

单词 古董商

See also:

古董 pl

antiquities pl
curios pl

古董 n

antiques pl


ancient adj
old adj

External sources (not reviewed)

西班牙设古董商登记 簿,并依法要求艺术市场 上所有专业人员都保有一本警署登记册,在该登记册上对其经营的一切物品予以登记。
Spain has a registry of antiquities dealers that by law requires [...]
all professionals in the art market to maintain a police
book in which they record all objects they commercialize.
(a) 有关专业人员(特别是博物馆馆长 古董商 、 经销商和收藏家)是否了解教科文组 [...]
(a) Are the UNESCO International Code
[...] of Ethics for Dealers in Cultural Property [...]
and that of ICOM for museums known to the
professionals concerned (in particular, curators, antique dealers, merchants and collectors)?
b) 请介绍如何监督这些准则的施行,尤其是 古董商 、 经 销商和收藏家的施行情 况。
(b) Describe the method used to monitor the application of these standards, in
[...] particular with regard to antique dealers, art dealers [...]
and collectors.
b) 全古董商协会的行为守则(SNA
(b) The rules of conduct of the
[...] Syndicat national des antiquaires (SNA)
Anja Alfieri 是生活在哥本哈根的家居设计师,也是一 古董商 人。
Anja Alfieri is a Copenhagen-based
[...] home stylist and antiques dealer.
本壺出於香港知柔齋珍藏,藏品多半是1993年前香 古董商 提 供 的。
The Zhirou Zhai Collection, from
which the Bloch bottle comes, was formed in Hong Kong,
[...] mostly from local dealers as the source, in [...]
the years prior to 1993.
最后,他明 确指出,艺术市场参与者对交易问题很敏感且期待合作,但认为其监管也是来源国的
[...] 责任,过多的规则促进了黑市的发展,并且保护一国的所有艺术或艺术创造者是不现 实的;全古董商协会 的行为守则更有利于制定旨在保护国家财富的清单。
Finally, he said that art market players were sensitive to the problem of trafficking and willing to cooperate but that source countries also had a responsibility for monitoring the market; that
over-regulation encouraged the black market and that it was unrealistic to try to
[...] protect all the art or handicraft of [...]
a country.
立法者、律师、海关官员古董商、 和个人常常需要咨询某国关于文化财产进出口的法 律。
Frequently law-makers, lawyers,
[...] customs officers, antiquities dealers and private individuals [...]
need to consult the laws of
a given State with regard to, among others, importation or exportation of cultural property.
7.又敦促会员国采取一切适当步骤和有效措施,加强旨在打击被盗、 被抢掠和被非法进出口的文化财产交易的法律和行政措施,包括采取适当国内 措施,特别是根据其国内法和其他适用法律, 古董商 、 中 间商和类似机构进 行有效监管和监督,使市场中文化财产交易者的活动达到最大程度的透明
7. Also urges Member States to take all appropriate steps and effective measures to strengthen legislative and administrative measures aimed at countering trade in stolen, looted and illicitly exported or imported cultural property, including appropriate domestic measures to maximize
the transparency of
[...] activities of traders in cultural property in the market, in particular through effective regulations and supervision of dealers in antiquities, intermediaries and [...]
similar institutions,
in accordance with their national law and other applicable law
由於資金所限,我們多年 來有策略地從拍賣古董商和私 人藏家收購精選藏品,其中較重要 [...]
的包括有明青花螭龍枝牡丹紋瓶(1989 年購入)、張成造款元代 剔紅鷺鷥芙蓉紋蓋盒(1983 年購入)、晚明鼉龍形玉水丞(1969 年購入)、乾隆環耳刻獸面紋青黃玉斝(1997
年購入)、乾隆雕龍 紋犀角杯(1997 年購入)和明剔紅花卉紋漆碟( 2000 年購入)等。
These include a Ming underglaze blue [...]
vase with chi dragon and peony design (purchased in 1989), a carved red lacquer box
with mark of the famous Yuan carver Zhang Cheng (purchased in 1983), a late Ming jade water container in the form of a dragon-headed tortoise (purchased in 1969), a green yellow jade jia of early Qing (purchased in 1997), a Qianlong rhinoceros horn libation cup (purchased in 1997) and a Ming carved red lacquer dish with flower design (purchased in 2000).
TEFAF 2012市场报告除了对拍卖市场进行研究,也对画廊 古董商 及 其他形式的私下交易现状进行了详尽的分析,并得出结论,拍卖市场占全球艺术品市场的份额为4 8% , 古董商 、 画廊及其他形式的私下交易占52%的市场份额。
TEFAF 2012 market report in addition to the study of the
auction market, also
[...] for galleries and antique dealers and other forms of private trade present situation has carried on the detailed analysis, and concluded that the auction market accounts for 48% of the global art market, antique dealers, galleries and other [...]
forms of private
trading accounts for 52% of the market.
关于 1995 年的《国际统一私法 协会公约》,全古董商协会并不赞成,因为该公约为文物持有者创造了不安全的法 律环境,没有实施进口监管,也没有规定有条件补偿。
The SNA was not in favour of the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention because it created legal uncertainty for the owner of the object, did not impose any import controls and provided for conditional compensation.
(e) 鼓励并在适当时增加古董商和类 似机构的监管和监督,例如对买卖 和交换文物等所有文物交易办理注册登记;考虑根据教科文组织文化财产交易 [...]
(e) Encouraging and, when appropriate, increasing regulation
[...] and supervision of dealers in antiquities and similar institutions, [...]
for example by keeping
a registry of all transactions of cultural objects, including sales, purchases and exchanges; considering developing codes of conduct, keeping in mind the UNESCO international code of ethics for dealers in cultural property; and, as appropriate, by introducing professional requirements by way of licensing
这些商店一 般出售艺术品和手工艺制品、东方地毯、各式香料 古董。
These collections of small shops generally sell arts and handicrafts, oriental carpets, various spices and antiques.
两旁的小古玩店看起来像发霉的阁楼,但里面出售 商 品 从 老船部件,老式钟和唱机,到水晶吊灯 古董 英 式茶具,应有尽有。
Flanked by rows of little antique shops that look like musty attics, the shops
sell just about anything from
[...] old ship parts, grandfather clocks and gramophones, to crystal chandeliers and antique English tea sets.
各位部长吁请所有国家开展合作,并协调其努力,以打击伊拉 古董 非法 贸易和走私活动,向伊拉克博物馆归还追回的艺术品。
The Ministers called upon all states to cooperate and coordinate their efforts
in combating the illegal trade and
[...] trafficking of Iraqi antiques, and in returning [...]
the recovered art works to Iraqi museums.
骗子们在各种流行的网络论坛上张贴广告,出售非常便宜 商 品 (从汽车、手提包 古董 和 收藏品,应有尽有,无所不包)。
A more sophisticated version of the car scam, the so called “Escrow scam” is when scammers post ads for
very cheap goods –
[...] everything from cars and handbags to antiques and collectables – in different [...]
popular online forums.
绝望的,收集奖励资金,以取代昂贵 古董 T R I XI E的母亲,,杰克试图提供教授Rotwood的证明了龙的存在,他声称,他们已经发现在纽约市。
Desperate to collect reward money to
[...] replace an expensive antique for Trixie's mother, [...]
Jake attempts to provide Professor
Rotwood with proof of the existence of a dragon he claims to have spotted in New York City.
正 如我上一輪曾說過,長實有一董事 就“名城”樓盤說,一個準備向他買 一幢樓宇的古商人正與他進行洽購,可是該幢樓宇至今還沒有成交。
A director of Cheung Kong Holdings has talked about the development called Festival City. He said that a businessman from Mongolia was talking with [...]
him about buying a
block of building from him, but the transaction of that block of building has not yet been completed even to date.
大城市琳琅满目商品可 满足绝大多数顾客 的购物欲,既有最时髦的精品店,也有二手市场,而许多小地方则倾向于零售特产,如自产农产品 古董 或 艺术品和工艺品等。
Big cities can satisfy most
[...] consumer appetites with everything from high-fashion boutiques to second-hand emporiums, while many smaller places tend towards speciality retail, be it home-grown produce, antiques or arts and crafts.
獨立非執董事確 定上述關連交易乃基於以下情況下 簽訂:(甲)在本集團一般及日常業務過程中訂立;(乙)按正 商 業 條 款或按不遜於本集團提供予獨立 第三方或由獨立第三方提供的條款訂立;及(丙)根據規管該等交易的相關協議,按公平合理且符合 本公司股東整體利益的條款訂立。
The INEDs confirmed that the aforesaid connected transactions were entered into (a) in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group; (b) either on normal commercial terms or on [...]
terms no less favourable
to the Group than terms available to or from independent third parties; and (c) in accordance with the relevant agreements governing them on terms that are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the shareholders of the Company as a whole.
不属于国家文 化遗产古董复制 品和艺术品可以出口,无需遵守这些官方程序,但仍然需要国家文化研究 [...]
Replicas of antiquities, and works of art [...]
not belonging to the National Cultural Heritage, may be exported without following
these official procedures but still need a prior certification issued by the National Institute of Culture.
阿拉伯利比亚民众国投票赞成大会第 64/6 号决议,确认其反对古巴实施 经济商业和 金融封锁的立场,并呼吁各国和平解决分歧,不采取单方面胁迫措 施,因为这种措施违反《联合国宪章》各项原则,侵犯人权,并且阻碍发展努力, [...]
The Libyan Arab Jamahiriya voted in favour of General Assembly resolution 64/6 in order to stress
its position in
[...] opposition to the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed against Cuba and calls on states [...]
to resolve their
differences by peaceful means, without resorting to harsh unilateral measures that constitute a violation of the principles of the Charter of the United nations and of human rights, and an obstacle to efforts to achieve the development that is one of the lofty goals of the United Nations.
(v) 董事向董事會發出之一般通知,表明彼乃指 商 號 或 法團董 事,且於該通知日期後彼須被當作於其後可能與該商號或法團訂立之任何合約或安排 [...]
中有利害關係,或於該通知日期後彼須被當作於其後可能與彼有關連之指定人士所訂 立之任何合約或安排中有利害關係,即為有關彼於如此訂立之合約或安排中有利害關
係之充分聲明,惟除非其在董事會會議上發出該通知,或該董事採取合理措施確保該 通知於發出後的第一次董事會會議上提起及宣讀,該通知將不會生效。
(v) A general notice to the
[...] Board by a Director that he is a member of a specified firm or corporation [...]
and is to be regarded
as interested in any contract or arrangement which may be made with that firm or corporation after the date of such notice or that he is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may be made with a specified person who is connected with him after the date of such notice shall be deemed to be a sufficient declaration of interest in relation to any contract or arrangement so made, provided that no such notice shall be of effect unless either it is given at a meeting of the Board or the Director takes reasonable steps to ensure that it is brought up and read at the next meeting of the Board after it is given.
164 董事會 可不時並於任何時間,藉授權書委任任何經其直接或間接提名的公 司商號、 個人或人數不等之團體,作為本公司的一名或多於一名受權人, 而委任的目的,所授予的權力、權限及酌情決定權(以不超過根據本章程細則 歸董事或 可由董事行使者為限),以及委任的期限和規限的條件,均須按董 事會認為合適者而定;任何此等授權書,均可載有董事認為適合用以保障及 方便與任何此等受權人進行交易的人,以及可授權任何此等受權人將歸於他 的所有或任何權力、權限及酌情決定權轉授他人。
164 The Board may from time to time and at any time, by power of attorney under the seal, appoint any company, firm or person or any fluctuating body of persons, whether nominated directly or indirectly by the Board, to be the attorney or attorneys of the Company for such purposes and with such powers, authorities and discretions [...]
(not exceeding
those vested in or exercisable by the Board under these Articles) and for such period and subject to such conditions as it may think fit, and any such power of attorney may contain such provisions for the protection and convenience of persons dealing with any such attorney as the Board may think fit, and may also authorise any such attorney to sub-delegate all or any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in him.
(D) 任董事本人或商號,均可以專業身分代本公司行事,而其本人或其商號 均可就提供專業服務而有權收取酬金,猶如彼並 董 事 ; 惟 董 事 或 其 商 號不 可出任本公司的核數師。
(D) Any Director may act by himself or his firm in a professional capacity for the Company and he or his firm shall be entitled to remuneration for professional services as if he were not a Director; provided that [...]
a Director or his firm shall not act as auditors to the Company.
(6) 經營一般商人、貿易商、佣金經紀人、進口商、出口商、托運人及船東 、冷凍商、租船商、貨運代理、銷售代理、及製造商分代理、代理及承
[...] 商、遊客及旅遊代理、拍賣商、評估師、估值師、測量師、保付代理商 、個人及促銷代表、保理人、店主 古 玩 交 易 商 、 裝 卸 商 、 包 裝商、倉 儲保管商、漁夫及拖網捕漁者、馬具商、建築商,以及一般建築工程承包 [...]
(6) To carry on all or any of the businesses of general merchants, traders, commission agents, importers, exporters, shippers, and ship-owners, refrigerators, charterers, forwarding agents, sales agents and sub-agents for manufacturers, agents and sub-agents for carriers, brokers and agents for brokers, purchasing agents, wharfingers, ware housemen, furnishers, tourist and travel agents, auctioneers, appraisers, valuers, surveyors, del credere agents,
personal and promotional
[...] representatives, factors, shopkeepers, antique dealers, stevedores, packers, [...]
storers, fishermen and trawlers,
saddlers, builders, building, engineering and general contractors, metallurgists, and undertakers of all kinds of works, enterprises or projects whatsoever.
2009 年 6 月,美国国际贸易委员会发表了一份关于向古巴出售农产品的报 告,承认限制两国之间贸易的因素包括 古 巴 进 口 商 支 付 条件困难;由于 Alimport 公司的官僚增加了储存或滞港费用;需要前 古 巴 的出 口 商 获 得许可证的程序复 杂拖沓;古巴商人的 旅行限制;美国法律对停靠古巴港口的外国船只的惩罚; 古巴政府从某些国家的采购是出于地缘政治考虑。
In June 2009, the United States International Trade Commission published a report on sales of agricultural products to Cuba in which it was recognized that the constraints on trade between the two countries
included: difficult
[...] payment terms for Cuban importers; additional costs incurred by Alimport for storage or demurrage owing to bureaucratic obstacles; the complex and drawn-out licensing process for exporters who need to travel to Cuba; travel restrictions affecting Cuban negotiators; [...]
and penalties under
United States law for foreign ships that have docked in Cuban ports and for the Cuban Government’s purchases from certain countries for geopolitical considerations.
(b) 香港政府會否考慮與古政府進行商 香港政府會否考慮與古政府進行商 香港政府會否考慮與古政府進行商 香港政府會否考慮與古政府進行 商 , 給 予旅客相互豁免簽證安排 ,給予旅客相互豁免簽證安排 ,給予旅客相互豁免簽證安排 ,給予旅客相互豁免簽證安排,以達到 ,以達到 ,以達到 ,以達到 促進兩㆞經貿關係的目的?
(b) whether the Government will consider negotiating with the Mongolian Government to reach an agreement on reciprocal exemption of visa requirements for visitors, so as to promote the economic and trading relationships between the two places?




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