

单词 古墓丽影

See also:


old tomb (archaeology)

External sources (not reviewed)

最近,Angelina Jolie 佩戴 T-Touch 手表出演电影《史密斯夫妇》和 古墓丽影 》。
Most recently, Angelina Jolie sported T-Touch
[...] watches in the films Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and Lara Croft Tomb Raider.
有關特惠津貼會根據各項標準津貼率 進行評估,並會參考影響墳墓和神 龕的種類、大小和建 造材料等因素。
Such allowance will be assessed according to standard
allowance rates, taking into account the types, sizes as well as building
[...] materials of the graves and shrines affected.
村后,圣Amadour命名后发现古墓衰变 体,(圣Amadour),它已成为一个著名的中心朝圣者,在1166年,一些奇迹随后发现,一个神圣的印章上村。
The village is named after St Amadour: it has become
a famous center for pilgrims after
[...] the discovery of an ancient grave with an undecayed [...]
body, (St Amadour), in 1166, some
miracles then followed the discovery, putting a holy seal on the village.
他们也遇到的Pevensies和Trumpkin,,他们都旅程阿斯兰怎么样,一个巨大 古墓 建 于 石表。
They also encounter the Pevensies and Trumpkin; they all journey to
[...] Aslan’s How, a huge barrow built over the [...]
Stone Table.
还用其它语种(法语、英语、西班牙 语和俄语)制作了影“富丽堂皇 的圣彼得堡”。
Different language
[...] versions of the film on the splendour of [...]
Saint Petersburg were also produced (in French, English, Spanish and Russian).
影片制作了丽的场 景(永恒 之城 The Eternal City)并在这一迅速成长的领域留下了不可磨灭的印记,直到 1915 年退 休。
He made spectaculars on location (The Eternal City), and left his indelible stamp on this fast-growing business before retiring in 1915.
古斯特·玛丽·路易·尼古拉斯 ·卢米埃(1862-1954 年)和路易·让·卢米埃(1864-1948 年)开发出了活动影机(Cinématographe),这是一种技术简单的优雅投影设备,该设备彻底改变了早期的电影业。
Auguste Marie Louis Nicolas Lumière (1862-1954) and Louis Jean Lumière (1864-1948) were the developers of the Cinématographe, an elegant and technically simple [...]
projection device
that revolutionized the early motion picture industry.
[...] 出半個停車場,用作興建起步點的建築物),經全港最舊的屋邨(即石硤尾 邨,那裏的美荷樓會予以保留),然後伸延至北九龍裁判署、李鄭屋邨漢花 園和李鄭屋古墓。
The culture belt may start from Nan Shan Estate at Tai Hang Tung (the Housing Department has indicated its willingness to allocate half of a car park for constructing buildings at the starting point), pass the oldest estate in the territory (that is, Shek Kip Mei Estate, with Mei Ho House to be
retained there) and extend to the North Kowloon Magistracy and then to
[...] the Han Garden and ancient tomb in Lei Cheng Uk Estate.
圣刘汉铨和圣古斯丁在其丽的诗 篇作品,而spiritualize,或说教,比allegorize,他们的想象力和对事件的解释主要是,行为,数量等,但几乎所有的寓言的解释是如此的武断,这么多的依赖对释经反复无常,这是难以调解与崇敬他们,但是一会他折服于它的多的美的。
St. Ambrose and St. Augustine in their beautiful works on the Psalms [...]
rather spiritualize, or moralize, than allegorize,
and their imaginative interpretations are chiefly of events, actions, numbers, etc. But almost all allegorical interpretation is so arbitrary and depends so much on the caprice of the exegete that it is difficult to conciliate it with reverence, however one may he dazzled by the beauty of much of it.
伦敦德里从曾经获奖的塔楼博物馆(Tower Museum)——让你可以了解伦敦德里的辉煌历史,到众多一流餐厅、热闹酒吧和高档商店,再到让人震撼 古 城 墙 和弗欧河(River Foyle)的丽风景,这座城市是一个永远不会让你失望的非凡旅游地。
From the award-winning Tower Museum that gives a wonderful insight into the city’s history, to the astonishing array of excellent restaurants, lively
pubs and great shops,
[...] to the haunting ancient city walls and scenic views across the River Foyle, Londonderry, County Londonderry is [...]
a remarkable destination that never, ever disappoints.
不過,由於當㆞居民預期有關㆝橋 影 響 大埔 仔 墓 ㆞ 而 提出強烈反對,當局須把 這㆝橋工程刪除。
The flyover, however, had to be excluded from these works because of strong local objections
[...] to its expected impact on the Tai Po Tsai burial ground.
環境保育 不應局 限 於 保 護 動 植
[...] 物生長的自然環境及其 物 種。我 們 的 歷 史 建 築 物古墓、 歷 史 遺 址 、 古 橋 , 甚 至 那 美 [...]
麗的海 港 , 也 應在保 護之列 。
Conservation of our environment should not be confined only to habitats and
species, but should also include
[...] historical buildings, archaeological tombs and sites, bridges, [...]
and even our beautiful harbour.
李鄭屋古 墓 在 發 掘 時 很 有 價值, 可 是,政府 卻古 墓 設 在一個小 公 園 內 , 完 全失去了發展的機 會 。
But the Government placed it in a small park and this has completely deprived it of the opportunities of development.
影片结束,当丽丝和 她的妹妹头茶回家。
The film ends as Alice and her sister [...]
head home for tea.
Taman Mini Indonesia又称“丽的印尼缩影公园”,是一个令人流连忘返的娱乐区。
[...] translated as “Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park”, [...]
Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) is a culture-based recreational
area located in East Jakarta, Indonesia.
丽致1995年婚纱影登陆 武汉,经过十多年的发展,在中国已遍布武汉、长沙、青岛、大连、北京、上海、深圳等多个大中城市,成为亚太地区婚纱业界的典型代表,国际婚纱摄影知名品牌,先后荣获国内贸易部 “全国十佳照相馆”奖、中国消费者协会 “ 全国十大杰出影楼”奖、中国人像摄影学会“全国摄影名店”和“全国摄影业百强企业”称号、中国商业信用中心“中国商业信用企业,信用等级A级”等诸多奖项。
Landis extraordinary Wuhan wedding photography landing in 1995, after 10 years of development, China has been around in Wuhan, Changsha, Qingdao, Dalian, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and many other large and medium-sized city, to become the Asia-Pacific region the wedding industry is the typical representative of the international wedding photography, well-known brands, has won the Ministry of internal trade of" national top ten studio" award, China Consumers Association" national ten outstanding studio" award, Chinese Institute of portrait photography" National Photography brand" and" National Photography Industry hundred enterprises" title, Chinese commercial credit center" China business credit business, credit grade" and many other awards.
获得三等奖的图片来自美国影师玛 丽 . F . 卡 尔弗特 (Mary F. Calvert) [...]
Third place was awarded to an
[...] image, by American photographer Mary F. Calvert, [...]
of children being vaccinated against polio
in Nigeria’s northern Kano State.
基于这些原则,尼加拉瓜没有制定任 影 响 古 巴 兄弟人民和政府的经济、商业 和金融权利的法律,也没有实施任何限制与古巴贸易的措施,因为这违反第 64/6 号 决议的宗旨。
In accordance with these principles, Nicaragua has not
[...] enacted any laws affecting the economic, commercial or financial rights of the fraternal people and Government of Cuba, and has not [...]
implemented any measures
that might impose restrictions on trade with Cuba, since this would contravene the purposes of General Assembly resolution 64/6.
厌倦了所有wonderlandians的粗暴和古 怪 , 爱 丽 丝 放 弃她的追求白兔决定回家,但迷失在Tulgey木。
Fed up with all the wonderlandians’ rudeness and wackiness, Alice abandons her pursuit of the White Rabbit and decides to go home, but gets lost in the Tulgey Wood.
[...] 港的發展歷史其實遠遠不止這 些 , 由 李鄭古 墓 的發掘 、大埔 碗窯、 馬 灣 及 屯 門 下 白 泥 [...]
的 考 古 發 掘 等 , 便 說 出了香港 在 6 000 年 以前已 有 先民聚 居 , 印證了香港 在中華文化 歷史上 的 位 置 。
We can tell from the discovery of the
[...] Li Cheng Uk Han Tomb and archaeological excavations at [...]
the Wun Yiu Kiln Site in Tai Poultry,
as well as those in Ma Wan and Ha Pak Nai that Hong Kong was inhabited by early men more than 6 000 years ago, and such heritage like these bear witness to Hong Kong's position in the history of Chinese culture.
居 民 認為“漢 花園” 是 為了美 化 四 周環境而設,屬於 公 用 的 休 憩 設施,
[...] 而且“漢 花園” 與 鄰側的古墓” 更 為 配 合 , 應合併 為一旅 [...]
遊 景 點 , 所以不應納 入 出 售 公屋的公契 範 圍 。
The Han Garden is in tune with
[...] the adjacent tomb and the tomb should be [...]
merged into one tourist spot; thus, it should not
be incorporated into the scope of the DMC of the public housing for sale.
深为关注为建造“容忍博物馆”而挖 古墓 并 从 圣城耶路撒冷古老的 Ma’man Allah(Mamila) [...]
墓地移走数百具人类遗骸的行为,呼吁以色列政府立即停 止在那里的非法活动
Expresses its grave concern at
[...] the excavation of ancient tombs and removal of hundreds [...]
of human remains from part of the
historic Ma’man Allah (Mamila) Cemetery in the holy city of Jerusalem in order to construct a “museum of tolerance”, and calls upon the Government of Israel to immediately desist from such illegal activities therein
此外,今天的对手Calvaries每个附近 古墓 葬 群 犹太人。
Moreover, each of the rival Calvaries of today is
[...] near a group of ancient Jewish tombs.
由于韩国的民族主义者热衷于鼓吹延边曾 古国 高句丽(Koguryo)( 公 元 前 57 年~公元后 668 [...]
年)的一部分,中 国当局对境内的朝鲜民族主义情绪非常警惕。
Given that South Korean nationalists love to
stress that the Yanbian was once
[...] a part of the ancient Korean kingdom of Koguryo (57 [...]
BC to AD 668), Chinese authorities
remain vigilant about Korean nationalism within China’s borders.
制度化的目标是要同蒙古近 邻共同清楚地定义古地位的国影 响 , 并在三边 条约中予以适当反映,同时争取邻国和其他三个安 全理事会常任理事国的承诺,尊重蒙古作为形式独 特的无核武器区的地位,以反映其独特的地理和地 [...]
The goal of institutionalization was
to clearly define,
[...] together with Mongolia’s immediate neighbours, the international aspects of Mongolia’s [...]
status and duly reflect it in
a trilateral treaty, while seeking commitments from them and from the other three permanent members of the Security Council to respect Mongolia’s status as a unique form of nuclear-weapon-free zone that reflected its geographical and geopolitical location.
尽管美国政府已批准一些美国科学家和艺术团体参与在古巴的活动,并为更 多古巴艺术家和学者发放了签证,但这是 影 响 古 巴 的 新计划的一部分,并没有 改变布什政府 2004 [...]
年颁布的学术、科学和文化交流禁令,因此这类批准完全是 任意和选择性的。
Despite the fact that the United States Government has granted licences to some United States artistic groups and scientists to participate in events in Cuba and has approved a larger number of visas to
Cuban artists and scholars as part of
[...] its new scheme for influence on Cuba, it has not [...]
altered the prohibition on academic,
scientific and cultural exchanges that was decreed by the Bush administration in 2004.
如果 政 府不 是古 墓 設 在一個小 公 園 內 ,周圍 地 方便可以發展,例如 [...]
售賣紀念 品或食 品 等 , 那 麼 , 該 區 便 會 興 旺 起來, 不 會 好 像 現在那 樣 ,根本沒有人 到。
Had the Government not placed the tomb in a small park, [...]
the surrounding area could have been developed and souvenirs, food,
and so on, could be sold there, in which case the area would prosper, unlike the way it is now as people simply do not go there.
( 主要和次要墓) 的类型、可影响基 因分析结果的任何土壤特性、已 找到的遗骸的总体状况、以及表明以下情况的迹象:是否已找到完整的尸 体、是否已查明可能的身分、受害者中是否有血亲亲属,如果有,他们又 是什么关系,等等。
(vi) Information should be made available on key discoveries and exhumations, including information on the number of bodies recovered, the type of grave (primary or secondary), any soil characteristics that might affect the outcome of the genetic analysis, and the general condition of the remains recovered, as well as an indication of whether or not a body was found whole, whether a potential identity is known, whether the victims included blood relatives and if so how they were related, etc.
深为关注为建造“容忍博物馆”而挖 古墓 并 从 圣城耶路撒冷古老的 Ma’man Allah(Mamila) [...]
墓地移走数百具人的遗骸的行为,并且呼吁以色列政府立 即停止在当地进行的非法活动; 要求占领国以色列立即停止目前在阿克萨清真寺及耶路撒冷老城的其它
宗教场所的地下及其周围进行的所有挖掘行动,避免采取可能危及位于被占领巴 勒斯坦领土特别是耶路撒冷及其周围的伊斯兰教和基督教圣址的结构或地基或改 变其性质的行动
Expresses its grave concern at the
[...] excavation of ancient tombs and removal of [...]
hundreds of human remains from part of the
historic Ma’man Allah (Mamila) Cemetery in the holy city of Jerusalem in order to construct a “museum of tolerance”, and calls upon the Government of Israel to immediately desist from such illegal activities therein




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