

单词 口碑载道

See also:


public praise
public reputation
commonly held opinions
current idiom


fill the road (also fig. clamor, cries of complaint)
express (idea, preference, complaint)
communicate a moral
convey the Way

External sources (not reviewed)

11 时 15
[...] 分,一个武装恐怖分子团伙在 Kabas 桥和'Ayn Tarma 岔道口之间区 域向载口粮的 1 辆执法部队车辆开火,打伤 1 [...]
At 1115 hours, an armed terrorist
group opened fire on a law
[...] enforcement forces vehicle carrying rations in the area between the [...]
Kabas bridge and the 'Ayn Tarma
turn-off, wounding one of the law enforcement personnel and damaging the vehicle.
有关道德操守活动的详细资载于人 口 基 金 道 德 操 守办公 室的报告(DP/FPA/2011/6)。
Detailed information on
[...] ethics-related activities is contained in the Report of the UNFPA Ethics Office [...]
Basturk 称赞,沃尔沃的设备不但是口皆碑 的 运 载 工 具, 也是其主人地位的象征。
Volvo machines, says Basturk, are regarded not only as a prestige vehicle, but as an indication of the owner’s status as well.
专业工具品牌 RIDGID 在全球施工及道行业有口皆碑。
The RIDGID brand of tools is used extensively in the construction and plumbing industries around the world.
由於這是一項新 猷,我相信假以時日,當越來越多市民 道 這 數 個街市內設有這類服 務行業的攤檔後,借口碑及我們繼續進行的宣傳工作,他們的生意 會有不錯的發展。
As this is a new initiative, I think as more and
[...] more people know about the existence of these service trade stalls in the market over time, coupled with word of mouth and our ongoing [...]
publicity efforts,
their businesses will be pretty good.
承繼四屆的熱烈反應與良口碑保時 捷體驗動感駕訓營不但規模更甚以往,並齊聚 2011 年式保時捷最新車款共 25 部,包括道路版 賽車 911 GT3;最具輕量化的敞篷跑車 Boxster Spyder;眾所期待混合動力車系 Panamera S Hybrid與 Cayenne S Hybrid;再現車壇跑車傳奇 911 Carrera S、Carrera S Cabriolet;敞篷後輪驅動跑車與四輪驅動的 911 Carrera 4S 與 911 Turbo;同時保有硬頂的安全實用,又能提供敞篷跑車的開闊自在之 911 Targa 4S;最佳雙座敞篷跑車 Boxster S;美國專業汽車雜誌遴選「最佳駕馭車款」 ( Best Driver’s Car ),同時也榮獲英國專業汽車媒體 Auto Express 「最佳跑車」的 Cayman S 中置引擎雙門跑車;多功能休閒越野道路王者 Cayenne Diesel、Cayenne S 與 Cayenne Turbo;以及自推出來廣受好評的 Panamera、Panamera 4 以及 Panamera Turbo。
Street-legal race car — the 911 GT3; the ultra-light convertible sports car — the Boxster Spyder; the highly anticipated hybrid models of Panamera S Hybrid and Cayenne S Hybrid; the legends, the 911 Carrera S and Carrera S Cabriolet; the convertible, rear-wheel drive 911 Turbo, and the all-wheel drive 911 Carrera 4S; the practical as a coupe yet thrilling like a convertible 911 Targa 4S; the best two-passenger convertible in the world, the Boxster S; the winner of Best Driver’s Car by Motor Trend Magazine, and Best Sport Car by Auto Express, the mid-engine coupe Cayman S; the powerful SUV Cayenne Diesel, Cayenne S and Cayenne Turbo; as well as the widely received Panamera, Panamera 4, and Panamera Turbo.
在眾多不同的道裡,一個人從中所收 到的訊息,很難想像它具有公信力,因 此,人際溝通口碑顯然重要。
Among the many varied channels through which a person today receives information, it is hard to imagine any that carry the credibility, and as a result, the importance of interpersonal communication or word-of-mouth.
鼓 勵 及 借助他們口碑和廣道 , 加 強在全球各地對 「精采香港旅遊 年」的多元化 多 層面的 報導和宣傳。
Aim to achieve extensive publicity worldwide through their positive word-of-mouth publicity and coverage
同样,我们欢迎专家小组所做的工作,小组编写 通知应当有利于执行他们就有关核活动、 道 导 弹、 常规武器及其载工具、出口管制、海上和其它运输 以及财政和贸易限制等提出的一些建议。
Likewise, we welcome the work done by the Panel of Experts, whose preparation of notices should facilitate the implementation of some of their
recommendations on nuclear
[...] activities, ballistic missiles, conventional weapons and their means of delivery, export controls, maritime [...]
and other transport,
and financial and trade restrictions.
私营部门道标志 着联合国的一个重要里 碑 , 因为这是首次将私营部门全 面纳入联合国一次主要会议的方案,使公共和私营部门之间能够直接进行商议。
The private sector track marked an important milestone for the United Nations: [...]
it was the first time that the private sector
was fully integrated into the programme of a major United Nations conference, allowing for direct deliberations between the public and private sectors.
有意见认为,应进一步强调质量和可靠性保证,包括飞行任务的保证,避载人空间系统在道运行时和载人 空 间系统的运载火箭升空阶段中发生在轨 碰撞;加强空间物体再入大气层时的地面安全;共享有关清除碎片的知识;推 [...]
The view was expressed that quality and reliability assurance, including mission assurance, should
be further emphasized, as
[...] well as avoidance of in-orbit collision during orbital operation and during [...]
the ascent phase of
launch vehicles for manned space systems; increasing ground safety with regard to re-entering objects; sharing knowledge on debris removal; promoting networks for monitoring, modelling and forecasting the space environment; and the development of design technologies.
这是一个政策参 考框架,重点是公民关注的问题作为支持 口 基 本 需求 载 体 , 但由于缺乏资 金,未能达到预期的效果。
Although serving as a political reference framework that accorded priority to the concerns of citizens and reflected the basic demands of the people, it failed to deliver the expected outcome owing to lack of financial resources.
由一组精心起草的项目提案(“道 ” ) 作补充 载 有 适 当拟订的预期结果、 绩效指标、评估规定等等的成文筹资战略,会有助于各办事处进行筹资活动。
A written fund-raising strategy, backed up by a collection of well-written project proposals (“pipeline”) with appropriately formulated expected results, performance indicators, provisions for evaluation, etc., would assist offices in their fund-raising efforts.
委员会呼吁缔约国在其下次定期报告 载 列 贩运 人 口 问 题严重程度的统计数 据。
The Committee calls on the State party to provide statistical data on the extent of the problem of trafficking in its next periodic report.
在以前的一篇文章《品牌“小偷” “抢夺”市场》当中,我们下了一个悲观的结论,即对一个在低端市场中竞争的公司来说,取一个与业已存在的知名品牌类似的品牌名是一个捷径,因为这样做可以利用那个知名品牌在市场中已经建立起的良 口碑。
In a previous new post “Steal the Brand, Steal the Market”, we came to the unfortunate conclusion that for a firm competing in the low-value market, it may be beneficial to generate a brand name resembling that of an existing reputable brand to take advantage of the imitated brand’s well-established reputation in the marketplace.
英皇星藝成立短短數年間已先後參與多項大型影視製作,包括 2007年吳宇森執導電影《赤壁》、2008年大型歷史電視劇《紅樓夢》、以及2009年由成龍任總監製、唐季禮任藝術總監的大型電視劇《神話》等,推出後引來極大回響 口碑 載 道 , 票 房收視俱佳。
In the span of only a few years, Emperor Star has been engaged in the production of a number of films and television programs, including John Woo's movie "Red Cliff" in 2007, the historic epic TV series "The Dream of Red Chamber" in 2008 and the large-scale television program "The Myth" supervised by Jackie Chan and produced by Stanley Tong in 2009.
广州丰田凯美瑞:2008年初,CIC开始为广州丰田凯美瑞提供定制化月 口碑 监 测 和研究报告,报告的一部分即包括消费者产品反馈分析。
Toyota Camry: In January 2008, CIC started providing
[...] customized monthly IWOM tracking and research [...]
reports for Toyota Camry, including
a key part on Consumer insight for product service development.
三菱化学高新聚合物项目管理层要求,数字自动化供应商能够与其在日本的工程师以及在中国的工程公司共同协作,”艾默生过程管理亚太区总裁 Sabee Mitra 说:“而我们在中国具有强大的、实施大型自动化项目的能力,尤其在工作效率、团队合作以及竞争优势等方面拥有良好 口碑。
MAP officials needed a digital automation supplier to work as a team with engineers in Japan and the construction contractor in China," according to Sabee Mitra, president of Emerson Process Management Asia Pacific.  "We emphasized our ability to implement large automation projects in China, and especially our track record of efficiency, teamwork, and competitiveness.
这些条例设定载体问题人口专业 指导和心理支助活动的管理、提供和财 政支助的程序和条件,确保社会所有人一律拥有平等的机会,无任何形式的专业 [...]
The Regulations set the procedure
[...] and conditions of management, delivery and financial [...]
support of the activities of professional
guidance and psychological support of the population on carrier issues and ensures equality of opportunity for all the members of the society, excluding any form of discrimination with regard to profession and employment.
如今,Frontier生产多款罕见的药草和香料,作为天然植物产品的货源在其供货联系 口碑 上 都有很大的优势。
Today, Frontier carries many uncommon herbs and spices, building both its supplier contacts and its reputation as a source of botanical products.
委员会建议大会通过 36 C/COM.CLT/DR.3 号文件载并经委员口头修 正的决议草案(提案国:巴 [...]
西,附议国:阿根廷、贝宁、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法索、中国、哥伦比亚、厄瓜多尔、萨尔瓦多、危地 马拉、洪都拉斯、印度、哈萨克斯坦、马里、墨西哥、摩洛哥、尼日利亚、菲律宾、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦、南
The Commission recommended to the General Conference that it adopt, for the
records of the General Conference,
[...] the draft resolution contained in document 36 C/COM.CLT/DR.3 [...]
submitted by Brazil, co-sponsored
by Argentina, Benin, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Burkina Faso, China, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Kazakhstan, Mali, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Philippines, Portugal, Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain, Sudan, Uruguay, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) and Zimbabwe, as amended orally by the Commission.
与劳工组织第 169
[...] 号公约一样,劳工组织第 107 号公约(1957 年土著及部落口公约)载有数 项保障土著人民的土地和资源权利的措施,其中包括:承认他 [...]
们的土地所有权,包括集体权利(第 11 条);采取措施防止他们的土地被非土著 人转让(第
13 条);“当这些人口的土地面积无法为他们正常生存提供必需品或他 们的人数可能增多时,向他们提供更多土地”(第 14 条)。
Like ILO Convention No. 169, ILO Convention No. 107 (on
[...] indigenous and tribal populations of 1957) contains several safeguards [...]
on indigenous peoples’ land
and resource rights, including: the recognition of their land ownership rights, including collective rights (article 11); measures to prevent the alienation of their lands by non-indigenous peoples (article 13); and “the provision of more land for these populations when they have not the area necessary for providing the essentials of a normal existence, or for any possible increase in their numbers” (article 14).
最后一份通知报告了“违反”第 1929(2010)号决议第 9
[...] 段的问题,并附有资料显示提出报告的会员国得出结论认为,伊朗伊斯兰共和国 既从事了与可载核武器的道导弹 有关的活动,也利用弹道导弹技术进行了发 射。
The last notification reported a “violation” of paragraph 9 of resolution 1929 (2010) and included information indicating that the reporting Member States concluded that the Islamic Republic of Iran undertook both
activity related to ballistic
[...] missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons and launches using ballistic [...]
missile technology.
把港台改組成為新的香港公共廣播公司,可以讓其資料庫、品牌及口 碑的節目能順利過渡至新公司,讓新公司承繼這些資產,並在現有基礎上繼 續發展,這樣既合乎經濟效益,又能滿足公眾期望,一舉兩得。
The reconstitution of RTHK into the new Hong Kong Public Broadcasting Corporation will enable a smooth transition of its database, branding and popular programmes to the new corporation, so that the new organization can inherit such assets as the base for continued development.
道,在具有里碑意义的联合国环境和发展会议召开十年后,可持续发展问题世 界首脑会议于 2002 年 8 月/9 月在约翰内斯堡举行。
As already reported, the World Summit on Sustainable Development was held in Johannesburg in August-September 2002, 10 years after the landmark United Nations Conference on Environment and Development.




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