单词 | 口腹之慾 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 口腹之欲—desire for good food
港口与腹地之间的交通联接有限,进一步推高了内陆最不发达 国家的运输费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Limited transportationlinksbetween ports and the hinterland [...] further increased the shipping costs of landlocked least developed countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
登革热本为轻微的疾病,且会自行消退,但会出现严重甚至致命的情况,称之为登革出血热:食慾不振、呕吐、腹部剧痛、休克、鼻孔或皮内出血。 hsbc.com.hk | While the disease is often mild and self-limiting, a more severe lethal form called [...] Dengue haemorrhagic fever can occur: [...] Loss ofappetite, vomiting, intenseabdominal pain,shock and bleeding from the [...]nose or under the skin. hsbc.com.hk |
虎牌生啤及多款进口啤酒,更能满足您的口腹和身心之欲。 sunislandclub.com | A brunch [...] spread with your favorite spring barbeque, [...]draft beers and music await you! sunislandclub.com |
症状包括发高烧、头痛、腹泻、便秘 、食慾不振和红点皮疹。 nyc.gov | Symptoms include [...] high fever, headache, diarrhea, constipation, lossof [...]appetite and a rash of rose-colored spots. nyc.gov |
(三) 人口周期 (demographic cycles): 由於政治或社会因素(例如大战之後),「婴儿热潮」令人口急增,提供了充足的勞动供应和市场需求;後來享樂 主义、物慾倾向与其他文化变迁使出生率下降,趋势便逆转。 sktsang.com | (3) Demographic cycles: Because of political or social factors (e.g. the end of a war), “baby boom” leads to a rapid growthin population andeventually [...] provides sufficient labour supply and market demand. sktsang.com |
感染小量中华肝吸 [...] 虫可能全无症状或只出现轻微症状,但感染大量中华肝吸虫则会令患者受到长期严重感 染,引致食慾不振、腹泻和发烧,亦会造成胆管梗阻和肝硬化,严重者可造成慢性黄疸, [...]继而较容易出现胆管癌(由胆管细胞引致的癌症)。 cfs.gov.hk | Light infections might cause mild or no symptoms while [...] infection of large numbers would cause intense infection for long duration and [...] result in loss of appetite, diarrhoea and fever. cfs.gov.hk |
此外,在四个在线分入口之下还开展了许多其它工作,并取得 了预期结果。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A number of other activities were implemented under the four subportals in line with the expected results of the project. unesdoc.unesco.org |
事实上,阿兰·齐默尔曼说,在最近的长岛之行,中国人似乎有意义的东西,并把自己的购买慾望的家庭,因为它提出的,但其目的是模仿西方的生活方式。 zh.horloger-paris.com | In fact, says Alain Zimmermann during a recent trip to Long Island, the Chinese seem to make sense of things and to project their desire to purchase not by family as it is presented, but with the aim of imitate a western lifestyle. en.horloger-paris.com |
正所谓民以食为天,在这样欢庆的庆典上美食绝对是不可或缺的主角之一,主办当局贴心的在中秋园游会中设立了许多食品摊位,当晚,最受落的道地着名炒粿条以及‘asam laksa’聚满了老饕们,满足了他们的口腹之欲。 systematic.edu.my | The festive atmosphere was not just a feast for the eyes but also to the palate, as there were many food vendors selling delicious local food. Needless to say, the famous fried ‘koey teow’ and ‘asam laksa’ were huge hits that night. systematic.edu.my |
在口内膜的腹侧发现一非纤毛厚膜,暂定名为吞噬辅助膜,它由两层质膜夹一纵行微管束层构成,至口围后部口围带内收之处,此膜再向腹侧延伸出第二个膜,共同构成括号状,至胞口处此膜与口内和口侧膜互相包卷而成一包卷体,共同进入胞咽。 actazool.org | It was formed by two layers of [...] membrane and a longitudinal microtubule bundle layer between them. actazool.org |
因此,目前国内没有人遭受难以果腹之苦。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a result noone in thecountry [...] currently suffered from lack of access to food. daccess-ods.un.org |
虎牌生啤及多款进口啤酒,更能满足您的口腹和身心之欲。 sunislandclub.com | Enjoy a game of badminton or Frisbee with your family and friends while soaking in the sun. sunislandclub.com |
溃疡会引起各种症状抑或根本没有症状,但是最常见的溃疡症状包括:疼痛或不适、肿胀、进食少量食物后即有饱腹感、缺少胃口、恶心或呕吐,或者是粪便颜色变深。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Ulcers can cause a variety of symptoms or no symptoms at all, but the most common ulcer [...] symptoms include: pain [...] or discomfort, bloating, feelingfull after eating a small amount of food, lack ofappetite,nausea [...]or vomiting, or a dark stool color. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
武 汉 阳 逻 港 乃 位 於 长 江 中 游 之 [...] 深 水 地 区 性 集 装 箱 枢 纽 港 及 往 上 海港口 之支线船舶码 头 , 在 往 返 武 汉 及 沿 长 江 [...]流 域 周 边 地 区( 包 括 重 庆 市 境 内 属 [...]长 江 上 游 之 地 区及周 边 各 省 )之 集 装 箱 货 物 运 输 方 面 起 着 重 要 之 作 用 。 cigyangtzeports.com | As a deep water regional container hub port at the [...] mid-stream of Yangtze River and a feeder port to the ports in Shanghai, [...]the WIT Port plays a key [...]role in the transportation of container cargo to and from Wuhan and surrounding areas along the Yangtze River corridor, including the upstream areas of Chongqing and neighbouring provinces. cigyangtzeports.com |
确定的工作领域包括提供技术支助和培训执法人员 以及加强非政府组织与政府机构之间的合作努力;改善政策和做法,积极协助 [...] 贩运的受害者并提供救援后的善后辅导服务;以及支助预防活动,以满足特定 的地方或国家需要,应对艾滋病毒/艾滋病与贩运人口之间的相互影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | The areas of work identified include provision of technical support and training of law enforcement staff and strengthening of cooperative efforts between NGOs and government agencies; improving policies and practices to proactively assist victims of trafficking and to provide post-rescue aftercare services; and supporting prevention activities [...] designed to meet specific local or national needs in responding to the [...] interaction between HIV/AIDSand trafficking inpersons. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 要求缔约方在计划出口本国领土内禁用或严格限用的化学品时在首次 发货之前,并在此后每年首次出口之前,向进口缔约方发出出口通知。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) The requirement for a party which plans to export a chemical that is banned or severely restricted for use [...] within its territory to [...] inform the importingpartythat such export will take place, prior to the first shipment and annually thereafter. daccess-ods.un.org |
远东集团面对此一趋势也迅速采取行动,包括以远纺工业(上海)为核心之纺织化纤产业已结合上海、苏州、无锡等地之资源完成上下游一条龙垂直整合之布局,在水泥事业方面则以江西亚东、武汉亚东为出发点,建构以长江中上游为基地,长江各分支流域为发展腹地之”T”字型战略队型,百货零售事业则以SOGO百货在大陆之基础结合远东百货近40年百货零售事业之经营KNOW-HOW,以双品牌策略积极产开布局。 feg.com.tw | V has completed the up- and downstream vertical integration of its assets in Shanghai, Suzhou, and Wuxi; Far Eastern's Cement and Building Material Business has used Yadong Cement Ltd. in Jiangxi and Ya Dong Cement Co. in Wuhan to build a base along the middle and upper Yangtze River [...] and embark on a T-shaped [...] developmentcampaign throughout the hinterland delineated by the Yangtze's tributaries; Far Eastern's Retailing Business has relied on Pacific SOGO Department Store'ssolidbase [...]in China and the Far Eastern [...]Department Store's close to 40 years of retailing know-how to actively advance a dual-brand strategy. feg.com.tw |
微创手术(也称为“ [...] 腹腔镜手术”或“锁孔”手术)现已广泛取代了许多传统手术,它能显着减少术后疼痛、恢复时间以及腹壁切口疝的发病率。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Minimally invasive surgery, also known as laparoscopy or ’keyhole’ surgery, is now widely replacing many conventional [...] operations and significantly reducing post-operational pain, recovery period [...] and the possibilityof incisional hernias. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
他认为执行主任的发 [...] 言存在矛盾:一方面认为中美洲和加勒比国家“处在 可卡因最大生产国和最大消费国之间”,腹背受敌; 而另一方面,却关闭了向 29 个国家和领土提供服务 [...]的禁毒办驻巴巴多斯区域办事处。 daccess-ods.un.org | It seemed contradictory that the Executive Director should, on the one hand, state that [...] Central America and the Caribbean were [...] caught in the crossfirebetween the world’s largest [...]producers and biggest consumers of [...]cocaine, and then proceed to close down the UNODC regional office in Barbados, which had served 29 States and territories. daccess-ods.un.org |
在此活动中,许多政府官员发现这第一手的新技术所带来的好处,他们展示了消化道癌症手术中心新的HD训练系统,建立了国际间IRCAD(史特拉斯堡、台湾、布宜诺斯艾利斯和杜拜)的网络,以及新的"智慧OR1"手术室,3D模拟之病患解剖的虚拟实境技术发展,以及得以畅游WeBSurg,腹腔镜手术之虚拟大学。 websurg.com | They were shown the new HD system for training in digestive and cancer surgery, the set-up of the international “IRCAD” network (Strasbourg, Taiwan, Buenos Aires and Dubai), and of course the new "intelligent OR1" operating room, the department of Virtual Reality dedicated to automatic 3D [...] reconstructions of patient anatomy, and a tour [...] of WeBSurg,the Internet’s very own university dedicated to laparoscopic surgery. websurg.com |