单词 | 句号 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 句号—period (punct.)See also:句n—sentencen phrasen 句—clause 句—classifier for sentences
隽文不朽──澳门文学节的主办单位为葡语报章《句号报》、澳门文化局、及澳门基金会。 yp.mo | Newspaper Ponto Final, the Cultural Affairs Bureau and Macau Foundation are joint organizers of The Script Road. yp.mo |
Seagate AcuTrac™ 技术可精确读写仅有 75 奈米宽的极细磁轨,使储存密度成为可能!也就是本句句号的五百分之一长度。 seagate.com | Seagate AcuTrac™ technology enables storage densities with accurate reading and writing to nano-sizedtracks that are only 75 nanometers wide! seagate.com |
然而,2002年7月,仓卒出笼的高官问责制加上「仙股事件」为这段「蜜月期」划上句号。 hkupop.hku.hk | However, that "honeymoon" period ended in July 2002, after his hasty introduction of the accountability system and the occurrence of the "penny-stocks fiasco". hkupop.hku.hk |
最後,整件以精钢制成的 Style 手镯,则为这个时尚系列的摇滚精品划上圆满句号。 brand.swarovski.com | Continuing the rock theme of this chic collection, the Style bangle is made entirely from steel. brand.swarovski.com |
最後来一个云呢拿樱桃鸟结雪糕配牛奶面包,沾着肉桂忌廉和蜜糖香料泡沫同吃,完美句号就这麽简单。 ilovelkf.hk | The sweet endings include vanilla braised cherries with ice nougat and Leche Bread – cinnamon cream and spiced honey espuma. ilovelkf.hk |
使用者名中不能包括句号及空格,或以下字元 farstone.com.tw | No period, blank, or characters as farstone.com |
四道菜色分别为意大利野菌沙律、自制意粉、顾客自选牛仔柳或香煎鳟鱼,并以合桃忌廉配焦糖香梨及白松露为这个别致的餐饮体验划上一个完美的句号。 yp.mo | The set menu features a warm porcini and chanterelle mushroom salad, home-made tagliolini, and the guest’s choice of veal tenderloin or pan fried ocean trout, and a walnut cream with caramelized pear and fresh truffle for dessert. yp.mo |
您可尝一尝Sweet Rain,那是由浸在糖浆中的碎苹果,再加上点点云呢拿味的Tequila调配而成,为您们华丽的一天画上美妙的句号。 ilovelkf.hk | Try the “Sweet Rain” – an invention of crushed apples marinated in syrup, with a dash of vanilla tequila to round out a luxurious day with the ladies. ilovelkf.hk |
本年度港乐「社群和谐」筹款音乐会邀请香港特别行政区 民政事局常任秘书长杨立门先生JP 担任主礼嘉宾,同时更粉墨登场作压轴演出;演唱流行歌曲《你的名字,我的姓氏》,为今晚的音乐会画上完美句号。 hkphil.org | Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs Bureau, Raymond Young Lap-moon JP. hkphil.org |
各奖项分别由中央人民政府驻澳门特别行政区联络办公室经济部副部长陈翔先生、澳门特别行政区政府体育发展局社团体育及培训辅助处处长麦炳耀先生、澳门武术总会副会长周志文先生以及美高梅中国控股有限公司首席执行官及执行董事简博贤先生颁发,颁奖嘉宾於颁奖仪式上与胜出狮队合照,为本次盛事划上完满句号。 mgmmacau.com | Guests of Honor Mr. Chen Xiang, Deputy Director of Economic Affairs Department of Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macau S.A.R., Mr. Luis Mac, Division Chief of Macau Sport Development Board, Mr. Chao Chi Man, Vice President of Wushu General Association of Macau and Mr. Grant R. Bowie, CEO and Executive Director of MGM China Holdings Limited were invited on stage to present the awards to the winners. mgmmacau.com |
2012年4月复康机器人技术有限公司与香港理工大学合作研发的《希望之手》在第40届日内瓦国际发明展勇夺「至高荣誉大奖」;在6月,科韵动力有限公司於美国2012国家商业培育协会培育大奖(NBIA)中勇夺「科技组最佳培育公司」殊荣;於9月, 云深系统有限公司荣获香港科技企业最崇高的奖项之一「2012香港工商业奖:科技成就」大奖;至年终PLAYNOTE勇夺2012年度亚太资讯及通讯科技奖的「最佳创业公司」大奖,为科技创业培育计划於2012年划上完美的句号。 hkstp.org | In April 2012, Rehab-Robotics Company Limited was awarded the “Grand Prix Du Salon International Des Invention De Genève” at the 40th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, for the “Robotic Hand of Hope” which was jointly developed with Hong Kong Polytechnic University; iMusicTech Limited was named “Outstanding Incubator Client” in the Technology Category of the 2012 National Business Incubation Association (NBIA) Incubation Awards in June; in September, nwStor won the “2012 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Technological Achievement Award”; and PLAYNOTE has closed the remarkable year with the “Best Startup” Grand Award from the APICTA 2012. hkstp.org |