询问人权理事会是否有战略来指导非政府组织的参与,以确保其广 泛参与编写有关敏感人权问的另类 报 告,并广泛参加人权理事会的会议。
The Board enquired as to whether the Human Rights Council had a strategy on engagement of
NGOs to ensure their wide participation in
[...] preparation of alternative reports on sensitive [...]
human rights and in the Human Rights Council sessions.
赛义德先生提出了同政府报告相联的三个问题: ㈠ 伊拉克发展基金另类安排过渡的行 动计划和时间表;㈡ 结清前届政权遗留 下来的索偿要求和债务;以及㈢ [...]
评估本期伊拉克发展基金的行政和财政控制方 面进展情况。
Mr. Saeed raised three issues associated with the Government report:
(i) the action plan and timeline
[...] for the transition to alternate arrangements for the [...]
Development Fund for Iraq; (ii) the
settlement of claims and debts inherited from the previous regime; and (iii) the assessment of progress made in the administrative and financial control over the current Development Fund for Iraq.
儿基会和其他行为体开展协调一的 宣 传 工作,以制 另类 方 法 使犯有小过的儿童免受拘押且使其免于进入正式司法系统,其效果尚不明显。
Concerted advocacy efforts by UNICEF and other actors for the creation of alternatives to detention and diversion of children with minor offences from the formal justice system are yet to have a tangible impact.
事实上, 第二类基金或SIF的管理公司将最有 可能被视为AIFMD下的另类投资基金 管理公司(AIFM),这将给此类公司 带来一系列组织、风险管理和适当的 估值过程上的要求,商业行为规则, 以及委托和再委托限制。
Indeed, management companies of Part II funds and of SIFs will generally be considered as AIFMs for the purposes of the AIFMD, which will entail for them a series of requirements in terms of organisation, risk management and valuation process to put in place, conduct of business rules and limitations as regards delegations and sub-delegations.
在以下 国家开展了涉及弱势人口的其他一些评价:乌干达(卡拉莫贾游牧少数族裔儿的另类小学 教育)、罗马尼亚(罗姆少数族裔儿童的受教育机会)和中国(境内移徙 工人子女的受教育机会)。
Other evaluations involving vulnerable populations occurred in Uganda (alternative primary schooling for children of the Karamoja nomadic minority), Romania (access for Roma minority children), and China (access by children of internal migrant workers).
(d) 在市场条件有利于基金的情况下成功采用适合基金目 的另类 资 产 类 别,以赚取比投资于上市股票更高的收益率
(d) Successful implementation of the alternative asset class suited to the Fund objective when market conditions are favourable for the Fund to earn a return premium exceeding what could be earned from investments in publicly listed equities
作品的核心是文革时期我在港的家人与广州的联系,频繁的邮政,年终用扁担挑回乡的物资,还有香港的邮政安排,展开文革港粤 的另类 经 济 历史,「补充」只讲大发展的正统经济论。
Together with various changes in the postal service arrangements between Hong Kong and China, I am writing an alternative economic history, in the spirit of Fernand Braudel, based on the changing costs of purchasing and mailing daily necessities.
在卢森堡,这点得到以下两方 面的证明:纯类基金强势增长,以 及嵌入UCITS基的另类策略(即上 述“另类UCITS”)迅速崛起。
In Luxembourg, this is evidenced both by the strong growth in pure alternative funds and also the rapid emergence of alternative strategies embedded within the UCITS funds – the above-mentioned “Alternative UCITS”.
叶女士同时也是2002年创立的太盟投资集团(前身为“太平洋投资集团”)PAG创始人之一,她是此区域最大的专注于亚 的另类 投 资 经理人之一;她还于2003年,共同创立了VinaCapital集团,越南最大的外国直接投资基金。
Ms. Yip is a founding partner of PAG established in 2002 (formerly known as Pacific Alliance Group), one of the region’s largest Asia-focused alternative investment managers; and VinaCapital, established in 2003, the largest foreign direct investment fund in Vietnam.
公司在电视中播放的题为“感觉像星期天一样”(feels like Sunday)的系列广告所传的另类生活 态度和人物形象受到了香港消费者的认同,由此所产生的初期效应超过了人们对一家起步较晚的移动网络运营商的预期。
Its series of ¡§feels like Sunday¡¨ television commercials depicting irreverent attitudes and typical person-presenters struck a chord with Hong Kong customers and generated an initial interest that surpassed expectations for the late-entry mobile network provider.
此外,在该股内,一名政治事务干事(P-3)被指 派担任负责与以色列的政府关系的协调人 另外 3 名政治事务干事(1 个 P-5、1 个 P-4 和 1 个 P-3)履行涉及加沙和西岸的巴勒斯坦 的类 似 职 能。
Furthermore, within the Unit, one Political Affairs Officer (P-3) is assigned the functions of focal point for governmental relations with Israel, while three Political Affairs Officers (1 P-5, 1 P-4 and 1 P-3) perform similar functions in relation to the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.




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