单词 | 古怪 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 古怪adjective—quirkyadjless common: strangeadj bizarreadj erraticadj 古怪—eccentric oddly queer grotesque 古怪noun—kookynExamples:古里古怪—quaint weird and wonderful odd and picturesque 希奇古怪—bizarre weird fantastic 希奇古怪adj—strangeadj crazyadj See also:怪adj—oddadj strangeadj 怪v—blamev seemsv 怪—monster rather wonder at quite uncanny bewildering 怪n—peculiarn deviln
厌倦了所有wonderlandians的粗暴和的古怪,爱丽丝放弃她的追求白兔决定回家,但迷失在Tulgey木。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Fed up with all the wonderlandians’ rudeness and wackiness, Alice abandons her pursuit of the White Rabbit and decides to go home, but gets lost in the Tulgey Wood. seekcartoon.com |
和你的朋友一起摇滚,给爱人奉上一首浪漫歌曲,将 古怪的声音发给同事,数不清的选择将给你的对话带来无限乐趣。 tunesup-for-sk...n.uptodown.com | You can Rck with your friends or send a romantic song to your honey, send funny sound to your colleagues, hundreds of ideas which will make your conversation more and more interestng. tunesup-for-sk...n.uptodown.com |
约翰尼化妆约翰尼布拉沃成为唐诺茨“ 古怪的 Al ”Yankovic的,和蓝色的猎鹰为他们的真人秀,卡通改造的目标。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Johnny Makeover—Johnny Bravo becomes the target [...] of Don Knotts, "Weird Al"Yankovic, and [...]the Blue Falcon for their reality show, Cartoon Makeover. seekcartoon.com |
发作可能有许多不同形式﹐包括木然凝视﹑不受控制的 动作﹑改变了的意识﹑古怪的感觉﹑或惊厥。 bcepilepsy.com | A seizure may take many different forms including a blank stare, uncontrolled movements, altered awareness, odd sensations, or convulsions. bcepilepsy.com |
只 编 纂 串 谋 罪 及 未 遂 罪 的 法 律 而 不 理 会 煽 惑 罪 , 一 定 会 产生古 怪的後果 。 hkreform.gov.hk | To encode the law of conspiracy and attempt and leave aside incitement would produce a decidedly odd result. hkreform.gov.hk |
飞溅的彩色油漆,穿着牛仔裤的摩天轮等有趣的元素,传递出4天的音乐节会带来许多新鲜和 古怪的东西。 ba-repsasia.com | Splashes of colorful paint and fun elements like a ferris wheel wearing pants convey the four-day music festival’s commitment to keeping things fresh and also a little bit odd. ba-repsasia.com |
在这一背景下,亚美尼亚外交部长企图指责阿塞拜疆并把阿塞拜疆同国际恐 [...] 怖主义网络联系起来,这一企图是无望的,至少看起来颇为 古怪。daccess-ods.un.org | Against this background, the hopeless attempts of the Ministry of Foreign [...] Affairs of Armenia to blame Azerbaijan and link it with international terrorist [...] networks seem curious, tosay the least. daccess-ods.un.org |
卢旺达认为,不管用什么法律标准衡量,这一起诉都非常 古怪,而 且构 成滥用普遍管辖权,卢旺达举例指出,该法官没有考虑其他理论,没有访问卢旺 达,自己没有进行任何调查,炮制随后被自己的证人否认的证据,并使用卢旺达 种族灭绝逃犯提供的证据。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the view of Rwanda, this was an odd indictment by any legal standard and constituted abuse of universal jurisdiction, pointing out that the judge, for example, did not consider alternative theories, did not visit Rwanda, did not conduct any investigation of his own, concocted evidence later denied by his own witnesses, and used evidence of fugitives from the genocide in Rwanda. daccess-ods.un.org |
精彩的活动包括参观 Albufera 泻湖、知名的艺术科学城,以及在中央市场购买 古怪有趣的当地产品。 lsi.edu | Highlights of the programme include visits to the Albufera lagoon, the famous City of Arts & Sciences and stocking up on fantastic local produce at the Mercado Central. lsi.edu |
监狱 工作人员表示,这些犯人“行为古怪”, 他们不希望与其他囚犯关在一起,这些被 关押的人自己也证实了这一点。 daccess-ods.un.org | The prison staff reported that those prisoners had “behavioural disorders” and therefore wished to stay apart from the rest of the prison population. daccess-ods.un.org |
压降的来源有多种,例如泄漏、过滤器和吸附式干燥机堵塞、冷冻式干燥机和管路系统中的腐蚀、再生气体消耗和管网效率低下(如管径变小、阀门和 古怪的管路设计)。 csinstrument.com | Sources of pressure drop are for example leaks, blocked filters and desiccant dryers, corrosion in fridge dryers and piping system, purge air consumption and network inefficiencies such as reductions, valves and twisted piping. csinstrument.com |
在月台认领处,有一位年轻的失物侦探,最爱不依常规,以妙想天开的方法,每日替人寻找失物,然後又以刁钻 古怪的逻辑,来确认失主身份。 hkiac.gov.hk | In the midst of one noisy platform stands a lost and found bureau where a young manager-cum-detective helps absent-minded travellers retrieve their missing items. hkiac.gov.hk |
从掷手机到背着老婆跑,从泥泞足球到无形空气吉他、拍打桌子和抛橡皮靴…要多 古怪有多 古怪。 visitfinland.com | From mobile phone throwing to wife carrying, swamp football to air guitar, table drumming to rubber boot throwing… the list goes on. visitfinland.com |
但是我觉得施密特的访问有点古怪,而库克的来访似乎更加实际,包括在中国电信监管部门工信部(MIIT)的非常重要的停留。 youngchinabiz.com | Butwhereas Schmidt’s visit seemed a bit whimsical to me, Cook’s trip looks much more practical, including an all-important stop at the nation’s telecoms regulator, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). youngchinabiz.com |
这儿有一些散发着古怪气味的(广东或者福建)商店和饭馆。 shanghaibiennale.org | There are some smelly shops – Cantón and Fukien – and some restaurants. shanghaibiennale.org |
这个植物园是广受游客欢迎的旅游景点之一,游客在此可欣赏到世界上最珍稀最 古怪的植物。 shangri-la.com | The gardens are a popular tourist attraction and showcase some of the [...] world’s rarestand strangestplants. shangri-la.com |
1933年世界经济会议(World Economic Conference)的举办地是位于伦敦肯辛顿区的地质博物馆,这个透着远古气息的地点暴露了那场会议有多么不合时宜:当时,国际经济合作就像恐龙化石一样 古怪。 project-syndicate.org | It is quaint that the 1933 World Economic Conference took place in the Geological Museum in London’s Kensington, at a time when international cooperation seemed as alien as a fossilized dinosaur. project-syndicate.org |
奇异鸟是生物进化中最古怪的一群,它与其他鸟类不同。 4tern.com | The Kiwi is considered an [...] evolutionary oddity, itis different [...]from other birds. 4tern.com |
本地啤酒绝对是妙不可言,又凉又鲜,不像我有些 古怪的朋友喜欢温啤酒,你知道我说的是谁吧,就是我们的路易斯.麦当劳。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | The local beer is absolutely fantastic and it’s served nice and cold unlike some other warm beer favorite for some of my fellow tipsters… I guess this is what our Louis Mc. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
不管你是同意盛行的说法,认为这股群众的兴起是因为SOPA/PIPA将网路公民都变成Howard Beale式的「我们已经怒火冲天,不可能再忍下去了」,或是你单纯地将这情况视为合法反对极度缺陷的法案;大规模抗议活动所带来的影响是,立法者不能再将网路视为 古怪书呆子聚会、网路骗徒出没以及自豪的奶奶分享自己孙子照片的地方。 benchmarkemail.com | Whether you attribute the mass uprising to the prevailing sense that SOPA/PIPA had turned every online denizen into a Howard “we’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take this anymore” Beale; or if you simply see it as the rightful opposition to a profoundly flawed piece of legislation, the effect of the massive protest was that lawmakers can no longer view the internet as the hangout of eccentric nerds, phishers and proud grannies sharing photos of their grandchildren. benchmarkemail.com |
先兆的例子包括恐惧或不 适感﹐或古怪的气味或味道。 bcepilepsy.com | Examples of an aura include a feeling of fear or sickness or an odd smell or taste. bcepilepsy.com |
球队自一月份以来就没有赢过比赛,而且他们正在努力在英超联赛中生存,这给人们质疑“ 古怪”迪卡尼奥能否带领桑德兰更上一层楼提供了理由。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | When the side have not won since the middle of January and are fighting for Premier League survival it gives fair reason for people questioning whether the ‘eccentric’ Di Canio can keep Sunderland up. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
故事讲述少女露茜,到远古怪物照顾昏迷在床的百岁前芭蕾舞老师,听闻屋中另有宝藏,召来两名壮丁帮助,却陷入了最可怕的屍变陷阵,唤起意想不到的屍变风云。 dddhouse.com | Learning by accident that Mrs Jessel, a former dance teacher of repute, supposedly possesses a treasure somewhere in the house, Lucy and friends William and Ben decide to search the house in the hope of finding it. dddhouse.com |
看起来好玩又轻松——正如你希望看到的那样,在这样一个设计浸泡的城市里,就像是一个平台,汇集了许多芬兰当代艺术家和设计师的杰作,赫尔辛基刚又获得 [...] [...] 了“2012年世界设计之都”的大奖,你可以看到,这里到处都有设计:从奇亚斯玛现代艺术画廊的咖啡厅内专门为孩子设计的 古怪高椅,到伊利尔•沙里宁那儿,花岗岩雕刻的提灯巨人静静守卫着的中央魔法火车站(第一部《蝙蝠侠》中,哥谭市(Gotham [...]City)的灵感便来源于此)。 vantageshanghai.com | There’s good design everywhere in Helsinki, from quirky high [...] chairs for cultured nippers in the cafe at [...] the Kiasmamodern art gallery to Eliel [...]Saarinen’s magical central train station, [...]which is guarded by lamp-bearing giants carved from granite that inspired Gotham City in the first Batman film. vantageshanghai.com |
Song 和 Johan Olin [...] 两人合作设计同一品牌,诙谐的概念贯穿其中:企鹅装,双跟鞋,胡须保温膜,真菌形状的粪便和其他 古怪的事物,每一样东西都引起观赏者的会心微笑。 visitfinland.com | The same brand of witty conceptualism runs through everything designed by Song and creative partner Johan Olin: penguin [...] suits, double-heeled shoes, beard warmers, fungus-shaped [...] stools andother quirkyitems each guaranteed [...]to raise a smile. visitfinland.com |
其後,这队以他和联合导演Bob Peterson为首的创作小组,再发展出「用汽球浮起一间小房子」的概念,於是故事就渐渐有了雏型 — 脾气古怪、让 人难以亲近的长者Carl Fredricksen,为了完成亡妻Ellie (年青时的Ellie由导演女儿Elie Docter配音)的心愿,於78岁高龄开展了一生最大的冒险。 think-silly.com | The story then gradually took shape — a grumpy old man named Carl Fredricksen sets out to fulfill the wish of his wife Ellie (the younger Ellie is dub by Elie Docter, the daughter of the director) who passed away, therefore begins the biggest adventure of his life at the age of 78. think-silly.com |
最後,若说明治宪法是一个日本产品的话,那麽 1947 年的宪法则是离奇古怪的、异国的,它是一个美国产品。 hkahe.com | As a result, it did effect a massive restructuring of the Japanese political system. Finally, if one would say that the Meiji Constitution was a Japanese product, the 1947 Constitution sounded quaintly and exotically American. hkahe.com |