

单词 古义




See also:

surname Gu


meaning n
justice n
righteousness n


righteous adj

External sources (not reviewed)

游览国家托管组织所有的库尔城堡(Castle Coole)被其古典主义的杰 作所惊叹到,其内部装饰则是十八世纪一流能工巧匠的作品。
Take a tour of the National Trust-owned Castle Coole and
[...] be amazed at this neo-classical masterpiece, [...]
with an interior created by some of
the leading craftsmen of the 18th century.
一位18世纪著名的木工,Leleu在从路易十五洛可可风格到路易十六 古 典 主 义 风 格 的转变中扮演了重要的角色。
A renowned 18th century cabinetmaker, Leleu played an important role in the move away from the rococo style of Louis XV, to the neoclassicism of Louis XVI.
工业里常见的性別分化与古典主义 的 假 定相反,性別上的薪资歧视並沒有 在贸易自由化和增长的过程中变得越来越少。
The persistent industrial segregation by gender
[...] contradicts the neoclassical assumption that [...]
the gender wage discrimination would
decrease on the road towards trade liberalization and growth.
市中心参议院广场四周 不同风格的建筑是独特的古典主义风格
The city centre, especially around the Senate Square, is a unique and cohesive
[...] example of Neoclassical architecture.
制度化的目标是要同蒙古近 邻共同清楚地义蒙古地位的国际影响,并在三边 条约中予以适当反映,同时争取邻国和其他三个安 全理事会常任理事国的承诺,尊重蒙古作为形式独 特的无核武器区的地位,以反映其独特的地理和地 缘政治位置。
The goal of institutionalization was
[...] to clearly define, together with Mongolia’s immediate neighbours, the international aspects of Mongolia’s status [...]
and duly reflect it in
a trilateral treaty, while seeking commitments from them and from the other three permanent members of the Security Council to respect Mongolia’s status as a unique form of nuclear-weapon-free zone that reflected its geographical and geopolitical location.
所有这些特点是由于这一事实,即犹太希望保 古 老 的 教 义 , 以 及实现这一目标,他更全面地包括在他的米示拿除了秋叶和梅尔,从而形成了他的主要来源,主要部分的集合,所有其他mishnayot(yer.沙巴十六15C条。
All these peculiarities are due to the fact that Judah
[...] wished to preserve the ancient teachings; and to attain this [...]
object more completely he included
in his Mishnah, in addition to the collections of Akiba and Meïr, which formed his chief sources, the major portion of all the other mishnayot (Yer. Shab. xvi. 15c); according to a later account, he used in all thirteen collections (Ned. 41a).
卡 伊沃公园附近Eira区还有精美 的新艺术运动风格古典主 义的建筑。
Along the shoreline to the west is the prestigious
[...] district of Eira, which has many fine examples of Jugend and Classical architecture.
500 by Gucci”将会成为一件珍藏品因为今年是个特殊的年份——意大利统一150周年和Gucci成立90周年;受到 古 典 主 义 黑 白 电影的启发,全新的“500 by [...]
The “500 by Gucci” is certainly a collector’s item created in a special year – the 150th anniversary of the
unification of Italy and Gucci’s 90th
[...] anniversary;  inspired by neo-classic black and [...]
white film, the new “500 by Gucci” Fiat
500 or 500c models come in finished eye-catching glossy pearl-glass paint, in black or white, and with matching key covers.
对此,古巴代表团想知道工作组是否有关 于自由生活在美国古巴恐怖主义者 的 信息,他们 的恐怖义行动,尤其古巴航 班空中失事是与雇 佣军有关的。
In that regard, the Cuban delegation wished to know if the
Working Group had
[...] information on the Cuban terrorist who was at large in the United States and whose actions, including the destruction of a Cuban airliner in mid-flight, [...]
constituted mercenary activities.
这款全黑手表只在刻钟标记处点缀亮丽色彩,端庄内敛又不失活泼气息,堪称 古 典 主 义 的 完 美演绎。
The all black watch is a study in classicism with the only hint of color at the quarter hour markers.
古典主义风格 的雕塑和镀金装饰展现了政府管理的各大领域:商业、农业、海事、战争、科学和艺术。
In a neo-classical style, the [...]
carved and gilded décors show the main areas of Government: commerce, agriculture, the navy,
war, the sciences and the arts.
2002 年 6 月 25 日第 73 号联邦法即《俄罗斯联邦各民族文化遗产(历史文
化古迹)保护法》旨在协调俄联邦各民族文化遗产(历史文化古迹)的保存、利用、 普及和国家保护等方面的关系,致力于落实公民享受文化遗产的宪法权利和履行
[...] 公民关心历史文化遗产保存、保护历史文 古 迹 的宪 法 义 务 , 以及落实俄联邦各 民族和土著族群保存和发展本民族文化、保护、恢复和保存历史居住文化环境、 [...]
Federal Act No. 73 on objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation of 25 June 2002 regulates relations with regard to the preservation, use, popularization and State protection of objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation directed at giving effect to the constitutional right of citizens to access to cultural treasures and the constitutional duty of citizens to ensure the preservation of the
cultural heritage and safeguard
[...] historical and cultural monuments, as well as implementing [...]
the right of peoples and other
ethnic communities in the Russian Federation to the preservation and development of their cultural and ethnic identity, the protection, restoration and preservation of the historical and cultural habitat, and the protection and preservation of sources of information about the birth and growth of culture.
但是海矿资源公司充分尊重任何(对于原产国和整个人类)具有古 或社会意义的发现物的遗产属性。
Moreover, the company will fully
respect the heritage aspects of any
[...] finds it may make of archaeological or social significance [...]
(to the originating nation and mankind in general).
城镇以东一公里处是库尔城堡(Castle Coole),它是爱尔兰最重要的古典 主 义 建 筑 ,那里有一扇九十码长的帕拉迪奥式大门,内部的家具摆设也相当新颖大气。
A mile east of the town is Castle Coole, the
[...] most important neoclassical house in Ireland, [...]
with a Palladian main front 90 yards
long, an impressive interior and original furniture.
美国政府让路易斯·波萨达·卡里莱斯逍遥法外,这再次表明该国对在其国 内并由其资助的古巴恐怖主义的支 持。
The impunity guaranteed to Luis Posada Carriles by the United States
Government is further evidence of the
[...] backing given to anti-Cuban terrorism originating [...]
from and financed by that country.
一方面受古典主义 (Cla ssicism) 的影响,也同时被功能主义 (Functionalism) 现代化,两者互相作用,使赫尔辛基产生了它自己的新艺术 (Art Nouveau) 建筑。
Influenced by Classicism and modernised by Functionalism, Helsinki is also known for its Art Nouveau architecture.
古典主义的其他课题(从骑马 纪念像,到人文义的墓葬, 再到古灵精 怪“的俏 皮主题,再到半身像)在时光流转中升华成为雕塑的 新语言,诠释了当下的政治气候与城市的心智,以及 艺术家的创作热忱。
The exhibition also sets
[...] out to illustrate the other themes of classical antiquity that were assimilated and transformed through sculpture [...]
this new Renaissance language, which lent its voice not only to the city’s creative fervour but also to its spiritual and intellectual mood.
建筑师在修道院中央建起了一座富丽堂皇的 古 典 主 义 风 格的教堂,证明了建筑师对帕拉迪奥(Palladio)的钟爱。
The architect built in its
[...] centre a splendid neo-classical chapel, [...]
an expression of his taste for the architecture of Palladio.
A. LANGE & SÖHNE(朗格)的历史可谓极其跌宕起伏,它所塑造的品牌,始终以极富技术性的表款而与众不同,只有经典的日耳曼 古 典 主 义 可 与 之媲美。
The history of A. Lange & Söhne may well be one of the most turbulent, but it has forged the character of a brand which today stands out with models whose technical features are only matched by their typically Germanic classicism.
达戈斯蒂诺包装它最多两个意大利语旋律甜点的奖金曲目:“Nella幻想曲”,“一个恩尼奥莫里康旋律(原本”加布里埃尔的双簧管“电影特派团)与卢嘉勒Ferrau精美巴比诺的女儿Aleza传唱,歌词,轻捷的民 古 典 主 义 “ Ga zza Ladra。
D’Agostino wraps it up with two Italiano melodic desserts on the bonus tracks: “Nella Fantasia,” an Ennio Morricone melody (originally
“Gabriel’s Oboe” in the film The Mission)
[...] with lyrics by Chiara Ferrau, beautifully sung [...]
by Peppino’s daughter Aleza, and the spry
folk classicism of “La Gazza Ladra.
通过他的《海》的系列作品我们即隐约可以感受到西 古 典 主 义 的 倒 影(他在求学期间曾经对西 古 典 主 义 有 过 迷恋),又可以当作当代电影、当代摄影的图像切片去理解(但是显然他对已经获得的信息采取后期制作的工作程序),同时,这些作品也在某种程度上似乎是要以超写实主义的方式用绘画来代替照片、影像、Video,也就是说潘剑决心以机智的战略抗拒当代艺术对他的威胁,以边缘艺术的锋刃划开主流艺术的罗网。
To see through his “Sea” series we namely find the inverted image in western classicism(he once was infatuated with western classicism during his school time), also it can be treated as picture slice of contemporary movie, contemporary photography(but obviously it is the postproduction of the work procedures for having collected information), simultaneously, in some kind of degree, these works seems to paint in ultra realism instead photos, images and videos, in the other words, Pan Jian has determined to resist the threat from contemporary art by his quick-witted strategy, cutting the net of mainstream of art by the blade of frontier art.
该判决还规定泰国义务从古寺 及 其周边地区撤回军队、警察或警卫,并归还掠夺 的物品。
It said Thailand had an obligation to withdraw troops, [...]
police or guards from the temple “or in its vicinity” as well as
return objects from the area taken by its authorities.
这座古典主义风格的建筑位于 Innere Stadt(内城),即维也纳第一区(“维也纳 1 区”),建于 1874–83 年,由丹麦建筑师巴朗·特奥费尔·爱德华·凡·翰森(Baron Theophil Edvard von Hansen,1813–91 年)设计。
Located in the Innere Stadt (Inner City), or the first district of Vienna (“Vienna 1”), the neoclassical structure was built in 1874–83 by Danish architect Baron Theophil Edvard von Hansen (1813–91).
这种文学仇隙最重要的文件是人文 义古 典 讽 刺,(Epistolæ obscurorum virorum,1515年至1517年),其中第一部分是由Crotus Rubianus,由Hutten第二大幅组成“的蒙昧主义字母”。
The most important document of this
[...] literary feud is the classical satire of the Humanists, "The Letters of the Obscurantists" (Epistolæ [...]
obscurorum virorum, 1515-17),
of which the first part was composed by Crotus Rubianus, the second substantially by Hutten.
2001 年 9 月,考虑到蒙古国的无核武器地位仍然缺乏明确 义 , 蒙 古 国 、 5 个常任理事国和联合国的代表在日本札幌举行会议,审议界定和加强蒙古国这一 [...]
地位的途径和方法(见 A/57/59)。
In September 2001, bearing in mind that Mongolia’s
nuclear-weapon-free status still
[...] lacked clear definition, representatives of Mongolia, the permanent [...]
five and the United Nations
met in Sapporo, Japan, to consider the ways and means of defining and strengthening Mongolia’s status (see A/57/59).
2005 年 ICOMOS
[...] 大会通过的《关于保护遗产建筑物、古迹和历史区域的西安宣言》7 将遗产区域义为“紧靠古遗址 的和延伸的、影响古遗址重要性或是其重要性组成部分的周 [...]
域的重要性和独特性,它有力地推动了制订有关对保护和管理遗址区域适当进行规划的工具 与战略。
The Xi’an Declaration on the Conservation of the Setting of Heritage Structures, Sites and
Areas, adopted in 2005 by the General
[...] Conference of ICOMOS7 defined the setting of a [...]
heritage area as “the immediate and
extended environment that is part of, or contributes to, its significance and distinctive character” and, having acknowledged that the significance and distinctive character of historic areas derive from the relationship “with their physical, visual, spiritual and other cultural context and settings”, it promoted the development of proper planning tools and strategies for the conservation and management of the areas forming the setting.
随后 Renold 先生提出了一些建议,这些建议事先经过了专家委员会讨论,可能会
[...] 成为示范条款的一部分:保护未发现的遗产并保存给后代是国家的基本义务、未发现 的文化财产的义(尤其是古财产 )、保护已存在的所有权、可能的惩罚措施、国 家对未发现的文化财产的所有权定义、与善意以及支付赔偿有关的建议条款以及将非 [...]
Mr Renold then presented a number of proposals that had previously been discussed by the committee of experts and which could provide the bulk of the model rules: a general duty of States to protect undiscovered heritage and
preserve it for future
[...] generations; definition of undiscovered cultural property (including archaeological materials); preservation [...]
of existing property
rights; possibility of sanctions; definition of State ownership of undiscovered cultural property; proposal for a good faith and payment of compensation clause, and, finally, treatment of any unlawfully uncovered and unlisted cultural property as stolen.
以下国家的代表作了发言:津巴布韦(以 77 国集团和中国的名义);墨西哥
[...] (以拉丁美洲和加勒比国家集团的名义);越南(以亚洲集团的名义);加纳(以非洲 集团的名义);尼泊尔(以最不发达国家的 义 ) ; 古 巴。
Representatives of the following countries made statements: Zimbabwe (on behalf of the Group of 77 and China), Mexico (on behalf of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries), Viet Nam (on behalf
of the Asian Group), Ghana (on behalf of the African Group), Nepal (on behalf of the Least
[...] Developed Countries) and Cuba.
Its main purposes are to rehabilitate the image of the old city and to redefine the role of the old city within the urban agglomeration; to preserve the specificity and the unity of the historic city and to ensure its integration into the capital in order to prevent it from being marginalised.




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